《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》e i g h t e e n


"You're not going to talk with your father?" Jasper asked "I don't understand, you are in good terms with him."

"Of course I want to talk to him" Lyanna explained to Jasper and Monty "but I think he and I want others to see their parents first. For others, it's much more important."

"Let me see if I understood, he's your father, but he's not your father at the same time," Jasper repeated in confusion, Lyanna laughed and shook her head.

"Jean Valjean is not my biological father, I knew him when I was seven, but since that day he has been like a father to me. I think it's more fair for others to see their parents first, hey by the way I was wearing a necklace, has an amethyst stone and the chain is silver, it was my grandmother's, I have not seen it in days, have you?

The two boys denied with the head.

"My grandma is going to kill me" Lya sighed with sadness.

"I thought your grandma was dead" Monty said in confusion.

"Her ghost is going to kill me" Lyanna teased, but at the same time she was worried, maybe the grounder that had taken it away, but why? Or maybe the necklace fell into that cave....

"I want to try," Lyanna said when both boys were tossing the peanuts to catch them with their mouths, Jasper threw one at Lyanna; he gave her on the forehead. The three could not stand the laugh and Lyana tried on her own, tossing the peanut and succeeded, she bowed before the two boys, But she also laughed a little nervously as she felt someone spying on her, felt someone's gaze on her since she had caught the peanut with her mouth. Lyanna tried to see to her left or to her right, even in the trees thinking it could be a grounder, but nothing, so she calmed down and kept laughing with both boys. Not knowing that Bellamy Blake saw her with a small smile on his face, Lyanna smiling and laughing was something beautiful to see and that Bellamy would appreciate in a world where now they were fighting for they constant survival. She kept talking with Jasper and Monty, until a hand touched her shoulder, it was Clarke.

"Lya, I need you to come with us," Clarke said.

" Us, you and who else?" She asked curiously. "Please do not get Finn out, he needs to recover."

"No, I'm talking about me and Bellamy."


"Why me? Actually why Bellamy? I thought you didn't like kim"

" And I don't..... But I don't feel like being around anyone I actually like, except you, I also need to be close to someone who has hope."

"Okay, why and where Dr. Griffin?" Asked Lyanna, walking away with Clarke from Jasper and Monty and waving goodbye

"For provisions, the council said that a refugee could withstand a nuclear war. By the way ... your father was there, he misses you, a lot" Clarke responded with a smile, in just a few weeks Clarke already had a fondness for Lyanna.

Lyanna smiled softly.

"And I to him, well, let me go and see Tavia, and I'll go immediately," Lyanna told her, then she run to the ship, to the second level where Octavia sat, seeing the roof boring.

"They still will not let you in?" Lyanna asked, kneeling in front of Octavia.

"No, my brother is a dick, he says no"

"You must do something 'Tavia, I owe him your life, and owe my life to the other grounder, we can not keep him prisoner" whispered Lyanna.

"How are we going to release it? Do you have a plan?" Octavia asked.

Lyanna grimaced.

"Actually .... your brother, Clarke and I.., we go for provisions, I need you to release him Octavia"

"I? How will I even do it? They don't leave him alone!" Octavia almost shouted.

"You're Octavia Blake, you can do anything you want, you want him to be free? Free him" she said, "I know you can, use that pretty head of yours," Lyanna encouraged her.

"I will, thanks Lya,"

When Lyanna opened the hatch and started down the stairs stopped

"Hey O?" Lyann said getting Octavia's attention "you have not seen my necklace? I have not seen it in days."

Octavia shook her head and Lyanna came down with a sigh, not knowing that her necklace was in the pocket of Bellamy Blake.


"Hey, wait," Lyanna said when she saw Clarke and Bellamy talking.

"Did you tell her to come? "Bellamy asked Clarke.

Since Bellamy had hit the grounder and Lyanna admitted that she was afraid of him, their friendship... had disappeared, they had not spoken since then and it was uncomfortable if they were both in the same place and the girl felt bad for ignoring Bellamy, Since normally Lyanna believed that all deserved pardon and she had given it to Bellamy, but the feeling of fear that she had felt in that room ...


Lyanna tried to ignore and not look a little hurt at the attitude of Bellamy and headed toward Clarke

"Finn? how is he? she asked.

"He's fine. Raven will take care of him"

Lyanna nodded with a grimace, she had shown her comfort to Clarke about Finn, but it also comforted Raven, who said that Finn no longer loved her, she was in both sides, and also in the side that Finn was acting like a complete idiot.

Bellamy taked a ton of rations, digging his hand in and placing them in his backpack. Lyanna shared a confused look with Clarke.

"That's a lot of rations. You realize this is a day trip." Clarke reminds him pointedly and he shrugs.

"A lot can happen in a day." Bellamy reciprocates, closing his bag.


When the three arrived to the location there was a destroyed building behind it. As hard as it's been, Lyanna kept her distance from Bellamy, stayed glued to Clarke's side in the forest before they arrived.

"You know," Clarke speaked "The first dropship is gonna come down soon. Pretty sure you can't avoid Jaha forever."

"I can try." Bellamy said in a deep voice.

"The depot is supposed to be around here somewhere. There's got to be a door." Clarke said

"Maybe he'll forgive you-" Clarke begin to say but Bellamy snapped at her.

"Look. I shot the man,Clarke. He's not just gonna forgive and forget." Bellamy shouted "Let's just split up, cover more ground. Stay within shouting distance."

He walked away and Lyanna sighed. Clarke placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, Clarke knew that Lyanna forgave Bellamy, she avoided him but still worried. Both girls begin searching for an entrance

"Hey! Over here, I found a door." Clarke yelled. "I think it's rusted shut."

"Here. Watch your foot." Bellamy ordered her and she steped back a bit. He taked out his axe and begins slamming it on the hatch, loosening the rust.

"Give me a hand." Bellamy ordered both.

"Really think this place hasn't been touched since the war?" Bellamy asks the two girls when they enter, doubtfully.

"A girl can dream." Clarke said jokingly.

"Hell of a place to die." Bellamy scoffed.

"So much for living down here." Lyanna sighed .

"This place is disgusting."Clarke said in disgust, taking in the cob webs and dust

"Damn it. Anything left down here is ruined." Bellamy concluded angrily.

"They must have distributed most of the supplies before the last bombs went off." Clarke said, . She ran over to a pile of blankets. "Hey, I found blankets!"

"Excited about a couple of blankets?" Bellamy asks her mockingly. She glares at him.

"Well, it's something." Lyanna tried to support Clarke.

"How about a canteen or a med kit or a decent freaking tent?" Bellamy shouted angrily before aggressively kicking over some of the buckets. They fell over and grease poured out of them. But that wasn't the only thing. There were guns.

"This changes everything. No more running from spears. Ready to be a badass princesses?" Bellamy says turning towards the two girls, handing a gun to Clarke and Lyanna.

"Look, I'm not gonna fight you on bringing guns back to camp. I know we need them, but don't expect me to like it." The blonde says pointedly and Bellamy just stared at her blankly.

"We're lucky the rifles were packed in grease. The fact that they survived means we're not sitting ducks anymore. You need to learn how to do this." Bellamy encouraged . Lyanna instead of Clarke drew a small smile, remembering her father to see all the weapons, she remembered what it was like to be sitting on his lap while he read "the art of war" and "weapons from the fourth century to the XXI "

"By God, sir, look at that pipe!" Lyanna, only 10 years old, was shocked at the design of the shotgun on the book.

"That's a shotgun Lyanna, and what you point out is called cannon"

"Cannon," Lyanna nodded. "Can you tell me more about them, please?

"Of course"

"So, I just hold it on my shoulder?" Clarke asked him, resting the gun on her arm.

"Yeah, just a little higher now, that end."Bellamy corrects her stance.

"Watch and learn." Bellamy said confidently. He aimed his gun and tries to fire it, but nothing comes out. His bullets were dead.

"Still watching." Clarke says with a trading smile on her face and Lyanna smiled a little too.

"My bullets are duds. Try yours." Bellamy said motioning to Clarke. She nodded and gets into her position. She aimed to the X and squinted her eyes a bit. She shooted and this time, the bullets fire. It hits about four inches below the target.

"That was amazing!" Clarke said in awe. "Am I horrible for feeling that?"

"C'monn Dolly, you turn" Bellamy said,

"Uh...I don't really like guns"Lyanna lied, accepting the gun as she grimaced.


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