《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》t h i r t e e n


When they arrived at the camp Bellamy and Clarke gave their speech that they could no longer live in the anarchy, in "what ever the hell we want" after that nightmare with the end of Charlotte they needed rules of coexistence if they wanted to survive, Lyanna barely heard it. Octavia in the softest voice that she could, ask her if she wanted to accompany her to the dropship, Monty apparently, could finally contact the Ark, but Lyanna shook her head at a fixed point, which worried Octavia more.

She had failed, had failed her father, instead of helping Charlotte, she could not keep her alive, because of a knife on her neck Charlotte had jumped off the cliff, Lyanna felt dirty. Her hands had been stained with blood again, but not her mother's blood, or the blood of Atom, but the blood of a little girl that Lyanna could not help, and she knew that it would hunt her forever.

She covered herself again with her cloak, and walked away from the bonfire, whit wet cheeks, it was raining a little so she slid down and felt the humid bark of the tree. She hugged her knees and wrapped herself in the cloak and from that minute she broke.

She began to cry, to cry for everything, for her mother who sold her as if Lyanna was food, for her father who she missed more than ever, for her grandmother who was like a lovely mother until she died and Lyanna's mother started to "take care of her", for Charlotte and especially for her. For her life in the Ark, for never knowing how to write or read, For having skipped the experience of playing with other children.

Angrily, she hit the wet ground and kept pounding until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Octavia, please just leave me alone ..."

To her surprise it was Bellamy who had a hand on her shoulder. The boy sat next to her and Lyanna embarrassed, for crying she covered herself even more with the hood.

"I'm sorry Lya" Bellamy spoked softly.

"Oh god, is it wrong to say that I miss the ark?" Lyanna said while rubbing her eyes with her hands.

Bellamy shook his head.

"Someday you'll tell me what happened to be here?" He asked softly.

Lyanna rubbed her cheeks with anger and and she saw Bellamy with a small smile, which made Bellamy's heart light up a bit, Lyanna's small, shy smiles were too pretty, even when the girl was a mess.

"Some day, but for now ... ¡Ouch!"

Lyanna stopped and jumped when she felt her wrist burning and a few blades of electricity, she saw the wristband and almost had a panic attack to see that it was hanging, it was open.


"No," she murmured, "no, no, s'il te plaît, s'il te plaît."

Lyanna murmured words in French to the metal wristband that Bellamy did not understand, even words that sounded like dead language, the only word he could identify was "papa"

"I...I'll never see him again, Bell, I will never see my dad again " said the girl on the brink of tears again.

"I'm sorry, Lya."

And the truth is that Bellamy felt terrible, of course, that was his purpose; Everyone to take off their wristbands, and that the Ark wouldn't go down to Earth, but he had just crushed the dreams of his friend, he had just crushed the hopes of Lyanna to see her family again. A happy life.

And Bellamy felt guilty.


"I'm really sorry about the wristband" Octavia said to Lyanna, As soon as Bellamy had told his sister about Lyanna's mood, Octavia had not hesitated to leave the dropship and go to Lyanna who was no longer crying but had red and swollen eyes.

"It's okay" Lyanna said quietly.

"No. It's not okay. And it's fine not to be okay, Lya. You can't swallow all your pain anymore, your mother isn't here..."

"I just want everything to stop, I just... My mom is not here anymore but her ghost is right at my side, telling me the stupid little girl I am" Lyanna murmured.

Octavia hugged her from the side and smiled at her.

"Remember when you told me your favorite story?"

"The dragon queen?" Lyanna asked with a smile, all the stories her father and uncle told her, Lyanna whenever she could, she told Octavia the ones she liked the most, like the dragon queen story.

"And how you were in love with the wolf king"

Lyanna released a soft laugh.

"I was ten and....wait, 'Tavy what's that?" She said pointing to the sky "Oh god, it's-it's that a pod?"

"Bellamy!" Octavia yelled at her brother's tent, when she saw what her best friend was pointing with her index finger.

Bellamy soon walked out, and of course he was shirtless Lyanna did not realize she had been staring at him with wide eyes. He send her a quick wink before turning to look at the sky. 'A friendly wink' Lyanna thought.

"They're coming to help us." a boy remarked in excitement "Now we can kick some grounder ass."

"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo." one of the girl's Bellamy had been sleeping with muttered, Lyanna thought it would be better food, medicine, or even new clothes but she could not suppress a smile at the thought of a relaxing shower and remove all the sweat, dirt and dried blood.

"Nous sommes poussières et étoiles" Lyanna said with a smile."J'espère qu'il y a quelqu'un, il pourrait nous dire comment tout se passe dans l'Arche"


Bellamy dropped his serious face and smiled for a second watching Lyanna who said a few more things in French talking to herself, which Bellamy did not understand a little, but were somehow soothing and made him smile like a fool, until he saw Octavia who was looking at him and returned to his seriousness.


"What happened there? " Lyanna asked at the sight of her best friend's irritated face, Octavia was angry, Lyanna knew it quickly. The girl went to her brother's tent to find out when they were going to see the pod, since Clarke was not anywhere, that had alerted Lyanna, until she had remembered that Finn had told her he was going to be with Clarke, after the hard night that happened because of Charlotte's death. And from Octavia's face, Lyanna knew that Bellamy had made a decision that Octavia did not like.

"He said we have to wait until sunrise" Octavia said with a grimace of disgust.

Lyanna sighed, she didn't want to break the confidence of her new friend, Bellamy was a bit of an idiot, but he had a good attitude with her, he was a good friend, but she had known Octavia for a long time, since they were kids. Lyanna would never let Octavia go alone, even if they did it against what Bellamy said.

"We are not waiting until sunrise, are we?"Lyanna said with a sideways smile

Octavia nodded and put an arm around her best friend's shoulders.

"You always read my mind, my little French friend"


"What is there between you and my brother? "Octavia said out of nowhere, Lyanna gave her a confused look "Oh please, now you two are closer"

"Of course," said Lyanna, not catching the hint, "Bellamy is my friend now."

"Aha" Octavia said sarcastically, Lyanna was very smart, Octavia knew that, Lyanna was smarter than Clarke, more smart than Bellamy, Lyanna didn't know how to read or write like a normal person, but Octavia knew she was smarter than others, she even thought Lyanna could be a really good leader with Clarke and Bellamy, but she also was too sweet and sensitive, besides too distracted to know that Bellamy was slowly falling for her, who by the mere fact of saying a few words in French, Bellamy had smiled.

"Very well, I think it would be better for us to separate, "said Octavia, seeing that this was nowhere to be found, They had walked for almost an hour, and they had not found a trace

"What? Octavia don't think I'm leaving you alone ...." Lyanna started to say, worried.

"Relax, listen to me, Lyanna Valjean, tell me the people you love"Octavia said putting her hands on Lyanna's shoulders

"Valjean, Diago, Finn, grandma and you."

"And who is not on that list?"

"My mother"Lyanna murmured.

"Exactly, in a couple of months you are going to be with all those people, Valjean and Diago will come down and we will all be with you, the question is, that whatever is in that pod can help them, we need to see that what is, in there, but If you don't want to go alone, I will not leave you alone, "said Octavia, the last thing worried, she had heard something that children who suffered abuse were not fans of the dark.

"No, it's not that, I don't want to leave you alone. But that's okay, just be careful."

"You too."


"And now I think I've just gotten lost," Lyanna murmured, realizing that she'd given the same turn for the third time. She gave a sigh, if the grounders did not kill her, hunger would do it or some wild animal or if she came to camp Octavia and Finn would kill her for missing out in the woods.

"C'mon Lya ... why did not you pay attention to those stupid Pike classes? Oh, really, because I didn't think they would send us to Earth!" She yelled in frustration, Lyanna never lost her patience, actually one of her virtues was patience and tolerance, but she was beginning to be afraid. It was relaxing and at the same time terrifying, walking through the woods, she was alone and only silence was her companion, she saw her dragon ring and smiled. Her grandmother had told her that this ring was passed from mother to daughter or son, and when Lyanna had asked her why she had not given it to her mom, her grandmother grimaced and told her that Lyannas's mom did not deserve it.

"Your heart is pure Lyanna, and this ring now belongs to you"

She knew that her grandmother would have loved to smell the trees, the humidity, the earth, listen to the birds ... Lyanna reached a cliff and she frowned at the sight of the figure of a girl on the floor, she leaned forward a little to see who it was and immediately she felt her blood cold. Octavia was lying on the ground, bleeding and with her eyes closed.

"Octavia! Oh my God, Octavia? Octa-"Lyanna could not continue to call her friend trying to lower the cliff but it was too steep for her, she lost control of her balance and rolled a couple of meters, trying to cover her head but it was impossible because she immediately felt the pain in her ribs, when the girl fell to the side of Octavia it was too late, for Lyanna everything had turned black and had lost consciousness .

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