《Into The Unkown》Chapter 5


A week passed and Olivia finally started talking to Charlie and Bella again. Bella has been going on about Edward Cullen for the last week and today he finally showed up at school, he was off sick. Well, that is what Alice told Olivia in Art class last week.

Charlie had told them that there was a man killed in Mason county and that he wanted Bella and Olivia to be safe, which they were. He was worried since they were not sure what killed the man, as he was drained of blood. Olivia had started riding with Bella again so on Monday morning they made their way outside. CHarlie had just stopped the truck in the driveway.

He had to put new tires on the truck to keep them safe on the icy road. As they walked down the steps Bella slipped on a piece of snow and fell on her butt. Olivia started to laugh as Charlie rushed forwards the help her up. "Are you all right?" Charlie asks Bella as he held her arms to keep her steady.

"The snow doesn't help the uncoordinated," Bella answered and made her way towards the truck Olivia followed. "It is a good thing that I put some new tyres on the truck," Charlie says.

"See you girls after school," Charlie says smiling as Bella and Olivia got into the truck.

+After school+

Bella and Olivia stood by Bella's truck in the parking lot. Most of the students were still talking to their friends about what happened over the weekend and what happened during the day. Bella was staring at Edward, who stood on the opposite side of the parking lot, he was staring at Bella.

Olivia had both of her earphones in as she leaned against the back wheel of the truck. She looked up and saw a black van coming towards her and Bella. Before Olivia could move the van collided with the truck. Olivia found herself on the ground. She tried to open her eyes but her head was hurting. The lifted her had and felt something wet on her head.


Soon an ambulance arrived and Olivia along with Bella was rushed towards the hospital. Olivia was rushed into the emergency room where Dr Cullen looked at her.

+With Charlie and Bella+

Charlie stood by Bella as Dr Cullen walked into the room. "How's Olivia?" Charlie asked after greeting Dr CIllen. "She'll live, but I want to keep her here for a few days just to monitor her and to make sure she doesn't have a concussion," Dr Cullen says and Charlie nodded.

+Two days Later+

Olivia spent two days in the hospital. Charlie brought her a book and her laptop from home to keep herself busy. Dr Cullen would check on her every few hours. Olivia like him, he would actually talk to her about small things. Dr Cullen entered the room again.

"How are you today, Olivia?" Carlisle asks Olivia looked up from her sketchpad. She smiled. "I'm feeling better. I have a small headache, but that's probably normal," Olivia says and Dr Cullen smiled at her. "I wouldn't be concerned but I would really like to do a few more test just to make sure. Now can you remember what happened?" Carlisle asks Olivia.

"I remember the van coming towards Bella and me, but after that, it gets a bit hazy. I think Edward was next to Bella. He pulled us out of the way," Olivia says and Carlisle nodded. "Now I want to keep you here one more night just to make sure you are fine, but tomorrow you will be able to go home," Carlisle says and Olivia smiled.

"Can you maybe ask Esme for some of her cupcakes?" Olivia asks. The day that Olivia arrived at the hospital, Esme, Carlisle's wife brought her a cupcake and since then Olivia loved them.


Carlisle chuckled and nodded. "I will tell her that you want some more cupcakes," Carlisle says and Olivia smiled as she went back to her sketch. She was drawing the same man from all those years ago. Carlisle walked towards her and looked down at the drawing.

Olivia heard him take a deep breath. She looked towards him. His eyes were on the sketch. "Do you like it?" Olivia asks and Carlisle looked towards her. "It is very nice. How did you think about drawing him?" Carlisle asks and Olivia smiled.

"Years ago, when my biological mother tried to kidnap me, he helped me," Olivia says and Carlisle nodded. Carlisle took some notes before her left Olivia to her sketching.

+Days Later+

Olivia was finally allowed to go home two days ago, but Dr Cullen booked her off until the next week of school. Not that Olivia really minded, she was home alone during the day. Over the weekend she did all the homework that she missed during the days she wasn't at school.

Bella wasn't much help in doing the homework as she was mostly focused on trying to find out Edward Cullen's secret. Olivia kept telling Bella that there wasn't any secret and that Edward was net to them that day, but Bella isn't having any of it.

Olivia got dressed in the outfit she picked out on Sunday night.

Today they were going on a biology field trip. Olivia stood next to Bella in the parking lot of the school. Bella was staring at Edward who stood by his car. Mike was in front of Bella asking her if she wanted to go to homecoming with him, but Bella wasn't listening to him. She then made up a lie about going to Jacksonville.

That just reminded Olivia that Lucy would be arriving tonight and Olivia wasn't sure how to act or what to do. "Everything will be fine," Mike says when he noticed Olivia's expression. Olivia asked him to join tonight when they greet Lucy, but sadly Mike could not be there.

"I hope so. I really wish that you would be there," Olivia says as she got on the bus with Mike. "I wish I was there too, but my mother wants me home, but luckily you can tell me all about it tomorrow," Mike says and Olivia nodded.

That should make her feel better, but it doesn't. It just makes her more nervous.

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