《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》t e n


Wells Jaha was dead.

Wells Jaha's body was found dead outside the walls of the camp.

Lyanna's heart had squeezed when she heard the news, especially when she found Clarke crying alone, so instead of spending the rest of the day with Octavia or Finn, Lyanna had stayed with Clarke, Clarke would never be Octavia and Lyanna would never be Wells, but in Lyanna, Clarke had found someone to lean on, as Lyanna had done with Bellamy.

"I've found these," said Lyanna, sitting next to Clarke, both of them sitting in front of the grave they had dug for Wells. Lyanna held some beautiful yellow and red flowers and crawled to put them in the grave.

"They're pretty, thanks Lya," Clarke murmured.

"Oh well, it's not a big problem," Lyanna said and then saw Clarke with teary eyes. "I'm so sorry, do you need something?"

"It's okay, Lya" Clarke said with a small smile "I'd like to have some time alone, please"

"Yes, of course" Lyanna said sweetly, standing up and pulling the dirt out of her jeans "Just call me and I'll be here"

"Lyanna" Clarke said taking her hand "thank you, you're a good friend"

"It's nice to have a friend like you, Clarke" Lyanna said before squeezing her hand and leaving Clarke alone.

When she returned to the dropship, Finn immediately stopped her.

"How is she?" He asked worried, Lyanna narrowed her eyes, she knew there was something between Finn and Clarke, but it did not matter because Finn had a girlfriend.

"She's fine. Finnie ... you do not like Clarke, right? ... more than a friend?"she asked cautiously.

Lyanna had known Finn for two years, but she knew him like the back of her hand, when Finn had learned about the girl's past, he had become extremely protective, and became a kind of big brother. So when Lyanna could see how Finn's mouth opened slightly, he saw a second on the floor and then Lyanna's shoulder, the girl opened her eyes surprised, knowing very well his expressions.

"By the gods, you have a girlfriend Finn!" The girl murmured.

"I know, I know" Finn murmured "I love Raven, Lya"

"Loving and being in love are two completely different things" Lyanna said and sighed "Promise me that you will not break their hearts, especially Raven, who has been waiting for you for two years"

"I promise you Lya"

"Lya!" the girl turned around and smiled when she saw Bellamy go towards her.

"And you promise me to keep your distance from Bellamy" Finn whispered before leaving, Lyanna saw him surprised.

"Hey, Bell" she said, accidentally leaving the nickname of his lips "Uh ... I mean Bellamy, I'm sorry" but to her surprise Bellamy smiled.

"It's fine, if I call you Lya, you can call me Bell" he said and then cleared his throat, puzzling Lyanna "Uh ... anyway I just came to see if you were okay."


"Oh, uhm, yeah, did not want to leave Clarke alone ..."

"You've been with her the last entire day" Bellamy said.

"Well ... I think if Finn died I would like someone to give me his company, I would not want to be alone" Lyanna murmured.

"You will never be alone" he respondes "Everyone likes you"

"Maybe" she shrugged "But I cant tell everyone my past"


"You need to be together, you two are really cute" Charlotte said but Lyanna smiled and laughed, looking at the little girl.

"He's my friend, a very caring friend" Lyanna explained.

"Yeah, like when he asks if you're okay, when you two talk..."Charlotte started to said "Bellamy really cares for you, Lya"

"Hey!" Lyanna sighed when she heard Murphy's voice. "Get back to work!"

"I just need some water." The boy he was yelling at, said.

"Why don't we just let the little girls do the work for you?!" Murphy said looking at Lyanna and Charlotte.

"Murphy!" Bellamy intervened and Lyanna smiled a little bit "Get this guy some water."

"You like him too" Charlotte murmured quickly as Bellamy made his way over the two.

"I do not...."

"You got this?" He asked Charlotte, a grin breaking on his face when she actually went to pick up the large log, nodding, Lyanna laughed a little bit too.

"Hey, I'm just kidding." Lyanna smiled like an idiot to see the smile of Bellamy, it was a sincere smile, a smile of happiness, not the little smiles that he gave to Lyanna, it was one that Lyanna would want to continue seeing.

"I don't....I don't...what I was saying?" Lyanna babbled.

"What is wrong with you?!" The boy, Jones screamed, shaking his jacket off, When Lyanna saw the scene, she immediately covered Charlotte's eyes with her hand and closed her eyes in disgust at the sight of Murphy.

"You said you wanted water." He laughed, zipping his pants up. "Now get back to work."

"Lya? Are you with us? "Octavia asked Lyanna, they needed to help Jasper who was traumatized after all that experience, and they would help him out of the camp. Lyanna nodded.

"Can you do this? It will only be a few seconds "she told Charlotte.

The girl nodded and Lyanna joined her friends.

"We're already there," Octavia told him.

"Just a few more steps, okay?" Lyanna grabbed Jasper's other hand.

"A foot in front of the other" Octavia said, followed by Lyanna coming out of the wall, Jasper however was doubtful, watching the trees nervous.

"What's wrong?" Lyanna asked, seeing that he was not moving.

"Oh..uh ... nothing ... I'm fine"

"You're with us Jasper, besides we're in front of the camp, nothing will happen to us." Lyanna tried to calm him.

"Jasper, it's been a week, okay? You have a second chance you should use it ... "she said walking with Lyanna, but the two girls felt as they covered their mouths and pushed them to the ground, both began to scream and tried to get out of the arms that held them.


"Octavia? Lyanna? Are you okay?!" Jasper yelled .

A laugh was heard and two boys released the two girls.

"Hey jerk!" Octavia said, punching him.

"Get out of here!" Lyanna said angrily, they were spoiling Jasper's opportunity.

"Jasper, come on," the blonde tried to cheer him on.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Octavia said, Jasper stumbled and the two girls quickly came to help him.

"Hey" Jasper was watching a fixed point.

"Jasper what's happe..." But Lyanna cut abruptly at the sight of two human fingers in front of her "Gods..."


"That knife is made from the metal from the dropship." Clarke observed.

"What does this mean?" Jasper murmured.

"It means the grounders didn't kill Wells. One of us did." Announced Lyanna taking the knife from Clarke's hands.

"So there's a murderer in camp."

"There's more than one murderer in camp, this isn't news." Bellamy said, he saw Lyanna unintentionally, and she was only under his gaze. Clarke picked up the knife and the look on her face hardened. She started for the exit but Bellamy stood in her way.

"Get out of my way Bellamy"

"Clarke, be smart about this." He said slowly "Look at what we've achieved, the walls, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the grounders killed Wells is good for us."

"Oh good for you, you mean?"

"Yeah that's it." He nodded, "but good for all of us too. Fear of the grounders built that wall. Besides, what are you gonna do? Walk out there and ask the killer to step forward?"

"Look, I don't like the idea, but Bellamy is right, everything will be chaos if they discover that there is a murderer in the camp who killed one of us" Lyanna said taking a step in front of Clarke "And you don't even know who is."

"Oh really?" She held the knife up, showing them the initials on the handle. "J.M. John Murphy. The people have a right to know." She shoved past Bellamy and stormed outside.

" Cela ne finira pas bien." Lyanna said to herself, saw the rest of her friends who were at the tent ,before leaving, she knew that Clarke was angry, for Wells.

"...Where you dropped it after you killed Wells!" Clarke snapped at Murphy.

"I didn't kill Wells, the grounders did." Murphy defended himself.

"Save it Murphy, I know what you did." She hissed, taking a step closer to him.

"Bellamy, you really believe this crap?" he glanced up at Bellamy, who stood next to the two girls with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You hated Wells. You threatened to kill him, we all heard you!"

"Plenty of people hated Wells. His father was the chancellor who locked us up!"

"You're the only one who tried to get in a knife fight with him!"

"Tried to kill Jasper too!" Octavia spoke up.

Murphy let out a frustrated sigh, rolling his eyes.

"This is ridiculous. I don't have to answer to you, I don't have to answer to anyone."

"Come again?" Bellamy asked.

"Come on Bellamy, you gotta believe me. I didn't kill him." Murphy pleaded.

"Is this the kind of society we want?!" Lyanna shooked her head as Clarke yelled out to the 100. "We need rules!"

"Clarke, please stop it."Lyana pleaded "This is not gonna end well"

"I say we float him! " Jones yelled. Clarke snapped her head in his direction, her eyes wide with shock and fear.

"No that's not what I meant!"

At that moment Lyanna had a great desire to tell Clarke I told you so...

"It's justice!" Everything happened so fast that Lyanna could barely see what was happening. The group of delinquents attacked Murphy and kicked him to the floor.

"No!" Lyanna screamed, she knew that Murphy wasn't the murderer, Lyanna knew when someone had the guts to become a murderer, and Murphy was not brave enough, Lyanna was an illiterate, barely able to read and did not know how to write, but she knew how to read people, and knew people like Murphy were unpleasant and stupid, but not murderers.

"Bellamy please stop this!" She screamed up at him. Lyanna gasped as she covered her mouth with her hand as she saw Murphy hanging on a tree, barely breathing.

"Bellamy! You should do it! Bellamy! Bellamy!" Jones cheered, eventually everyone was chanting his name.

"Bellamy! No! I saw you in the woods with Atom! I know you're not a killer!" Clarke screamed, trying to pull him back as he walked towards Murphy. When Bellamy stood in front of the box Lyanna was able to take her arm amidst all the commotion.

"Please, please, no" she said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Lya" he murmured so low that only she could hear.

And Bellamy kicked the box from underneath Murphy.

"No!" Lyanna screamed" Who....who the hell are you Bellamy Blake?" she asked in horror.

"Charlotte! Get out of here!" Finn yelled, Lyanna tried to go to the rope only to be held by Bellamy's arms, Lyanna did not think about the consequences, but Bellamy knew that if she cut the rope, they would all be on her, and that he would not allow it.

It was all chaos, Clarke screaming, Murphy hanging, Lyanna trying to get out of Bellamy's arms, and all the others cheering like animals

"Just stop all right" Charlotte's voice made Lyanna stop. "Murphy didn't kill Wells!. I did!"

Please don't.

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