《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》e l e v e n


"Bring out the girl, Bellamy!" Murphy shouted.

Murphy stood outside the main tent with the rest of camp while Bellamy, Lyanna, Finn, Clarke and Charlotte hid in the tent to find a solution for the horrible situation.

"Why did you do it, Charlotte?" Bellamy asked, not understanding the girls actions.

"Because I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me." Charlotte tried to defend herself.

"What the hell is she talking about?" Clarke demanded.

"That-That is not what he meant." Lyanna said while Charlotte shrunk to Bellamy and Lyanna's side under Clarke's hateful gaze. "You misunderstood him, sweetie"

"Bring the girl out now!" Murphy shouted once again.

"Please don't let them hurt me." Charlotte cried.

Lyanna could not believe it, How a girl like Charlotte had stained her hands with blood at such a young age?

Lyanna stepped up to Charlotte and gave her a soft look, trying to reassure her.

"Hey, Charlotte, do you remember when you asked if I killed my mother?" Charlotte nodded. "I lied to you, I killed my mother, I was 15 years old, it was two years ago, my hands have her blood now and I can not wash them. You killed Wells. Do you feel better?" Charlotte denied, with tears in her eyes "Neither do I, I hardly sleep, when I close my eyes, the only thing I see is my mother's expression before she dies. But you're a child, it's not your fault either for Wells or for Bellamy."

"Was it your fault when you killed your mother?"she asked in a little voice.

Lyanna shook her head, trying to think a right answer to that hard question,

"I think it was as much mine as hers" when Lyanna left to see Charlotte and turned to see the others; for Finn was no secret, he knew that Lyanna had killed her mother and , Bellamy saw her, unable to speak, and Clarke .... Clarke had no idea of what was happening but she just heat that the sweetest girl of the camp admitted that she killed her mother and right now she saw Lyanna in horror.


"If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up." Bellamy said glancing at Clarke and Finn, they responded with silence "Now you stay quiet."

"Those are your guys out there." Finn stated.

"This is not my fault." Bellamy protested. "If she'd listen to me. Those idiots would still be building the wall."

Clarke sended him a hateful glare.

"You want to build a society, Clarke?" Murphy's voice echoed through the tent from outside, piercing Lyanna's ears "Let's build a society! Bring her out!"

"No, please!" Charlotte clung onto Lyanna. "Please."

Bellamy frowned and crouched down.

"Hey, Charlotte. It's going to be okay. No one will hurt you, I promise. Just – just stay with Lya"

When Bellamy left, Lyanna turned to Finn and Clarke.

"Go away, take her as far as you can, you- you'll be okay." Lyanna gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Why?"Finn asked

"Bellamy thinks he can control him, but he didn't spent years in the skybox with Murphy like us. Murphy is not giving up"

And she came out behind Bellamy.

"Well, well, well," Murphy spoke. "Look who decided to join us. The king and his little doll. Where is she, huh? I told you to bring her out."

"Tone it down and back off." Bellamy said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Or what?" Murphy taunted. "What're you gonna do, Bellamy. Hang me?"

"I was just giving the people what they wanted." Bellamy said.

"Yeah," Murphy nodded. "Yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now?" he turned towards the rest of camp. "Who here wants to see the real murderer hung up?"

Murphy raised his hand along with three of his posse friends. Nobody wanted to hang Charlotte, she was just a girl, besides they were no longer in the Ark, the rules were not harsh, nor were there any rules. Lyanna was disappointed, that had made it clear, but she was forgiving, there were things that push people to desperate measures, the nightmares pushed Charlotte as Lyanna's mother to her.


"I see," nodded Murphy. "It's okay to string me up for nothing! But when this bitch confesses, you're going to let her walk! Cowards all of you!"

"Can- Can not you see the difference? She is 12, she is a child. You? Probably almost 18 and you think that hanging a girl who barely knew what she was doing, is it the right thing? You are the adult, she is the kid, please Murphy, just...just think about ir..."

"You, little bitch ... "Murphy tried to get on top of Lyanna and the girl stepped back, a bit frightened, but Bellamy grabbed Murphy's arm before he could even touch her.

"Hey!" Bellamy yelled loudly. "Hey, Murphy! It's over!"

"Whatever you say, boss." he shrugged his shoulders and turned around with a roll of his eyes.

Bellamy took Lyanna's wrist to get back into the tent, but Murphy quickly picked up one of the pieces of wood and lifted it up against Bellamy, knocking him over the head.

"No!" Octavia screamed, being held back by Jasper "Son of a bitch!"

"Bellamy!" Lyanna quickly knelt in front of him, and after a few seconds Octavia was at her side, Lyanna placed Bellamy's head carefully in her lap, staining her cloak, and felt the blood dripping from his head.

"Jasper, bring something to cover the wound." Lyanna ordered him,

"What thing?"

"Anything!" Lyanna almost screamed at him, causing Jasper to sink into the dropship.

"Please wake up, please wake up" Lyanna murmured to an unconscious Bellamy. "Please, c'mon" she said, running her hand carefully over Bellamy's cheek.

Octavia stopped looking worriedly at her brother and looked up, seeing her best friend, panic was in her eyes when she saw that Bellamy was still unconscious. Lyanna tried no to panicked, tried.

"You worry about him," Octavia said, realizing what was happening. "Bellamy cares about you, too."

"Well" said Lyanna, not understanding Octavia's hint "He is my friend."

"I mean...he looks at you with... like admiration...that's...that's really weird in Bellamy, I never..."

Lyanna was going to answer her, but Jasper had arrived with a damp cloth, Lyanna passed it over Bellamy's face and then put pressure on his wound, the boy gave a groan and began to open his eyes slowly.

"Lya ..." he began, "Lyanna?"

"Yeah, I'm here, take it easy you can have a concussion .."

"Are you okay?"

Lyanna looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?"she asked

"Murphy. Did he did something to you?" He asked, concern in his voice. The girl when she heard that, smiled with tender, and felt that her heart skipped a beat.

"No, I'm fine. But you are not."

"Where's Charlotte?"

"I told Finn and Clarke to take her away, but I doubt they will go far, I will go and help them, I think it would be best if you stayed here, it was a good blow to the head. Alright?" Lyanna got up and put on her hood Of her cloak, but she was stopped by Bellamy who fastened her wrist.

"I'm going with you," he told her.

"Bell..."Octavia tried to say.

"You can not go alone, I go with you, I'm fine, it's not that bad."

She wanted Bellamy to fully recover, but she nodded, because deep down she felt insecure without Bellamy, what she was going to do alone?

And she knew that she wasn't capable of controlling guys like Murphy.

"Then let's go"

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