《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Chapter fortynine.


Chapter forty-nine.

I pried my eyes open and looked around the hotel room. Thoughts rushed to mind as I remembered last night, a tiny smile making its way onto my lips. Me and the girls had an amazing night; I even managed to convince Phoebe to let me have something to drink. I still felt a light buzz in my body but I ignored it and set out to get to the bathroom.

Tomorrow was the wedding. Last night, before we left for the club we were going to, all the girls - excluding Phoebe, I mean, why would I talk about her son like that? - tried to help me decide which boy to choose. I was going to talk to the boys tomorrow, see which one I felt more for and decide. I was going to make my decision tomorrow - I hoped it wouldn't ruin the wedding for me.

"Anyone in here?" Nora shouted through the crack in the door.

"Yeah, me," I called back, brushing my teeth faster.

"Hurry up, I need to pee!" I could practically hear her bouncing from foot to foot... "What are you doing in there?"

"Making a rainbow," I responded flatly. "If you rush me, I'll just go slower."

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry. Please, hurry up!" I washed my toothbrush and turned the tap off. I stepped out and grinned at Nora. She was bouncing from foot to foot. She rolled her eyes and dashed in

"At least let me get out of ear shot! I don't want to hear you peeing, you know," I smiled and walked back to bed. I laid there for a few minutes, thinking of what I was going to do tomorrow. I could imagine all the boys, standing in front of me in their suits. I ran a hand over my face, sighing.

I got dressed in a purple dress and boots. I shouted to Nora that I was going home to grab some things and that I would be back later in the afternoon. No response came from the bathroom so I took it as a sign to just go. I managed to grab a taxi pretty quickly; the cast on my leg must have helped me.

After I told him my address, I sat back and soon got lost in my thoughts.

Would my dad be home? Would Daisy be with him? That thought made my nose scrunch up; no way did I want to bump into her. She would probably be wearing nothing but her barely their clothes. I bit my lip and ran a hand through my hair. I wanted my dad to be happy but I didn't want Daisy around.


I paid the man and got out the car. Walking up to the front door I noticed there wasn't a car in the driveway. If he wasn't in, neither was Daisy - thank god. I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink when I noticed a Post-It stuck to the fridge.


I'm dropping Daisy off at the airport.

I've had it.

I'll be home soon, we'll talk, okay?



I pursed my lips. What did he mean I've had it? I grabbed a Coke from the fridge and made my way upstairs. Did he mean they've ended it? Are they going out anymore? Would I see the twins anymore? A frown made its way onto my face. I would miss the twins if I never saw them again.

Thirty minutes later, my dad called out that he was home. I sighed and walked back downstairs, no use hiding away from him up here. I started humming to myself as I got closer to the kitchen. My dad sat at the table with a small frown on his face and furrowed eyebrows.

"Dad?" I sat opposite him and tried showing him a smile. He didn't return it and instantly mine dropped. "What's wrong?"

"Me and Daisy have officially broken it off. She's going back to her parents before moving on with the twins." I didn't know how to respond, what could I say? Sorry to hear that, dad, but... She's gone, let's throw a party!? I doubt that would work. "It's for the best, I suppose. She was just using me, right?"

I blinked a few times. "Yes, she was."

"I thought so," he sighed. "I guess..." he looked up at me. "I'm sorry, Mitchie. I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I should have included you in everything more - heck, I should have forced you when you were younger. I thought I should let you have your own way, be a free spirit like your mother was most of the time."

"Dad, its fine. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have become amazing friends with those boys next door." He frowned but quickly smiled again. "Dad."

"I'm sorry. It's just... you spending all that time with those boys..."

"Dad, please. They were there for me all those times you weren't, I won't forget that. I love those guys and I'm going to try my hardest to keep this friendship going."


My dad started at me for a moment before he spoke. "Which one?"

"Which one, what?" I blinked and cocked my head to the side. "What to do you mean?

"Which boy... do you love?"

"I - err - what-" I began to splutter out different words, in hopes a sentence would form. How do I respond to something I didn't even know yet - and to my dad.

"Don't play dumb, Mitchie." He smiled. A proper, genuine smile.

"I don't know," I breathed out.

"What?" He looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I don't know which one..."

"Ah. Say no more."

"Dad, what do I do?"

I was tempted to look out the window. Were pigs flying? I was asking my dad for love advice! I mentally snorted and looked at my dad, waiting for an answer.

"You can tell which boy you like by the way you respond to how he acts."

"Is that your advice?" I asked flatly.

"No. I'm mentally preparing myself for having a love conversation with the girl I thought was going to stay single until thirty," he grinned and folded his hands on the table. “No one can tell you who you love, darling, remember that.”

For some reason, I thought he did know. He knew and so did everyone else but I was blind to see it. I would work it out soon, no need to rush, right?

"Funny," I cracked a smile and leaned back in my chair. "Go on, let's hear this advice."

"When your heart beats faster. When you two can have conversation and act like no one else is there. When the tiniest of things can make you two laugh for hours. When you can just sit in each other’s company, doing nothing." A distant look came to his eyes as he looked out the window. "When you would rather do nothing with them, then go out and do the most amazing thing in the world."

"That's how you knew." I stated.


I smiled. "I'm sure she misses you. Wherever she is, she still loves you, I'm sure."

"Thank you, darling."

I got up from the table and began walking towards the front door. "Where are you going?" He called after me.

"To think."


I found myself in the same park I had run away to and met Sean again. A smile formed on my lips as I thought of how little time it took our friendship to grow...

I thought about all the boys. I knew which boys I wouldn't think of that way, I mentally pushed them to the side. I thought about the available boys. They all were similar and different, they just didn't realize it. I fought a smile as memories sprung to mind of my friends.

I thought of Tony. His smirk, his smile, the light in his eyes. His lame jokes, his touch, his everything.

I thought of his twin, James. He was there for me when no one else was. He could make me laugh like no one else could. A load of memories came along with the thought of James.

I thought of Zac. The way he would do the sweetest things, like buy me tickets for a concert in another country. His smile when I told my stupid jokes or done something silly. The way his hair fell in his face when he wanted to hide from the world...

I couldn't pick. These boys meant the world to me and to crush one of them would be like crushing myself. I bit my lip. I thought through everything single benefit and bad thing about each boy. They all managed to cancel out their bad things with their benefits.

I took a piece of paper from my bag and wrote their names down. I placed them on the ground and muddled them up. I would leave it up to fate. I waited a few seconds before I picked up one of the papers.

The name on the paper made my heart drop.

Wasn't it supposed to speed up?

He wasn't who I wanted.

I tried again and came up with a name that didn't make my heart race.

I figured it out. I knew who to choose.

Now, if everything fell into place... I should be with him by the end of the wedding.


I hope you liked it!

Let me know what you think guys :D

Thanks for reading <3

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