《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》s e v e n t e e n


"Is there an antidote?"

"Clarke he doesn't understand you." Octavia argued, placing a hand on Lyanna's shoulder who was very shocked with the beaten grounder.

"Vials." Bellamy blinked, spinning on his heel to grab the pack with small vials inside. "Its gotta be here." He turned back to Clarke

"You'd have to be stupid to have a poison around this long without an antidote." Clarke mumbled as she picked through the vials. "Which one?" She glanced back up at the grounder.

"Answer the question!" Bellamy yelled anxiously.

"Show us. Please." Lyanna pleaded to the grounder that saved Octavia's life.

"Which one?! Our friends is dying down there and you can stop that!" Clarke begged.

"I'll get him to talk!" Bellamy spatted,moving towards the seat belt on the wall, Lyanna's eyes widened in horror as she knew what Bellamy was going to do, the girl grabbed Octavia's hand, she could not bear to see someone mistreated, she didn't care if he had almost killed the others, for Lyanna no one deserved torture.

"Bellamy no-"

"He wants Finn to die!"Bellamy screamed at his sister "Why can't you see that!?"

Octavia stared at him in disbelief.

"Do you want Finn to live or not?" Bellamy turned to Clarke next, waiting for an answer.

"Clarke you even said it yourself. This is not who we are!" Octavia said to Clarke, wanting to save the grounder who had saved her. "He was protecting me, he saved my life!"

"We're talking about Finn's life!" Bellamy argued.

And that was all that Clarke needed.

"Do it."She nodded to bellamy.

Lyanna saw Clarke without being able to believe it, her blue eyes then turned to Bellamy, he tried to ignore it, but he couldn't, he could not ignore the look of horror of Lyanna piercing him in the neck. Lyanna felt that her heart was going to jump from the chest, they could not .... he was a grounder, but also a human. Of course, she wanted Finn to live, but if she were in Finn's position she would rather die than live and know that they killed another for her.

Bellamy clenched his jaw before nodding and turning back to the seat belt on the wall. He cut it as Miller grabbed Lyanna and the other boy grabbed Octavia

"Just tell us!" The youngest Blake shouted at the grounder in a plea.

"Please, please I don't want them to hurt you! Please!" Lyanna yelled at him.

Bellamy turned back to the grounder, slicing his shirt open to reveal his chest and stomach, Lyanna covered her mouth with her hand, avoiding shouting.

"Your gonna show us the antidote or your gonna wish you had." Bellamy sneered at the grounder with venom in his voice.


"Bellamy no please." Octavia cried out to her brother.

"Bellamy, don't, please! I beg you!"Lyanna pleaded, avoding looking at the bleeding grounder . But finally she stared at the grounder who's eyes flickered between the two girls who were trying to save him, but when his gaze and Lyanna's eyes met, he almost seemed to smile, something that only Lyanna could catch. Bellamy followed his gaze before turning and swinging the seat belt through the air. It connected with the grounder's gut,and the grounder jumped in pain,a groan escaping his lips. Bellamy pulled the seat belt back before swinging it again, this time it connected with the grounder's face. Lyanna released a shaky breath, every beat was every time Lyanna closed her eyes and covered her mouth, biting her tongue, she had gone through worse things psychologically and physically but something Lyanna could not stand was someone innocent suffering, she did not know if the grounder was completely Innocent, but he and the other had saved her and Octavia and did not deserve torture.

Clarke held a hand up to Bellamy and quickly dropped on the ground in front of the grounder. She spread the vials out in front of him, and looked up pleadingly. "Please which one's the antidote?"

"Just tell them."Octavia pleaded shakily.

"Please."Lyanna whispered.

Bellamy swung the seat belt again,the grounder turning with a grunt.

"Please tell us which is the antidote! And they'll stop this."Clarke begged.

"If that doesn't work, maybe this will."Bellamy pulled a pointed weapon out and held it up.He turned back to look at Lyanna who looked at him in the worst way Bellamy could ever think: scared.

"Clarke you don't have to be here for this." but he wasn't looking at Clarke, his gaze was on Lyanna.

"I'm not leaving until I get that antidote." Clarke stated bluntly.

"Last chance."Bellamy got closer to the grounder who merely glared at him.When the grounder didn't speak or blink, Bellamy shoved the makeshift shank into his hand and Lyanna started to scream.

"NO! Stop it! Please, stop it! Bellamy, stop it! Clarke! Clarke make him stop, please!" she shouted only to be stopped by Miller's arms"Let me go!"

The grounder moved around, trying to break his chains at the sight of Lyanna crying for him, something that did not go unnoticed by Bellamy and Clarke.

"Whats taking to so long?" Raven sneered coming up the hatch. "He stopped breathing."

Lyanna frozed in Miller's grip, turning to look at Raven.


"He started again." Raven informed. "Next time he might not."

"He won't tell us anything." Clarke explained to the mechanic.

"Wanna bet?" Raven tilted her head before stalking over to the blue wires on the wall.


"Raven wait-"Lyanna tried to say

"What are you doing?" Bellamy asked watching as Raven ripped the wires from the wall.

"Showing him something new." Raven uttered,pressing the blue wires together causing a spark. Without another word,Raven pressed them into the man's stomach. He screamed out in pain,lurching forward from the shock. "Which one is it?Come on!" Raven spat at him angrily. "He's all I have!"

"No more!" Octavia yelled,walking forward as she held the knife that clarke had thrown.

"O...."But Lyanna knew that the man won't let her die, so she nodded afraid.

"He's letting him die!"

"Octavia no!" Bellamy shouted as Octavia dug the knife into her arm with grunt.

"He won't let me die." She whispered, dropping to the ground in front of the grounder and laid the vials out.

"Octavia what the hell did you just do-"

"This one?" Octavia pointed to the vials one by one with the tip of the knife as her arm bled. "Good? This one?"

The grounder nodded weakly,and octavia quickly passed the vial to clarke before turning to look up at the grounder.

"Thank you."

The grounder nodded weakly,and Octavia quickly passed the vial to Clarke before turning to look up at the grounder.

"Thank you."

Lyanna knelt in front of Octavia and wrapped her wound in a piece of cloth, when Bellamy approached her, Octavia looked at him angry

"Don't touch me!"


"Look, I have to clean this up"

But the grounder ignored her and clenched his fist again, making Clarke unable to clean his wound

"He won't let you because you agreed to beat him, maybe?" Lyanna said as she entered the hatch.

"I never meant for him to get hurt."

"I know, I don't blame you Clarke, Finn was about to die and the antidote... " Lyanna bit her lip "I'm not mad at you, many of us do crazy things for who we love, I think... that gives you the right to forgiveness."

"Thank you"

"It's been a crazy night for all, here, let me try. Get some rest"

Lyanna gave Clarke one last smile before the girl left. Lyanna sighed and saw the grounder, his wounds, his blood. The girl grabbed the cloth and squeezed the water, she gently opened the fist of the grounder and saw him with an apologetic look.

"I'm so sorry, I ... I've never ... I've been beaten, not that way, but I know what it feels like. You saved Octavia and thank you ... you saved her, she's very important to me, if you understand me: thank you."

Lyanna carefully tried to wipe the wound but grimaced when the grounder gave a groan, she saw Miller that for now was not looking and took that as her opportunity.

"The one that carried me, you don't have to talk just nod or shake your head, he ... is he okay?"

The grounder looked at her for a few seconds, had one eye closed by the beating and head full of blood but then he nodded.

"Talissa-" he murmured.

Lyanna was confused, Talissa? what was that? A word in his language? a woman?

"Let me, Lya." Octavia interrupted softly, glancing over her friends face, she walked to the two "Why don't you go get some rest?"

"Are you sure?" Lyanna turned back to Octavia with a raised brow.

"Go." Octavia nodded "This must have been very hard for you., I'm sorry swettie."

"It's okay O"

Lyanna left the dropship and breathed the fresh air that the Earth provided her, she saw her surroundings after the meeting it was a disaster, she passed her hands over her face and rubbed it, taking the tears, then passed through her hair and gave a sight, she could not avoid trembling. She needed her father, she had just seen an innocent man being tortured and could not do anything, she needed her father, begged him not to be disappointed with her, wanting his words of affection, falling asleep in his arms while he sang "La Seine "

She took a couple of steps and put on her hood trying to avoid them all, until her gaze met what she just tried to avoid.


Bellamy saw behind Clarke 's shoulder; Lyanna, that she was paralyzed as soon as his gaze met hers.

"And ... you're not paying attention ," Clarke told him, she turned and saw Lyanna "you'd better fix things with her, she forgave me, Lyanna is understanding."

Bellamy nodded and left Clarke there, hurrying to where Lyanna was. The middle French girl, seeing Bellamy approaching, tried to turn around but he grabbed her by the wrist, causing Lyanna to jump.

"Lya ... can we talk?" he asked, but didn't let Lyanna speak. "I'm sorry, but it was necessary, Finn was dying, okay? We're still friends, right? " When Lyana said nothing, Bellamy insisted "right?"

Lyanna shook her head and took a step back.

"I asked you, Bellamy. I asked you, I screamed and I begged you, but you... you just kept doing it, I know you're not a bad guy, I know, but what you did ... Bellamy...I was afraid of you, okay? " Bellamy couldn't talk, he felt a lump in his throat "I was afraid of you and now I think I still have you a little ... I ... I can't be friends with someone I'm afraid of, Bellamy, I'm sorry."

"Lya..." he tried to say, but the girl only shook her head.

"Please don't. Don't make me feel more guilty than I feel."


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