《Into The Unkown》Chapter 1


Olivia - 16 years old

"Livy! Are you up yet?" Charlie yelled up the stair towards a sixteen-year-old Olivia who stood in front of her mirror fixing her outfit for school. "Coming dad," Olivia yelled back. She looked into the mirror one more time before grabbing her bag from her bed and ran downstairs. "Who's picking you up today?" Charlie asked once Olivia entered the kitchen. "Mike is. He said that he wanted to," Olivia said and Charlie nodded. Olivia might only be sixteen but she was moved up a grade meaning all her friend were a year older than her and they were allowed to drive.

Not that Charlie minded, they looked out for Olivia and he trusted the male friends that Olivia had. Mike is one of those male friends. A car honked outside and Olivia kissed Charlie on the cheek before she rushed out the front door and towards Mike's car. "Hey," Olivia greeted with a smile as she closed the door. "Good morning, Livy," Mike smiled at her. Olivia is like his little sister and Olivia sees Mike as her older brother.

"So are you excited that your sister is coming?" Mike asks Olivia as they pulled into a parking spot at school. "I forgot she was coming today," Olivia said frowning. "That's why dad is not at work," Olivia mumbled. Mike smiled at Olivia. "Well at least you will get to see her again," Mike said and Olivia nodded.

Olivia got out of the car and greeted her other friends. There was Jessica Stanley, who is a preppy cheerful and a total chatterbox, she knows the latest gossip and she would share it with anyone who is willing to listen. Then there is obviously, Mike, who is part of a sports team, which one, you might ask, Olivia is not sure. Next is Angela, she is a computer wiz and she is part of the yearbook committee and the school paper photographer. Olivia always loved it to talk to Angela about her photos and to see what photos Angela took. Then there is Eric, he is also part of the school paper, he is a big flirt and he usually flirts with Olivia, who thinks of him as a friend. Lastly, there is Tyler, he is like another big brother to Olivia and he usually gives her candy and he taught her how to surf. He has a girlfriend.


Olivia smiled at her friend as she walked towards them. "Hey guys," Olivia greeted and Angela and Jessica hugged her. They hooked arms and they started to make their way towards the school doors. They entered and Olivia spotted the Cullen family at the end of the hall. Ever since they moved here two years ago, they always watched her, as if they knew something about her that she didn't.

Olivia never judged them but she did think there was something unnatural about them. For instance, Edward would sometimes flinch as if someone was shouting, but there would only be complete silence in the room. Alice would sometimes zone out for a few minutes before she would smile or before she would rush out of class. Jasper always looked as if he was in pain, or it was as if he was feeling more than one emotion at a time. Emmett was extremely strong. Olivia could see it in the way he carried himself, that and she heard him saying that he was strong. Rosalie was extremely beautiful, but in Olivia's opinion, Rosalie would be even prettier if she smiled, which she rarely does.

Classes started and Olivia separated from her friend and went to her first class. She sat by the window and looked into the forest as the other students entered the class. It was the middle of the semester, meaning they have stacks of project and reports to do and on top of that the teacher thinks it's funny to give them homework as well.

Olivia does most of her homework in her free periods, which is after lunch and at the end of the day. Classes dragged on and before Olivia knew it, it was lunch. She made her way towards the cafeteria. She stood in the lunch line and got some food before she joined her friends.

"So, Livy, how was your day so far?" Jess asked as soon as Olivia sat down at the table. "It was fine. Well as fine as school is," Olivia answers her and started to eat. The group talked and laughed all throughout lunch about small stupid things. But that's just how they were. Talking about things and joking around. Jessica would tell them the latest gossip and Olivia and Angela would either agree with her or disagree. The boys would talk about some other sport.


Lunch soon ended and Olivia went to the library to get some of her homework done. She sat with her earphone in with music playing, to keep any other sound from distracting her from her work. Halfway through her free period, a paper landed in front of her. Olivia frowned and looked up, but she only saw the retreating figure of Alice Cullen.

Olivia picked up the paper and unfolded it.

'Dear Olivia

I wanted to inform you that you will see him in a year from now. You will be surprised but you will be happy. Remember he is always protecting you, even if you don't see him.


Olivia frowned. Alice rarely ever approached anyone but now she handed Olivia a letter, a very cryptic letter. Olivia wasn't sure what to do with it so she just put it in the pages of one of her books and stood up. She needed her other textbooks for her following classes.

The day dragged on and soon it was time to go home and Olivia couldn't be happier. She approached Mike's car and waited for him. She looked across the parking lot and saw Alice and Edward staring at her. Her mind instantly went to the letter Alice gave her. She saw Edward nod at Alice before they got into one of their cars and drove off.

"Livy!" Mike exclaimed and rushed towards her. "Are you ready?" Mike asked and Olivia nodded. They got into the car and Mike started to drive. "Do you need a ride tomorrow?" Mike asks as soon as they arrived at Olivia's house.

"I will let you know. Dad got Bella a truck her bough off of Billy Black, so she might be driving me," Olivia said and Mike nodded. "See you tomorrow," Mike says and Olivia smiled at him as she got out the car. She looked up and saw her dad talking to Billy Black, and next to them stood Jacob and Bella.

"Jake!" Olivia exclaimed and rushed towards Jacob. Who smiled and lifted her up as he hugged her. "Livy!"Jake said and spun her around and Olivia laughed. Jake puts Olivia back on her feet and Olivia kissed Charlie on the cheek. "Hi, Dad," She says and then walked to Billy. She kissed him on his cheek as well and hugged him. "How are you, Uncle Billy?" Olivia asks him. "I'm still dancing," Billy joked. He always says that when Olivia asks even if he is in a wheelchair. It doesn't bother him.

"Hello, Bella," Olivia greeted Bella with a small hug. "Hello, Livy," Bella greeted back smiling. "Well as much as I would love to stay and catch up, I have a ton of homework to do," Olivia said and Bella and Charlie nodded. "Livy, are you coming to the rez this weekend? Embry and Quill would very much like to see you again," Jake said to Olivia.

"Sure, I'll come. Saturday?" Olivia asked as she walked back up towards the stairs leading into the house. Jake nodded smiling. "See you Saturday," Jake said and Olivia nodded and entered the house. The Reservation or La Push is one of her favourite spots to visit. She would usually spend time on the beach with Jake, Embry and Quill in Jake's backyard fixing whichever car Jake was busy with that week.

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