《Into The Unkown》Chapter 8


Olivia woke up in the hotel room. She was not sure who brought her here, because the last thing she remembers was talking to Matthew. She stood up and walked towards the bathroom. She showered and got dressed in some comfortable clothes before she made her way towards her door. Just as she opened it she saw Alexander about to knock.

"Oh, you're up and ready," He smiled at her. Olivia smiled back at him. "Yes. Quick question how did I get back here?" Olivia asks him and Alexander rubs the back of his neck as he smiled at her. "Well, you fell asleep at the hospital, and I told dad that I would bring you back here," Alexander said and Olivia smiled. She felt her phone vibrating in her back pocket. She took it out and saw that it was Charlie.

"Shit," Olivia muttered as she lifted the phone up to answer it. "Hey," Olivia greeted into the phone and Alexander gestured for her to follow him. "Olivia, why didn't you call last night?" Charlie asks and Olivia let out a sigh. "I'm sorry I fell asleep at the hospital," Olivia says and Charlie hummed.

"How was it?" Charlie asked as Olivia got into the elevator with Alexander. "I was surprised," Olivia answered. "How so?" Charlie asks and Olivia looked towards Alexander. "Well I have an older brother," Olivia says and she could hear Charlie chocking on what she assumes is his coffee.

"A brother?" Charlie asks and Olivia hummed. "Yes, but we are on our way to get breakfast then go back to the hospital," Olivia says

"When you get time, please call Renee, she's worried sick about you," Charlie says and Olivia hummed. "I will. How's Bella doing?" Olivia asks. "I am not entirely sure, she decided that she want to go shopping with Jessica and Angela this weekend," Charlie says and Olivia was shocked, Bella was not one to go shopping.

"Okay, that is not like her, but I will see if I can call her tonight," Olivia says. "All right, be safe," Charlie says and Olivia hummed. "Love you," Olivia says before Charlie hangs up. "So where do you want to go for breakfast?" Alexander asked when they reached the car.


"I'm not sure where," Olivia says looking at him. They were in the underground parking so no one was taking any photos of them. "Well, we have the whole morning to talk since dad has a doctors appointment and Lucy is going to see what the magazines and Papers are saying about you," Alexander says and Olivia nodded.

"We need to get you some more clothes, presentable clothes since knowledge of you will soon reach everyone, Dad's business partners will want to meet you," Alexander says and Olivia nodded. "Maybe we can go to a mall and eat there and then do some shopping," Olivia suggested and Alexander nodded.

They got to a shopping centre, people were staring but Alexander kept Olivia close as they walked to a restaurant to eat. "Why is everyone staring?" Olivia asks as she shifted in her seat from the people staring at her. "They are curious about you," Alexander answers casually.

"I noticed yesterday that people are afraid of you guys, why?" Olivia asks and Alexander looked at her. "Well, dad is going to tell you that reason when we see him this afternoon," Alexander says and Olivia nodded. They finished eating and Alexander paid the waitress. They walked from shop to shop, buying clothes and shoes. Olivia stood in front of a jewellery store staring at a bracelet that was on display.

Alexander stood a few feet away and took notice of her staring at it. "Are you ready?" Alexander asks snapping Olivia from her daydreaming.

They sat in the car on their way to the hospital. "Now we have a meeting with dad's lawyer tomorrow morning at the hospital, and tomorrow night I want you to attend a meeting with me. Since I am taking over the business, I want you to attend it with me and meet some of the business partners. if that is all right with you," Alexander says to Olivia.

"Yes, it is fine. I can handle meeting a few new people," Olivia answered and Alexander smiled. "Some of the business partners fly in tonight from Italy, the others are in town already," Alexander says and Olivia nodded.


They stopped at the hospital and Olivia noticed the people with the cameras are there. "Do we have to go past them?" Olivia asks looking at Alexander. "Sadly yes. I would very much prefer underground parking," Alexander says and Olivia nodded.

"Just keep your head down we will be inside soon," Alexander says. He got out and walked around the car and opened Olivia's door for her. Olivia was instantly blinded by the flashes of the cameras. Alexander led her into the hospital. They hurried towards Matthew's floor and Olivia entered the room ignoring the guards that stood on the outside.

"Hi," Olivia greeted once she entered. She smiled at Matthew who instantly smiled back. "Hello, darling," Matthew says and Olivia walked to him and hugged him. "How are you today?" Matthew asks and Olivia smiled. "I'm good. Alexander took me shopping," Olivia says as she sat down on the bed.

"Oh, did he now?" Matthew questions and Olivia nodded smiling. "I thought she might need some new clothes to meet your business partners, seeing as she will be going public," Alexander said from the door and Matthew nodded. He understood.

Olivia started telling Matthew all about what happened during the morning and Matthew smiled as Olivia talked. Alexander leaned against the door of the room. This is the longest that he has seen his father smiling. It has been so long but here his father was smiling as Olivia talked. Alexander couldn't be happier.

He felt a hand wrap around his arm. "We need to talk," It was Lucy. Alexander gave Olivia and Matthew one more glance before he followed Lucy into the courtyard. "What's wrong?" Alexander asks once he saw Olivia's worried expression. "Your mother was spotted a few blocks away from the hotel Olivia and I have been staying in," Lucy says and Alexander looked at her shocked.

"Who told you?" Alexander asks. "Olivia's protector. You met him once," Lucy says and Alexander nodded instantly knowing who Olivia was talking about. "All right, you go and pack up Olivia's things. The two of you are staying at the apartment," Alexander says and Lucy nodded, she leaned up and kissed his cheek before she disappeared down the hall.

Alexander entered the room again and Matthew took notice of his expression. "What's wrong?" Matthew asks and Olivia also glances towards Alexander. "Someone spotted Roslyn in New York," Alexander says and Olivia frowned not knowing who Roslyn was.

"But isn't she dead?" Matthew asks. "No, I thought they would have told you. The one that was sent to kill her turned her instead," Alexander says and Matthew nodded. Olivia looked between the two men. 'What are you talking about?" Olivia asks.

"Your biological mother is in town," Matthew says and Olivia looked at him. "What did you mean the one that should have killed her turned her?"Olivia asks and Alexander looked at Matthew.

"Olivia, what we are about to tell you, you can't tell anyone, do you understand?" Matthew asks and Olivia nodded once she realized that he was serious. "There are creatures in this world that live amongst us. And I know about two sorts that live in Forks," Matthew says and Olivia looked at him, curious as to what he was talking about.

"There are the blood drinkers, Vampires as you will call them and the Cullen Family are vampires, they are the Olympian coven. Next, are the werewolves of La Push, I am not sure who has turned yet, but I know that the Black family is part of the tribe," Matthew says and Olivia wanted to laugh. Vampires and Werewolves?

"Are you joking with me?" Olivia asks looking between the two men. "Sadly they are not, Darling," A voice came from the door and Olivia looked towards it. IN the doorway stood a man with shoulder-length black hair and red eyes.

"Ah, Aro, you made it," Matthew greeted the man with a smile.

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