《Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (Arjuhi Fiction)》Part 15
Arjun came down the stairs and stood infront of Arohi. She tilted her head to look up at him and gave him a smile. "Would you like to have dinner with me tonite Arohi? Arjun asked. Taking a strand of hair that was falling in her face and pushing it behind her ear. Arohi gave him a big smile. "Are you asking me on a date Mr. Singhania" she teased. "Yes, I am Miss Ahluwalia" Arjun teased back. "Alright, so where are you taking me on our first official date?" she asked excitedly. "Hmm..Arjun said walking around her with his hands behind him pretending to really think about it. Well there's a really good Dhaba close by, they have the best butter chicken. We could go there." "Dhaba?!" Arohi said slowly making a face. "Butter Chicken" she repeated "You're taking me to a Dhaba" she asked slowly with a confused look on her face. "Sure, why not" Arjun said turning away from her so that she wouldn't see his mischievous smile. "Don't worry you'll really like it." "I need to make a quick phone call. I'll meet you back here in 5 minutes." Arohi stared after him still shocked. Arjun was taking her to a Dhaba for their first date. She really knew how to pick them she thought to herself. Grabbing her own phone she sent a quick text to Aria who had been texting her all day wanting to find out how everything went.
"Ready?" Arjun asked as he came down the stairs. "I guess" Arohi said half heartedly. They walked to Arjun's car and Arjun went around and opened Arohi's door for her. Thanks she said smiling at him. Mumbai traffic was as busy as it was every night but Arohi didn't mind it. She loved spending the time with Arjun. Every once in awhile he would reach over and grab her hand and kiss it gently or he would laugh at something she had said and she would feel goosebumps travel up her arm. She loved his laugh. Arjun and Arohi kept up a steady conversation throughout the drive. Arjun asked her about her cousins and about the rest of the Goa trip. He talked about the project he had been so wrapped up in. When Arohi watched him talk about work she noticed he grew so passionate about it. She knew he loved it. Listening to his deep voice that would sometimes grow husky when he looked over at her, made her tingly all over. For once it wasn't Arohi doing all the talking, she liked that Arjun was opening up to her.
They pulled up outside a modern looking building. Arohi looked at Arjun with surprise. Arjun just smiled at her, got out and passed the keys to a valet and went around to the other side to open the door for Arohi. "I thought we were going to a Dhaba' she questioned. Grabbing her hand he led her to the front entrance. "Do you really think I would take you to Dhaba for our first date?" Please what kind of guy do you think I am?!" We'll save the Dhaba for our second date" he joked. Besides you looked way too good in that dress to waste it on a Dhaba." He laughed as Arohi swatted him on the arm.
They walked in and Arohi was instantly reminded of the time she spent in Tuscany. "Welcome to Indigo" a hostess greeted them at the door. "Mr Singhania, so nice to see you again a man that Arohi assumed was the manager said. " I'll take you to your table." He led Arjun and Arohi through the beautifully designed room with dark furnishings and candle lit tables. He walked them outside to a beautiful terrace and then to a candle lit table. Arjun held out her chair for her. "If you need anything please let me know. Your server should be with you shortly" he said as he poured wine into their glasses. Arohi tasted the wine and smiled appreciatively. "I thought you're like that one" Arjun said tasting some himself.
Arohi looked around and took in the ambiance, the candles, black tablecloths and linens, the greenery. She almost felt like she was on a terrace in Rome. "This is so romantic" she said dreamily to Arjun. Arjun smiled. "I'm glad you like" it he said. "I come here more for the food, it's great but I knew you would appreciate the ambiance. Sorry it's all I could think of on short notice." "That project had me completely occupied the past few days." "I wanted to make our first date special for you." "It's great, Arohi said smiling at him. "I love it." Dinner itself was delicious but the time they spent together was amazing. They laughed and talked. Arohi found herself thinking that even though she had met Arjun just a short time ago she felt more comfortable with Arjun then she did with some people she'd known for years.
They didn't realize how long they'd been their until Arjun glanced at his watch. 3 1/2 hours he thought and he'd enjoyed every second of it. "Shall we get going?" he asked Arohi. "Sure" she said smiling. As they left Arohi caught a glimpse of the two of them in a mirror they passed, We look good together she thought to herself smiling, Arjun glanced at her and looked at her questioningly. She just shook her head. Neither one wanted the evening to end as they got into Arjun's car. "Do you want to go for a walk on the beach?" he asked suddenly. "Yes" Arohi answered they drove in silence, content Arjun holding Arohi's hand as he drove. The Radio played:
Mar jawaan, mar jawaan,
Tere ishq pe mar jawaan,
Mar jawaan, mar jawaan,
Tere ishq pe mar jawaan,
Bheege bheege sapno ka jaise khat hai,
Geeli geeli chahat ki jaise lat hai,
Mar jawaan, mar jawaan,
Tere ishq pe mar jawaan,
Mar jawaan, mar jawaan,
Tere ishq pe mar jawaan…
Soche dil ki aisa kaash ho,
Tujhko ek nazar meri talash ho,
Jaise khwab hai ankhon mein basse meri,
Waise needon pe silvate pade teri,
Bheege bheege armaano ki rahad hai,
Geeli geeli khwahish bhi to behad hai,
Mar jawaan, mar jawaan,
Tere ishq pe mar jawaan,
Mar jawaan, mar jawaan,
Tere ishq pe mar jawaan..
mar jawaan..hoo…
Movie: Fashion
They pulled up to the beach and got out with Arohi catching Arjun's hand in hers. "I can't believe it's so quiet here. Aren't the beaches always bustling in Mumbai?" she asked. " It is but this strip of the beach for some reason isn't as busy. I come here sometimes if I have something on my mind and just need to think." Arohi just looked up at Arjun. There were a lot of layers to Arjun Singhania that she was slowly learning about. Suddenly she let go of Arjun's hand and twirled around. "I love listening to the waves" she said looking out at the ocean. "I think it's so calming and soothing" she added closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Arjun looked down at Arohi, her eyes were closed, the wind blowing softly in her hair, a small smile playing on her lips. He didn't think he's seen anything more beautiful then Arohi right now. Arohi opened her eyes and saw Arjun staring down at her. "What" she asked lifting her eyebrows at him. Nothing he said shaking his head. "You're beautiful he said softly glancing at her. Arohi found herself blushing. "Thanks" she whispered. He stopped and tilted her face up to his and gave her a soft gentle kiss and then he pulled her close to him and held her tightly to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her face into his chest, feeling the steady beat of heart. They stayed like that for a while.
'I think we better get going Arohi said softly. I's my first day at the office tomorrow so I need to get there on time. I've got to make a good impression on my business partner. Don't want him thinking I'm slacking on the job." Well you let me know if he gives you a hard time, I'll have a talk with him Arjun tease. In the car with the soft music playing Arjun whistled softly to himself. "Arohi, I usually go into the office at 9:00. Do you want to come in with me?" he asked. When he got no reply he looked over and saw that Arohi was asleep. He felt bad for keeping her out so late but he wouldn't have changed a thing about their first date. As they pulled up to the driveway Arjun saw that Arohi was still fast asleep. He went around to her side and scooped her up in his arms. She didn't stir. He carried her up the stairs to her room and laid her down on her bed. He slipped off her shoes and pulled up her duvet to cover her. She looked so innocent he thought as he moved her hair away from her face. She stirred and smiled in her sleep. Ajrun reached down and kissed her on her forehead and whispered softly in her ear "good night Arohi, sweet dreams." With that he walked out of her room gently shutting the door behind him.
Arohi woke up with a smile on her face. She slowly stretched and remembered the events from the past evening. She hugged her arms around herself feeling giddy with happiness. Looking down she saw she was still in her dress and then she glanced at her clock..9:30. Oh my god she thought as she jumped out of her bed, I'm so late, but then she stopped when she noticed something next to her clock. It was a long stemmed red rose with a note:
Good morning Beautiful. I've left for the office. The driver will drop you off when you're ready. Hope you had sweet dreams. Arjun
Arohi inhaled the fragrance of the rose and then danced around the room. Arohi, stop wasting time she stopped and chastised herself. Today is your first day on the job and you're already late. She took a quick shower and then put on a pair of grey straight legged trousers and a camisole with a slightly see through lilac chiffon short sleeved blouse that had tiny crystal buttons going up the front. She grabbed a fitted short jacket to throw over the outfit. Her hair was half down and the rest was pinned up with a crystal hair clip. She looked professional and damn sexy. Going downstairs she saw Rashi having breakfast. Arohi grabbed herself a cup of coffee and piece of toast. She rushed out saying a quick bye to Rashi.
"Mr. Sharma I need last months sales reports on my desk this afternoon; said Arjun as he leaned over his desk talking to his sales manager. "We'll go over them after I've had a look and then..." Arjun's voice started to trail off as he noticed something or rather someone outside the large window of his office. It was Arohi looking hot as hell talking to his assistant. "Sir, I'll have everything ready for you by noon " he heard Mr. Sharma say. "Huh," Arjun said loking back at him. "Oh yes that's fine" he said snapping out of his daze. He heard a knock on his door and as Mr. Sharma left Arohi walked in "good morning" she said cheerfully. "Good morning" Arjun answered back. Arohi looked Arjun up and down and felt a shiver travel up her spine. It should be against the law to be this good looking she thought to herself looking at his fitted light grey suit and light blue dress shirt. "Did you sleep well?" he asked slowly coming closer to her. "Very well" she answered as she felt him put his hand on her hip and pull her closer. "You look so sexy" he whispered kissing her neck. "Arjun!" she pushed him away. "We're at work! Have some shame!" "You're the boss and I'm your business partner for a very important project." "We should establish some boundaries." "Arohi Ahluwalia and boundaries!' Arjun scoffed. "This from the girl who trespassed into someone's backyard, went swimming in their pool and made out with m..." "ARJUN!!! SHH!!she said interrupting him quickly. "I was drunk! Must you announce the incident to the world" "Arohi, my door is shut no one can hear us" he answered reaching for her again. "Don't I even get a good morning kiss?' he asked pouting and giving her a puppy dog face. Arohi glanced back at the big window. "No everyone can see us." "No they can't, he said that's a one way window only we can see out no one can see us." "Oh" Arohi said. "But, no, still there must be boundaries" she said pushing away from him again. FINE BOUNDARIES! Arjun said rolling his eyes.
"So do you want to go see the hotel we are now owners of" Arjun asked. "Yes, I have so many ideas I can't wait to start" Arohi said excitedly. "We can go check it out now, but just a warning it's vacant and in pretty bad condition. We've got some work ahead of us" he warned "Okay give me half an hour. I'll get settled in my office and we can go." Arjun agreed and walked Arohi to her office which was next to his. On her desk sat a beautiful crystal vase filled with even more beautiful red roses. "There's 23 in there" he said. "And you got the 24th one this morning with my note." Arohi smiled a happy smile. "They're beautiful" she said. "So you like them." he asked. She nodded. "So don't you think 24 roses warrant a kiss.?" Arohi looked at him. "OUT, ARJUN,OUT" and she pushed him to the door. "Fine, Fine I'm going" he said as she shut the door behind him and leaned against it smiling.
An hour later they arrived at the hotel. From the outside Arohi thought it didn't look too bad. Not great but not falling down. Inside was a whole different story. "Oh my gosh" she said as she walked through the mess. It was falling apart. The foyer looked like it had been half demolished. The paint was peeling, pillars lay on the ground. It was in shambles. "You saw potential in this?" she said coughing because of the dust. "I know if looks bad, but seriously we can make this amazing." Then he started listing off some of his ideas. As she listened to him she caught some of his excitement too. She grabbed her sketch pad and started making some sketches and notes.
She was surprised to find that Arjun and her agreed on a lot of aspects when it came to the hotel. They spent 5 hours there going from floor to floor breaking only for a quick lunch. Arohi rapidly made notes. "We need to gut this first she said. I can tell it has a strong foundation but from the inside a lot of it needs to go." Arjun agreed. It's 5:00, I think we should get going. "Tomorrow at the office we can discuss what our course of action will be and meet with my head of construction." Arohi agreed. She felt good, she could see this really coming together.
On the way home Arjun told her that his friends had invited him out to a bar and asked her if she wanted to come along. Arohi agreed. When they got home Arjun got a phone call and excused himself to go and take it. Rashi was home so Arohi chatted with her about her day. Then she excused herself to go and get ready. Arohi was walking to her room absently looking through her text messages when she felt someone grab her arm and pull her. Arjun had pulled her into his room. He shut the door and pressed her against it. "Arjun what are you doing?" Arohi said feeling breathless. Arjun was still wearing his trousers but his shirt lay open. He caged her against the door by putting an arm on each side. "Arohi, I'm doing what I've been wanting to do all day." Then put his hand behind her neck and pulled her face to his and kissed her. It didn't take Arohi long to kiss him back. "Hmm, that was worth the wait" Arjun said kissing her neck as Arohi put her hands on Arjun's shoulders closing her eyes. Arohi's eyes snapped open when she heard Rashi outside the door "Bhai I need to talki to you" she said. Arohi tried to push him away but the besharm kept kissing her neck. "Rashi I'm busy" he said. "Bhai please it's important". Arohi was starting to panic, she tried again to shove Arjun away from her. But Arjun wasn't moving infact he pulled her closer. "Later Rashi" he said. "But Bhai..." Arohi was furious ,what was Arjun doing? She gave him one last push and then when nothing was working she stomped on his foot with all her strength. "OW" he yelled. "Bhai what's wrong?" Rashi yelled through the door. "Nothing" Arjun said glaring at Arohi. "Rashi give me 2 minutes I'm changing. I'll come down to your room" he said. "Okay Bhai". Arohi smirked at him and then waited a minute before peaking outside. Then she turned around and stuck her tongue out at him and ran out before he could take a step to catch her.
- End413 Chapters
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