《Childhood Sweethearts》Chapter Eight
Dedication: Distrazione for the awesome cover - thank you!
I felt the lounge dip beside me and before I knew it, a pale hand was on my thigh. With my eyebrows raised, I swivelled my head to the side. "Mary?"
"It's a dare. No tongue."
Before I could ask any more, she pressed her lips to me. I heard the click of a flash, before she pulled back. "Thanks Carter. I'm going to win for sure!"
I stared after her in shock as she sprang to her feet and ran after a giggling girl. I wiped my hand with the back my of hand, feeling dirty. Yuck. I rose to my feet and maneuvered to the bathroom. I splashed some cold water on my face, suddenly feeling weary. I cringed as I heard something break. I turned and emerged back down the stairs. Andrew visibly relaxed upon seeing me.
"Here man, take this off my hands." he said, shoving the drink into my palm. "Drink and stay here. I'll be back."
Without another word of complaint, in case it set him off, I sculled the drink. It burned my throat and stung my eyes. I gagged and the glass slipped from my hands. I leaned back on the wall. I didn't feel too good...
My skin was becoming clammy and sweaty. I could feel my hair was matted against my forehead. My mouth was hot and sticky, feeling dryer than sand paper. My eyes were so blurry I could hardly focus on anything.
That is when I blacked out into unconsciousness.
************************* Now *****************************
Lacey's P.O.V:
My head hurt.
My face was still a blotchy and bruised mess from falling down the stairs. I winced as I gingerly prodded it with my fingers. I hadn't spoken to Mercedes since our argument at school and I was supposed to be meeting up with Aiden at the park about... five minutes ago.
Sighing, I rose to my feet and slipped my iPhone into my back pocket. I already had a text from him asking where I was. I glanced in the mirror and sighed once more. My face was looking better, but it was still semi-revolting.
Fetching my red leather jacket, I slipped it over my shoulders and brushed a loose tendril of my hair behind my ear. Slipping into my shoes, I wandered through the door and past Carter without a word, our arms brushing due to our proximity.
His mouth opened as if he was about to say something, but I kept going. The cool air washed over my body the instant I stepped outside. I was thankful for it as my face had been flushed with heat. I stared at my Lancer and groaned, forgetting that I didn't have petrol. Grabbing my phone, I quickly texted Aiden that I was walking, so I may take a bit longer. The walk would probably do me good anyway. The silence of my surroundings and the cool air was pleasant.
Hastily brushing my hair back from my face, I turned and entered the park where we were supposed to be meeting. I could see him bent over, sitting on one of the swings, his elbows dug into his knees. I stood there for a moment, just watching him.
He was a good guy.
A nice guy.
He was popular, easy going and had a line of girls willing to do anything for him. Why, he stuck with me, I wasn't sure. I was moody, irritable and took my anger issues out on him. My baggage was heavier than luggage you'd take on an overseas holiday.
As if sensing my presence, he turned his head and smiled. I felt myself give him a small smile in return. He got to his feet and walked over to me. Without a word, he just wrapped his arms around me. I snaked my hands around his waist and just let my forehead press against his chest.
"I'm really sorry."
"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have got mad at you." he mumbled into my skin making me feel ten times worse than I already did.
"No, that's just it. You had every right. I was being rude and just... ugh. I'm sorry. Forgive me?"
He took a step back and rolled his eyes. "Like that is even a question. I love you, Lace. I would forgive you for anything."
I love you.
Three words.
Three, simple words that held so much meaning. Every time Carter and I had seen each other, we would always tell each other I love you. Saying it to anyone else felt weird and wrong in my mouth. My mind paused on the; "I would forgive you for anything," part.
Like living with Carter, sleeping in bed with him and then practically kissing him?
To avoid saying anything in return, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to me. I kissed him softly. He immediately responded, cupping my face with the palms of his hands. I let him kiss me for a few moments, before I did what I always did and pulled back.
"Have you spoken to Mercedes?" he asked me. "Since your little... episode the other day."
I shook my head. "Not yet. Have you?"
"Yeah, she messaged me the other night."
A frown instantly came across my face. Of course she did. I gritted my teeth together angrily as furious thoughts began whirling inside my head.
"What did she say?"
"Just wanted to talk about what was going on with you and I."
"Because she just loves getting in the middle of it, right?" I bit out, my voice venomous. I stepped back from him, my fists clenching at my sides.
"She isn't getting in the middle of anything."
"Oh, so you're on her side now, huh?"
"Lacey, can you stop jumping down my throat for two seconds?" he asked in exasperation, throwing his hands up. "I'm not taking any sides since there are none. I'm just trying to reason with you. Stop seeing everything as a threat."
I had nothing to say back. Because he was right. Like always.
I sighed, rubbing my temples with my fingers. "Sorry. Again."
He let out a soft laugh. "Are you okay? You seem really stressed."
"Yes. No. I don't know." I let out a breath, closing my eyes. "It's complicated."
Slowly, he reached out and pivoted me. He ran his hands across my back. "Jeeze, you're really tense."
He began moving his thumbs in circular motions across my back and I let out a soft sigh. I always told Aiden he could do this for a living. He ran his hands over my back, unknotting all my wound up muscles.
I felt my body relax as I leaned back into him. After a couple of minutes of silence, he stopped massaging me and wrapped his arms around me. His chin rested on my shoulder and he softly kissed the side of my neck.
"Feel better?"
"Much better." I confirmed, a genuine smile coming onto my face. "Thank you."
"Anything for you."
I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You're great."
"I know." he laughed, a playful smirk on his mouth.
He leant forward and kissed me softly on the forehead. "I'm glad you came tonight. When you were late, I thought..."
"I wouldn't do that to you." I said immediately, frowning at him.
"I know, but I couldn't help think you were trying to... end it with me or something."
"No!" the word rushed out of my mouth before I could stop it. "No. Don't think that because it's not true. I don't want to break up with you."
He let out a visible breath of relief and grinned at me. "Thank God."
My arms wrapped around him tighter as I felt the need to hug his worry away. We stayed at the park for about another hour, just talking. It was good to just spend some time with him. We hadn't hung out and just spent time together for a while. We only ever really hung out at school, because I always blew him off any other time.
I really was a horrible girlfriend. I'd dump me if our roles were reversed.
"I have to get back."
"I'll drop you home."
"I'll walk-" I began, but he cut me off.
"Don't start."
Frowning, I followed him without further argument. We piled into his car and instantly, the warmth wrapped around me like a blanket. I snuggled back into his soft, leather seat and let me inhale his scent. The car rumbled to life and it wasn't until we were almost at my house, that I began to panic.
I really hope he doesn't question why the lights are off all the time. Maybe I could say we're saving power or something...
"Want me to wait, so you can see where you're going?" he asked me, peering out the window with a slight frown.
"No!" I said too quickly. I cleared my throat. "I mean, it's fine. Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yep." he smiled. The leather seats squeaked as he leaned forward, planting a kiss on my cheek. "Good night, Lacey."
I slid out of the car and made my way up my driveway. Despite my wishes, he waited. I began to turn the knob and waved, when he finally pulled away. I exhaled and let my head fall forward so that my forehead smacked against the wood of the door.
I hated lying. I don't know what it was, but I still didn't tell him the truth. I had the perfect opportunity to tell him tonight but for some reason, the words got choked up in my throat and refused to come out.
Turning, I dragged my feet with me towards Carter's house. I mounted the porch steps and entered. It was quiet and all that could be heard were the soft falls of my feet, as I mounted the stairs. I went to my room and was glad to see that Carter had found his own bed tonight and not mine.
I threw some comfortable clothes on before I emerged into the bathroom. I was rinsing my mouth out when hands found themselves on my waist. I choked on the water in my mouth in surprise. Carter chuckled as I hacked up a lung.
"Let me go Carter." I said in a quiet, firm voice when I regained my breath.
Anger surged inside me. I cannot believe I crawled into bed with him. He set up a trap and I fell for it, head first. The stupidity from me was enough to make me want to punch something. How could I do that to Aiden? It made me sick.
I finished brushing my teeth and turned. He stared arrogantly down at me, a smirk plastered across his face. I sneered up at him with distaste, wanting to wrap my fingers around his neck and strangle that smirk off of him. He brushed my golden hair from my face, his long, slender fingers sparking electricity in my skin, making my knees wobble together.
"Will you ever, forgive me?" he whispered huskily, his eyes intently staring into mine. His face was only mere inches from me. I just needed to reach out a little further to kiss him...
"Yeah. Over my dead body." I snapped, before throwing my arms out forcefully, shoving my hands into his chest, pushing him from me.
I need to go to bed and get myself away from him, before I go absolutely mental.
Mercedes' P.O.V:
I hated the fact that I was always the one who had to apologise to her. Although she was the one who jumped down my throat. But, it was Lacey. My best friend. I need to swallow my pride and just go and apologise.
It wasn't until I had pulled up to her house and was about to get out, that I realised she wasn't living there currently. I had completely forgotten she'd moved in with Carter. Did Aiden know? If so, why hadn't he said anything?
The temptation to blurt it out to him was increasing, the longer Lacey ignored me. But if I did that, I wouldn't have a best friend any more.
My phone vibrated against my leg and I eagerly grabbed it, hoping it was Aiden. When it wasn't, I felt my heart sink slightly. Ignoring the message from Mary, I went to my recent inboxes and began to read through my last conversation with Aiden. Seeing his name brought a small smile to my face, as it always did.
I hated, so much that it almost hurt, that he was with Lacey and not me. It sucked seeing them together everyday. Especially when she treats him like crap and he acts like she is the Queen.
Lacey is a good person and can be a great friend, but she can be snappy, rude and just plain mean sometimes. Her anger controls her. I'm probably not the best friend either, admittedly. We would be so much closer if Aiden hadn't come between us. And because of this, I know there would always be tension between us.
I loved him. She was the one in between us. In the back of my mind, I've always wanted to get back at her. Hurt her the way she hurt me. Exhaling loudly, I removed myself from the car and out into the crisp, morning air.
I wanted... needed to apologise to Lacey before school so it wasn't awkward. Dread filled my veins at the thought of facing her.
Slowly, I walked up Carter's driveway and climbed onto the porch. It took me a few moments to muster up the courage to knock. I waited for a couple of minutes, growing more nervous by the second. Maybe she saw me through one of those little eye things and refused to answer.
Raising my hand, I went to go knock again, but it swung open. My mouth fell open as I came face-to-chest with Carter. His torso was bare and slicked with water, from his shower I'm assuming. A towel was loosely slung around his hips, resting dangerously low.
I know I was gawking, but it was like my eyes had a mind of their own. How was it that Lacey got with the most attractive people ever? I gulped, my mouth suddenly going dry. I hadn't ever really spoken to Carter much before. He scared me with his coolness, as stupid as that sounds. He was like royalty in this town. After him and Lacey broke up, I lost all contact with Carter, not that we spoke all that much before it. He was either with his many guys friends or consumed with Lacey. He didn't have time for anyone else.
One look from him had girl's going weak at the knees, myself included.
"Take a picture. It will last longer."
"Huh?" I asked stupidly, snapping myself out of the trance I seemingly was in. My cheeks burned crimson when I realised what he had said. "Oh-I-err-umm..."
He sighed and glanced down at his watch. It was one of the nicest watches I'd ever seen. Of course.
"Look, school starts in thirty minutes and I need to make myself look even more fabulous than I do now. If we could speed this process up, that would be great."
"Um, r-right." I stammered like an idiot, my face getting hotter by the second. "Is Lacey home?"
"Nope." he said, popping the 'p'. "Her pet came and picked her up about ten minutes ago. Just missed them."
My lips spread in a thin line at his word choice. Describing Aiden as a 'pet' was not cool. Not when he was so, so much more than that.
"But, you're welcome to come in if you'd like." he offered, giving me a charming smile. His eyes swept over me not-so-subtly and I felt my heart rate quicken. Every girl wanted Carter Williams to notice her. I felt like I was beginning my five seconds of fame. "I could always use the company."
I stood there, blinking at him for several moments, his words slowly sinking into my brain. "You're asking me to come in?"
"Well, that's what it looks like." he pointed out with an amused smirk. "Unless you have something better to do, of course."
"Oh, no." I said with a nervous laugh, waving him off dismissively.
He stepped back and gestured for me to enter. With my heart thudding loudly in my chest, I stepped in. His hand touched the small of my back and I leapt a metre in the air. He chuckled softly in my ear, the sound making shivers run down my spine.
"What's your name?"
If I wasn't so nervous, I would have laughed. I had been to school with Carter for almost all my life and had been friends with Lacey for most of that time. The fact that he didn't know my name was incredulous.
I watched to see recognition or any sign that he knew me, but he remained blank. He nodded and smiled.
"Do you have to be at school early, Mercedes?" Goosebumps erupted across my skin as my name left his lips. I swallowed uneasily, feeling suddenly flustered.
"No, why's that?"
He smirked.
And with that, he dropped the towel.
Carter's P.O.V:
Again, I didn't think with my brain.
Lacey was going to slaughter me. Well, if she found out anyway. I don't know what got into me. The fact that she was out late last night with that twit, Adrian or whatever it is and he picked her up this morning.
I, was supposed to be taking her to school.
Not him.
The anger that fuelled me every time I saw them together was enough to make me think irrationally. Which is what excuse I'm using for if she finds out that I slept with her best friend. It was an impulsive move on my behalf, but hey, it's her choice to never forgive me. I wasn't going to stop living because of this.
I was surprised to see the girl when she arrived on my door step. I acted like I didn't know her, as usual, but I know she's been glued to Lacey's side for the past year. Which makes it ten times weirder that she gave in to me, after knowing everything between Lacey and I. Good friend, huh.
I dressed and finished getting ready, as Mercedes finished doing whatever she was doing. I packed my bags hastily and opened the front door, when she cleared her throat.
"Um..." she trailed off.
"What?" I asked, pausing and turning back to her.
"You're just leaving?"
"Yes?" I asked her, looking at her as if she was stupid. "School starts in four minutes."
"O-oh..." she trailed off, her face red with sweat glistening across her forehead. Her eyes darted around and I could tell she was freaking out after what just happened. I shrugged it off though, she's probably never done anything like this before school.
"Look." I said, running my hand through my hair. "It was fun, okay? Now go on and pretend this didn't happen. I'll do the same."
"Are you serious!?"
I just gave her a look, before I turned and walked out. "Oh and lock the door behind you. Thanks."
Striding out to my car, I slid in and pressed heavily on the accelerator. The car had hardly come to a stop as I heard the school bell buzz loudly. Hastily grabbing my bag, I rushed inside and made it into the hall.
I felt her presence before I saw her. I turned, seeing her mane of blonde hair cascading down her back. His arm was securely wrapped around her waist as she laughed at something he said. My teeth gritted together as I saw the picture perfect couple waltzing towards their first class.
Suddenly, I didn't regret this morning.
Not one little bit.
What do we think of this?
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