《Cynthia gets Flushed Away》Chapter 6
By the next morning the gang had been motoring along for awhile, when Ann finally spotted the Jammy Dodger up ahead. They came up to the Dodger's side and boarded the boat. The gang could hear Roddy down in the engine room.
"I'm gonna give that conniving little toe-rag a piece of my mind" The gang saw Rita tighten her fist in anger before she headed down into the engine room.
The teens were about to follow after Rita when- "Guys wait" Kali stopped them. "I gotta tell you all something" She said.
"What is it Kali?" Brock asked as he and the rest of the gang gathered.
"Don't you guys think it's strange how Spike and Whitey almost caught us last night?" Kali asked the gang, recalling last night.
"Yeah, it felt like they knew our exact location from the start" Ann added. The gang agreed, thinking something seemed fishy about all this.
"You know, weirder things only started happening after we got Cynthia back from the Toad" David mentioned. Cynthia then started to back away from the others while they weren't looking.
"You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you Cynthia?" Teeders asked the drama queen, fashionista of their gang.
"What!?" Cynthia suddenly froze in her tracks. "Of course not!" she quickly replied while turning around to face her friends, smiling in that nervous manner. But the gang looked at her with deception, since they could clearly see the sweat coming down from her face. The teenagers then went down to the engine room.
The teens soon came down into the engine room, where Roddy had been quarreling with Rita. The teens soon learned that Roddy thought he had been double-crossed, and that Rita and her family were going to sell him to the Toad. But it turns out it was just a misunderstanding from Rita's brother Liam.
"Roddy how could you think Rita would sell you out!?" Teeders asked Roddy like he was out of his mind. "Thank you" Rita said to Teeders, glad to have the teens on her side.
"When I make a deal, I make a deal" Rita told Roddy she'd NEVER go back on her word.
"Yeah it's true" Ann added, believing the street rat, who she was really starting to look up to as a role model.
"Your hair's on fire" Kali then pointed out to Roddy.
"What?" Roddy asked, before realizing there was a little smoke coming from his hair. He panicked a little before quickly putting it out. "Rita look, i'm sorry. I was wrong, and I think we should just put it behind us" Roddy told Rita they could forget this ever happened.
"Okay, I suppose I could put it behind me" Rita said with a smirk, having something in mind for Roddy.
Rita ended up having Roddy being put on the toy rubber duck, stranding him.
"This is such an overreaction" Roddy said "Rita, you can't just leave me here on a duck". The teens also thought Rita was being a little too harsh, planning on leaving Roddy stranded. Rita then threw Roddy a guitar for him to use as an oar.
"You're getting everything you deserve, sneaking around eavesdropping on other people's conversations" Rita told the uptown city rat.
"I was not sneaking around" Roddy said, thinking Rita was overacting when she said that.
"Right" Rita gave him that look after filling up the boat with gas.
"I say, you can't really intend to just strand me like this. You're not that heartless?" Roddy asked Rita.
Rita then started up the engine and the boat took off, leaving Roddy behind. "Okay maybe you are" Roddy said. Kali and her gang watched poor Roddy trying to paddle after them on the boat.
"Look if you're trying to teach me a lesson consider it taught! I'm on a duck, begging!" Roddy called out to Rita, but she just ignored him.
Kali's gang then noticed a rope tied to the end of the boat. They threw the other end out to Roddy for him to tie the duck on.
Rita started checking her boat, making sure everything was in contact. When Rita then heard the sound of music playing, plus singing. She stopped the motor and came over to the stern, where the teens where watching Roddy sing a song he made up called "Ice cold Rita". Even the slugs joined in singing, which made Cynthia feel a little uneasy around the slugs.
Rita soon used that giant hand grabber thing on her boat to grab Roddy and bring him back over to the boat. "Am I forgiven?" Roddy asked Rita.
"Nope, I was just afraid you'd sing another verse" Rita said.
"Nice singing though" Kali's gang told Roddy.
"Rita I wasn't eavesdropping, I swear to you" Roddy told the female street rat.
"Oh, really?" Rita pulled the lever up, having Roddy dangle over the water. "What were you doing then Roddy?".
"Well, I was actually just watching you with your family and... thinking how lucky you were" Roddy told her.
Rita looked to Roddy, she pulled the lever down, putting him back down on the boat. "Lucky? Stuck with you?" She sighed, walking up to him.
"So our deal's still on?" Roddy asked the street-smart rat.
"Sure it is" Rita nodded, forgiving him. The two of them even did another spit shake.
"Ew that's disgusting!" Cynthia cringed, being grossed out.
"See, I told you guys!" David told the rest of the gang of his Cynthia impression from earlier, calling it.
"Look I really want to help out more around here. Just give me a job, anything... engineer, navigator. I could drive for a bit if you'd like" Roddy offered Rita.
"We can help clean the boat" Kali's gang also offered.
Rita smiled to all of them, happy for the help. But she then looked at Roddy seriously, thinking for a moment.
A little while later, Kali and the gang were cleaning the deck with mops and scrubs, while Roddy was scraping off barnacles on the side of the boat. Cynthia of course couldn't stop complaining how gross of a job this was for her.
"Cindy will you stop bickering and help us clean!" Teeders told the diva while glaring at her a little in frustration.
"But i'll get dirty" Cynthia whined. "You're all ready dirty!" Brock yelled at her, annoyed.
Cynthia groaned in response before she picked up a bucket of water and came over to the others. But she tripped on her high-heel, and the bucket went flying into the water. The other teens groaned at Cynthia again before they heard a familiar voice arguing with another familiar voice. They looked out to the tunnel, squinting their eyes. And the teens could've sworn they saw Spike and Whitey on a small boat, approaching them fast. And guess what, they were right.
"THERE THEY ARE!" Spike shouted out, pointing to the gang as they gasped. "Go get'em lads!" Spike said when the other hench-rats came out on eggbeaters above the tunnels, using them as jet skis.
"How do these idiots keep finding us?!" Kali said in irritation. But the teens just couldn't ignore and comment on how stupid that one rat who was on a toaster electrocuted himself.
"Rita!" Roddy and the others shouted out to her as a warning sign.
Rita looked to see the hench-rats fast approaching, but she didn't do anything. "What are you waiting for!?" Cynthia shouted at Rita, being panicked. But Kali knew Rita had a plan.
"Wait for it, wait for it..." Rita told them, waiting for the hench-rats to get closer at just the right moment. "NOW!" Rita then punched her foot down on the motor and the boat took off with the hench-rats just missing the chance to swipe them.
"Have another go if you think you're fast enough!" Rita taunted the hench-rats before the boat took off at full speed, "Wahoo!". Roddy panicked while he held on for dear life. "Hold on Roddy!" Rita told him.
"Get that cable lads!" Spike ordered the hench-rats to chase after Roddy, Rita, and the gang on their jet skis.
It was a wild ride chase through the city as Rita drove the Jammy Dodger through twist and turns to narrow escapes. David got out his bow-n-arrow he got from Robin Hood and started shooting arrows at the hench-rats to try and slow them down.
"Oh I think i'm gonna be sick!" Cynthia started turning green and feeling dizzy while clutching her stomach.
"Rita what are you doing!?" Roddy shouted when Rita quickly steered the boat to the left, making a sharp turn through some boats, trying to evade the hench-rats. But the hench-rats jumped over the boats, still hot on their tails.
That sudden sharp turn made Cynthia's stomach jerk before she put her hands over her mouth, ready to let it out. Kali and Teeders then smirked at each other, having the same idea. The two of them held Cynthia out over the edge of the boat and she threw up all over, which caused the hench-rats to jerk their jet skis away, trying to avoid Cynthia's puke.
"Rita, can we go faster please?" David said.
"We don't have to" Rita told David before she pulled a lever. "Go, go, purple custard" some custard mix was poured into the water, slowing down a few of the hench-rats.
Rita turned back to see that the hench-rats were still after them, before she turned back to the front and screamed in surprise. Nearly ramming into a billboard, Rita steered the boat again, making another quick sharp turn when Cynthia screamed as she fell off the boat and into the water.
"CYNTHIA!!!" Kali's gang cried out.
"HELP!!!" Cynthia cried out in panic, trying to stay afloat.
"Cynthia went overboard!" Kali quickly informed Rita.
Rita quickly set into action and punched her fist down on a button, having the hand grabber thing to pick Cynthia up and put her safely back on the boat. But this caused for another rip in Cynthia's dress.
"Oh thank you, thank you!" Cynthia breathed out in relief while hugging Rita.
"You're welcome" Rita smiled to Cynthia.
"You okay?" Kali asked her friend. Cynthia nodded yes before looking to see that her dress had been ripped again. "Why me!?" Cynthia whined.
"Look on the bright side, you could've fallen into something much worse. Like a big smelly pile of-" David started.
"Don't... even... say it!" Cynthia growled, glaring at the jokester of the gang.
The chase continued, when Roddy spotted a dinosaur balloon and a tunnel up ahead, getting an idea and Kali's gang seemed to know Roddy's plan.
"Rita, try and go right!" Roddy told the scavenger rat. "What?" Rita was unsure about this.
"Just trust him on this one!" Kali told Rita, since she and the others already trusted Roddy.
"I hope you all know what you're doing" Rita told them before steering the boat around to the right. Roddy then grabbed a hold of the rope to the balloon and dragged it along, getting it stuck in the tunnel so the hench-rats couldn't follow them.
"Well done Roddy!" Rita and the gang cheered. "Way to go!" Kali added.
"Hooray we did it! We did it!" Roddy cheered in victory, until Spike and Whitey suddenly burst through the balloon with a sharp can-opener like object. "We didn't do it".
"Don't these idiots ever give up?" Ann asked her friends in irritation.
Spike then launched himself over on a mousetrap, landing on the boat while connected to a telephone cord. "Just thought i'd drop in" he glared at the group while pointing the sharp object at them. Cynthia screamed in panic, clutching onto David.
"Rita do something quick! Anything!" Roddy said.
"Hang on tight!" Rita warned the gang before pressing a dangerous red button. The boat then suddenly took off, fast like light-speed on a spaceship.
The teens were blown back against the boat while Spike had Roddy trapped and laughed evilly. "Any last request?" Spike asked Roddy before he would finish him off.
"Yes, could you fly quite suddenly off the boat screaming like a girl?" Roddy said while the teens smirked, knowing what was about to happen.
"What?" Spike said when suddenly he went flying off the boat screaming like a girl, while Roddy, Rita, and Kali's gang all laughed. Spike ended up getting hurt real good and sunk his and Whitey's boat.
"He'll definitely feel that tomorrow" Brock laughed while he had recorded the whole thing on his camera with Spike screaming like a girl and getting hurt.
"WAHOO!" Everyone cheered. Kali and her gang saw Roddy and Rita look at each other, getting caught up in the moment until Kali shouted to Rita "Look out!".
Rita turned around to see they were about to crash into a couple on another boat. Everyone screamed until Rita jerked the boat hard and they went up and around the tunnel like a rollercoaster, until they came back down in the water and a paper bag used as a parachute deployed to slow down the boat. Everyone took in a deep breath as the Jammy Dodger now calmly glided on the water. The gang was glad that was all over.
"That was close" David breathed in relief. "Yeah" Everyone else agreed.
"Okay, now that was just even more bizarre than last time" Kali told the gang. And she was right, as the gang soon realized how Spike and Whitey almost caught them was similar to that situation they had last night. But a certain detail someone knew was left unexplained.
"Any ideas how they could've found us that fast" Brock asked the gang on Spike and Whitey. The teens all started to ponder.
"Roddy, Rita, do you know why Spike and Whitey would just chase us like that?" Ann asked the real rats to see if they had any theories. But even Roddy and Rita were puzzled.
All this discussion made Cynthia feel distress for some odd reason. The gang knew something strange was going on, but it was too confusing for them at the moment. They decided to figure it out later.
Later that night, the gang had stopped and soon sat down for dinner.
"This is quite tasty" said Rita.
"Yeah, this rice is pretty good" Cynthia agreed.
"Uh Cynthia... that isn't rice" Teeders replied.
The slugs then started singing to Cynthia as she realized it was maggots she was eating, and the maggots started singing too.
"EEEWWWWW!!!" Cynthia threw her plate in the air, screaming. Running her fingers on her tongue before she ran over to the side of the boat, leaned down and drank some water.
"You do know that's sewage water waste you're drinking" Ann told Cynthia.
Cynthia quickly spitted out the water and continued going nuts. Running around like a crazy cartoon, trying to find any other liquid to wash the taste out of her mouth.
"Ha! She had that coming to her" Brock smirked while he recorded Cynthia totally losing it on his camera.
"Now this is just sad" David said while watching Cynthia.
"STUPID RAT SOCIETY!" Cynthia whined.
Cynthia's complaints only confused Roddy and Rita. The two rats stared at the young fashionista oddly while tilting their heads, since Cynthia appeared to them on the outside as just another poorly sewer rat.
"Your friend is rather eccentric" Rita said to the gang of teens about Cynthia. "I can tell she's definitely not from around here"
"Yeah. In fact we think she was born from a piece of fabric seam and a really bad knitting machine" Kali joked. Roddy and Rita both chuckled to that.
Kali and her gang then explained Cynthia's story to Roddy and Rita while Cynthia continued running around screaming, going crazy from eating those maggots. Back home, Cynthia had a rival named Tiffany, who's the richest girl in the whole community (Cynthia was the 2nd). Cynthia has also been picked on by the other kids at school just because she's rich. A common misjudgment most people had for wealthy humans of society.
"She may be... a bit vain, but she means well" Teeders explained to Roddy and Rita, when Cynthia finally found some mouthwash and spit the water out.
"She is a violent soul though when it comes to shopping" David told the two REAL rats.
"Yeah, you should see the way she tears through the mall on Black Friday" Brock added.
"I HATE SLUGS! I HATE RATS! I HATE SEWERS! I HATE EVERYTHING!" Cynthia yelled in outburst so loud, enough for everyone in the whole sewers to hear her. Her face was boiling red.
"Aw, I kinda like you as a rat Cynthia. It helps if you don't say anything" Kali told her over-dramatic friend with a smirk, just to spite her.
Cynthia growled and then suddenly lunged at the tomboy, turning it into a playful brawl while the others laughed with them. Kali obviously won, being the stronger one.
"So, where are you all from?" Roddy asked Kali and the others, changing the subject. As he and Rita were curious to know why the group of teens all acted very different from regular rats.
"Uh... it's a bit more complicated than you think" Kali started, not really wanting to get into detail and explain that they were actual humans who turned into rats. But she and the gang did tell Roddy and Rita that they were from America, and that it was a long story.
"Do you have a lot of siblings?" Rita asked Kali, randomly.
"Nope, just these two" Kali put her arms around the twins, then gave them both noogies, playfully while they laughed.
"But we do have an older brother who's in college though" Ann did mention.
Rita was really starting to have a fondness for these young adventurers, even Cynthia.
"So Kali, what's this all about with that crystal of yours?" Rita asked the tomboy out of curiosity. Pointing at her crystal, wanting to know more from earlier.
Kali explained to Rita how the crystal had led her on so many adventures with her friends. Kali started telling Rita about some of her past adventures with Beethoven, The Recess gang, Finn and Jake, E.T., and Curious George. Kali even got to tell Rita about her and the gang's most recent adventures where they discovered a new realm with her crystal's magic. It was a magical place called Equestria, where colorful little ponies lived. This really impressed the street rat as she gazed on Kali while listing to her various adventure stories.
"You know... I think we did pretty well today" Rita told the gang before she said to Roddy "I suppose, maybe I misjudged you a bit. I mean you're not-"
"Do I hear an actual compliment coming?" Roddy asked Rita, giving a small smile.
Rita sighed "Never mind". "No, No, say it" Roddy insisted.
"Well, you're not entirely the useless, whiny, stuck-up, pompous, big girl's blouse I thought you were" Rita playfully hitted Roddy on the shoulder while he did the dishes.
"There, was that so hard?" Roddy asked Rita in a playful, teasing tone.
"Oh no they didn't" David randomly commented on that moment.
"They remind me so much of Rocky and Ginger" Kali sighed in memory, how Roddy and Rita reminded her of her chicken friends.
"You miss them, huh?" Teeders asked, seeming to tell by her best friend's feelings. Kali nodded before frowning a little bit.
"I miss them too" Ann said. But Kali was planing on visiting them again, cause the chicks were growing up.
"Well, we all better get some rest if we're gonna get you guys home tomorrow" Rita got out some socks for the gang to sleep in.
"Ulgh, I haven't showered in 48 hours. I think I'm gonna plotz" Cynthia grumbled.
"Cynthia you're not dying" Teeders deadpanned while rolling her eyes, before laying her sock out.
"Tell me about yourself, Cynthia" Rita asked, mostly being interested in the fashionista out of the gang.
"Who me?" Cynthia pointed to herself, a little confused. The street rat nodded to Cynthia with a warm smile.
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