《Into The Unkown》Chapter 4


"Olivia, can I talk to you for a minute?" Charlie asks Sunday morning when Olivia entered the kitchen, still in her pyjamas. "Uh-oh, You used my full name which means that I don't have a choice," Olivia says walking towards a chair and sat down. CHarlie sat there for a few seconds just looking at Olivia.

"I should have told you this years ago, but I was afraid of your reaction, but now I can't keep it a secret any longer," Charlie says and Olivia looked at him confused."Keep what a secret?" Olivia asks, she was confused. What secret has Charlie been keeping from her?

"Seventeen years ago, Renee and I decided to adopt. Bella was almost a year old, but Renee and I wanted another child. We went to the orphanage and they showed the children that were up for adoption and those looking for foster homes. There Renee and I found a beautiful little girl, just a few months old, she had red hair. Renee decided to adopt the little girl. The Orphanage told us that the little girl's mother is in rehab for drug abuse, the little girl's father is not aware of her, and that they have been trying to contact him," Charlie says and Olivia still looked at him confused.

"Why are you telling me this?" Olivia asks, her voice breaking. "That little girl is you, Olivia," Charlie says, Olivia stood up causing the chair behind her to fall to the ground. A sob came out of her mouth as she backed away from the table. Charlie stood up and walked towards her.

"No! Don't touch me!" Olivia exclaimed as she moved away from him. "Olivia," Charlie says but Olivia shook her head. "SO you're telling me that I am adopted? All those years ago when I lived with mom, a woman tried to take me, claiming that she was my mother, she was telling the truth?" Olivia questions and Charlie nodded. He looked down at his shoes as another cry left Olivia's mouth.


"Why? Why tell me now?" Olivia asks looking at Charlie. "Lucy says that your biological father wants to meet you," Charlie says and Olivia nodded. "When?" She questions. "She's going to come here in two weeks. Stay for a few days and then the two of you will head down to New York," Charlie says.

"I need some air," Olivia mumbled and walked out the back door. She walked towards the edge of the forest and fell down on her knees as she cried.

+Next day+

Olivia woke up the next morning in her bed. The last thing she remembers was laying down on the grass in the backyard looking up at the sky. She sat up and looked around her room. It was pink and grey with a little white in it. Next to her bed was her mirror.

On the opposite side of the room was her desk where her laptop was on, and just above the desk was three racks where her books were lined up. Her window had a window seat and the whole wall by the window seat was decorated with photos of her and her friends, as well as her and her family.

Her eyes trailed over the photos. All these years her parents never told her. And Bella knew, Olivia is not sure since when, but Bella knew. Olivia stood up and walked to her closet. She picked out her outfit for the day, laying it out on her bed as she called Mike.

"Livy," Mike greeted, Olivia could hear the smile in his voice. "Can you pick me up today? and maybe the rest of the week?" Olivia ask. "I can. Why?" Mike asks probably wondering why Olivia wasn't riding with Bella. "I'll tell you on the way to school," Olivia says and Mike hummed.


"See you in a while," Mike says and Olivia in returned hummed and Mike hanged up. Olivia got dressed.

She grabbed her bag and headed down the stairs. She was about to enter the kitchen when she saw Charlie and Bella sitting at the dining table. A car honked outside making Charlie and Bella look towards Olivia.

Olivia looked at them before she turned around and walked out the front door. "Olivia!" CHarlie screamed after her. He ran towards the door to catch her but Olivia was already inside of Mike's car. "All right, what is going on?" Mike asks when he drove off.

"Yesterday morning, my dad dropped a bomb on me. He told me that I was adopted," Olivia said and Mike nodded. "Why tell you now?" Mike questions. "Because in a few weeks Lucy, my social worker is apparently coming to Forks, she will be spending a few days with us and after that, she will take me to New York," Olivia said leaning her head on the headrest.

"Why New York?" Mike asks Olivia. "My biological father wants to meet me," Olivia says. "But that is a good thing, right?" Mike asks and Olivia looked towards him. "It would be, but I will be out of school for a few weeks while in New York and I will miss homecoming, meaning we can't go together," Olivia says and Mike looked at her shocked.

"No!" Mike exclaimed as he parked the car. "Who will I ask now?" Mike mumbled and Olivia let a small smile slip. "You can ask Jessica," Olivia suggested. "I'll take it under consideration," Mike says. They had yet to climb out of the car. "Can you keep me being adopted on the DL? I don't want the whole school to know," Olivia asks Mike.

"Of course," Mike says smiling at Olivia. Olivia smiles back and leaned over kissing him on the cheek. "You are my best friend you know that right?" Olivia says and Mike nodded.

The school day continued on normally but Olivia spent her lunch in the art room, working on her painting. She decided to make the background the same as the one she saw in her dream. Mrs Mavis stepped up behind her.

"Olivia, that looks breathtaking. Where did you get the idea for the background?" Mrs Mavis asked during Art class, making all the students turn towards them. None of them saw Olivia's drawing but they were curious.

"I saw it in a dream. I don't know where it is," Olivia says and Mrs Mavis nodded. Alice suddenly appeared next to Mrs Mavis. "That's Volterra. It is in Italy," Alica says causing Olivia to look at her confused.

"Have you ever been there?" Mrs Mavis asks Olivia. "No, but I really want to," Olivia answered and Alice smiled at her. "You will love it there," Alice says and skipped towards her table. Olivia frowned at Alice who was back in her seat. Mrs Mavis was already busy talking to another student.

Olivia took her gaze away from Alice and continued working. She had yet to paint the person's face, but she wanted to do that last since his eyes have to be red. A blood-red.

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