《Childhood Sweethearts》Chapter Three
Dedication: JordanDyannDeems for the awesome cover! Thank you so much for it, it's amazing. :)
"Lacey." it was my mother who spoke this time. Her voice was timid and soft. She pulled back from Dad's touch, looking pale and fragile. When Mum looked pale, you knew something was wrong. Her bronzed skin looked off-colour and her eyes weary. "Please. For me."
Clamping my mouth shut, I swallowed a lump that had seemingly lodged itself in my throat. Tears of frustration burned my eyes. My hands clenched in fists, I turned, striding from the room. I marched stubbornly up to my room and slammed my door shut.
My vision began to turn red at the sides I was so mad. I opened the door and slammed it shut again. This continued a couple more times, before my knees gave out, causing my body to sink to the ground in despair. Pummelling my fists into the floor, I grabbing my pillow. I threw it forcefully to the ground and smooshed my face against it, before screaming as loud as I could. My throat burned and my hands were aching in pain.
My father's words whirled around my mind, like a cyclone.
I was going to be staying, with my enemy, for a couple of weeks, possibly more. I drew my thighs up to my chest and buried my face into them.
If I was insane before, I don't know what I am now.
Carter's P.O.V:
"Can't I just stay..." The girl trailed off in a whisper, biting her lip seductively, twirling her long hair around her finger. "A little longer? Even if it's just ten minutes?"
I rolled my eyes at her forwardness, knowing exactly the double meaning she was implying. We both knew if she did, it would sure as hell be longer than ten minutes. I am Carter Williams, after all. I have a reputation for a reason.
"Sorry babe. I have things to do, people to see."
She pouted childishly at me. She ran her fingers up my arm, trying to convince me otherwise, as though her mere touch was enough to persuade me. Yeah, she was no Lacey Adams. No girl could do that to me, other than her. I quickly pushed all thoughts of Lacey into a file in the back of my mind, which wouldn't be opened any time soon.
I snapped back to the present, as the girl's eyes roamed over my chest, her fingers walking all down my torso and sighed. This one was going to make it difficult to ditch. This is why, one should never do a booty call before it's ten p.m. It was an amateur move on my part.
"Look, seriously, you need to go." I said, my voice dropping from the charming tone it usually was, becoming blunt. I grabbed her hand, stopping it from sinking any lower and gave her a warning look. "I'll see you out."
I wrenched myself out of her touch, ignoring the flare of hurt that flashed in her eyes. Rolling from my bed, I chucked on a shirt, the closest one I found and peeped out the door, making sure mum wasn't around. After the coast was evidently clear, I stepped out and ushered her along with me, trying to be as silent as possible.
She paused, causing me to run into the back of her. I grunted slightly in surprise, before staggering backwards. She turned and stared up at me, between her long lashes, chewing at her lip. I resisted the urge to slap myself in the face repeatedly.
Did she not understand the word 'no'? Actually, probably not. I don't think it would exactly be in her vocabulary.
"This way." I barked, ignoring the way she flinched slightly.
Her face fell at my obvious rejection. Well, it wasn't exactly rejection, we both already got what she came here for, but seemingly, she wanted to go again. Usually, hell yeah. But God, her clinginess was enough to turn me off.
Brushing around her, I took off towards the window door at the end of the hall. I quietly slid it open. After successfully doing so, I turned and swept my arm through, implying that she goes first. She just stood there rigidly, blinking in confusion. I closed my eyes, feeling a head ache begin to accumulate behind my eyes.
Got yourself a keeper here, Carter.
"Can't I just use the front door?" she asked, her eyes wide.
"No?" I said like she was stupid, my impatience bubbling to the surface and beginning to trickle into my veins. "Look, climb over the railings, there is a vine thing on the side of the house, pretty much a ladder. It will hold you, I go down it all the time."
She laughed humourlessly, shaking her head. "You're not actually asking me, Rebecca, Queen of the school, to climb down a vine? You've got to be joking."
"Do I look like I am?" I remarked challengingly, quirking an eyebrow at her.
She stared at me in shock for a couple of moments, processing what I had just said. Her face twisted into a scowl and her eyes narrowed at me. Oh, I'm trembling.
"You're such a jerk Carter Williams!"
"But you already knew that."
"But-I-You-" she began spluttering incoherent words, clenching her fists. "Y-you pig!"
I snorted despite myself. I couldn't help it, she was entertaining, to say the least. "That's the best you got?"
With that, I turned and slid the door shut behind me, satisfied upon hearing the click, informing me it was locked. I glanced over my shoulder, staring at her furious expression. I gave her a smirk before I waved enthusiastically. I began padding down the hall, chuckling to myself. No doubt, she will be mad, but if I called her to 'hang' again, she'd come running.
They always do.
I took a second to observe my surroundings. I lent back on the wall as I surveyed the place. I loved my house. It was unnecessarily massive for only three people, with two stories splitting it through the middle. The bottom half consisted of the kitchen, lounge and master bedroom, where my parents live. I have the whole top floor to myself, so that's how I have so many girls come through, without them knowing.
Well, most of the time. My parents were hardly ever home, so I only had to hide them sometimes. My father was a Doctor, which forced him to endure long hours at the hospital. Sometimes, he wouldn't be home until two in the morning and would be up and off to work again, before I was awake for school. So, it was pretty obvious that I didn't see him that much.
I spent more time with mum, but yet again, she was hardly home much either. She was a flight attendant at the nearest Airport, which was a twenty minute drive from here. She travelled all over the countryside, staying at places for days or weeks, whichever suited.
So, I lived by myself a lot, in this massive place. Luckily, we have a cleaner, Kim. I would be in a lot of trouble if I didn't have her. It was pretty sweet actually. I even had my own lounge, bathroom and gym room up here. It was the perfect place to bring the boys over and just smash the X Box and watch footy on a Friday night. They seemed to love coming here as well. I had a hard time sending them home.
It used to be great when Lacey came over...
I mentally slapped myself upon even thinking her name. I didn't want to be regretting what happened between us. She was the one who was holding the grudge, not me. Yeah, what happened shouldn't have, but what's in the past is in the past. I can't change it. She doesn't see that though. She seems to think I can just invent a bloody time machine and go back, to before everything was screwed up and fix everything.
Jogging down the stairs, the smell of bleach and disinfectant abused my nostrils. I gagged, scrunching up my face. I followed the source of the smell into the kitchen, where my mother was scrubbing excessively. She had long gloves on, that reached her elbows and the daggiest clothes I've ever seen her wear. My mother always dressed as classy and nice as she could, so seeing her in this was quite shocking.
Cocking my head to the side for a moment, I only now noticed the house was immaculate. Spotlessly clean. I couldn't see hardly one spot of dirt anywhere. Since when did my mother do the cleaning, when we had our own personal cleaner?
I furrowed my eyebrows questioningly. "Er- mum?"
"Hmm?" she responded, keeping her back to me.
Mum and I were pretty alike in the looks department. She was tanned, blonde and had bright, blue eyes, which I luckily inherited. I had her same golden tan, hair and eyes, that could 'light up a city', as Lacey used to say. There I was again, thinking about her. It was like my mind automatically switched to her, even after all this time.
I ran my hand through my hair, annoyed at myself. I wish I could just get over all the emotions I felt, whenever I saw her, but it was like she had permanently printed on me. Like she was embedded into my brain and no matter how much I pretend I don't care, it will always be there, nagging at me, reminding me of what I had. Before I screwed it all up.
"Why are you cleaning the house like the Prime Minister is coming over?" I asked her, snapping myself out of my emotional turmoil and back to the present. I found it easy to lose track of time and get side tracked easily, whenever my thoughts wandered to the beautiful blonde who lived next door.
"Well, she isn't a Prime Minister, but she will be staying here for quite some time. I wanted the house to be at least nice."
She? My ears instantly perked up.
"Who?" I instantly asked, intrigued, attempting to suppress the smile that was fighting its way onto my face. "And where is Kim?"
"Lacey." she said in an obvious tone, turning around and planting her hands on her hip. "Didn't she tell you at school? And Kim's on holiday leave."
"No..." I trailed off, my eyes wide and my heart jerking in my chest. Lacey... Lacey Adams, my ex girlfriend/best friend of sixteen years, who I was now practically enemies with, was going to come and stay with us?
"Lacey?" I echoed, shock coursing through my veins.
"Yeah. She'll be here in an hour or two. You can help if you like. I could use an extra pair of hands here. I'm not used to cleaning like this." she laughed as if this was just a normal day and my life wasn't just about to flip upside down. "Almost sad isn't it? How much we rely on Kim to prepare the house for us."
"That's what she's hired to do." I said distractedly, picking at my nails, which was a nervous habit I'd unfortunately picked up. And rubbing my neck. Both signs that I was nervous and I hated it. Lacy used to think it was 'cute'.
I swallowed, leaning back into the wall for support. Was that why Lacey was so angry at me today? Well, she was angry at me every day, but seemed almost more so today. But she would have said something, right?
"How long will she be here for?" I asked through gritted teeth, trying remain calm and act as casual as possible. Yeah I loved stirring up the girl for laughs, but having her live with me... could I pretend to not care with her here all the time? It was going to be a slap in the face of what happened, every single day.
"I'm not sure," she sighed, wiping the back of her hand across her head. "A couple of weeks. Liz's mother isn't well."
"Oh." I said slowly, feeling something stab at my stomach. "Is she okay?"
Mum just shook her head sadly at me, giving me a tight-lipped, grim smile. "They wouldn't travel all that way if she was."
I clenched my jaw, determinedly looking away from her intense, blue eyes. Lacey's family was like my own. Hearing the news of Liz's mother's illness was unsettling. I sighed, rubbing my hands roughly across my face.
"I thought you'd be excited having Lacey here?" she asked me.
"I am." I forced out with a smile, lying through my teeth. "I'm just surprised. You know, I didn't get to talk to her much today to hear about it."
She smiled at my response. "Lacey is such a lovely girl. It's so nice you guys have remained friends for so long. You guys were always perfect together."
Perfect. That single word, swirled around inside my head and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Yeah, we were once, before I blew it. My parents were oblivious to my life at all costs, apparently. They had no idea of the falling out we had. I must be one hell of an actor at those dinners. Do they not realise she doesn't come over at all anymore?
Well, I guess they're never here to realise...
Begrudgingly, I picked up some gloves and soap, making a face as I began to clean. I wouldn't do this for just anyone, but mum asked me and I always had this undying feeling to impress the girl I love.
Past tense, remember Carter? A voice in the back of my mind whispered, slapping me with remembrance of that day, over a year ago, that still haunted my sleep and gnawed viciously at my brain.
Lacey and I, together, under one roof.
Well, this should be interesting...
Lacey's P.O.V:
Kill. Me. Now.
I stood outside his house, one foot on the porch step, the other firmly on the path. It was like my own body was refusing to enter the house of death. Okay, frankly the house is actually really nice and I loved it. His family were beautiful and like my own. Despite this, nervousness spread through my veins and pumped in my blood stream. I swallowed a lump that had seemingly lodged itself into my throat. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. That, was an Anger Management exercise I had learnt, when mum had sent me to get help, to get over my 'issues'. (Little did she know, the boy she was sending me to live with was mostly the cause of these 'issues').
My parents were just about to leave. I could still see them bustling around in the house. If only I hid until they left, then I could crawl back into my house and just live there. I can just pretend to have lived with the Williams' the whole time and they wouldn't know a thing!
I grinned at myself. I do consider myself a genius at times. I heaved my bag back onto my shoulder and walked down his drive way. I kept going until I found the small pocket of shadows, that their dividing fence held.
Planting my bag down, I sat down roughly beside it. I drew my thighs up to my chest and just began humming to myself quietly. I had just closed my eyes and rested my head down, when I heard a rumble of a car. Snapping my head up, I peered out behind the fence. My mother was sliding into the Taxi. Huh, it must have entered the other side of the street, I hadn't heard it approach. I watched my parents buckle up, before the Taxi sped off.
Smirking devilishly to myself, I sprang back to my feet. Suddenly, all the nerves and the feelings of trepidation that had been accumulating inside me, vanished. It was replaced with cheerfulness and a rush of elation. I didn't have to go and live with him! Oh, the freedom.
Okay, that was dramatic, but oh well.
Unable to wipe the smile from my face, I found myself walking the familiar path back to my house. I walked up to the porch and tried to open the door. As I figured, it was locked. I shrugged my bag off and went to locate the key.
I dug around in the dirt of the pot, digging my fingers around it. A frown formed on my face when I couldn't find it. I felt my heart pang. No... they couldn't have taken it. Breathlessly, I began clambering everywhere, lifting the mat in front of the door, moving all the furniture around. I ignored the aching in my hands and the loud noise I was making.
Alas, I found nothing. I sank to the ground, my hope being crushed. I felt my face crumple as my previous feelings began rushing back into me, making me feel like I had been hit by a truck. My eyes began stinging and I gritted my teeth.
So much for that plan.
I rose to my feet and grabbed my stuff again, trying to keep my cool. With my knees high and my face twisted into a scowl, I marched back across to his house, determined to make the best of a crappy situation.
I would be okay. I would be fine. I would get through this. I had hardly opened the door, before he met me. A grin instantly lit up his face and I sighed deeply through my nose.
"Lacey!" he burst out. He swept me up in his embrace, smooshing my face into his hard chest. "I'm so glad you're here! Sleeeeep over!"
I ignored the flare of heat in my abdomen and pushed him roughly away. I frowned up at him and his over-the-top display of affection. He looked at me warningly and I gave him a baffled expression. Why was he looking at me like that? It's hardly like he thinks we're friends again, because I'm forced to live with him, right?
"What are you doing-" I began, when his mother, Miranda, bustled around him.
I couldn't help let the genuine smile cross my face, upon seeing her. She wrapped her arms tightly around me.
"I am so happy to have you here Lacey! You and Carter, together, this is going to be a blast!"
"Yeah," I said, forcing a laugh, beaming to the extent my cheeks hurt. "We sure will!"
She patted my cheek, before hugging me again. "It feels like I haven't seen you in forever! That must mean I'm not home enough!"
Again, I forced out a chuckle. "Pfft, feels like only yesterday."
She laughed, smiling from ear to ear. "Well come on in! Make yourself at home - although I needn't have to tell you, it practically is!"
Well, that may have been true in the past, but it wasn't now. I didn't say anything though. She quickly went off, doing something else. Carter opened his mouth to say something, but I turned my back to him and began mounting the stairs. I didn't look back and continued to walk, until I reached the spare bedroom. I shut the door, so he wouldn't follow me and dumped my stuff on the ground.
I sank to the ground, my hands shaking. I rolled my lips into my mouth, forcing myself to breathe. This would be fine. I would just avoid Carter, go to school, spend heaps and heaps of time out with friends.
I'd be fine.
I unzipped my bag and began unpacking, when the door was rudely barged open. He entered, smirking at me.
"Heya' roommate."
Producing a sweet smile, I turned and face him. "Carter."
"This is going to be so exciting!"
"Yeah. Highlight of my life." I deadpanned.
He grinned at my reply. "You'll see. You'll learn to love me again."
I froze and his face twitched. I don't think he was meant to let that one slip. We both stared at each other in silence for a moment, before his smirk was back on his face, as though nothing had happened.
"Be right back," he said, waving at me girlishly. "I'm just going to go downstairs and get some snacks, so we can do each other's nails and braid our hair!"
I stared at him blankly, as he clapped his hands with enthusiasm. He turned and swiftly left my room. I face-palmed myself, falling backwards onto my bed.
These were going to be the longest days of my life.
Thankfully, I had thought ahead and eaten dinner before I came, so I avoided that awkwardness. I stayed in my room, 'settling in', as I had called it. I was pretty much all unpacked, but was doing it at a painfully slow rate, as if waiting for my parents to come home and say they've just played a practical joke on me.
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-ateez little space-
𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘻 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘹𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘱𝘭𝘻 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘦𝘴 :>Editor: @pjmsprinkles
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