《Into The Unkown》Chapter 2


Olivia woke up the following day to Charlie knocking on her bedroom door. "Are you riding with Mike today?" Charlie asked poking his head in. Olivia looked up at her Father. "I thought that I could ride with Bella. To show her around the school and introduce her to my friends," Olivia said and Charlie nodded. "I'll inform Bella," Charlie says and left the room.

Olivia stood up and walked to her closet. She picked out a blue and black flannel, with a white tank top underneath and a pair of dark blue jeans and her black knee-length boots. After she brushed her hair she grabbed her bag and rushed downstairs. Bella was sitting at the kitchen table. Probably waiting for Olivia.

"Are you ready?" Olivia asks approaching Bella. "Yes," Bella answers and started to walk to the door. Olivia walked out and closed the door and locked it. "So anything you want to tell me about Forks High School?" Bella asks Olivia as she started up the truck Charlie got her as a 'welcome home' present.

"Not really. It's like a normal school, just smaller. I have a few friends who I will introduce you to once we get to school. We might have a few classes together," Olivia said and Bella nodded. "Charlie told me you were in the same grade as me," Bella said and Olivia smiled.

"Yes. I skipped a grade," Olivia answered. They arrived at school and Bella stopped the truck. Olivia got out and heard someone shout her name. "Go on. I'll see you later. I need to find the office," Bella said and Olivia nodded.

"Are you sure?"Olivia asks Bella who nodded and made her way towards the entrance of the school. "Nice truck," Tyler said from his van. His girlfriend sat next to him. "Thanks," Bella mumbled and continued towards the school.


"Tyler," Olivia looked towards her friend. "Hey, Livy," Tyler greeted with a smile. Olivia shook her head and walked towards Jessica, who was the one who called her name. Olivia smiled at her friends as she approached them. "How is Bella adjusting?" Jessica asks once Olivia was close to them.

"Fine. I think we haven't really talked, seeing as I was loaded with homework. I invited her to sit with us at lunch. I hope that is all right?" Olivia says and Jessica and Angela nodded.

The bell rang signalling the start of classes. Everyone rushed inside, not wanting to be late to their homeroom. Classes dragged on until lunch started and Olivia made her way towards the cafeteria. Olivia entered the cafeteria and saw Bella already sitting with Jessica and Angela.

Olivia approached them with a tray, where her lunch was on. "Hey," Olivia greeted as she sat down. "You just missed out on the fun. The guys are treating Bella like a shiny new toy," Jessica said and sarcasm laced her voice. Olivia could tell that Jessica was jealous of Bella getting all of the attention, especial from Mike.

Suddenly the cafeteria door opened. "Who are they?" Bella asked her eyes on four of Cullen. "The Cullens. Dr and Mrs Cullen's adoptive children," Olivia answers, she noticed how Bella flinched at the word adoptive. "They're all like together," Jessica said in a soft voice. Olivia rolled her eyes. None of them was actually related, well except for Rosalie and Jasper.

"Rosalie, the blonde-haired girl is with the big one Emmett, they are like a thing," Jessica said again. "Jess, they are not actually related," Angela says to Jessica who just rolled her eyes. "I know but it is still weird. Next is Alice, the small dark-haired girl, she's with Jasper, the one who looks like he is in pain," Jessica says pointing them out with her eyes.


Olivia followed them with her eyes as they walked to their table. Jasper spun Alice around. Olivia smiled. It was like they were made for each other. "Dr and Mrs Cullen are in their late twenties, we suspect that Mrs Cullen can't have children, that's why they adopted," Jessica says and Olivia glared at her.

"Jess, stop it. That is just a rumour. Maybe they adopted them because they were getting too old to be in the foster system," Olivia says and Jessica looked down. "Maybe he'll adopt me," Angela says to lighten the mood and Olivia smiled. She had to admit, Dr Cullen is a sight for the eyes.

"Who's he?" Bella asked her eyes once again on the door when Edward walked it. "That's Edward Cullen. Totally hot, but nobody here seems good enough for him," Jessica says and Olivia saw Edward smile. Did he hear her? How is that possible he on the opposite side of the cafeteria? Olivia thought as she watched him. At her thoughts, Edwards's head snapped towards her.

"I need to go. I asked Mrs Mavis if I could use the art room in my free period today," Olivia says standing up while grabbing her bag. "Oh, are you still busy with your painting?"Angela asks and Olivia nodded. At the beginning of the year, they received a project where they first had to draw something in pencil, then in pen and now lastly they had the last two semesters of school to paint it.

"You take art?" Bella asks and Olivia nodded. "She never shows us any of her drawings or paintings. We've been trying to get her to show us what she's painting, but so far no luck," Angela says and Olivia just smiles at them. "When I am done, I will show it to you, I promise," Olivia says smiling.

She walked towards the art room and smiles at her art teacher, Mrs Mavis, who smiles back. Olivia goes to the back of the room towards her painting and got her utensils. She worked on the cloak that the person was wearing. It was a dark grey almost black cloak but Olivia wanted to get it the right shade as in her memory of the person.

"It is starting to come along," Mrs Mavis says looking over Olivia's shoulder at her painting. Olivia smiles."It is but I still feel like it is missing something," Olivia answered as she looked at the painting. "Maybe a background?" Mrs Mavis suggested and Olivia nodded.

"Maybe," She answers. A background would work, Olivia was not sure which background would be best. Olivia stood there looking at the painting. It was nowhere near finished. She had the person's clothes done, but his face needs to be done and some smaller details needed to be added on it. Mrs Mavis was right, a background would bring the painting together.

The longer Olivia stared at the painting the more she started to think about the person she was painting. Oh, how she wishes she could see him again. Even if just for a split second.

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