《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Chapter fifty - the last chapter.


This is the last chapter of Surviving the Johnsons! I hope you enjoy it.

(Read the authors note at the end to find out about the sequel!)


I watched as everyone moved around me, I felt like my time stood still while everyone else's moved faster than the speed of light. I wasn't much use due to my leg so Nora volunteered to take my spot in helping Andy get ready. I smiled from my spot on the bed as Andy watched my reflection. She mouthed three words that made me to frown, Are you okay?

I nodded.

Why would I want her to worry her with my problems on the biggest day of her life?

"I'm going to go for a walk," I told anyone who was listening. I stepped out into the hotel hallway and was met by silence. The whole of the thirteenth floor was being used by the Johnsons' family and closest friends. After the party in the reception tonight, people could stay on this floor if they were incapable of getting home due to the late hour or being drunk. I was sharing a room with Tess and Nora a few doors down, opposite was the boys. One of those boys would finally have me - if even he still wanted me.

I walked down a few doors and knocked. There was talking on the other side but it stopped when James came to the door. "How can we help you, little Mitchie?" He smiled and winked. "Want to come in?"

"Sure. I felt useless in the bridal room, I can't help anyone." I sat on the edge of the bed. I didn't know which boys' room this belonged to, all I knew was that they were all in here, ready and waiting. "You look great, Trent." I smiled at him as he fixed his tie. "Want me to?"

He nodded and stepped closer. "How's she holding up?"

"If she could, I think she would leave the dress and just go in her PJ's," I smiled at his nervous face. "Stop worrying. It's going to be perfect."

"If you say so..." he still looked doubtful but lost a bit of the worried edge he had. "Shouldn't you be getting ready?" He asked me as he took in my PJ's.

"Yeah, but I was going to wait for the others to finish. The cast kinda ruins the dress but I'm glad it's nothing else that's broken."

"You'll look great, Mitch," Sean said, snaking an arm around my waist. "Everyone will be too busy looking at how amazing you look to even notice the cast." I smiled at him in response before standing up.

"Guess I better go get ready. Wedding starts soon." I looked at each boy. I was going to end up breaking one of their hearts tonight. I took a deep breath and forced a smile. "You guys look great. Trent stopping worrying, she loves you. See you guys after."

I made sure I looked a bit more presentable before slipping on my dress and shoes. I took in my reflection and smiled. People would be looking at my dress, I kept thinking to myself, hoping that it would work, I would trick my brain into believing my cast was invisible.

"It's time," Nora said, smiling, as she appeared in the doorway of the room. I smiled back at her and headed towards the door. "Andy looks amazing but a bundle of nerves. It took us ages before she finally left the bathroom. She is dead set on thinking he's not going to be at the end of the alter."


"Let me talk to her." Nora nodded and disappeared.

Five minutes later I was in front of Andy, trying to get her to calm down. "Andy, for the love of god!"

She looked at me and blinked a few times. I think the outburst shocked her out of her rambling that he wouldn't be there, waiting for her – ready to love her.

"Thank you. Andy, will you stop worrying! I had to calm Trent down as well, he think you won't be there. You think he won't be there. You two love each other, right?" She nodded but still looked wary, but let me continue anyway. "Both of you will be at the end of that aisle saying I do in a matter of minutes, do you want to look like a bundle of nerves?" She shook her head, losing a little bit of the nerves visibly. "Then suck it up, ignore the fears, know that Trent loves you and get moving!" I think I scared her, the way she quickly got up and started moving but she said thank you before she left the room.

"Well done," Phoebe patted my back before following Andy outside. Nora smiled and we both walked out together.


"I do," Andy beamed.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Cheers and clapping erupted around the church. Both of them smiled so widely at each other, I thought their cheeks would get stuck. Trent peaked her on the lips, she blushed but pulled him closer - guess she lost that nervous edge she had earlier.

"They are so adorable. I'm glad they got married," a lady behind me said while wiping a tear away, I think she was Andy's grandmother but I wasn't quite sure. I smiled at her and nodded before getting up, along with everyone else.

I connected eyes with Zac and smiled. He returned it with a wink and followed the Johnsons boys out the church. We had to make our way back to the hotel for the party now.

"Hey," I looked up at Tony. "I'm glad they finally sucked it up and walked down the aisle. After you left, Trent looked a bit better. Thanks for that, by the way."

"It's fine. He's like a brother; I would do anything to help him out."

"Remember to save me a dance," he smiled and disappeared in the crowd of people. I faintly smiled and walked up to Nora, who was talking to James, Zac and Robbie.

"Hey, guys," I greeted them. "Aren't they cute?" We all looked over at the newlywed couple with smiles on our faces. They were posing for picture outside the church. Andy met my eyes and wiggled her fingers in a gesture for me to go over. "She better not say about me getting in one of those photos..." I grumbled under my breath before plastering on a smile and walking over to her and Trent, the happy couple.

Thirty minutes later my eyes felt weird and blurred, the flash of the camera giving an after effect. I blinked to try and get rid of the white dots dancing in front of my eyes. "Stupid camera," I grumbled as I tried to rub my eyes without ruining my makeup.

"Come on, stop complaining." James grinned and held his arm out. "We have to leave for the hotel now." I nodded and we set out for the cars.


I gasped as we stepped into the hotel. It wasn't the massive, plain; boring room it was twenty four hours ago. Now it was covered in white, pink, red and black balloons, streamers with food on the tables. Everyone looked around in awe. I smiled and took my seat at the table near the main one.


Nora was to my right, Tess next to her then Robbie, Zac, James and on my left, Tony. The Johnsons brothers were supposed to be sat at the main table but they wanted to be with their friends instead, hence why they were with us instead.

The evening passed quickly, everyone was having too much fun for it to go slow. I smiled the whole time up until Sean pulled me aside and asked me when I was planning on choosing. "I was going to do it once the wedding was over, just before everyone went up to their rooms."

"Okay, that's a good idea. If you need me, just come to my room, okay?" I nodded and he disappeared into the crowd of dancing people. I spotted the first boy across the room, he gestured with his finger for me to go over to him.

"Hey," I let a tiny smile creep onto my face as I looked at him.

"Let's dance," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the dance floor.

"I can't dance. In case you didn't know, I have a cast on my leg," I laughed and he began moving me side to side. "We need to talk," I bit my lip and looked up at him.

"You've chosen who you want, haven't you?" He sighed but kept his arms around me. "Can I say something or is this your final decision?"

I shook my head. "Go ahead."

"Mitchie, I like you. I like you a lot. But if you want to go out with... someone else, then I'll let you go and hope for the best. If things don't work out between whoever you choose to date, you will always have me. I'll always be your best friend but a small part will hope for more, I hope you understand that."

I nodded. "I know, if I could I would have chosen all of you. I don't want to hurt you," I placed a hand on his cheek. "I love you, you know that?" He nodded.

"Just not enough."

"Just not enough," I repeated, smiling sadly at him. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, honestly, Mitchie. You've made your choice; I'll just stick by to keep you as happiest I can make you." He smiled and let go of my waist. "Others want to dance with you. Don't pull that face, I understand, Mitchie, don't think that I'm angry or annoyed that you didn't pick me. I get it," he added before smiling and walking back to our table.

"Want to take a walk?" I looked over my shoulder and nodded. We walked side by side silently for a few minutes before we both tried to start talking at the same time. I smiled and told him to go first. "Sorry, go ahead."

"You probably don't like hearing these words..."

"We need to talk?" He chuckled and looked at the sky. "We do. I guess. I was going to talk to you about... everything, anyway."

"You go first."

"Mitchie, I still like you - more than I should, probably, but I know you don't like me enough that way. I'll always be there for you, best friend, brother, anything you need. My heart will always have a spot for you, Mitchie, believe me. But I think you shouldn't pick me."

"What?" I looked up at him. What does he mean? He cracked a smile.

"Mitchie, I'm saying to follow your heart to one of the other boys. I know deep down that you prefer me as a brother, as a best friend. I'm not going to put us both through the pain of my selfish ways, so basically... I'm setting you free of thinking of me while making your choice."

I blinked. This was it. My choice was made.

I smiled up at him even though a tear streamed down my cheek. "I'm sorry."

"I understand," he pulled me into a hug. "Let's go enjoy the night."

I agreed and we joined the others inside.


I stood outside my hotel door, looking at the three doors opposite mine. Behind ach one held one of the boys; James, Tony or Zac. I didn't know who was in which room so I had to wait for Nora, or anyone else, before I made my move.

Nora nearly knocked me over as she made a rush to get to the door. "Don't shut it! I lost my key," she skidded to a stop and put her foot in the doorway. "Thank god, I've been looking for you!" She let out a breath, and then smiled. "What's up?"

I asked her which room he was in.

"That one." She pointed to the door directly in front of us. I smiled and thanked her. "Why? What are you doing?"

"I've made my choice."

"Oh my gosh," she breathed out. "Let me know how it goes. Tess and myself will probably go out for a bit later, so you'll have the room to yourself if you come back," she winked. A hint that she thought I wouldn't be leaving his room once I told him. I smiled at her and said goodbye.

I stood in front of his door for a minute before lifting my hand and knocking.

A moment of silence passed, I was about to turn around and go back into my room when I heard him shout to come in. I opened his door and stepped inside. He was lying on his bed, looking up at the ceiling, hands behind his head.

"Hey," I said, walking closer to his bed.

"What's up, Mitch?" He grinned as I rolled my eyes at the nickname. He patted the bed and I laid down next to him. "What's wrong?" He turned his head to the side to look at me. We stared at each other for a moment before a small smile made its way onto my face. "Mitchie?"

I moved closer to him. "I have something to tell you."

"Really? What is it?" I couldn't help the blush that appeared on my cheeks as I saw his eyes move to my lips and back. I took a deep breath and moved forward.

My lips lightly touched his; I moved back and looked up at him. His eyes were closed half way but I could see he was looking at me. A smile made its way onto his lips. "What was that for?"

"I've made up my mind," I whispered, kissing along his jaw then the corner of his lips.

"Really? What is your decision?" He kissed me between each word he said. I smiled at him before I leant close to his ear.

"Do you want to know?" I whispered, running my hand down his arms until I got to his hands.

"Mitchie," he breathed out, squeezing my hands.

"Just checking."

"Say it."

I looked him in the eye before kissing him again.

"Please, Mitchie," he stared into my eyes and my heart skipped a beat.

"I love you."


Author's Note:

Yes, there is a sequel, it's on my profile! :)

I didn't say any names for a reason. The name of the person will be revealed in the sequel.

I hope you guys liked the final chapter and enjoyed the story! let me know what you thought, I'd love to hear your feedback. Vote and comment, please? :D

Another thing, I will leave a link to my latest story in the comment section.

Ludius (published recently) is my new book, go check it out and let me know what you think!


Thank you to everyone who has read, commented and voted on this story. I wouldn't have finished this story without everyone's support and kind words.

Love you guys, and thank you for sticking around!

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