《Into The Unkown》Chapter 3


Olivia entered the parking lot after school and saw Bella waiting at her truck. She looked mad. "Are you all right?" Olivia asks approaching Bella. "Do I smell bad?" Bella suddenly asks Olivia. "No," Olivia answers without hesitation. "Who gave you that idea?" Olivia asks Bella as they got into the car.

"Edward. During biology, I walked past the fan in the classroom and he covers his nose when I passed it. I was then seated net to him and he moved away from me still covering his nose," Bella answered. "Edward is an ass. He probably lost his sense of smell," Olivia answers and Bella smiled.

"Oh, we are meeting dad at the restaurant in town. We usually eat there every Thursday," Olivia says and Bella nodded starting up the truck. Olivia gave her the directions towards the restaurant. They arrived and entered seeing their dad sitting in a corner booth.

"I already order for you both. For Bella, I got a salad and for Livy, I order her usual," Charlie says as soon as they sat down. Their food came and Olivia instantly started to eat her burger and fries that she always ordered. Charlie was also having a burger.

"You guys know I can cook for us. We don't have to eat out every night," Bella suddenly says and Charlie and Olivia looked towards her. Neither of them knew how to cook. "If you want to. Dad and I don't know how to cook. We almost burnt the house down the one time," Olivia says and Bella nodded.

"So, Livy how is your painting coming along?" Charlie asks looking at Olivia. "It is still in progress. Not nearly finished, but Mrs Mavis is happy with the progress," Olivia answers and Charlie nodded. "How was the first day of school?" Charlie asks Bella.

"It went fine. Char -- Dad, what o you know about the Cullens?" Bella suddenly asks Charlie who then looked towards Bella. "Has those kids at school been spreading rumours about the Cullens?" Charlie asks in a har voice. "We are lucky to have a doctor like Dr Cullen here in Forks, and we are very lucky that his wife wanted to live in a small town."


"I'm just asking. I saw them at school today," Bella says and Charlie nodded. They continued eating and after Charlie paid they went to their cars and drove home.

+Later that night+

Bella entered the living room where Charlie was watching television. Olivia was upstairs in her bedroom. Bella could hear the music from the bottom of the stairs.

"Bella, what can I do for you?" Charlie asks looking at Bella. "Does Livy know she's adopted?" Bella blurted out the question and Charlie looked at her in shock. "How?" Charlie asks, wanting to know how Bella knew. "Mom told me before I came here. She told me that she wasn't sure if you told Livy yet," Bella answers and Charlie nodded.

"No, I haven't told her. I have to tell her before Lucy gets here in a few weeks," Charlie says. "Why?" Bella asks curiously, why before Lucy comes, why only now and not when Livy was younger.

"Lucy contacted me a few weeks ago. She told me that Livy's biological father only has a few months left to live and he would like to meet his daughter before he dies. And Lucy is coming to pick Olivia up to see him," Charlie answers and Bella nodded.

+Next day+

Bella decided that she was going to confront Edward Cullen at school that day. But much to her surprise, he wasn't at school. "He's probably sick," Olivia says as they watch the Cullens walk into the school. Alice looked over her shoulder towards Olivia and gave a small smile before she and Jasper entered the school.

The weekend soon came and Olivia woke up on Saturday morning, bright and early, ready for her day on the Rez. Charlie was going to drop her off before he goes to work. Olivia got dressed before she headed downstairs. Charlie sat at the small table in the kitchen drinking his black coffee.

"Are you ready?" Charlie asks and Olivia nodded smiling. "I am," Olivia answers still smiling. "Then let's go," Charlie says grabbing his keys from the counter and the two of them were out the door.


Charlie dropped Olivia in front of the Black household. Olivia waved goodbye before she entered the small red house. The Black household is a second Family to Olivia so she doesn't even bother knocking as she walks in. Billy was in the small kitchen pouting himself a coffee.

"Morning, Uncle Billy," Olivia says and Billy looked towards her smiling, he heard her come in. "Morning, darling. Jake is still in bed, see if you can get him up," Billy says smiling at Olivia.

Olivia smiles and sets her bag on the table and walked to Jacobs room. She entered and saw him sprawled out on his bed fast asleep. His long hair falling over his shoulder as he lays on his stomach while his one arm hangs on the ground. "Oh, Bella it is so good that you are here!" Olivia exclaimed loudly and suddenly Jake jumped out of bed, tangling himself in his bedding and he fell to the ground.

Olivia started to laugh. "Oh, I am definitely trying that again," She laughs clutching her stomach as Jake glared at her from the floor. "Come on, sleepyhead, I have a whole day planned out," Olivia says and walked out of the room. "I hate you!" Jake screamed after her. "Love you too!" Olivia screamed back and laughed.

Olivia and Jake bade their way towards La Push beach where they met up with Embry and Quill. They hang out the whole day. They would have gone swimming if the water was warmer. They made jokes about Sam Uley and his friends, who were cliff diving. Sam Uley is the Rez's own popular gang leader, as Jake would call him, but Olivia remembers meeting him once at Billy's house. Sam was just looking out for the two boys who recently became his friends. Jared Cameron was about to fail his junior year in high school and Sam took him under his wing. Paul Lahote, the resident hothead, was almost expelled from school but Sam is helping him control his anger.

Olivia admired Sam for that. He was just looking out for the boys on the rez and she would judge him based on that. She also met Emily once. Sam's fiancee. Emily was kind and very helpful, she was a beautiful woman despite the scars on her face from a bear attack, but Olivia always thought that the scars made her even more beautiful.

Olivia went home late that night and sent went straight to bed. Spending the day with Jake, Embry and Quill made her tired.


Olivia stood in a beautiful courtyard. She didn't recognize the place but it was breathtaking. She looked around and she felt drawn to a doorway that led into, what looked like an ancient palace. Olivia approached it and stepped in. She looked around and saw that the place was even more breathtaking inside than it was outside.

"il Mio Amore," A voice came from behind her. Olivia turned and saw the shadow of a man standing there. He was leaning against one of the pillars in the room. Olivia couldn't see his face but she felt drawn to him. "I'm sorry?" Olivia asks stepping closer.

"My Love," The man says not moving from his spot. His face still hidden in the shadows. "I will see you soon," He says and Olivia frowned. She moved closer until she was just out of reach. Her eyes trailed towards his and she looked into dark red eyes. "Who are you?" Olivia asks but the man just chuckled and reached a hand out as he touched her cheek. Olivia leaned her head into his hand as she felt sparks where his hand was touching her.

"Soon, il Mio Amore," He moved his hand away from her face and he disappeared into the shadows.

+End of dream+

Olivia woke up and laid in her bed. She wondered who that man was and why she was dreaming of him. Sadly she doesn't know either of those answers, but she will find them out. One way or another.

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