《Cynthia gets Flushed Away》Chapter 5
Meanwhile, Cynthia was being held captive back at The Toad's lair.
"Where are those idiots?!" The Toad yelled "It's so hard to get good help these days". The Toad then heard noises coming from the other room and the other hench-rats came running in, looking like they were trying to get away from something.
"What happened?" The Toad groaned at his hench-rats.
"The annoying little brat's out of control" one of the hench-rats replied, with a thimble over his nose. "She won't stop whining!" the fat one added.
Cynthia then came in saying "Excuse me gentleman but how am I suppose to find a proper masseuse around here?".
The Toad then came over to Cynthia, walking around and inspecting the teenage rat fashionista. "I must say, you my dear have to be the most unusual rodent I've ever met" he said before he then saw that she was holding Kali's crystal.
"Although I must say that gem you have is quite fascinating" he leaned in to get a closer look. Cynthia clutched onto Kali's crystal, keeping it close, remembering how Kali said "In the wrong hands the crystal's power can become very dangerous".
Spike and Whitey then came back, The Toad left Cynthia to go talk with them for a minute. Cynthia tilted her head and watched, although she couldn't make out much to what they were saying.
"What do we do with her?" Spike and Whitey asked, pointing out to Cynthia.
The Toad turned looking at Cynthia with contempt, thinking for a moment. "We'll use her as the bait" He smiled sneakily, thinking he could lure Rita and the others back.
"Bait?! I don't have any part of this!" Cynthia started telling the Toad and his hench-rats. "I didn't even wish to be here in the first place!" she continued. "I HATE RATS!" The teen fashionista yelled out of anger and hatred.
The Toad then stopped and turned to Cynthia, becoming interested in her after she mentioned her hatred of rodents. He then pondered for a minute, thinking he could use Cynthia for something.
"What if I were to tell you my pretty there was a way to end the entire rodent population" The Toad told Cynthia.
"I'm listening-" Cynthia started, looking hesitant but a little interested in what the Toad had to say.
"I've never told any other rat this before" The Toad started, going over to his scrapbook to have a look inside. This was something very private and top-secret the Toad has never showed anyone else, not even his hench-rats.
"I was once a pet to Prince Charles, until... it arrived" The Toad suddenly growled in anger over an old painful memory from his past. "It was a rat who cast me from paradise, and into this joyless, sunless void!" The Toad explained, feeling hurt and abandoned.
Cynthia suddenly and actually felt shocked and sad for the Toad, learning about his past. Knowing that most villains usually turned bad over little things like that.
"You see my parallelism follower, Rita has stolen something from me that's irreplaceable. The master cable, that's the whole key to ending the rat population" The Toad explained to Cynthia his plan. "So if you help me track done Rita then I promise you i'll get rid of all the rats in the sewers" The Toad was offering to make a deal with Cynthia.
Cynthia felt agitated, thinking for a few minutes what she should do. "I hate where this is going" the dramatic fashionista said to herself.
Meanwhile, not too far outside from the Toad's lair, the whole gang was in the Jammy Dodger as they slowly started to approach.
"It won't be easy sneaking in" Rita explained to Kali's gang. "Follow my lead" she told them, preparing to go in.
"This will never work!" Kali glouted. Everyone then looked at her weirdly. "Oh, sorry, that was my Cynthia impression" Kali told them, smiling embarrassly before she sighed.
"I almost feel as if I could see her coming at us right now" David sighed, as he saw Cynthia just walking out of the Toad's lair and over to the group.
"Wait, that is her!" The rest of the teens gasped, realizing David wasn't daydreaming.
"Cynthia!" The gang of teens cried out as they suddenly rushed over to Cynthia and dragged her into the boat, while Rita started up the engine again and quickly drove the Jammy Dodger off away from the Toad's lair as fast as it would go.
"Cynthia you're okay!" David was relieved. "What happened?" Teeders asked her.
Kali seemed the only one to be suspicious at the moment, since it didn't look like Cynthia was panicked at all to get away from the Toad's lair.
"Uh... I managed to escape" Cynthia replied, with a little hesitation.
"You?!" The twins were shocked "Wow, that's a first" they mumbled to the others.
"Well, we're just glad you're still in one piece" Teeders told their over-dramatic friend.
"Not all of us" Cynthia pouted, looking at her purple dress that had been ripped to shreds. There were rips all around the hem, and it was just going to get worse for Cynthia.
"Wow, how much bad karma do you still have?" Brock teased Cynthia just to get her annoyed.
"Wait a minute!," Kali noticed something about Cynthia. "How did you get those back?" Kali had her hands on her hips, pointing out Cynthia's high-heels which were back on her feet, thinking they were lost forever during the escape. They were also surprisingly clean, even sparkling a little.
"Uh- You can't just leave an expensive piece of fashion behind Kali! What kind of a monster would you be!" Cynthia exclaimed, like the high-heels where her babies, she even named them. Kali was still giving Cynthia that suspicious look, not believing her one bit until Cynthia tried to change the topic.
"I got your crystal!" Cynthia then handed over the crystal back to Kali. Kali gasped in relief, putting her crystal back on the chain around her neck. She could never lose the crystal, or else things could potentially happen. (Don't ask).
"And the good news is we're all back together" David said, that the six friends were reunited.
"Where to now Rita?" Ann asked the street scavenger rat.
"We just have to make a quick stop along the way" Rita told the group as she drove the Jammy Dodger through the canals.
"Just as long as it gets us away from here" Roddy said, missing his home.
Brock then couldn't help but mention that Roddy sounded exactly like that superhero Wolverine, and the rest of the gang agreed.
Cynthia started getting a little agitated and sweaty, with Kali watching her suspiciously. Kali seemed to know Cynthia was hiding something from them, while the Jammy Dodger continued motoring along.
Later by that night, the gang had stopped at a dock.
"What are we doing here?" The twins asked Rita.
"I just have to take care of a few things here, it won't take long" Rita told them.
"Are you sure we should be stopping with all those goons on our tail?" Roddy asked Rita, just being a little nervous.
"Well we're not gonna get far without a map, are we" Rita said.
"She does have a point you know" Kali told Roddy.
As the gang followed Rita, they looked up with shock to see a bunch of human-sized items stacked up on top of each other, swaying side to side.
"Is that a house?" David asked Rita out of shock. "Yep" She replied.
"That looks very dangerous" said Teeders.
"It is" Rita replied. "So, why don't you all wait out here" she told the rest of the group, when Roddy almost fell through the deck from a loose floor board.
"Waiting here-" Roddy started. "Excellent notion!" Cynthia concluded.
"Watch out for the piranha!" Rita warned them.
Roddy and Cynthia both suddenly jumped up in fear, grabbing onto a pole. Although Cynthia did jump higher up. The other teens started to giggle while Rita smirked.
"Oh, Ha Ha, very funny!" Cynthia scowled at them, realizing it was just a joke. Rita then closed the front door, going inside.
"RITA!!!" the gang heard various loud shouts when the whole house suddenly trembled and quickly swayed to the right. The gang all came over with Roddy to watch through the window, seeing Rita surrounded by a crowd of younger rats, who were all her brothers and sisters.
"Wow, it's like the 101 dalmatians of the sewers, but with rats" Kali remarked.
The teens then saw an older woman rat come over and hug Rita, assuming it was her mother. Roddy smiled, thinking Rita was pretty lucky to have a kind, loving family. The teens then saw another rat in a body-cast come in sitting in a wheelchair, assuming it was Rita's dad. He was about to give Rita a hug when the house suddenly swayed back to the left. Rita's dad rolled in his wheelchair, crashing into the wall with two of his other kids. Roddy and the teens cringed at that.
"Oi mom, there's a bunch of peeping toms outside!" one of Rita's brothers pointed to Roddy, Kali and the others at the window.
After a brief conversation between Rita and her mom, Roddy, Kali, and the whole gang ended up coming inside and got to sit down at the dinner table with the whole Malone family for soup. Everyone in the family was very curious with the odd group of teenagers who weren't from around here. But the family was also more interested in Roddy for obvious reasons.
"So, how long have you been Rita's boyfriend?" one of Rita's siblings asked in a teasing tone.
"He's not my boyfriend" Rita snarled a little, annoyed.
"Sure" David started, giving that playful smirk.
"For now at least" Kali whispered to her friends and they all started to snicker over what everyone thought about Roddy and Rita.
"So are you gonna make an honest woman of my daughter?" Mr Malone asked Roddy, already thinking he and Rita were together.
"Dad!" Rita said in that embarrassed tone.
"Well, we were sorta thinking a spring wedding, weren't we creampuff?" Roddy started teasing Rita while putting his arm around her shoulder before Rita hitted him in the face with her spoon.
"This is too good" Teeders whispered to the gang, as they all continued giggling.
"Look, I just want all of you to know he's-" Rita started.
"TOM JONES!" The grandma dipped her hands in the bowl of soup.
"Who's Tom Jones?" Brock asked his big sister.
"Heck if i'd know" Kali told her brother, shrugging her shoulders.
"This is so not Orthodox" Cynthia deadpanned.
"So Rita, where are you taking this handsome young man and these fine strangers?" Mr Malone asked before taking a sip of the soup.
"Well actually that's why I need your maps dad. They're from..." Rita started before clearing her throat. "Up Top"
Mr Malone then spitted his soup out all over some of his kids. "Kitchen, Now!" he told Rita with a stern look.
"Ooh, busted" Kali's gang thought.
"Oh, sing us a song Tom" Rita's grandma begged Roddy.
"This should be interesting" Ann commented to the rest of the gang of teens.
Rita was in the kitchen discussing the plan with her father, when Roddy started to sing for the whole Malone family, Kali's gang watched. Brock and David soon joined in with their guitars they managed to save in their backpacks.
"More! More!" The grandma begged until Roddy accidentally fell off the table.
"That was brilliant!" Mrs Malone told Roddy.
"Oh, it was nothing" Roddy replied.
"Couldn't have said so better myself" David added.
Mrs Malone then mentioned to Roddy she once knew a rat from Up Top, used to be some old lady's pet. But Mrs Malone said it was terribly lonely for him though and that it was no life for any rat. Roddy then offered to do the dishes.
Kali and her gang were enjoying their time meeting Rita's family. However they were getting suspicious with Cynthia, Kali specifically. The gang noticed how Cynthia was standing in a corner by herself acting distressed, chewing her fingernails. With the gang knowing Cynthia was a lady, she would never do that unless there was something wrong.
"Cynthia?" Teeders tapped her shoulder, as the gang came over to their diva-like friend.
"What!" Cynthia jumped in surprised, before turning to see her friends. "Oh, hey y'all" She smiled awkwardly, even for her.
"You okay?" Brock asked. "Dandy!" Cynthia quickly replied.
"Are you sure?" David asked, as the teens noticed Cynthia was sweating and the slang she was using.
"Yeah, you haven't acted that way since when they sold out that expensive perfume" Ann said.
"Yeah, since we got you back from the Toad" Kali added, giving Cynthia another suspicious look like she was trying to make her crack.
"Guys I told you i'm fine! Geez, Get off my back!" Cynthia almost yelled at the gang to stop bugging her, which left them confused.
"Hey, where's Roddy?" Brock then asked.
The gang looked around the room noticing Roddy was gone, before they overheard one of Rita's brothers say "He stole the boat". The teens rushed over to the window looking outside, and sure enough Roddy was leaving with the Jammy Dodger. Kali's gang, Rita, and some of her siblings rushed outside.
"Oi! I thought we had a deal!" Rita called out to Roddy.
"So did I!" Roddy glared at Rita before driving away, abroad the Jammy Dodger.
Rita's dad suddenly came wheeling out in his wheelchair and fell into the water with a splash. "This is an emergency! Get out of the way! Emergency, keep clear!" Rita's grandma jumped into the water.
"I'm coming Mr Jones, i'm coming!" The grandma started swimming after the boat, even though she was old she was a fast swimmer.
"Roddy!" Rita growled. "We gotta catch up to him!" said Ann.
"I know a way, come on" Kali led the gang.
"Follow Kali everyone" Teeders told the others, always trusting her best friend.
Rita and the others ran with Kali down to the docks. "I tell you Rita, I don't know how you do it handling that family of yours. I had at least 20 kids tackle me" David told Rita as he ran with the gang, before he realized something looking down at his wrist "They stole my watch!".
"Your mom needs a hobby" Brock added to Rita.
Kali then stopped the gang at the edge. Kali looked down at her crystal, holding it in the palm of her right hand. Now that she had her crystal back, Kali was gonna try something.
"What are you doing?" Rita asked Kali.
"Don't worry, she has a plan" Teeders told Rita.
"She always does" The twins added. Rita looked to the other teens curiously before watching Kali at work.
"Magic crystal, I would like a motor boat" Kali asked her crystal as it started to glow. And with that, a small motor boat appeared, big enough for everyone to fit into.
Rita was astonished at what she just saw happened while Kali just smiled and blushed a little.
"We know" David told Rita, how everyone who was around Kali before all had similar reactions.
The gang then climbed into the boat while Rita tied a toy rubber duck at the end of it.
"What's with the duck?" Brock asked Rita.
"I have something in mind for Roddy later" Rita told him, giving a sly look.
"Here put this on" Kali handed Cynthia a raggedy, old life-vest.
"I'd rather drown than wear this" Cynthia deadpanned, refusing to put on the life-vest.
"You know, when you go under your makeup will smear" Teeders told Cynthia in a taunting way. With that, Cynthia quickly strapped her life-vest on.
Kali then turned on the motor and the gang took off in the boat after Roddy.
"Ulgh, I've never felt so discombobulated in all my life" Cynthia complained.
"Oh stop being so snippy" Teeders barked at her.
"Well that's easy for you to say, you're not the one who turned us into rats!" Cynthia yelled, glaring at Kali.
"How many times do I have to say i'm sorry!" Kali sighed before yelling back at her drama queen friend.
"Whoa, wait, hold up" Rita started. "What's this all about? I mean you are rats, aren't you?" She asked, confused by the teens who were outsiders of this place. "And what's with that crystal of yours?" Rita pointed out to Kali's crystal, being very interested in it.
But before Kali could even come up with a good explanation to explain, the gang heard another boat approaching. "Shh, guys hold on a sec!" David told the gang. They continued listing when they heard familiar voices.
Cynthia was about to panic before Teeders clamped her mouth shut. Kali quickly told the gang to get low and duck while she used her crystal to turn them all invisible. A familiar boat then passed by as Spike and Whitey appeared, looking over into the empty motor boat.
"I thought I heard something" Spike said.
"Maybe it was just yourself complaining again about still living with your mom" Whitey told his partner. Spike glared at Whitey before looking back at the empty boat again.
"Keep looking" Spike told the other hench-rats before they took off again. After they left, the crystal's power then wore off and the gang reappeared. They sighed in relief. But they were also confused how it felt like Spike and Whitey knew about their location and were that close to finding them.
"That was amazing" Rita was truly impressed by Kali's skills and her crystal.
"Oh that was nothing" Kali smiled in a little embarrassment.
"Yeah you should see what she can do with that thing every 4th of July" Brock told Rita.
"If you don't mind Kali, i'd like to know more about this" Rita asked, wanting to know more about the crystal and why Kali's gang acted different from the other rats she knew.
"We'll tell you later, promise" Kali replied, promising Rita. The gang continued traveling in the small motor boat for the whole night, and would soon catch up with Roddy in the morning.
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