《Childhood Sweethearts》Chapter Seven
Dedication: BeatingHeartsBaby for the awesome cover on the side. Thank you, it's great. :)
A special thank you to SamiJane14 for suggesting that 'The Letdown' by The White Tie Affair reminds her of this story. :)
"We're done."
"What?" he squeaked.
Yes, he actually squeaked.
"Done." I repeated firmly.
"Let's just talk about this-" he began.
"Not just done from our relationship. Done from our friendship."
His mouth fell open. "You can't be-"
"Serious?" I laughed humourlessly, physically feeling my bruised ego. "I am. Don't talk to me any more."
With that, I jerked myself away from him and ran down the hall, tears gushing fluently down my face. I felt like I was five years old, running away from school crying. But I couldn't help it. It felt as though my heart had been ripped into two and ripped from my chest.
I hate Carter Williams.
************************** One Year Ago *****************************
Carter's P.O.V:
It was hardly a second over six a.m before I was sprinting down the hall and barging roughly through the door of Lacey's bedroom. I leapt on top of her and belly flopped. Our bodies colliding together with a painful smack, the pain hardly registering in my mind.
"THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE. GET UP LACEY!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, making my throat burn slightly.
She jolted awake, sitting up so abrupt our foreheads smashed together. I gasped and fell backwards, as I stared up into her wide eyes. Although pain skittered across my head, I couldn't help grin up at her.
"Ouch!" I laughed, as I shot up again and pinned her down roughly. "You're going to pay for that."
She frantically began trying to wriggle out from underneath me, as I began cackling with laughter. She stopped and let out a huff of air. Her 'grumpy' facade didn't work too well as a smile danced around the edge of her lips.
"I'd like to point out you're the one who jumped on top of me yelling the house was on fire!"
"I don't see your point."
"Thanks Carter." she stated sarcastically.
"You're welcome, beautiful birthday girl."
"Oh my God." she breathed, her eyes dilating in excitement. "It's my birthday!"
"It surely is." I beamed at her.
I edged closer to her and pressed my lips against hers, ignoring the fact that we both probably reeked of morning breath. This day... we have been waiting for sixteen years now. It was going to be the night we would finally be together, in more ways than one.
"Come on! I can't wait to see your face when I give you my present."
An excited grin stretched across her face as she clambered to her feet. Her golden hair was a tangle of curls that fell loosely around her face. She looked so hot. Her soft, tanned skin glistened underneath her bedroom lights and her lips were so red and inviting, that I almost wanted to lock her in her room and do it right here and now.
I smiled smugly as she was wearing one of my old football jerseys. She always had to sleep in a garment of mine, saying my scent was 'refreshing' to her. I always complained that she was creeping on me, but in all honesty, I was exactly the same. Okay, so I didn't go sleeping in her dresses or anything, that might be awkward, but I did have a bottle of her perfume that I occasionally sprayed around my room...
Entwining our fingers together, I pulled her after me. Our feet padded against the wooden floor as I tugged her along. We piled into the spare room, where I had her presents laying on the bed. A massive bouquet of roses was perched in the middle of the bed, with matching diamond earrings, necklace and a ring.
I had seriously spent about two years saving for those. I didn't work at the supermarket part time for nothing. Oh and saving for my car, but I may have blown half, or most of that budget on Lacey. Yeah, I won't be informing my parents of that one any time soon. Lacey's fingernails biting into my flesh effectively snapped me back to the present. I winced as she viciously tore up my skin. Guess she's preparing me for tonight? Just kidding...
"Oh. My. God." she gasped out breathlessly, sprinting towards the bed. "I love you. I love you. I love you."
"I know."
"No, seriously." she murmured, turning around to me, her face expressing all seriousness. She bit her lip softly. "I really do. Love you, I mean. More than I've ever loved someone in my life."
My mouth dried out slightly. I took two strides to her and cupped her face in the palm of my hands. Her skin felt soft underneath my fingertips. She was so fragile and little. I wanted to pick her up and hold her to my chest and just squeeze her. "I love you so much Lacey."
She smiled up at me as I gently pressed my lips to hers again. I pulled back and gave her a toothy grin.
"Okay, try them on!"
I didn't exactly need to tell her twice.
"No matter how long you stare at them, the diamonds aren't going to change..." I trailed off in amusement, as I watched her eyes. They had been glued to the diamond rock on her ring, for the past three hours during lunch. It was almost as though if she looked away, it would disappear or something.
"But every time I blink, it just gets even more beautiful." she breathed, in a complete daze, still not looking up.
"So, you like it?" I smirked, feeling pretty smug about myself.
Not many sixteen year old's were privileged in wearing a diamond ring on their finger. Nor many sixteen year old guys able to afford it. Well, in this town anyway. My parents could have just given me the money for it, it's not like it would damage the bank account, but it meant so much more to me that I worked for it. Lacey is the type of girl who deserved beautiful things in life. I vowed to myself I would try and achieve that whenever I can.
"Like is the understatement of the century!"
I rolled my eyes, but couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Whenever Lacey was happy, so was I and today, we were both ecstatic. I pulled her closer to me and hugged her, loving the feel of her being in my embrace. I kissed the side of her cheek and sighed.
"Tonight will be amazing."
"I'm so nervous." she whispered.
"Don't be. There is nothing to be nervous about."
"I know, but I can't help it."
"It will be the best night of your life." I teased, punching her lightly. "Well, any night with me would equal to the best."
"You wish."
I winked playfully at her and she rolled her eyes. The rest of lunch cruised by pretty uneventfully. The party was creeping closer and closer, with each second and I was getting seriously pumped. We'd already played some games, but the real party, was what I was keen for. Don't get me wrong, 'pass-the-parcel' can get pretty intense, but it wasn't exactly the highlight of the night.
Eventually, it rolled around the six o'clock and excited tingles were shooting through me. We'd had the cake and got a pretty cheesy photo kissing after the knife was dirty. It turned out pretty funny as it looked like she was about to stab me. Or well, everyone else thought it was funny. They weren't at the other end of the knife.
The parents began disappearing one by one as the rest of us teenagers were attracted to the huge bonfire set out the back, as though it was a magnet. The warmth of the fire radiated onto my skin as I inhaled a deep, smoky breath. I could hardly stand still, I was that excited. I just wanted the night to hurry up and end so I could be alone with her.
I really hope Lacey had a good day. She seemed to. Every time I saw her, her eyes were bright and her smile wider than I'd ever seen it. I saw her collapse down on the other side of the bonfire, so I leapt up and sidled in behind her, resting my chin on her shoulder. I inhaled her smell and sighed with content, snuggling closer to her.
I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't wait for everyone to get out of here already. My phone had been going crazy all night, due to another party going on that I had been supposed to go to. Who in their right mind would hold a party on the night of Lacey's sixteenth? They must have been mad. Like I was going to ditch my girlfriend's party, just to go to a random one.
Before I knew it, as if the night was a blur, people were going home and soon, it was just us. As soon as I got the chance, I swiped her hand and dragged her up the stairs. Without any warning, I swept her off her feet and carried her into her room.
This was going to be a night we both definitely would remember.
My God, if my phone doesn't shut up, I'm going to throw it out the window.
I groaned as I removed my arm from around Lacey's waist and snatched my phone. It had been vibrating non-stop. I squinted down at the screen and saw that it was my best friend, Jacob. He knows how important this night is for me, so it must be pretty serious for him to keep calling me.
I pushed myself off the mattress and padded into the hall. I skipped down the stairs and out into the brisk, night air. The smell of the fire was still fresh and lingering in the air. I probably hadn't even been asleep long.
I dialled his number and impatiently waited for him to answer. "Hello?"
"Jacob, what's up?"
"Man, I've been trying to reach you all night!" I heard him yell.
It was a bit hard to hear what he was saying due to the noise in the background. In comparison to my silent surroundings, his sounded very static. I rolled my eyes. There wasn't much need to point out the obvious.
"I know, I've been a little busy..." I trailed off with a frown.
"I know. Andrew's here."
My mouth dried out. Surely, I hadn't heard him right. It was definitely the loud sounds affecting my hearing.
"I know. He's been trying to find you, he has been causing heaps of trouble. I reckon he'll get the cops called on us soon. I think he's on something."
"On something?" I echoed.
"Drugs, man."
I began muttering profanities, rubbing my hand roughly across my face. Andrew had been one of my best friends for years. He had been the biggest player at the school. Us two were the footballers guys everyone wanted to be friends with. Our popularity status got to his head. He was obsessive, self-centered and ignorant.
Which girls adored.
We were really close, until the day Lacey became his new fixation. That was not on. Long story short, it ended with his nose broken, me with bruised knuckles, him expelled and me on a ridiculously long community service sentence.
As you can guess, we weren't exactly on the best terms. That was about a year ago. He liked to drop into town again, every few months and stir up trouble. I clenched my fists. The more I thought about him, the angrier I got.
"What is he doing?" I ground out.
"Throwing furniture around and yelling out for you."
I let out an exasperated sigh. "He just had to come tonight."
"Carter, you really need to be here man."
Agitatedly, I ran my hand through my hair. "Fine. I'll be there soon. Tell him to calm down."
"I've already tried."
I hung up and the grip on my phone tightened, to the extent my knuckles were white. I stormed back up the stairs and threw on a shirt. I contemplated leaving Lace a note, but thought better of it. I'll be back soon anyway.
Shrugging my jacket on while I bounded down the stairs, I made my way to the party.
It was about a ten minute walk, before the sounds of shouts and music alerted me. The cool night air was starting to make my skin feel clammy and dry. I sighed again as I maneuvered down the street and towards the party. Seeing Andrew again was not something I was looking forward to.
I entered and my eyes burned with the sudden light. Music thumped in my ears as the floor vibrated underneath me. It was such a stereotypical party it made me laugh. I so did not want to be here right now. I didn't want Lacey to wake up alone, especially after what just happened between us...
"WHERE IS HE?" a voice bellowed, which could be heard clearly over the loud bass. I flinched at his familiar voice and shuddered.
All I wanted to do right now was snuggle up with my girlfriend and spend the remaining hours of her birthday with her. But no, yet again, Andrew has bombarded his way into my life, trying to flip it upside down.
Shouldering through the crowd, I followed the source of his voice. I made it successfully into the living room, where he was tearing up the lounge. Literally. His eyes were stained red, his hands were trembling furiously. His back was tense and his Caucasian skin sweat-drenched. A slight shudder rolled down my spine.
More profanities left my mouth as I walked over to him, shaking my head incredulously. "Andrew, what are you doing?"
"Ohh, he's here. Guys, the man of the hour is here!"
"What are you talking about?" I frowned at him.
He stumbled towards me, his breath reeking so much of alcohol, it could knock over a horse. I grimaced as I automatically steadied him. He poked me roughly in the chest and pressed his face against mine. His eyes were glassy and his pupils scarily small. His face was flushed, his skin so red you could hardly see his light blond eyebrows.
"Oh you know. You're the famous one. You're the one who hit me, but no, I am the one who gets my whole life messed up!"
"Because you already had a record." I pointed out.
"Come on, golden boy. Let's show us how bad ass you can be. Oh wait..." he said, his words slurring together to the point I could hardly make out a word he was saying. "Your skank isn't here, is she?"
A growl tore from my throat as my hands projected out, pushing him. He toppled to the ground with a loud clash, causing everyone to stop. The music dramatically lowered so everyone could hear what was happening.
"Don't you talk about her like that." I ground out, my teeth clenched together painfully.
"Make me." His words were hardly audible but I still could understand him. His blond hair was greasy, due to the amount of sweat that was sleeked across his skin. Whatever he was on had him messed up. It physically pained me to see him go down this road. After having so much potential...
"I'm not looking for a fight, Andrew." I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face, feeling exhausted after today.
"Let's party hard!" he yelled out suddenly, hauling me to my feet. He began fist pumping fervently.
My eyebrows shot up with his abrupt mood swing. He reached for a vodka shot and sculled it. I frowned, due to him already being highly intoxicated. Before I knew it, a couple of vodkas were in my hand, my throat was burning and some had spilled down my chin. I blinked a few times as I chugged a few more back. Why, I was doing this, I wasn't sure. The more I drank, the more it dulled Andrew, as weird as that sounds. The fact that he was 'happy' again was pleasing.
I collapsed back onto the lounge, closing my eyes. Unfortunately I was still here. Every time I looked like I was heading out, Andrew threw some big tantrum, which turned violent and things began breaking. So, to keep the peace and for everyone's safety, I decided to stay.
I felt the lounge dip beside me and before I knew it, a pale hand was on my thigh. With my eyebrows raised, I swivelled my head to the side. "Mary?"
"It's a dare. No tongue."
Before I could ask any more, she pressed her lips to me. I heard the click of a flash, before she pulled back. "Thanks Carter. I'm going to win for sure!"
I stared after her in shock as she sprang to her feet and ran after a giggling girl. I wiped my hand with the back my of hand, feeling dirty. Yuck. I rose to my feet and maneuvered to the bathroom. I splashed some cold water on my face, suddenly feeling weary. I cringed as I heard something break. I turned and emerged back down the stairs. Andrew visibly relaxed upon seeing me.
"Here man, take this off my hands." he said, shoving the drink into my palm. "Drink and stay here. I'll be back."
Without another word of complaint, in case it set him off, I sculled the drink. It burned my throat and stung my eyes. I gagged and the glass slipped from my hands. I leaned back on the wall. I didn't feel too good...
My skin was becoming clammy and sweaty. I could feel my hair was matted against my forehead. My mouth was hot and sticky, feeling dryer than sand paper. My eyes were so blurry I could hardly focus on anything.
That is when I blacked out into unconsciousness.
Just a bit of insight on Carter's version of the night. Hope you enjoyed it. :)
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