《Cynthia gets Flushed Away》Chapter 4
The gang was taken into the back room to a giant refrigerator. "Lets see if there's anything good in the fridge" The Toad had the door opened to the giant refrigerator.
"Former enemies, one and all" The Toad said while Kali and the others gasped to the site of rats frozen in blocks of ice. "A catalog of thieves, double-crossers, and do-gooders".
The Toad laughed evilly. "Prepare to meet your maker, your ice maker" he declared.
"Makes me laugh every time that one" Whitey commented.
"No No please, i'm too elegant and fashionable to be an ice sculpture!" Cynthia begged as the hench-rats chained up the group of teens and put them underneath a container with a hose above it. Spike and Whitey were above them, tightening the tube above the container the gang was under.
"Shut that door" The Toad told the hench-rats.
As the door to the refrigerator closed the gang looked over to see a tank that said "WARNING: liquid nitrogen, Cold!" and the hose was connected to the fridge
"Liquid nitrogen that'll freeze us instantly!" Roddy gasped.
"What do we do?!" The twins started to panic.
"There's a paperclip in my back pocket, see if one of you can get it" Rita told the others.
With her now big rat ears, Kali could hear Spike and Whitey's conversation above them. But she could also hear Cynthia starting to panic.
"Oh i'm gonna die. I'm gonna die as a rat in an ice machine with all of you gross vagrants!" Cynthia complained.
"Okay that is just supremacist!" David snapped at the teenage diva.
"Cindy will you shut up, you're not making this easy for us" Kali said, trying to wriggle herself out of the chains.
"Got it!" Roddy grabbed the paperclip and gave it to Rita for her to jimmy the lock that was hooked on the chains, while Cynthia continued whining.
"Oh I'm never gonna get my drivers license, I'm never gonna go to prom. Grow up to work as a fashion designer, or get married. I was gonna name my daughter Nancy, and eventually grow old and fail at life, winding up as an old cat lady like my grandma and great aunt Gladis" Cynthia cried while tears ran down her face. You could see her mascara coming off, making a mess of her delicate face.
"Okay Cynthia let me make this perfectly clear... No one cares about your outlandish problems, or your freaky family" Teeders quarreled a little at Cynthia. When suddenly the chains slid off.
"Right, put your hands together" Rita told Roddy. Roddy did so, but not in the way Rita wanted. The twins face-palmed.
"Allow us" Kali told Rita.
"Alright everyone, pyramid form now!" Teeders commanded the rest of the gang. The young teens quickly got on their hands and knees and formed a pyramid for Rita to climb up and loosen the hose above, enough for them to climb out.
"Ow!" Cynthia said once Rita stepped on her.
"Sorry" Rita said as she loosened the hose on top.
And they got out just in time to throw Spike and Whitey in the freezer. But unfortunately for Cynthia, the escape resulted in her getting another small rip in her expensive purple dress.
"Now, let me see the latest addition to my cubist collection" The Toad said, expecting to see Rita and the others frozen in a block of ice. But instead, Spike and Whitey came out, frozen in the block of ice.
"What?! Impossible!" The Toad was shocked.
"Oi, Kermit!" Rita called out. The Toad turned to see Rita and the others over by the staircase.
"The prize returns to me" Rita said, copying off the Toad's words from earlier to mock him. Now that she had the ruby back in her grasp. "You big, fat, slimy airbag!" She sneered at the Toad while putting the ruby in her back pants pocket.
The Toad was enraged as he broke the ice block with one punch. "After them!" He ordered. But Spike and Whitey fell straight over, still frozen together.
"We have to run!" said Brock.
"Okay but I'm wearing high heels so one of you has to carry me" Cynthia replied.
"Gladly" David gave a little smug smile, seeming delighted to carry Cynthia.
"Okay gross, not you" Cynthia backed away, refusing to be carried by David.
That's when the twins took off Cynthia's high heels and threw them at Spike and Whitey, knocking them off balance and landing on top of the other hench-rats, slowing them down.
"AH MY SHOES!" Cynthia cried out, whining.
Kali then quickly opened her backpack and gave Cynthia an extra pair of running shoes. Cynthia complained at first, having to wear those shoes she found stinky. But she ultimately slipped them on and the gang continued running. The teens soon all slid, bumping into each other in a line as Rita stopped.
"Why are you stopping, don't we have a plan?!" Roddy asked Rita.
"We? Who's we?" Rita said, not intending to bring Roddy along with her.
"Wait wait you can't just leave me here!" Roddy chased after Rita.
"Wait for us!" The twins said, as they and the others quickly followed after Roddy and Rita.
"Faster you idiots! They're escaping!" The Toad shouted to his hench-rats.
The gang jumped up to an open window but stopped, having nowhere to go, they were up pretty high. Roddy almost fell out, but Kali and David pulled him back in.
Cynthia then heard another loud ripping sound. She turned to see that a big piece of fabric from her dress got snagged on a pole, ripping off a part of the skirt. "AH, MY DRESS!" Cynthia whined.
Rita and the others jumped back down, to see if there was anything around they could use to escape.
"Look at that!" Kali pointed out to Rita a unique electrical cable that was connected to the machine.
Rita went to grab the cable and pulled it out. When strangely, right after Rita pulled the cable out, the whole power in the warehouse turned off.
"No! Not the master cable!" The Toad cried out as Rita took the cable.
"We have a plan?" Roddy asked Rita hopefully, with a smile.
"Put that back!" The Toad shouted.
Rita placed the cable over a plug that was connected all the way across the water to the other side of the city. She was planing on using the cable to slide across the plug like a zip-line.
"Wait, that will never hold both of us" Roddy told Rita.
"You're right. Toddle-loo" Rita smirked at Roddy, deserting him.
"What are we gonna use?" The twins asked Kali and the others on how they were gonna get across.
"We can use our jet-packs" Kali suggested.
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!" Cynthia hollered at Kali, knowing what the jet-packs meant. The teens got up on the window in position, ready to fly out. But the chain that Kali's crystal was connected to was loose around her neck, it fell off near the staircase.
"Ah, my crystal!" Kali exclaimed.
Cynthia jumped back down from the window and grabbed Kali's crystal, but she was then seized by the other hench-rats. Cynthia screamed.
"Cynthia!" David and the twins cried out.
"Forget it! We'll have to come back for her later" Teeders told the others.
"WAIT! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" Cynthia yelled. But Spike and Whitey were coming after the others, hot on their tails.
"F-F-F-Freeze!" they said.
Teeders and Kali's backpacks then shape-shifted into jet-packs, while the twins and David held onto their hands as they flew off after Roddy and Rita.
Roddy was holding onto Rita's belt, before it broke off and Rita's pants came down for Roddy to now see her underwear. Causing Rita to let go of the cable to pull her pants back up, when they fell. Luckily, Kali swooped down and caught them. Carrying all that extra weight was hard on Kali's jet-pack, but they all landed safely on a pipeline. Except for Roddy, who was the only one to smash land on his face.
"That was a close one-" David was about to start with a joke, since that's what he does. "Not now David!" Kali and Teeders both sighed in annoyance.
The teens then saw Spike and Whitey attempt to zip-line after them, but with their weight, the plug came loose and Spike and Whitey started to fall into the water.
"Keep your legs straight when you hit the water" Spike told Whitey as they continued to plummet. Spike ended up landing on the hard concrete while Whitey plunged into the water.
"I kept me legs straight Spike" Whitey popped out of the water.
Brock clutched onto his big sister, digging his nails into her skin, realizing how high they were up. Brock was a little afraid of heights. Roddy was quiet scared himself. Rita had a look at the cable, figuring what she was gonna do with it now. She soon connected the cable around her waist, using it as her new belt.
"Cool" Kali commented, liking the way it looked on Rita.
"See ya" Rita said goodbye to Roddy and the group before she jumped off the pipe.
Rita then slid down a wooden roof and swung from a nail, jumping from various human-sized items to the next for support on her way down, being very agile. She finally did a somersault, landing on ground level, making it look like a piece of cake. Kali's gang, especially Roddy were astonished.
"Whoa" Kali, Teeders, David, and the twins exclaimed with their mouths open.
"She's awesome" Ann commented about Rita, thinking she'd just found a new role-model.
"Oh, if she can do it... here goes" Roddy started to slowly move down off the pipe. Kali and the others knew this was gonna end badly.
Roddy slipped on a roll of toilet-paper at first, but then fell and got hit right between the legs on a faucet hose. Roddy got hit about three more times in between the legs all the way down.
"OOHHH! AAHHH! GAAHH!" Kali's gang literally cringed every time Roddy got hit in that special place. Roddy finally landed face first onto the hard concrete ground.
"And gently down" Kali heard Roddy say, in chronic pain. Brock couldn't help but laugh his butt off, he got out a paper bag to help him breathe.
"Well, there goes his chance at having any kids" Kali expressed.
"We better follow him" Teeders told the others. The rest of the gang nodded in agreement and they went after Roddy.
The teens came into town, looking around for Roddy and Rita in the crowd.
"Oh, where are they?" The twins said.
Just then, the teens saw Spike and Whitey show up. "Targets at twelve o'clock!" Spike spotted the group of teens while Whitey looked at his watch.
The gang ran before knocking over a tin-can with a banana peel. Spike and Whitey moved slowly and cautiously past the banana peel until they slipped on some slugs, landing in a pile of vegetables.
The gang then heard a familiar boat horn and turned over to the water channels to see the Jammy Dodger go by.
"Look, there's Rita!" The twins pointed out.
"And look, there's Roddy" Teeders spotted Roddy over on the bridge, cornered by Spike and Whitey.
"Lets go!" Kali led the teens as they ran over to the edge of the docks and jumped on the boat, just as Roddy jumped off the bridge as the Jammy Dodger passed by under it.
With all that weight that suddenly landed on the boat made it rock, causing Rita to loose her balance and accidentally fling the ruby in the air. Rita gasped as she reached out to grab her ruby when it landed in the back of Roddy's shirt-collar. Surprised, Rita crashed into Roddy, causing the ruby to fly up into the air again.
"What are you, some kind of rat boomerang?" Rita glared at Roddy. "Give me back my ruby!" She yelled and stuck her hand down Roddy's back, trying to get her ruby.
"I haven't got your ruby!" Roddy shouted and pushed her away until the ruby landed straight in his hand. "Okay, now I've got your ruby" Roddy smiled.
Rita lunged for the ruby, trying to grab it. But Roddy pulled back and held it dangerously close over the edge of the boat, Rita gasped.
"Please be careful" Rita begged "That ruby means a lot to me, it's priceless".
"Hold on" Roddy had a good look at the ruby "It's a fake".
"Ha, No it's blooming not!" Rita laughed before she quarreled "It's real!".
"Yeah, it looks real to us" The twins agreed with the scavenger rat. This quickly led to an argument between everyone.
"Look, look, you can tell, watch this" Roddy told Rita, then broke the ruby right in front of her. While the remaining pieces shattered and fell into the water.
"There you see, you can't break a real ruby" Roddy explained. Rita was now enraged, while Kali and the others knew this wasn't gonna end well for Roddy.
"Right, I probably shouldn't have done that" Roddy started, giving a nervous smile. "Look on the bright side, I saved your neck. Once the Toad knows it's worthless he'll stop chasing you for it. Roddy St James saves the day".
With that, Rita punched Roddy square in the face, making him lose his balance and fall below-deck. "Well that could've been worse" Brock commented. The teens soon came down below-deck to watch the fight.
"That ruby was from Queen Elizabeth's crown! It fell down the drain of Buckingham Palace!" The teens watched Rita throw all sorts of junk at Roddy.
"Maybe the queen wears fake jewelry" Brock thought.
"Should we help?" Ann asked Kali and the others.
"Nah, I'm enjoying this" David smiled while he started eating some popcorn he got out from his bag.
"Can we just talk about this?" Roddy asked, trying to reason with Rita.
"Real or not, that ruby was gonna change my life!" Rita got out a bow-n-arrow and launched some crayons at Roddy, who was using a human-sized cellphone to try and protect himself.
The cellphone got dialed a few numbers and answered to some Chinese takeout restaurant. "Han Chin Chinese takeout" the voice on the other end of the phone-line answered.
"Yes, I'm being attacked by a mad woman! She's got crayons!" Roddy panicked as he yelled into the phone.
Kali and the others frowned when they saw Rita feeling pretty miserable. Kali came over to try and comfort Rita while the other teens stood by them. Roddy soon hung up on the phone call.
"Rita?" Roddy started as he came over to the sassy street scavenger rat.
"Just go away, all of you, please" Rita sighed.
"I... I'm sorry" Roddy apologized.
"Sorry? Me and my dad worked these drains for years. He broke every bone in his body trying to get that ruby. It was going to be the answer to all our prayers, now it turns out it was a stupid fake" Rita explained, still feeling upset.
"There must be something we could do to help" said Brock.
"Yes" Roddy then got an idea "Maybe I can make it up to you" he told Rita.
"Get stuffed" Rita deadpanned.
"No I mean it. See back at my place we got a jewelry box crammed with rubies and diamonds, real ones. So, all you have to do is get me home to Kensington, and i'll make you rich beyond your wildest dreams" Roddy explained to Rita.
"Hey don't forget about us. We need your help to get our friend back" Teeders told Rita about rescuing Cynthia.
"Aw man, can't we just leave her there?" The twins said, wanting to leave Cynthia behind.
"No!" Kali firmly told her younger siblings. As much as Kali hated Cynthia's antics, they had to get her back.
Rita sighed. "Okay, I'll help you"
Rita was definitely willingly to help this group of strange out-of-town teenagers, but she had her doubts on Roddy though.
"But how do I know from you this ain't just a load of old rubbish?" She gave the upper-class rat a dirty look.
"Well, I suppose you'll just have to trust me" Roddy told her.
Rita thought for a moment, giving Roddy that look if she really could trust him. "I must be out of my mind" she told herself.
"Alright, you all got yourselves a deal" Rita said, before spitting into the palm of her hand and held it out to Roddy. Kali, Teeders, and the rest of the gang were familiar with this although Roddy was not.
"Go on, you too" Rita told Roddy.
"Ew that's disgust!" David groused.
"David?!" Teeders and the rest of the gang looked confused and a little shocked at him.
"Sorry, I'm just imagining what Cynthia would say if she were here right now" David told his friends.
"Poor Cynthia" The twins sighed, thinking about what was possibly happening to her.
Roddy hesitated at first before he was about to spit on Rita's hand.
"Your own hand" Rita, Kali, Teeders, and everyone else told Roddy, sounding a little annoyed with him.
Roddy smiled embarrassingly, then spit in his hand and gave it to Rita. They both shook hands, making their deal official.
"Don't worry Rita, you can count on us" Kali told the red-haired scavenger rat her gang would be of great help to her. Rita smiled fondly to Kali, seeming to take a liking to the tomboy's attitude and free spirit.
"I sure hope Cynthia's okay" David sighed, being really worried about her.
"Are you kidding? She has muscles the size of a peanut and a brain the size of a grape" Brock deadpanned.
"Brock's right, she's doomed" Ann agreed.
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