《Childhood Sweethearts》Chapter Six
Dedication: Forevermebeyourself for making the awesome cover - thank you!
"Lacey, wait!" Aiden called behind me, but I did what I was best at. I ignored him and marched down the hall. I saw a rather tall, well-built person in my peripheral vision, and turned, realising it was Carter. He stared at me with concern.
"You okay?" he asked, just as the bell buzzed loudly, signalling the start of school. I turned and kept going, walking straight out the exit.
I needed a cleansing day. I kept going until I was back at Carter's place. I shredded my clothes and slipped into my tights and singlet. I jammed my headphones in my ears and flew down the stairs, just itching to get out of the house again.
Running would be my distraction.
My feet pummelled against the ground as I pushed myself to go harder and faster. My breath was coming out in short, fast pants, my sides burning to the extent I thought I was going to pass out. My head complained the whole way and blackness began edging my vision.
Pushing myself like this wasn't healthy, but I was going to do it anyway. I felt the numbness slither into my veins and through my muscles.
This was my therapy and I sure as hell needed a lot of it.
******************************** One Year Ago ***********************************
I was so excited, I could scream. I had been waiting for this day my entire life. I was finally sixteen. With my grin spread from ear to ear, I let out a big whoosh of breath, effectively blowing all of my candles out.
Cheers erupted from my friends and family that gathered around me. My cheeks were aching as I had been smiling nonstop ever since I woke up. Which had been Carter belly flopping on me and screaming that the house was on fire.
A knife was shoved into my hand and before I knew it, I was slicing the cake up. After removing the knife, it became evident that it was dirty, making me smirk. I knew what came next and the prospect was exciting.
"Oooh, Lacey has to kiss the nearest boy!" one of my friends laughed childishly.
I grinned even wider, if possible and turned to Carter. I think it was pretty obvious why I demanded that my boyfriend be next to me while I cut the cake. I smashed my lips to his, ignoring the fact that both our parents were present. They've all seen it before. More cheers broke out around us. Our lips moved together, before I breathlessly stepped back, the taste of him still tingling against my lips.
I felt so exhilarated. The whole night had been a rush. The whole day had been. I didn't want it to end! He gave me a heart-stopping smile and I found myself gazing into him, my mouth agape. He rolled his eyes, smirking broadly.
"We all know I'm attractive Lacey, no need to stare."
Shaking my head, I snapped out of my trance. He always had that effect on me. He was ridiculously attractive. There were a couple of sniggers from my friend at his smart remark and my cheeks grew warm.
So far, my birthday had consisted of waking up and spending time with my family, unwrapping presents and such. I had gone down to the river with the extended family, (Carter's fam bam) and had lunch by the water. The smell of the salty sea and the feel of the freshly mowed grass brushing against my bare skin was still fresh in my mind, causing a sigh of content to escape my lips. I could close my eyes and still envision the whole scene in my head.
It had been perfect.
Afterwards, there was a party at mine. We had been playing childish games such a 'pass-the-parcel' and 'pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey' for laughs. Okay, when I say childish, I mean kids play it, but I still do as well, okay? Don't judge.
I let my eyes wander towards the clock, where it showed me it was a little passed six. A grin broke out on my face. Anything after this point, my parents were turning a blind eye too.
In other words, the real party gets started.
We were having a bonfire out the back, and all my friends were here already, milling around it. We were going to be drinking, yeah, but no way was I getting drunk. I wanted to remember every single bit of this night, because it would be the first time I would give something to Carter, that I would never get back.
We had been waiting for this moment, for so long now. The fact that it was now here, was still dazzling. Every time I thought about it, nerves bubbled in the pit of my stomach and my hands trembled with excitement.
The cool air was crisp, as per usual on my birthday. We always lit a bonfire for my celebration of birth due to it being the middle of Winter. I rubbed my hands together and watched the flames dance carelessly. I breathed into my hands, my hot breath fanning my face.
"Having fun?" Carter asked me, shrugging his arm around my shoulders. I turned to him, pecking him on the cheek in greeting.
"Yes, it's been amazing."
"Well, it will only get better." he smirked, winking at me confidently.
I gulped, my knees going weak. Oh God, oh God, oh God. I was so nervous that it was making me sick! It was actually hard to explain my emotions right now. I was nervous, hell yeah, but at the same time, I was so comfortable with Carter, I knew everything was going to be fine. He took off from me, to go socialise further and I stumbled towards the esky, withdrawing another premixed vodka.
Slowly, I made myself walk around the bonfire, in attempt to find a suitable stick, to cook my marshmallows on. After a few moments, I snatched one up and gathered around with the others, who were asking each other a series of questions. Carter sat behind me, his legs straddling me, chin resting in the crook of my neck. Every time he laughed, his hot breath would fan across my skin, causing tingles to erupt down my spine, making me shiver involuntarily.
"What are you doing later tonight Lace?" my friend Mary asked, taking a swig from her cruiser and tucking a strand hair behind her ear.
I felt Carter's fingers walk across my thigh and hoped my face didn't mirror my thoughts. My cheeks began to turn hot as I tried my best to act normal.
"Just hanging with Carter."
She began wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at me and I rolled my eyes in response. I think everyone knew what would be happening later, as disturbing as that was. My best friend couldn't keep secrets apparently.
Not long after, the fire dimmed down and the drunken teenagers began slowly, one by one, departing from my party. It was highly entertaining watch everyone, how stupid they get when they're intoxicated.
It was about eleven-thirty when everyone had gone. I sighed, pulling Carter behind me and up the stairs, biting my lip. I thought I would be tired by the end of the night but the elation coursing through my veins drowned out any weariness that had begun to seep in.
I went to enter my room, but he grabbed my hips, snagging me back. I gasped as he spun me and roughly smashed his lips to mine. I widened my eyes in surprise at his abruptness. Before I knew what was happening, he had me swooped up, so that my long legs were tangled around his waist, his hands supporting me so that I didn't fall.
He carried me into my room, gently shutting the door behind him. He laid me down on the bed, collapsing on top of me, his lips never leaving mine. Spikes of electricity shot through my veins, making me feel more alive than I had ever felt before. I was beginning to feel light-headed at the lack of oxygen I was enduring.
He made a trail of kisses from my jaw, to my neck, as I was gasping breathlessly, my fingers shakily running through his hair. Only seconds went by, before clothes were peeling off faster than the speed of light.
"Are you ready?" he murmured into my ear, his hands stroking me lovingly, sending waves of emotions through my body.
"I've never been more ready in my life." I whispered, my voice unable to go any louder.
My birthday ended in the most amazing way possible.
I awoke with a smile, plastered across my face. I inhaled deeply, stretching. When I didn't feel a body next to me, I stiffened, my eyes snapping open. I stared in surprise at the vacant space beside me.
"Carter?" I mumbled groggily, getting onto my knees, peering around.
No sign of him.
Huh, he might be in the kitchen. I hope he was cooking something delicious. I rolled out of bed and went to my bathroom, freshening myself up. I padded down the hall, surprised at the soreness I felt between my legs and into the kitchen, eagerly awaiting what I would find there.
No one.
Frowning, I maneuvered around the kitchen, my eyes roaming. I began restlessly searching the entire house. I was home alone. Obviously, my parents were at work, but where was Carter? With my hair, wrapped securely around my finger, I dragged my feet upstairs. The more I began to realise he wasn't here, the tighter the hair got around my finger. Twirling my hair was an annoying habit I'd somewhat adopted when I'm nervous.
I fell heavily onto my computer chair and logged myself onto Facebook. I went onto Carter's page, just to see if he had a status or something. My mouth fell open slightly at what I saw. He was tagged in a post, at two a.m this morning. I scrolled through it, my mouth agape.
He went to a party after we... after...
My lips spread into a thin line as I began to go through the photos. Numerous people had posted on his wall, saying how crazy last night was. Okay, I had fun at my party but it wasn't "crazy". Who even were these people? Surely I didn't have gatecrashers and not know about it. I sat there, a frown evident on my face. It only increased further when I began going through the pictures he was tagged in.
My heart skipped a beat in my chest. My eyes burned with tears. A photo, of him, with Mary... their lips locked together, bodies pressed. My stomach churned uncomfortably and I placed a hand to my mouth, wanting to be sick.
No... he wouldn't do that to me.
Carter has hooked up with other girls before. I was used to it. But if he had, we were never together at the time. And I was always okay with it. Carter and I were hard to keep up with. We were dating, back to friends, and then dating again within days. Our relationship was like the weather. But right now? We were together. Or, so I thought.
Slamming the lid of my laptop down, I clambered to my feet. I hastily wiped the tears away and let out a huff of air.
Don't make any assumptions, before you know the facts, I told myself firmly.
I began getting myself ready for school. Yeah, many of my friends were going to have some wicked hangovers for History today. I laughed at the thought, momentarily shoving the disturbing image from my brain, although it was almost an impossible task.
I did my make-up quick and left my hair, falling down my back in natural waves. I slid my uniform on and grabbed an apple for breakfast. If I didn't eat, I would be sick. My stomach was already feeling uneasy with what I saw this morning. I made my way out and stopped, realisation dawning on me.
Carter was supposed to be giving me a lift today.
I sighed and checked the time. School starts in five minutes. It was about a ten minute walk from my place, meaning I would be late. Grumbling under my breath, I began my trek to the school, dreading going there after seeing my own worst nightmare in photo-form just before. It was an overcast and dreary day, which made me further disgruntled. If it rained, I was going to be seething.
As if my thoughts triggered the large cumulonimbus cloud above me, patters of rain began to fall, seemingly landing directly in my eyes. Of course it would be raining today. Tucking my head in, I increased my pace, praying it didn't bucket down. Too soon, the rain got heavier and I was drenched. Was someone trying to make me lose my mind? My clothes stuck to my skin and my hair was glued attractively to my face. I scowled, wringing it out as much as I could.
Today, was obviously not my day.
Eventually, I arrived at school, later than I thought I was going to be. I scribbled my name in the late book and trudged down the hallway, towards class. I entered and eyes swivelled to me instantly. I must look like an absolute drowned rat. A few whispers broke out and I noticed a few people making kissing sounds, to see my reaction.
Of course, I remained as blank and indifferent as I could. I hoped I looked as stoic as I felt.
Setting my eyes determinedly forward, I handed my late note over to Mr Erikson and maneuvered my way down next to Mercedes. She was smiling down to her crotch, indicating that she was on her phone.
"Hey." I said quietly, sidling in beside her, ducking my head.
"Oh - morning! Bit late hey?" she laughed, quirking an eyebrow. "Busy morning with Carter?"
As soon as the words left her lips, she paused. Okay, so she obviously had saw the photos too. She gave me an awkward look, before glancing away.
"Who's party was on last night?" I demanded, avoiding her question.
"Someone in the year below us."
"Carter hooked up with Mary there?" I asked, fearing the answer, although I already knew it. Seen it, rather.
She refused to look at me and fiddled with her phone. "Umm..."
"Oh my God."
I was hoping it was a drunken mistake, a slight peck... but I knew I was just kidding myself. They were two, drunk, hormonal teenagers. Although that isn't an excuse, it's a definite factor.
Dread sunk into my veins as I flopped forward, my forehead hitting the table roughly. My good friend and my boyfriend. On the night of my birthday. The night I had slept with Carter for the first time.
How the hell could he do that to me?
Anger surged inside me, the more I thought about it. Okay, we were dating, so that extremely sucked, meaning he cheated on me. Secondly, on the night of my birthday. Thirdly, on the night that had meant so much to me.
It would have been different if it had been another night. Still horrible, but different.
I slammed my fist onto the table. I got up from my seat, rage flaring in my veins. People glanced over instantly. My 'I don't care' facade was slipping. Fast.
"Is there a problem Lacey?" Mr Erikson inquired, cocking his head to the side.
"Yes." I said through gritted teeth. "May I be excused?"
"What for?"
Without answering, I hauled my bag up and stomped out of the class, anger rolling off of me in waves. I was marching down the hall when I saw him. I skidded to a halt, my heart jerking inside my chest.
He was at his locker, leaning onto it heavily. His eyes were closed, his hair disheveled and his collar tucked in. Sucking in a breath, I rushed over to him, unable to stare at him without screaming any longer.
"Big night?" I snapped at him, slamming his door shut and jolting him awake. He stumbled backwards in shock, his eyes wide. He had dark circles under his eyes from his sleepless night. This only made me more furious.
"Big. Night?" I said excruciatingly slow, trembling. My words were venomous and no doubt could cut glass.
"Umm..." he trailed off, looking around, rubbing his neck, looking nervous. Probably looking for ways to escape. Good. He should be.
"How could you?" I screamed, projecting my fist into the locker. Pain scattered across my knuckles in protest but I was so angry, I hardly felt a thing. "How could you do that to me? After sixteen years of friendship... after last night!"
"Lacey-" he started, looking pained.
He was so hung over I could still smell the stench of beer on his breath. This fact made me more angry, to the extent red was beginning to edge my vision.
"And with Mary. One of my closest friends." I spat, twitching. "You could have gotten with anyone, Carter. Anyone."
"Seriously, things got out of hand, okay? I was only going there for a little while, but I had a few drinks and one thing lead to another..."
"That is no excuse!" I screeched. "My God. I can't believe what you have become."
"Lacey-" he tried again.
"No seriously Carter. I will not... I cannot forgive you for this."
"Can I just explain-"
"Give me a reason, why you did it."
"Give me a reason." I deadpanned, tears making me vision so blurry I could hardly see a thing. I blinked rapidly, my nose beginning to run.
"It just happened."
Oh wow. That's a good response.
"We're done."
"What?" he squeaked.
Yes, he actually squeaked.
"Done." I repeated firmly.
"Let's just talk about this-" he began.
"Not just done from our relationship. Done from our friendship."
His mouth fell open. "You can't be-"
"Serious?" I laughed humourlessly, physically feeling my bruised ego. "I am. I don't want this anymore."
With that, I jerked myself away from him and ran down the hall, tears gushing fluently down my face. I felt like I was five years old, running away from school crying. But I couldn't help it. It felt as though my heart had been ripped into two and ripped from my chest.
I hate Carter Williams.
So, it's finally revealed what happened between... What do we think?
- In Serial437 Chapters
"You may now kiss the bride." But no kiss ever came. I'm ripped from my wedding and thrown into a medieval fantasy world with game-like elements. It may seem like a game, but that doesn't matter to me, because this is my reality. The pain, the hunger, the cold, the fear, it's all real to me. Alone, without knowing why I'm here, in a world where I know nothing and nobody, I decide to buy a Blood Slave to have someone I can trust. She brings me comfort and so much more. She helps me raise my head high again and bravely move forward. Together, we'll grow stronger. Together, we're unbreakable. But she won't be the only one by my side. We need more than just each other, for I know that my purpose in this world can't be accomplished with only her help. Monsters and dungeons plague the land, forcing civilization to protect themselves from the hordes with tall walls and fierce determination. Killing monsters is a daily need, but they aren't the only enemy here. I have a powerful "Gift" that allows me to change my "skill points" at will, but if others were to know about it, there would be many that would try to use me by any means possible. Step by step, moment by moment, day by day, we keep moving forward, always aiming to improve our strength. One day, we'll meet our Fate, and we'll be ready for it. Swords held high, shields tightly strapped to our arms, wings spread apart, spells at the tip of our tongues, minds focused like blades, and our hearts hardened like steel. We'll take on whatever comes our way! --------------------------------------------- New chapters Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8PM US East. At least 3k words each. Additional Tags: Psychological, Romance, Magic, Male Lead, Portal Fantasy/Isekai/Transmigration, Polygamy, Slaves Content Warning: gore, profanity, sexual content (most of it has been censored) (male/female, female/female, and human/non-human(not for the faint of heart)), traumatizing content What to expect: Slow story focused on the day-to-day life of a transmigrated man rather than on the plot. The plot exists but it very slowly becomes relevant. Also, slow character progress. It's a long journey, so don't expect a hero to grow in just a few chapters. Detailed environments and extensive world-building. Realistic and tactical combat instead of flashy. Protagonist with a cheat but far from overpowered. Lots of descriptive sex scenes (though most got censored here). It's treated as just another part of life instead of merely fan-service. A harem where the members actually enjoy living with each other. Occasional weird wording and grammar, English isn't my first language. Currently uploading on: Royal Road (most sexual content censored), Scribble Hub, Novel Updates Forum, Wattpad, Hentai Foundry, Webnovel, MoonQuill, Nobles, Archive of Our Own, and Literotica. This story is also on Scribble Hub, Novel Updates, Hentai Foundry, Webnovel, MoonQuill, Archive of Our Own, and Literotica.
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