《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》t w e l v e


Lyanna and Bellamy had been walking for hours, neither of them had said anything, they were worried about Charlotte, Lyanna played with her necklace every few minutes, just like Bellamy saw her a couple of times.

"How could she do it?" Asked Bellamy out of nowhere.

"She's a little girl, don't blame her, and do not blame you, you gave her advice, Bellamy."

"And where does that lead us?" Bellamy said sarcastically "She's just...a child...a little girl"

"Little girls are dangerous, Bellamy Blake, we dress in sheep's clothing" Lyanna adviced him, remembering painfully the words of her mother, that no matter how hurtful they were, they were true.

"You are not a victim Lyanna! You're just a dragon dressed in sheepskin!"

She closed her eyes for a second, trying to not remember.

"We are all tired, Charllotte now can not sleep, she may not understand how serious the situation is now, but she will , and now I only pray to the gods for this to be fixed, she is a sweet girl, she doesn't deserve All this."

When Bellamy opened his mouth to answer, a small figure appeared in their sights. Charlotte was looking around frantically as her short legs moved along the bushes. Bellamy cursed under his breath and carefully walking his way, with Lyanna on his side.

Charlotte screamed loudly when Bellamy took a hold of her shoulders and he shushed her immediately.

"Let me go!" she screamed as Bellamy pulled her with him.

"I'm trying to help you." he hissed at her.

"I'm not your little sister!" she snapped. "Just stop helping me."

"Lottie, Murphy is going to kill you" Lyanna knelt in front of her and took her by the shoulders. But Charlotte shook her head and took off quickly while screaming.


"Murphy! I'm over here!"

Bellamy grabbed her before she could go further. "Are you trying to get us all killed?"

"Just let me go." she pleaded. "I'm the one they want."

"Charlotte, We won't let that happen, okay?"

"Please," she begged before turning back to run again. Bellamy cursed and grabbed her waist, hoisting her over his shoulder.

"Murphy! I'm over here!" she screamed.

"Come on out, Charlotte!" They were getting closer. "Come on out!"

"Quick, we need to go"

"Put me down!" she screamed. "Murphy! I'm right here! Put me down, Bellamy! Lyanna, please!"

Lyanna was behind them, making sure they were not too close and losing them. but they had not gone another mile to a rocky cliff.

"Damnit." he cursed.

"Bellamy!" Murphy reached them with two of his friend on his side. "You cannot fight all of us. Give her up."

"Stop!" Clarke yelled as she and Finn joined their sides. "This has gone too far."

"Just calm down. We can talk about this." Lyanna hugging Charlotte, handed her to Bellamy and took a step forward as she tried to reason with him.

Murphy seemed to consider her idea before yanking on her sleeve and pressing a knife to her neck. Lyanna gave a gasp as she felt the contact of the metal edge against her skin. Her back was tightly pressed to his front as the sharp metal almost broke her pale skin.

"I'm sick of your pacifist attitude, Dolly" Murphy hissed in her ear.

"Let her go!" Finn's voice was filled with anger. Lyanna was like her little sister, and his best friend.

"Back off." Murphy warned him and pressed the sharp metal closer to the pale skin of her neck. One move, and the knife would cut her "I will slit her throat."


"No, please." Charlotte pleaded. "Please don't hurt her."

"Don't hurt her?" Murphy mocked. "Okay, I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now and I'll let her go."

"Don't do it, Charlotte." Lyanna said when Charlotte stepped forwards. "Please, don't do it."

Lyanna gave a groan as she felt the metal slowly tearing at her pale neck and felt a trickle of blood streaming down her neck, Bellamy clenched his jaw and saw Murphy wanting to kill him.

"No, I have to!" she cried when Bellamy turned back to them.

"Bellamy Blake don't let her!"Lyanna screamed at her friend.

"Murphy, this is not happening." he was furious. "Let her go."

"I can't let anyone of you get hurt anymore." Charlotte spoke softly. "Not because of me. Not after what I did."

Lyanna did not have the opportunity to see, since everything happened so fast, the little girl had run and jumped off the cliff. Murphy seemed to be in shock himself and let her go.

"No!" she screamed and collapsed at the edge next to Clarke and Bellamy. Her hands trembled as she looked into the darkness of the cliff, the waves hitting the bottom harshly and no sight of Charlotte, she was gone.

Bellamy had risen furiously and charged Murphy, he was taking the crap out of him, to the point that Murphy was barely conscious and his head was bleeding in piles, Clarke had risen to stop them, but Lyanna didn't followed , seeing the fixed point of the fall of Charlotte, she was paralyzed, what happened to her dream of the Earth? What had happened with a new opportunity? That the earth was beautiful? Helping out of her hands, rose trembling, watching as Finn separated Bellamy from Murphy.

"Bellamy stop!" Clarke yelled. "You'll kill him!"

"He deserves to die!"Bellamy yelled.

"We don't decide who lives and dies!" Clarke argued. "Not down here! I was wrong before, you were right. Sometimes it is dangerous to tell people the truth. But if we're gonna survive down here – we can't live by whatever the hell we want. We need rules."

"And who makes those rules?" Bellamy asked while clenching his jaw. "Huh? You?"

"For now, we make the rules." Clarke said.

"So what then? We take him back and pretend like it never happened." Bellamy asked, motioning to a bloodied and beaten down Murphy on the ground.

"No" Lyanna's voice came out of nowhere, weak and sharp, but the last words said them in a grave tone "We banish him."

He turned his gaze to Lyanna who was shaking, her cheeks red and full of tears and grabbed Murphy by the collar harshly, pulling him to the cliff's edge, without caring the screams of Clarke to let him go.

"If I ever catch you near camp and we'll be back here. Understand?" then he saw again Lyanna; who was crying, with her hand covering her mouth "Put another hand in Lyanna and I will slit your throat, understand?"

He nodded his head slightly before Bellamy pushed him back to the ground.

"As for the two of you. You can come back and follow me or go with him to die. Your choice. "

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