《Into The Unkown》Chapter 9


"Alexander, why don't you take Olivia for something to eat while Aro and I talk," Matthew suggested and Alexander nodded. "Well come on sis," Alexander says and Olivia walked past the man her father calls Aro. Suddenly a cold hand grabs onto hers.

It was Aro.

He held onto her hand for a few seconds before smiling at Olivia and let her walk past him. "It is nice to see you, Olivia," Aro says smiling at her. Olivia gave a small smile before following Alexander. Once she was out the door she spotted two different people as well, they also had red eyes. One was as big as Emmett Cullen and he stood there looking at Olivia, he was frowning. Next to him stood a small girl with blonde hair and red eyes. She wasn't glaring at Olivia, she just had a look of recognition on her face. As if she knew who Olivia was.

Alexander took hold of Olivia's hand and dragged her towards the Hospital cafeteria. "Who are those people?" Olivia asks once they sat at a table. "Those are vampires, you can identify them by their red eyes, that is if they have fed off a human if they haven't fed in weeks their eyes are black. The one with dad is the Vampire leader, well one of them. There are three, Aro is the one dad usually sees about business," Alexander says and Olivia nodded.

"The two by the door?" Olivia asks remembering the other two. "One is Jane, she's usually with Aro, I suspect it is because of her gift. Felix is the tall buff one, he is really strong," Alexander says and Olivia nodded. Alexander stood up to order them something to drink.

Olivia sat there wondering if the man she saw all those years ago was also a vampire. He had red eyes like the three she saw, but she wasn't sure.

"Hello, Olivia," A female voice says and Olivia glanced up and saw a woman sitting opposite her. She had red eyes and red hair, like Olivia's red hair. Olivia stared at her.

"Do I know you?" Olivia asks and the woman just smiled. Olivia looked over her shoulder towards Alexander who was standing in line looking down at his phone. He glanced up and looked towards Olivia that's when his eyes went wide.

Suddenly Olivia felt the wind rush around her. He feet weren't touching the ground, but she felt the cold embrace. It was the same feeling as when Aro touched her.

Olivia was dropped on the cold stone ground. Olivia looked up and saw the woman standing over her with a smirk. "Oh, this is going to be fun," The woman says and Olivia moved backwards to get away from the woman. "What do you want with me?" Olivia questions as she stood up.


The woman smiled at her. "I want your father to suffer," The woman says and Olivia backed into a wall. "Why?" Olivia asks as the woman walked forward. "You see, many years ago he took you away from me, and no one takes my daughter," The woman says and Olivia stared at her.

"I was taken away from you because you were a drug addict," Olivia says as she tried to move away from the woman. "That might be true, but I changed. I'm different," The woman says walking closer to Olivia.

"I don't believe you," Olivia says shaking her head at her biological mother. "You might not believe me, but at least your protector isn't here to protect you from what I'm about to do," Her mother says and jumped towards her. Olivia let out a loud scream as the woman's teeth sank into her arm.

The woman was ripped from her, causing Olivia's skin to tear. Blood flowed at Olivia fell to the ground clutching her arm to try and stop the blood, but her skin started to burn. she closed her eyes to get rid of the pain but it wasn't working. "Felix, help her, he wouldn't want this," A female voice says and Olivia felt someone starting to suck on her skin before she passed out.

Olivia woke up in a hospital room. She looked around her and saw Alexander and Lucy asleep in chairs y her bedside. She slowly sat up and spotted a teddy bear on the table by the foot of her bed. She reached forward to get a hold of it but a hand stopped her.

"Let the doctor check on you before you move too much," It was the blonde girl, Jane. Olivia nodded and Jane walked out of the room and not even a minute later came in with the doctor. Alexander woke up when they heard the doctor enter the room.

"Olivia," Alexander exclaimed once he saw she was awake. "How are you feeling?" Lucy asked and Olivia pointed towards the water. Alexander instantly handed her a glass. Olivia drank water. "I feel fine, my arm is a little sore though," Olivia says and Alexander nodded.

"Understandable. You lost a lot of blood, luckily Mr Sorrentino was kind enough to give you some of his blood, as you share the same blood type," The doctor says and Olivia nodded. "When will I be able to leave?" Olivia asks looking at the doctor.

"I want to keep you here for one more night and tomorrow you will be able to leave," The doctor says and Olivia nodded. "How long was I unconscious?" Olivia suddenly asks and Alexander looked at her. "A week," Alexander says and Olivia looked at him shocked.


"Did someone tell Charlie? He must be worried sick," Olivia says and Lucy nodded. "I called him to tell him what happened. I told him to stay in Forks that we will take care of everything," Lucy says and Olivia nodded. "Can I call him?" Olivia asks and Lucy nodded.

"After the doctor makes sure that you are completely fine. We'll leave him to it," Lucy sais and gestured for everyone to get out of the room. The doctor and a nurse started their examination to make sure Olivia would be fine to leave the next day.

The nurse and Doctor left and Lucy came in and handed Olivia her phone. Olivia scrolled to Charlie's number and dialled it. "Olivia," Charlie breathed into the phone and Olivia could hear that he was relieved that she was fine. "Hi," Olivia greeted with a smile even though Charlie couldn't see her. "How are you?" Charlie asks Olivia.

"The doctor says that I am fine, but he wants to keep me overnight just to make sure everything is fine," Olivia says and Charlie let out a sigh. "Did you tell mom?" Olivia asks worried, knowing how her mother would act. "Yes, but I told her not to go to you seeing as she and Phil are in Jacksonville if I remember correctly, so please call her," Charlie pleaded and Olivia let out a laugh.

"I will. How's Bella?"Olivia asks and Charlie let out a groan. "She found herself a boyfriend," Charlie says and Olivia laughed. "Really, who?" Olivia asks smiling. "Edward Cullen. He's taking her to play baseball today," Charlie says and Olivia laughed.

"Bella and baseball, not such a good idea," Olivia says and Charlie laughed with her. "I tried to tell him but it seems he doesn't care. If she comes back tonight I will ask her to call you," Charlie says and Olivia smiled. "I would love to talk to her," Olivia says, she looked up as the door opened and Alexander stepped in with food.

"Hey, dad, I'll call you tomorrow, Alexander just brought me something to eat and I am starving," Olivia says and Charlie laughed. "You're always hungry," Charlie says and Olivia gave a fake gasp. "Am not," She protested causingCharlie to laugh at her. "Love you, sweetheart," Charlie says. "Love you too," Olivia says and Charlie hanged up.

"Was that Charlie?" Alexander asks and Olivia nodded as she started to eat. "What happened to the woman?" Olivia asks referring to their mother. "Well, Jane and Felix found you, you were on the edge of becoming a vampire, but Felix sucked the venom out to save you and Jane used her powers on the woman. The Volturi took her back to Volterra to put judgement on her," Alexander says and Olivia nodded.

"How is dad?"Olivia asks talking about Matthew. "He is a lot weaker, and he wants to see you. The doctors are afraid that he won't survive the night," Alexander says looking at his hands that was on his lap. "Can I see him, please," Olivia begged and Alexander nodded.

He got the wheelchair that stood in the corner of the room and helped Olivia into before taking her to Matthew's room. Once in the room, Olivia could see how bad he was. His skin was pale and he looked to be asleep, his breathing was slow and unsteady.

"Dad?" Olivia asked wheeling herself closer to his bedside. Matthew opened his eyes and looked towards Olivia. He gave a soft smile as he held out his hand. Olivia took a hold of it and sat there in silence next to Mathew's bed. Matthew didn't say anything as he clutched Olivia's hand. Alexander stood on his other side holding his other hand, and they sat there in silence.

Olivia laid her head on the edge of the bed as she slowly drifted off to sleep, still holding onto Matthew's hand. ALexander got a chair and sat down. Matthew opened his eyes and saw Olivia asleep, he slowly turned his head to look at Alexander.

"You need to protect her," Matthew said, his voice soft. "I will dad, I promise," Alexander says and Matthew smiles at him. "I love you both," Matthew says and laid his head back and closed his eyes. Alexander watched as his father's breath slowed until there wasn't any movement.

Alexander stood up and picked Olivia up to get her away before he got the doctors. He puts her back in her room before he went for the doctors. They knew it was no use but they still had to confirm that Matthew Sorrentino was dead.

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