《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》n i n e t e e n


"C'mon Dolly."

"Then can you...teach me?" Lyanna asked

"No. We shouldn't waste the ammunition." Clarke argued, pushing the gun Lyanna was holding.

"What good is the ammo for if you can't aim it correctly? You need to practice."

"Bellamy I'm not a fan of guns, not all of us can practice, we shouldn't waste the ammunition, We do not even know how one of these works." Clarke said.

At that moment Lyanna smiled like a little girl.

"Oh, Clarke, it's not difficult," she assured her friend. "Look, you just have to pull the trigger while you press this button and with a little force ..." which was a complete weapon, Lyanna now held two pieces of the rifle. "Well, that's just the beginning to disarm it, but here are some very important pieces like the body of the bolt, the bolt" one part was given to Bellamy who was looking at her with his mouth open and continued with the other and disarm as easily as at first "Here is the needle and this is the barrel, and inside the spring of the needle, but if you do not clean them well you can lose one finger, so be careful" She put the spring back on To the weapon and joined the piece she had to then take the one she had given Bellamy and join them, having the full weapon in her hands "The position was correct but I think your problem was with the sight, the point that has the gun, Here, you have to be in the middle of the crosshairs and put a little Or above the cross, it's not your fault, it must be badly calibrated, give yourself a break and you...shoot "

Lyanna pulled the trigger and a hole formed in the center of the cross and a smile crossed her face but it fizzled at the faces of Clarke and Bellamy. They both saw her with their mouths and eyes open, but Clarke instantly smiled, she knew that some thought Lyanna was weak and useless, but Clarke knew that inside Lyanna was much more than just a girl. But Bellamy could not believe it, until she drove and knew more about weapons than he, just to see the inscription on the rifle Lyanna knew to disarm it in what? 1 minute? All this while explaining to Clarke his operation and then shooting right in the center.

At that moment Bellamy thought that had been the hottest thing he'd ever seen a girl do.

"Wait ... "Bellamy said thinking about how she asked for help" Then you did not need my help?"

"Is that you were so excited to teach us to shoot ... I did not want to ruin it"


"Since when do you know ... so much?" Clarke asked a little confused.

Lyanna gave a sad smile.

"My father likes guns"

"Wait, we need to talk about how we're gonna keep guns around camp, where are we gonna keep them, and who has access." Clarke said thoughtfully. She paused for a moment of two. "You left Miller in charge of the Grounder. You must trust him."

"You should keep him close. The others listen to him." Bellamy told her.

"Bellamy what's going on?" Clarke asked

"Oh my god, you're gonna run. You're leaving. That's why you took all those rations, right? So that you could leave?" Lyanna asked surprised gathering all the evidence in her head, now everything made sense.

"I don't have a choice. The Ark will be here soon." Bellamy said

"So you're just gonna leave Octavia? " Clarke asks him incredulously.

"Octavia hates me. She'll be fine. And you, you hate me too, you haven't been talking to me for days" he said pointing at Lyanna" I shot the chancellor. They're gonna kill me. Best-case scenario, they lock me up with the Grounder for the rest of my life, and there's no way in hell I'm giving Jaha the satisfaction.....Keep practicing. I need some air."

As soon as Bellamy came out, Lyanna ran a hand through her long hair and sighed.

"He's right. I've been avoiding him for everything that happened to the grounder ... he just wanted to save Finn, without that Finn would have died and he also apologized. I feel horrible. I'm-I'm going to go talk to him."

Clarke could not believe it, Bellamy apologizing for what he did? Clarke grabbed Lyanna from the wrist before she left.

"Lya ... you're not a horrible person, you're the sweetest girl I know."

Lyanna smiled sadly.

"Thank you Clarke, but I know ... I know that still inside your mind passes the way I kill my mother, and I do not blame you, I know you want to know why, why am I a murderer?"

Clarke released her, of course she wanted to know how someone as sweet and innocent as Lyanna Valjean could spot her hands from the blood of her own mother?

Lyanna gave him one last smile and gave her the rifle, put on her hood and went out to fetch Bellamy, eating a few nuts.

It had begun to dusk when Lyanna went in search of Bellamy, the day had passed very quickly and Lyanna began to regret not having brought an rifle with her, and a few minutes later she regret it even more as she heard footsteps and branches breaking.

"Bellamy?" shee asked, but only more noises.

"Bellamy, I'm sorry"but nothing, Bellamy did not come out, she only heard as someone approached closer and closer, as a predecessor approached his price.


"Bellamy, this is not funny," Lyanna said with fear running through her veins, so that she froze at the sight of a figure emerging from the bushes.

The figure stopped completely; He was a grounder, the red haired guy who had saved her just like Lincoln did with Octavia.

The two of them had been completely silent, the guy was watching her, analyzing her, for some strange and crazy reason Lyanna did not run, she also watched him silently.

"Talissa" he said, moving closer a little, automatically; Lyanna took two steps back.

"I'm...I'm sorry, my-my name is not Talissa"Lyanna managed to construct a coherent sentence to say.And managed to gather all the courage that she had.

"What's your name?" She asked in a small voice.

The grounder only looked at her with familiarity, as if he already knew her.

"If you understand me, I'm Lyanna," the girl said, putting a hand on her chest.

The grounder came up to her and stared at her

"Neon" he said.

"Neon," she said, nodding. "Hey, then you do understand me," said the last with a smile.

The man gave a small smile to see Lyanna smiling

"You must go, it is not safe for you," he told her, "it is not certain that we shall speak."

Lyanna's smile however was not gone

"Thank you, I never thanked you for saving me" she told him.

"It's fine, Skygirl"

"Lyanna, I told you my name is Lyanna," she said.

"Lyanna"he nodded and where Lyanna had seen him in the bushes, he had begun to leave

"Wait" Lyanna's voice stopped him. "Can I see you again?"

The manlooked at her for a few seconds

"Yes, do not worry Lyanna from the Sky, we'll see each other, follow the orange flowers and find me" After that, he disappeared through the bushes.

Lyanna drew the air she had been keeping, as soon as she saw him go out she thought of Jasper tied to the tree and Finn with the knife in his chest, but when she saw his eyes for some strange reason Lyanna was not as scared as before, he had saved her, why would he kill her now? He had smiled at her. Neon, Lyanna remembered his name was Neon and he spoke English, and she would see him again. She could tell the others, Lyanna could tell them that she knew a grounder who speak English, but she was not going to do it, she was never going to do it, probably to Octavia, since Octavia was the only one who had agreed with Her when Bellamy had tortured the grounder, and Lyanna did not want to see Neon chained while Bellamy tortured him. Removing those thoughts Lyanna focused on what reality was doing; Looking for Bellamy. It was already night and the only light that Lyanna had was the moon, she immediately recalled the stories that Valjean read to her to sleep, when she sometimes spent the night with him.

The moon was bright but sad, the sun was strong but alone, when they met for the first time they fell madly in love and from there began to live a great love.

"Little dove." Lyanna lifted her head immediately at the sharp voice.

Lyanna was no longer in the woods, she was in the Ark and in front of her was that woman, in front of her was Crystal LeBlanc, in front of her was her mother.

"My little dove you have to be ready for Monsieur Lewis"

Some said Lyanna was just like her mother, and they were right. Crystal LeBlanc's blond hair was almost white, as was Lyanna, her skin was pale but pinker than her daughter's, but Lyanna had drawn her father's blue-gray eyes, since Crystal's eyes were as black as oil. A classy woman, in spite of living in a poor station, she always had the best clothes for her, the most elegant ones, and to Lyanna, as soon as she had to take care of her, she gave her the pieces of clothing cheaper than Until she saw the beauty of her daughter, and began to take advantage of it.

"No ... no ... you ... you're dead ... I ... I killed you, you're supposed to be dead!" Lyanna screamed, feeling suffocated. Her mother gave a laugh, that laugh that gave her chills.

"My little dove, you still dream of such strange things. Now that I think of it, you do not need much of an arrangement, you're already ready, now remember, do not speak Lyanna, the last time was too strong when you shouted"

"I was asking him to stop!" Lyanna cried, feeling her eyes filled with tears.

"Do not cry my little dove, your face swells and you will not like Monsieur Lewis."

Mr. Lewis-Lyanna thought and then remembered who he was, when she was fourteen years old, he had bought her for one night, he was an old man, he was about 60 but he was privileged, he worked with the chancellor, Lyanna still remembered his callouses and Rough hands on her tiny body and his whiskey breath.

"Mom! Mom, please!

"Shut up, Lyanna! You always made me face that you're prettier than me, and you know what? you're right! You're prettier but you're a prostitute! Now go or I do not want to leave you a bruise again, the customer does not like it.!

And Lyanna screamed as she felt back in her old and miserable life.

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