《Childhood Sweethearts》Chapter Nine
Dedication: 5boys_1love for suggesting the song; 'I hate everything about you' by Three Days Grace reminds her of Carter and Lacey.
"Look." I said, running my hand through my hair. "It was fun, okay? Now go on and pretend this didn't happen. I'll do the same."
"Are you serious!?"
I just gave her a look, before I turned and walked out. "Oh and lock the door behind you. Thanks."
Striding out to my car, I slid in and pressed heavily on the accelerator. The car had hardly come to a stop as I heard the school bell buzz loudly. Hastily grabbing my bag, I rushed inside and made it into the hall.
I felt her presence before I saw her. I turned, seeing her mane of blonde hair cascading down her back. His arm was securely wrapped around her waist as she laughed at something he said. My teeth gritted together as I saw the picture perfect couple waltzing towards their first class.
Suddenly, I didn't regret this morning.
Not one little bit.
The urge to punch Mercedes was increasing with every minute.
She wouldn't leave me alone, but every time I talked to her, guilt flooded her face and she would scuttle away. Every time I turned she was talking to Aiden and the sight of those two together made my skin itch. My hands trembled as I slammed the locker of my door closed.
"What's wrong diddums?" his annoying voice cooed from behind me.
Running my tongue across my teeth, I pivoted. His lips were stretched into his trademark smirk as he stood over me, arrogance rolling off him in waves. Just the sight of him made me want to strangle something.
Okay, so I was a little angry today, if that wasn't obvious.
I quirked an eyebrow at him as he stared intently into my eyes as if searching for answers within them. My face instantly became blank.
"You tell me?" I toyed, watching his reaction.
He swallowed, almost nervously. I tilted my head to the side curiously. There was something up. He let out a laugh which I immediately recognised was fake.
"Don't frown, Bub." he said, stroking the side of my face. "You'll get wrinkles."
I slapped his hand away. "I hope I do."
Relief flooded onto his face as if his question had been answered somehow. He smirked victoriously which made my frown deepen.
"Okay. See you this afternoon."
Frowning after him, I watched as he strolled from me casually. Well that was strange. Letting my body sag against the lockers, I sighed, running my fingers across my face. School was the last place I wanted to be right now. To feel my feet hitting the hard floor and my lungs burning is what I need.
The temptation to turn and walk out the door was so forceful it almost knocked me over. But, in reality, every time I got a little mad I couldn't just skip school. The bell signalled loudly overhead and a loud sigh left my lips.
Pushing past anyone who was in my way, I shouldered towards my history class. History and I were not a good combination. I was average at the class, yeah, but what made me hate it to the point of wagging most lessons, was an arrogant, smirking boy, who sat directly across from me.
It was infuriating that he was positioned in my peripheral vision. The swinging motion of his chair was enough to have me twitching. It was just the fact that it was him. All class he just sat there, distracting us fellow peers and making unnecessarily annoying noises.
And yet, he was still beating me, which made me want to punch myself. He didn't hand in any assessments or listen in class. The fact that he is unbeatable in the exams is so frustrating. I wish I had the ability to do absolutely nothing and succeed. He was one of the brightest people in our year. An absolute evil genius.
"Lacey?" Mr. Andrew's voice effectively snapped me out of my hating-on-Carter thoughts in which had consumed me. Which evidently is a regular occurrence for me.
"Er-what?" I asked, realising I had no idea what we were discussing.
He frowned at my lack of attention and leaned back in his swivel chair, maintaining eye contact with me.
"We're going through revision for your upcoming exam. Today, our focus is on Stalin. Tell me what year he died."
Lacey, you are in modern history, studying Russia in the early 19th century. Stalin died in... my thoughts urged.
"Erm-" I stumbled, trying to improvise. "1950..."
"1953." his smooth voice cut in and my fists automatically balled, my nails biting into my flesh.
My eyes snapped towards his. He smirked at me and winked, making my blood boil.
"Well done, Lacey." Mr. Andrews said sharply, emphasising my name as he stared at Carter.
"Welcome babe," his smug whisper came towards me.
Gritting my teeth, I refused to acknowledge him further. About ten minutes from then, he stood up. I watched his tall, lean body as he strolled to the front of the classroom, handing Mr. Andrew a piece of paper.
Mr. Andrews eyes widened and he let out an incredulous; "hmph."
Carter must have handed in his first piece of homework ever.
He stretched and threw a scrunched up ball into the bin, flexing so that every girl in the class had drool running down their chin. He made a show of taking a long, scenic walk back to his chair. Directly in front of me, of course.
Without my brain even processing it, my foot stuck out as he made some smart comment to a girl in front of me. His foot connected with mine and he stumbled. Not just tripped, but actually face planted into the carpet.
I snorted with laughter and covered my face. He groaned and rolled onto his back. His nose had a red mark where he hit the floor. Laughter erupted all around the classroom and must admit mine would have to have been the loudest.
Look, it was an immature year seven move, but it had to be done.
"My God you two!" Mr. Andrews sighed in exasperation. "I'm sick of it! Get out. The both of you."
"Me?" he asked in shock, making his way to his feet. He pointed at his chest incredulously, as though showing who he was would eliminate the threat of detention. "You're punishing me?"
"Just get out." he sighed, turning around and waving his hand to us as if we were merely flies in his way. Not finding this situation quite as funny anymore, I threw my chair back, grabbed my stuff, storming from the classroom.
"Did you have to?" he spat, slamming the door behind him.
"If you weren't such a jerk I wouldn't have."
"Oh so helping you in class is a crime now, is it?"
"It's not the act itself, Carter." I snapped, whirling around to him. "It's the way you do it. The way you do everything! God, you're so infuriating! The way you walk, the way you talk, even the way you smile is just so God damn arrogant that I want to get a baseball bat and hit you repeatedly over the head!"
His eyebrows shot up when I mentioned the baseball bat. We stared heatedly at each other for several moments. My chest was rising as I tried to gain control of my breathing again.
"You have issues." was all he said, before the bell rang and Mr. Andrews was summoning us inside, to most likely, make the situation ten times worse.
Definitely ten times worse.
"You have after school detention? What for?" Aiden asked me curiously, as he ran his fingers through my hair.
"I tripped Carter over in History."
His fingers paused on my scalp and I tilted my head back to see him better. I took a moment to observe his straight jawline and angular cheek bones. He really was an attractive boy. I was lucky to have him.
Was it bad that I had to keep reminding myself of that?
"Well..." he trailed off, biting his lip and giving me an amused smile.
"That was childish?" I finished for him.
"A little." he admitted.
I sighed, rolling my head forward again. I let out a puff of air as I watched the other students mill around, chatting in groups. Currently, Aiden and I were perched underneath the shade of one of the large, chestnut trees in the oval. It was perfect for the warmer days and was a popular destination at our school. The days were only getting hotter and hotter, while the nights remained frosty as ever. It was a dramatic change, to say the least.
"You're really worrying me." he murmured, much to my surprise.
"Me? Why?" I asked nervously, peering up at him under my lashes.
"You're just so wound up and not yourself at the moment. It's like every little thing makes you snap. I'm scared to even speak to you anymore. I feel like-"
I planted my finger onto his lips, effectively silencing him. I reeled into sitting position and wrapped my arms around his neck. I positioned my face so that we were eye level.
"I'm sorry. I'm struggling with my anger issues at the moment but I don't mean to take it out on you."
I love you. Just say it...
"I lo-" I tried to say. I cleared my throat. "I lo.. really like you Aiden. You're always there for me and I probably don't seem appreciative but I am. God, you're an amazing person and I am honestly so lucky to have you."
Oblivious to my tongue troubles, a grin broke out on his face. He lent forward and brushed his nose to mine, before gently kissing me.
"I love you."
I kissed him once more, before burying my face into his chest. We stayed in each other's embrace for another few minutes just enjoying being with each other.
"Oh. Isn't this cute."
My body stiffened as I heard his voice. I exhaled slowly and reclined back. Okay Lacey, turn over a new leaf. You're living with the boy for goodness sake. Just try being civil with him until it's over.
I don't want to lose Aiden and if I keep going, the possibility will only increase. So, I put on my nicest smile and looked up at Carter.
He raised his eyebrows and I felt Aiden's eyes on me. I tightened my grip on Aiden's hand, as if that would keep my anger in check. I just wanted to be normal Lacey again. I was sick of this hate-driven monster I had become.
"What's with the new attitude?" he questioned curiously.
"Just trying to turn over a new leaf. Anything you need?"
"I don't like it. Can you go back to hating me?"
A slight smirk twisted onto my face as I was putting him on edge.
I ignored him and rested back onto Aiden's chest. "Aiden offered to take me home so I don't need a lift from you."
"I was going to say we could go out for dinner or something?" he asked me, giving me a charismatic smirk.
"Why on earth would you suggest that?"
"It's a celebration. Duh."
I exchanged a confused glance with Aiden. I rested back into him further and sighed. "And what are we celebrating?"
"One week of us living together!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands. His voice lowered and he winked at Aiden. "Have to love having the girl next door, literally next door. If you know what I mean."
He went rigid beside me. "Living together?"
"Did Lacey not tell you?" he asked dramatically, his mouth falling open in mock-horror. "Oh! I'm sorry!"
"No you're not." I hissed, my fingers literally twitching in desire to strangle him.
The 'new leaf' facade was fading pretty damn quickly. How did I think I could ever get along with this imbosile?
"Well, this is just a tad too awkward for me. See you at home, roomie!" he grinned, giving me a wave over his shoulder. He trotted away, positively glowing with happiness. The temptation to rearrange his facial features was growing with more intensity every moment I thought about what just happened.
Speaking of...
I gulped, swivelling my head to Aiden. He didn't look mad and he didn't look curious. He just stared at me with disappointment. And that, was probably the worse look I could have gotten. I dropped my head in shame. Why I hadn't just told him when I found out, was beyond me. I think not saying it out loud would mean it wasn't true. But clearly, it was.
"You're living with him?"
"It's been a week?"
He slowly rolled his tongue across his teeth. "Okay."
I bit my lip as he continued to stare at me, his eyes shadowing disappointment. I sighed, rubbing my hands across my face.
"I wanted to tell you but I didn't and then I just avoided it and I don't know. I didn't want to say it out loud."
"You know you can tell me anything. You had so many opportunities to."
"I know."
"And you didn't even try."
"I know."
"Well, it know explains why you've been so moody." he sighed, pulling his arm from me.
"Yep..." I trailed off, playing with the hem of my skirt.
"It's making sense now. Why the lights are always off at your house. Why you've been travelling together to school with him."
"I should have told you."
"That you were staying with your ex bestfriend/boyfriend of sixteen years who you secretly still really care about? Yeah. You should have."
"You're mad."
"Yeah. I am a little bit." he said, gently pushing me from him. "I'm going to go. I'll... talk to you later."
I watched him walk away from me. I lent back onto the tree, suddenly feeling exhausted. The lies had caught up to me, over took me and tripped me along the way. Okay so Carter had managed to destroy the only relationship I cared about at the moment. Awesome. I clambered to my feet and took off towards school. I only managed about five steps before my eyes met Mercedes and Aiden, in full embrace.
My mouth fell open slightly. I didn't move as I watched them. Was I being selfish trying desperately to cling onto a relationship that will never work? Why couldn't I let my best friend be happy? I'm sure Mercedes would probably get more out of a relationship with him then I ever would. I do generally like him, I do, but was I being selfish?
"I didn't think it was true you actually hadn't told your pet we were living together." Carter said, materialising beside me. "But I do admit I did get some satisfaction from it."
I hardly even processed his words. I was too absorbed in the image in front of me, where my boyfriend and best friend were still hugging each other as if the world was about to end. My stomach whirled restlessly in my stomach as I looked away, slightly disgusted. I know she really liked him, but so did I. I just didn't know what to do. I was horrible to him. Should I sacrifice my own happiness for hers? And possibly his? Would he be happier with a better girlfriend like her? Or what if I did break it off with him and they didn't end up together anyway? God, this was getting more and more complicated by the minute.
Carter watched me, tilting his head to the side. "Sucks doesn't it? Seeing the person you like, happy with someone else."
My eyes began to sting. I turned and barged Carter out of the way. Of course today would be the day I just can't leave. Stupid after school detention with my stupid teacher and stupid ex-best friend/boyfriend/current roommate.
I sunk onto a bench and buried my head into my hands. I just don't know what to do. First world problems or what. I tried to imagine other people around in a lot worse situations than my petty, high school drama but not even that could damper my pity parade.
The rest of the day I went through blankly, hardly speaking a word to anyone. I ignored Carter's offer to go home and slowly dawdled, feeling exhausted. No running for me today. Eventually I went home and fell face first onto my bed. I stayed there for about an hour before I was rudely interrupted.
I glanced up, through my mop of blonde hair covering my face to see him smartly dressed in a button up shirt. I let my eyes roam fleetingly, enjoying the view.
"Where are you going?"
"Dinner. Remember?"
"Right." I rolled my eyes and continued to have an intimate face plant with my bed.
"No seriously, there is no food. We actually are going out to dinner."
"Can't we just order in?" I groaned.
"No, Kim has just come back and she's on a spring cleaning frenzie. I'm staying away from her and over-whelming amount of sanitiser."
"Okay, well I'll order in then."
"Going out will get your mind off of things." he offered, sitting beside me. The bed automatically dipped causing me to, annoyingly, roll into him. I frowned into my mattress. "It'd probably do you some good."
"I'm good, thanks."
"My mind wouldn't be on anything if it wasn't for you anyway! So why would I want to spend the evening with you to get my mind away from thinking about the mess you caused?"
"I actually only told the truth. Which you should have done in the first place. You can't actually be mad at me for that? You didn't think he was going to realise eventually?"
He brought up some valid points, but that still didn't make the whole situation okay. As if on cue, my stomach growled. I actually was pretty hungry. I sighed, rubbing my eyes.
A genuine smile lit up his face and I paused momentarily, in a daze. I very rarely saw that smile anymore. His trademark smirk seemingly was indented in his skin. It was refreshing and comforting to see his smile again.
"Let a girl get dressed!" I laughed, pressing my hands on his chest, gently pushing him out. I ignored how nice his chest felt underneath my fingertips and shut the door. The idea of getting out of the house was actually appealing. It made me feel better already.
Although I was still annoyed at him, I wanted to impress him. I grabbed out one of my nice black dresses. I sunk to my knees and rummaged through my jewellery box, attempting to find some that matched my dress. My hands paused when my finger scooped up the diamond ring Carter bought me for my sixteenth birthday. It was still breath-taking and the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.
I hadn't worn it since our falling out. It pained me because it was so amazing. Swallowing my pride, I slipped it on my finger. It felt as though I had never taken it off. I bit my lip softly and let myself observe it. A small smile crept onto my face. My sixteenth birthday had been the best day of my life. It was well spent with my family, best friends and (at the time) the most amazing boyfriend I could ever ask for.
The day after, however, was the day that had my perfect world crumbling all around me. I still hadn't picked up the pieces.
After making sure I was presentable, I wandered out to the lounge room where Carter was lazily sprawled out. He cleared his throat uneasily when he saw me.
"Wow Lace, you look great." he said, his eyebrows raised, impressed.
"Why thank you," I smiled, secretly basking in his compliment, my previous bad mood having evaporated the moment I slipped the smooth material of my dress onto my body. It's surprising how fulfilling getting ready for a night out can be.
His eyes stopped and his body froze when they landed on my hand. I looked down and into the dazzling diamond perched on my finger.
"You haven't worn that since your sixteenth birthday."
"No." I said softly, biting my lip. "I haven't."
He ran his hand through his hair, not making eye contact with me. "We better go."
- In Serial20 Chapters
I never thought I'd be killed by butterflies. But here I am... Edmon Valli was a smuggler, before a freak storm threw him off course and stranded him on a desert island smack in the middle of an uncharted monster zone. Trying his best to survive, or possibly even escape, he stumbles across the find of a lifetime: an unclaimed dungeon crystal. This is a dungeon-ish story, but without reincarnation or transmigration. I started it as a whim for NaNoWriMo so I may drop it any time after that... or I might not. My current plan is to write until I can reach some sort of conclusion and call it 'volume one'. I hope someone enjoys reading it for now! All comments, corrections, and criticism welcome.
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The hero dreamed of ascending. The monk craved redemption.The dungeon only wished to keep things tidy.Kai was the least likely young man to ascend. Raised on his uncle’s potato farm, he began his career as an adventurer with empty pockets and little skill. But a foolish attempt to prove his bravery leads Kai to unlock hidden power within himself and acquire a most unlikely ally.Rhona is a battle-scarred soldier who’s as likely to toss a quip as she is to throw a punch. After setting aside a promising career in the army to pursue the Path of the Bleeding Tiger, she sets out to stop a war and seek atonement for a bloody past.When Bancroft the Earth Core awakens, he can’t wait to clean up his dungeon and begin building things anew. A recovered item from his past reminds him that more is at stake, however, putting an end to such pleasantries.Join The Guild Core, a small band of friends determined to restore the world to an age of dragons, heroes, and honor.The Guild Core is a novel by TJ Reynolds Fantasy LitRPG author of Eternal Online books 1-3. The Guild Core was inspired by the Divine Dungeon series, the Wheel of Time, and classic films like The Labyrinth and The Neverending Story.This story takes place in an Epic Fantasy world governed by gaming mechanics. It contains light to moderate LitRPG, Gamelit, Cultivation and Dungeon Core elements. Features realistic violence, 3 MC POVs, and more than a few quaint jokes. Language and adult content is appropriate for teen readers.
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