《Childhood Sweethearts》Chapter One
I wrote this story when I was fifteen. It's a rough, first draft that I wrote very quickly. I understand that this story is frustrating at times, but I don't want to waste my time re-editing and changing everything when this story will only remain as free entertainment on Wattpad.
Please understand this is a story about flawed characters and personal growth. If you want to read a story about perfect characters, this isn't the story for you. Happy reading!
Emily_Danielle for the awesome cover - thank you. :)
My arms pumped beside me and my legs were kicking wildly, surging me forward. I propelled through the water to the extent my sides were burning.
Water was burning my nose. My limbs felt like lead, resulting in my body wanting to sink faster than the Titanic. I urged myself through it, needing to beat my opponent.
Shouldn't have had that second piece of chocolate cake...
I could see his figure in my peripheral vision and it fuelled me into focus. I let the world around me fade. All I could see, was me and the bank. All I could think about was winning. Finally, after what felt like an eon, I reached the part of the bank where I could touch. I sprang to my feet and began to bound over the waves, literally neck and neck with Carter, fighting my way through them viciously.
I had to win.
He is an athlete and in comparison to me, is pretty fit. I speed walk most afternoons or jog, but I wasn't exactly bulk like him. Okay, so he kind of had puny arms and a six pack due to his skinniness, but still. He was a lot more toned than most of the guys his age and trust me, he wore the look well. I had to prove that I could beat him. At least once. It was always so close, but he always got me in the end.
This time, it was going to be different. My breathing was shallow and heavy, my heart was galloping wildly, threatening to leap out of my chest any moment.
"You can't beat me, Lace," his voice taunted as we both furiously leapt over the waves. All I could see was the white foam left over from the crashing waves and a tangle of our legs. The sun was beating down on my skin and although I was still drenched with water from the swim, I could tell sweat was beginning to form on my forehead. My long, blonde hair was trailing down my back, sticking unattractively to my skin. "I can't help it, I'm a professional."
"You - wish!" I panted heavily, my lungs swelling with the air I was consuming. He made this kind of activity look easy. Me on the other hand...
Only a little further, I told myself encouragingly.
My feet pummelled on the hard sand as we both drew closer to our destination. I dived forward like superman and dove head first into the sand, sliding across my belly. The sand felt raw and rough against my skin, but at the moment, it hardly even registered in my mind.
Gradually, I came to a halt, my head hitting the trunk of a tree. I gasped out, flinging my hands up in some sort of attempt to protect myself. It wasn't a bad hit, but it still hurt. I blinked a couple of times, trying to get my vision to clear, before I coughed, slapping my chest. I rolled onto my back, completely winded. I closed my eyes, my body aching and throbbing from the exertion.
"What!" Carter gasped out dramatically, collapsing beside me. I peeped through my half open eye, to witness his own popping out of his head. His head was whipping back and forth, from the land to the water, as though he was watching a tennis match. "You never win!"
"It's just what I like to call," I said, my voice a little shaky. I slowly reeled into sitting position, ignoring the stab of pain in my abdomen. I pretended to brush a piece of dust off my shoulder and stuck my nose in the air. "Skill."
He scoffed, crawling over to me, rolling his eyes. "You think you're skilled?"
"I know I am."
He chuckled and I frowned at him, not appreciating his attitude. He smirked devilishly and tantilisingly slow, crept toward me. I gulped, my face become blank and my eyes widening to the size of saucepans.
Before I had a chance to respond to his hands coming up, like two serpents launching for attack, he had me flat on my back, with my hands pinned above my head. This was a move Carter had perfected over the years and used on me frequently. His face was mere inches from mine. Our breaths mingled together and I blinked in surprise.
"Skilled, huh?" he asked me, his voice coming out husky. His hot breath fanned my face and I couldn't help let my eyes wander to his lips.
"Yep..." I trailed off, losing track of my thoughts.
This tended to happen when I was in close proximity with Carter. My thoughts melted into a puddle and my heart felt swollen. I battered my eyelashes up to him, drinking in all his features. His perfection always seemed to dazzle me and I became entranced. I could stare at him all day.
"What's this then?" he murmured, all joking sliding from his face, being replaced with seriousness, which I must say, was rare for him.
He edged his face closer and brushed his lips against mine fleetingly. Although it was only a peck, it felt amazing to me. His kisses always did. A swoop of tingles rolled down my body, through my stomach and down to the tips of my toes. My heart stuttered in my chest and my breath became hitched in my throat. He pulled back, smirking at my reaction and I stared up at him breathlessly, my eyes dilated.
Our friendship was hard to describe. Carter and I have been inseparable since we were both born. Okay, truthfully that's not quite accurate, as he is three months older then I am, but close enough.
We've known each other our entire lives. Our parents are best friends and we even live next door to each other. Having your best friend, live so close, is amazing. His house was practically mine and vice versa. Family dinners and get togethers were very common between us all.
Sometimes though, our friendship evolves into something a little more... intimate. We change our status to friends, to being in a relationship, quite regularly. Whenever we choose not to be together, it was completely fine with the both of us. Whatever the circumstance, there was never any awkwardness between us.
We're never really labelled 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend'. We're those friends that nothing can get in between. I know a lot of our friends envied what we had.
I, myself, have never had another boyfriend, bar Carter. I was still innocent in more ways than one. I can't really say the same for Carter though. Even at the age of fourteen, he is a lady killer. His golden locks and smoldering eyes, left many girls weak at the knees and me feeling very smug about the attention he gives me. He hasn't gotten with many girls yet, but he has a long line after him already.
He had that golden, beach tan and blond, floppy hair that just had you begging to run your hands through. We both had gotten braces at the same time, (and had been nicknamed the 'Gruesome Twosome' for a year), which meant we both had matching, pearly white teeth. I had been absolutely devastated upon hearing the news of getting braces. Everything was very dramatic, tears were shed and I had been a distraught mess. Although when I did finally get braces, it wasn't bad at all. I had convinced myself I would look ugly and no one would like me or want to be my friend.
So, in order to stamp on my pity-party, Carter had the brilliant idea of also getting braces, although he hadn't overly needed them that much. The crooked tooth on the right side of his mouth was enough to convince his parents and wah-lah, we became braces buddies. Which had my feelings developing for him at a more increasing pace.
Now that, was a true best friend.
He rolled off of me and I clambered to my feet, wiping the excess water and dirt that clung to my skin. I tilted my head back and stared up at him, loving the height difference between us. He placed his hands on my hips and lent down, kissing the tip of my nose. He drew back and smiled at me. I wrapped my arm around his back and he did the same around my shoulders.
My father, Ben and his Dad, Matt, built a cubby house for us when we were about six. We still used it. Our cubby isn't a little hut up a tree, that only was big enough for two toddlers. We had expanded on it over the years and it was practically an apartment. Our town was pretty big and was sectioned off to 'north' and 'south' islands, which was divided by a great bridge. The bridge wasn't very long and the water to swim across it, as you've just heard about, isn't actually that long of a swim. This part of town had a bunch of houses along the beach. Our parents co-own a couple of holiday houses along here, so having the cubby sanctioned outside, was super convenient.
For years, we have always raced across the water, in battle. This 'hut' was our Haven, basically. We spent so many nights here, it wasn't funny. If we wanted to hang out, or were upset, or anything, we met up here.
It was our tradition.
I trailed behind him wordlessly as we climbed the ramp that led us to the entrance of our little home. He opened the door and like the gentleman he is, let me go through first. I smiled sweetly at him.
"Why thank you," I said in a British accent, sucking my face back and attempting to look posh. He laughed, but soon sobered up and did the same.
"You're welcome, My Lady." he responded back without a blink.
I let out a bark of laughter and entered, with him hot on my heels. It wasn't fancy place or anything, but it was cosy and completely ours. It had wooden floor boards, a T.V, coffee table, mini fridge, benches, and all the essentials we need. We had a key to the door and everything, so it was all legit.
(We left the keys in a secret area - wouldn't want to lose them on the swim over!)
We literally had spare clothes here, so we wouldn't have to drive over the bridge and get them. That's how often we come here. It was more than our second home.. We spent more time here together than with our own families.
Carter went and fetched the towels for us from out back, while I ringed my hair out through the window, letting the cool breeze wash over my body. He re-emerged and chucked it at me. I caught it easily and threw him a grateful smile. We both toweled off in silence, before I hung them out on the railings, which were located at the front of the hut. I re-entered and grabbed his hand, loving the jolt of electricity that ran up my arm at his touch. Our fingers were interlaced as we strolled over to the lounge. We decided on the movie Jaws, (very ironic) and switched it on. I snuggled up beside him and sighed in content, completely satisfied with my day.
Carter had this indescribable scent to him, that made my stomach do back flips. I loved it so much, that I even slept in one of his jerseys. I could live here, with Carter, for the rest of my life and be the happiest girl in the world. I know that's sloppy and cliché, but it's true.
I turned to him and pressed my lips, softly against his. I pulled back and erected my pinky finger. I hovered it near his and he grinned, following suit.
"I promise..." I began in a low, soft voice.
"That we..." he continued without hesitation, already had knowing what I was going to say.
"Will be..." I whispered.
"Best friends, forever." he finished, wrapping his arms securely around me. He tenderly, kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes, in pure bliss.
Being in his embrace, I just knew, no one could ever hurt me.
I bit into my apple, as I one-handedly shoved my books into my bag. Attempting to zip it up, I continued to demolish the remains of my breakfast. I chucked the core into the bin and made my way back up my stairs, humming my new favourite song of the month. Quickly brushing my teeth, I double checked my reflection. I stared at myself for a few moments, allowing myself to actually take in my appearance.
My tan was golden and shined under the bathroom lights. My greens eyes stared unemotionally back at me. I had soft, red lips and a scatter of freckles underneath my eyes. I had long blonde hair, that tumbled down to the length of my elbows. My cheek bones were high and my collar bones stuck out so much, I could probably poke someone in the eyes. I have had numerous people confront me about being 'anorexic', but it was just my build. My whole family was thin, so I wasn't an exception.
I sighed, shrugging off my thoughts. After being somewhat satisfied with what reflected back to me, I skipped back down the stairs and swooped down, shrugging my bag onto my shoulders. I located my mother, who was ironing her work uniform and planted a quick kiss on her cheek. I had to stand on my tip-toes, due to her being ridiculously tall.
"See you, Mum." I sang.
"Bye, Lace." she smiled back, her bright blue eyes dancing.
Mum and I had look pretty alike. I had her golden hair, her tan and tall, thin build, although her legs ran longer than mine ever would.
I waved over my shoulder and walked briskly out to the front. I wrenched the front door open, a wave of the fresh, morning air washing over me. I took a big gulp, inflating my lungs. I smiled into the crisp, morning air and closed the door behind me. I took a couple of steps down onto my path and piled into my car, sliding across the cool leather seat, which feel smooth on my skin. I briefly checked over everything, before ramming my keys into the ignition. My beast rumbled to life underneath me and I adjusted my mirrors. I turned and rested my elbow on the seat, so I could see better. I began reversing, before slamming on my breaks. The car jerked to a halt and my body lurched forward. I growled in anger, ripping the hand break up and cutting the engine. I got out and slammed the door shut behind me with more force than necessary.
"I had a lovely evening," his familiar voice floated towards me again, making me clench my fists at the mere sound. "I'll call you."
I would bet you my car, he wouldn't.
"Thanks Carter," the blonde bimbo giggled, running her fingers down his toned arm. He gave her his player smirk, that seemingly nowadays was indented into his skin, making it his trademark. He seemed to never be able to smile genuinely anymore.
"Hey," I called out angrily, marching towards him, my lips spread into a thin line and my eyes narrowed dangerously. "Your one-night-stand is yet again, blocking my driveway!"
He shrugged nonchalantly, smirking down at me. I used to love the fact that he was about a head taller than me, it had made me feel small and cute. Now, it just frustrated me. It made him have more power than me and I hated it.
"So, this happens almost every week!" I screeched, anger pouring out of me. I shot my hands forward and shoved him in the chest. He staggered backwards slightly, but only took a couple of seconds to compose himself. He always had had good reflexes. Probably due to the gruelling years of football games he has endured. "I'm sick of it! They have the entire street to park, but coincidentally find themselves in my way."
He exchanged a look with the doe-eyed twit, before looking back at me in amusement. "Someone clearly has their panties in a twist..."
The girl giggled, the bubble of laughter filtered through the air, making me want to slap myself in the face. With my eyes burning, I dragged them from Carter and to her, shooting daggers. She gulped and took a step back, obviously receiving my 'back-off' signals.
"Me and my panties have nothing to do with you." I bit out, my voice low. My eyes found themselves glued back to his bright, blue ones. I used to fall into them, feeling as though they were as deep as an ocean, but now, I could hardly stand to look into them for more than a couple of seconds. "You made that perfectly clear."
His cocky expression wavered for a second and I thought I saw something flash across his eyes, but his mask was back on before I could study it too much. He was always good at covering his emotions. It was one of the things I hated about him.
"Are you done yet?" he asked, sounding bored.
"Just get your hook up out of my way," I said, swivelling my eyes to hers, looking at her distastefully. "Before I make her move."
She scrunched her face up and I took a warning step towards her. She sighed in defeat and turned away from us. She stormed over to her pink Bug and sidled in. Of course she owned a car like that. It contrasted with her barbie doll look perfectly. She waved at Carter, who waved back instantly and blew her a kiss.
I vomited a little in my mouth.
She drove off, thank the Lord. I sighed in relief at not having to rip my claws out completely this time, like I have had to previously. I spun on my heel and marched back towards my own 2008 Lancer, without another word to him.
"Oh, not sticking around for a chat?" he teased, following me like a bad smell. I gritted my teeth together to the extent it was actually painful.
"No. Thanks."
I didn't turn to look at him again and shut the door in his face. Without a backwards glance, reversed and took off, practically burning rubber. My nostrils were flared and my grip on the steering wheel was so tight, you could see the whites of my knuckles.
Okay, so you're probably wondering how I could go from being best friends for sixteen years with that boy, to not even being able to stand the sight of him.
Well, this is just the beginning of mine and Carter's very complicated relationship.
So... for the first chapter, what are you guys thinking? :)
REBL.TV has developed Childhood Sweethearts into a video animation! If you're interested in checking it out, this is the link for the first episode!
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