《Childhood Sweethearts》Chapter Two
Dedication: Dependency for the amazing cover - thank you! :)
She drove off, thank the Lord. I sighed in relief at not having to rip my claws out completely this time, like I have had to previously. I spun on my heel and marched back towards my own 2003' Lancer, without another word to him.
"Oh, not sticking around for a chat?" he teased, following me like a bad smell. I gritted my teeth together to the extent it was actually painful.
"No. Thanks."
I didn't turn to look at him again and shut the door in his face. Without a backwards glance, reversed and took off, practically burning rubber. My nostrils were flared and my grip on the steering wheel was so tight, you could see the whites of my knuckles.
Okay, so you're probably wondering how I could go from being best friends for sixteen years with that boy, to not even being able to stand the sight of him.
Well, this is just the beginning of mine and Carter's very complicated relationship.
Since the beginning of my day was unfortunately ambushed by my ex-best friend and neighbour, Carter Williams, I found myself stomping into school with a look of death etched onto my face.
"Uh oh," my boyfriend Aiden said, the smile dropping from his face instantly, upon seeing me. That's comforting, my mere expression is enough to spread my negativity. "An incident with Carter?"
"How did you know?" I grumbled, letting out a puff of air, my cheeks feeling hot. I was flushed and riled up, not having even endured through my first class yet.
I let my eyes roam over the boy who stood in front of me. Aiden was tall, with broad shoulders. He had an olive complexion with dark, brown eyes. He was cute and the exact opposite of Carter's 'golden boy' look, which is probably what drew me to Aiden in the first place.
"Because you always have that look after being around him."
"Yeah well, he brings out my dark side." I hissed, angrily brushing my hair from my face. I sighed heavily, rolling my tongue across my teeth. "Let's talk about something else. How was your dinner last night?"
"Yeah surprisingly alright," he said lightly, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. Automatically, I leaned my head onto his shoulder, seeking his comfort. "His family isn't as bad as I made them out to be in my head."
I rolled my eyes. "I told you. You really should-"
"-Listen to you more, I know."
I laughed, coming to a stop and snaking my arms around his waist. I tilted my head back and he kissed me softly on the lips, before allowing me to snuggle my head into his chest. I sighed, closing my eyes.
I liked Aiden. A lot. We get along really well and he always makes me feel good about myself. Except... he never did make me feel as alive as Carter did. No matter how much I tried to convince myself I liked Aiden, it never compared to what I had felt for Carter. I think that boy has permanently printed on me, as disturbing and revolting as that sounds.
But I could push through it. Aiden, admittedly, had been my rebound at first, but I generally did like him. Just not... how I liked Carter.
"Holla, Lace." My best friend greeted, waving Aiden off. He chuckled and stepped back, releasing me from his capture. Mercedes replaced him instantly, wrapping her arms around my neck, strangling me, before letting me go. She beamed brightly at me. "How are you this morning?"
"Don't get me started," I sighed, shaking my head.
"Carter?" she deadpanned.
"His name is like Voldemort's. I shudder at the sound of it."
She snorted with laughter, rolling her eyes.
Speak of the Devil and thus he appears. Carter rounded the corner, his arm slung around an unfamiliar brunette's shoulders, laughing at something she said. His hair was extra floppy today, falling messily onto his forehead. His lips were tilted up into his usual smirk and he walked, confidence oozing from him. The too-bright sun shone down on him. He made it look like he was in a music video, whereas I felt flustered and gross. I let out a puff of air, as if that would somehow cool me down.
He nodded at me in greeting and I flipped him off in return. A couple of witness' around us chuckled and I turned, gritting my teeth. "Aiden, let's go."
"Okay," he said, catching onto my tone.
Mercedes had already taken an exit route to her class. Aiden slipped his hand into mine and my nails bit viciously into his hand. He winced, but I couldn't slack my hold. Not when he was in my vicinity. I tugged on his hand and dragged him after me.
Once away from him, I let out a breath, letting go of Aiden's hand. I felt his gaze on me as I began pacing, flexing my fingers back and forth.
"This thing you have with Carter... it's very unhealthy. Why don't you guys attempt to salvage your friendship? You hate to admit it, but I know he still means a lot to you. You were best friends for forever."
"Really? Were we?" I snapped rudely, my anger sizzling. "I hadn't realised that. And no, we cannot 'salvage' our friendship."
"Okay..." he trailed off, visibly biting his tongue. "Whatever you say."
I stopped, my breathing heavy. "Look, I'll see you later. I'm going to class early."
With that, I stalked off towards my locker to get the books I needed. I know Aiden was just trying to help, but I couldn't force myself to be polite when I was like this. I grabbed my books, yanking them out and slamming my door shut.
I turned and came face-to-chest, with the one and only, Carter Williams. I exhaled heavily, looking up at him. "What do you want?"
"Just wondering if you're okay," he said. Although his words were kind, his tone was implying that he didn't really care, he was just trying to stir me up more. He was successful. "You didn't seem the happiest when I saw you this morning."
"Carter, you and your fake sympathy can kiss my a-" I was interrupted when the bell buzzed loudly, cutting me off.
He smirked, obviously enjoying my response. I elbowed him out of the way and marched to my classroom, fuming.
I just needed to get through the day, without getting suspended for inflicting pain on other students, or myself.
The rest of my school day cruised by uneventfully. There weren't really any more Carter incidents, if you don't count me stomping on his foot when he put his arm around me at the canteen line. He, better than anyone, should know not get in between me and my food.
I was striding towards my car, before my hand was swallowed by someone else's. They tugged me back and with a gasp, I staggered. I clenched my fist, positioning myself to launch as I was spun around on my heel. Fortunately, to where Aiden was grinning at me, so my violence wasn't needed.
"In a rush?" he joked, his eyes roaming my face, drinking in my features.
I jerked my shoulder up in response to his question. "I could really use a long run to calm myself down."
"What about this?" he asked me, his voice dropping so that it was low and husky.
He took a step forward and gently, brushed his lips against mine. They began to move together in synchronisation, and before it could start to get good, I pulled back from him and smiled, tilting my head back to see him better.
"That was pretty soothing, yes."
"Good." he grinned, leaning down and kissing me once more, before giving me my own space again. "Did you want to go to the movies or something tonight?"
"Yeah, that sounds good. Text me the details."
"Okay, cool." he said, smiling.
I turned from him and resumed the short trek to my car, eager to just get home and sweat my anger out with an intense run. One that will make my legs wobble in pain. Running, was my distraction from the world. It made me numb, which was perfect. It was easier to hide your thoughts when you couldn't tell what you were feeling. It probably wasn't healthy, but it works well for me so I am going to stick with it.
I collapsed into the driver's seat and plunged my key into the ignition. Upon getting home, I discovered that I was alone, which meant mum was staying back a bit later to finish up with some of her work. She worked at a primary school across town. I did work experience there with her when I was in year ten last year and could see why she loved it. The school was beautiful. It was small and the kids were all lovely.
My father, Ben, worked as a real estate agent. He was good at his job and sold a lot of houses and properties. He worked out of town a fair bit as well, because in this town, there weren't a heap of opportunities. Therefore, he wasn't home as much as I would have liked. I still got to see him though, which was good enough for me.
Shredding my school uniform off, which was just a white polo shirt and black bottoms of your choice, and slipped my tights on. I grabbed my exercise singlet and arm band, which suctioned onto my skin. I rammed my iPod into the little pocket and jammed the earphones into my ears, cranking up the volume. I threw my long, blonde hair into a high pony tail, that trailed down my back and past my shoulder blades. I began to do some lunges and stretches, warming up my muscles, before putting them through my run.
Grabbing my joggers, I sped walked out the door, loving the feel of the cool air washing over my body. As soon as I was down the porch steps, I was off and running. My eyes glanced towards Carter's house, which only fuelled me more. I picked up my pace a notch, loving the numbing feel that began spreading through my veins and muscles. I kept going, doing twenty minutes longer than I usually did, which really pushed me to my limits. My sides were aching and my legs burning. I jogged all the way back home, up the steps and didn't stop until I was literally inside and couldn't run any more.
I could hear mum in the kitchen, but I was too sticky and sweaty to go there yet. I peeled my sweat-drenched clothes from my skin and deposited them into the laundry basket, I turned the water on freezing cold, before stepping in. Gasping at the icy water running over my skin, I leapt back. I didn't heat it up anymore, however. This was what I needed. Numbing cold, that would make me forget everything. I sighed, the water running through my hair felt amazing.
After spending longer than necessary bathing myself, I stepped out and toweled off. I slipped into a loose singlet and my comfy pants, before emerging out. I stepped into the kitchen, the smell of chocolate biscuits filling my nostrils and making my stomach growl with hunger. My mouth watered and I licked my lips, already able to taste them. My mother, Elizabeth, could cook amazing wonders.
Okay, going for an intense run like that and then wanting to eat chocolate probably sounded funny, but running for me was more like a release of emotions, rather than for exercise purposes. Her back was to me. Her hands were spread out and she was leaning heavily, onto the kitchen counter, her shoulders shaking. I paused, confused. I then could hear it. Faint crying and sniffling, making it evident something was wrong.
"Mum?" I asked softly.
She stiffened upon hearing my voice. She took a moment to hastily wipe at her eyes, before turning to me. If she was crying, it was something bad. Us Adams girls never cried. If something sad was happening, we didn't cry or get upset, like most others.
We get angry and fought back.
Therefore, her crying, was not a good thing. At all. Her cheeks were tear-stained, whilst her eyes were tinged red and were puffy. I swallowed nervously, edging cautiously towards her, as if she was a time bomb, ticking until destruction.
That's how serious her crying was.
"What's happened?"
"Your grandmother..." she whispered shakily, wiping at her eyes again. "She's had a stroke. They don't think she's going to make it. I have to go and... try and look after her. She's really not well, Lace."
My mouth dried out, as though all the saliva I had, suddenly was retracted. I stared at her for a few moments, not knowing what to say.
So, she continued.
"Your father and I are going to go and look after her-"
"Um, what?" I interrupted, confusion lacing my words. "You and Dad? Am I going?"
"You're a senior now," she said, shrugging. "I couldn't ask you to miss days off school like that. They're too vital."
"I don't care, I'm going."
"No, Lacey." she said sternly. "You're staying here and going to school. That's final."
I gritted my teeth together, biting back a retort. It probably wouldn't be the wisest decision to pick a fight with her when she was so vulnerable. I sighed, running my fingers roughly over my face, suddenly feeling tired.
"So, I'll live here by myself. That's not going to get boring or lonely." I bit out sarcastically, folding my arms across my chest. I couldn't break down about Grandma right now. I need to be strong in front of mum. So, I did what I did best. Became selfish.
"You're not staying here by yourself," she rolled her eyes, smiling even. Maybe I was being a good distraction. She wiped at the corner of her eye. "You're only seventeen. I don't want you living here alone for that long."
"Where am I going then? Mercedes never said anything at school..." I trailed off, furrowing my eyebrows together.
"You're staying with the Williams'." she said in an obvious tone. "Didn't Carter tell you?"
Time slowed down. All I could hear, was the continuous thudding of my heart beat in my ears. Her lips were moving, but no sound was coming out. I was stumped on that mere sentence. She couldn't do this to me...
"What?" I asked, my voice cold and low.
She stopped, mid-sentence, raising her eyebrows. "You're staying with the Williams'."
"No. I'm not."
"I thought you would have been delighted?" she asked me, confusion lacing her voice. "You and Carter are so close."
"Used to be close. Past tense, Mum."
"What?" she asked distractedly, turning and getting her biscuits out of the oven. I glared lasers into her back as she did so. Was she that blind?
"Have you not noticed the silence between us when they come over? How I'm never home when we go there? I hate him, mum. I have for the last year."
"What are you talking about?" she asked me. I don't think she was even processing my words. "They're practically your family. Staying anywhere else would be ridiculous."
"Staying there, would be ridiculous!" I cried out, throwing my hands up in exasperation. "You're not making me live there!"
She opened her mouth to reply back, when the front door swung open and heavy footsteps could be heard ascending toward the kitchen. I turned just as dad entered, dressed in his suit. He placed his briefcase down and went straight up to mum.
He gave her a quick kiss, before sweeping her up in his embrace. They stayed like that for several moments, before I couldn't take it any longer.
"I am not staying there!" I shrieked, my voice coming out panicked and high-pitched. I don't care if I sounded like a whiny brat. I think I deserved it after this double bomb shell.
"Honey," dad started. "Please don't cause a scene. This is hard enough for your mother already. You better get packing, our plane leaves in a couple of hours."
"Are you even listening to me!?" I cried, angry tears flooding my eyes. My breathing was heavy and my chest was heaving. I could murder someone right now. "I am not living there."
Dad turned and looked at me fiercely. "Lacey, you will not speak like that in this house. Stop being so selfish."
"ME!?" I screamed in outrage. "Have you not noticed-"
"LACEY." he barked out, effectively silencing me. "Go upstairs and pack your bags. Now."
We had a heated stare down, for several moments, before I snapped my head away. I rolled my tongue across my teeth, agitated.
"How long will I be gone for?" I murmured quietly.
"How long?" I said, pronouncing the words tantalisingly slow, my voice dripping venom.
My arms were shaking in rage. My hand was twitching with the impulse to hit something. Someone. His eyes flared with warning and I bit my lip, to stop myself screaming out in anger and actually going on a rampage.
"A couple weeks."
"A couple weeks?" I echoed incredulously, my body about to explode in anger. "No fu-"
"Lacey." It was my mother who spoke this time. Her voice was timid and soft. She pulled back from dad's touch, looking pale and fragile. When mum looked pale, you knew something was wrong. Her bronzed skin looked off-colour and her eyes weary. "Please. For me."
Clamping my mouth shut, I swallowed a lump that had seemingly lodged itself in my throat. Tears of frustration burned my eyes. My hands clenched in fists, I turned, striding from the room. I marched stubbornly up to my room and slammed the door shut.
My vision began to turn red at the sides I was so mad. I opened the door and slammed it shut again. This continued a couple more times, before my knees gave out, causing my body to sink to the ground in despair. Pummelling my fists into the floor, I grabbing my pillow. I threw it forcefully to the ground and smooshed my face against it, before screaming as loud as I could. My throat burned and my hands were aching in pain.
My father's words whirled around my mind, like a cyclone.
I was going to be staying, with my enemy, for a couple of weeks, possibly more. I drew my thighs up to my chest and buried my face into them.
If I was insane before, I don't know what I am now.
Hum, so what do we think of the second chapter?
- In Serial96 Chapters
Legends of Arenia
Arrival: Legends of Arenia Book 1 is now available on Amazon, Apple, Kobo, and Nook! Interested in the Audiobook? Find it on Audible! As for Book 2... new chapters are here! Legends of Arenia: Discovery chapters come out every Monday and Thursday for the rest of Book 2, and at 150k words, it's got some meat to it. Hope you all enjoy the next installment of the Sullivan family's Arenian adventures! The Sullivans are a normal family. But after being transported to the magical world of Arenia, normal isn’t a luxury they can afford. It's just another Thanksgiving for the Sullivans—until the walls disappear and they discover they are being transported to Arenia, a place where game rules are real and their Earthen ability to reincarnate grants them unlimited potential. Or it would, if the celestial administrator in charge of their case hadn't mixed up longitude and latitude and sent the wrong family. Oops. Too bad he already faked their deaths. Now scattered throughout the Arenian wilderness and armed only with their Tomes—books containing all of their skills, accomplishments, and quests—the family members must discover a strength they didn't know they had if they are going to survive long enough to find each other. Note: Contains some profanity and a turkey, but not a profane turkey. Personally, I'm fine with profane turkeys, but if that's where you draw the line, you should know there are none in this book. In fact, I'm going to promise you no profane turkeys for the entire series. That's my gift to you.
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