《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》n i n e


Clarke, Lyanna, Bellamy and the others had arrived with the corpse of Atom to the camp, they had put his jacket over his face to cover it, Lyanna all the way felt a little insecure without her red cloak so she hugged Bellamy's jacket that she was wearing , staring at the ground, never looking away, her hands were stained with blood before reaching the ground, why it matters to have a little more? She stopped Clarke from being a killer. But Bellamy and Clarke looked at each other, worried for the first time, Lyanna's hands trembled at every step and she saw the floor without blinking. In one moment Bellamy could not bear to continue to see the girl so fragile and weak that he asked Finn to charge the other end to Atom and approached Lyanna; the others, Wells, Clarke and Finn were surprised to see how Bellamy with kindness started talking to the girl, with softness in his eyes.

"Lyanna, Atom wanted this"

"I know, but he was a boy, I know he didn't do anything horrible to go to the Skybox, he was just a boy, an innocent" She sighed. "Oh my God, Octavia ... she's... she's going to hate me."

"She won't do it, I promise"

"Do you even know your sister?"she sighed " I miss my best friend .... and .. I will not have anyone..."

"You will have someone, you told me that only Octavia and Finn knew the truth, Finn will be for you, Clarke will be for you...I will be for you"

"You?" Lyanna asked surprised as she stopped from crying.

"I can't be your friend?" Bellamy asked with a small smile.

Lyanna gave a smile that for Bellamy was enough.

"Yeah...that would be nice"

When they arrived at camp They carried Atom's body themselves and carefully laid him down next to the fire. Octavia's head popped out of the dropship and she made her way over to them.

"O, no." Bellamy tried to reason "Stay there. Please stay back."

"Bell, no." she tried to get out of his grip. "Bell, stop."

"Tavia..."Lyanna starting to say.

She ducked under his arm and crouched down next to Atom. She hesitated when she wanted to pull the jacket down but did it anyway. Atom's blistered face came into view and she shook her head fleetingly.


"Atom," she gasped

"There was nothing I could do-" Bellamy started.

"Don't!" Octavia snapped.

"'Tavia...the fog.."

"O, please." Bellamy tried to hold her but she pushed him away and rushed to her tent.

"Octavia ... oh Tavvy" said Lyanna when she saw her, she was crying and covered her face with her hands.

"Tavia we couldn't anything, the fog caught up with him and I ... I killed him, do not get angry with your brother, Bellamy is not to blame, he asked me to kill him ... and now I carry the blood of Two different people, Octavia ... Octavia please forgive me."

To her surprise Octavia hugged her, the two friends melted into a hug of sorrow for each other.

"Lya of course I forgive you, I know ... that you are not a murderer, Atom asked, it was compassion and your mother ... that reaches another level, it is understandable, c'mon let's go see Jasper."


"I'm really sorry about Atom." Clarke told Octavia with sympathy in her tone.

"I guess we're gonna have to get used to people dying down here, aren't we?" Octavia says and Clarke smiled at her sadly, Lyanna squeezing her hand.

"But not you." Octavia says turning towards a still sleeping Jasper. They gave him the tea with the seaweed . She ran her fingers through his hair as she smiled down at him. "You hear me? You're not allowed to die."

Clarke got out of the drop shift, saying something about how she had to talk to Wells. Finn in his hands brought a bottle of whiskey and gave it to Monty, to prove it.

"Smooth." Monty said, taking a sip and coughing a little, Then gave it to Octavia.

"Disgusting. Love it."

Octavia handed the bottle to Lyanna, the smell of alcohol brought bad memories to the blonde, but she accepted and took a drink.

"This is horrible...do you have another bottle?" She asked Finn who smiled and denied.

"Can I, uh, get a hit of that?" Jasper says groggily.

"Jasper!" The four ran to Jasper who had awakened.

"Let's start with the soft stuff." Finn said as Lyanna handed Jasper some water.


"Welcome back"Lyanna said with a smile.

"Was that a dream or did I get speared?" Jasper asked.

"You'll have a very impressive scar to prove it." Clarke informs him as she walks over them.

"My savior." Jasper happily says, still groggy from his sleep.

"Thank you for not dying. I don't think I could've taken that today." Clarke said.

"I'll try not to die tomorrow, too, if that's cool." Jasper tells her and Lyanna giggled a little. He sees Octavia standing above him and he smiles brighter.

"Oh, hello." Jasper says flirtatiously and they all laugh at him. Lyanna smiled with a sigh, she could not have endured another death either, especially Jasper's. Lyanna saw the five faces in front of her, Octavia, Finn, Monty, Jasper and Clarke, maybe Bellamy was right, it was Earth, Lyanna could get rid of her past and start from scratch with those five faces that were now her friends, and maybe six, counting Bellamy.

"Wait a second," said Octavia, looking at Lyanna more closely. "Is not that Bellamy's jacket?"

Lyanna felt the heat on her cheek as she remembered how she had slept, with Bellamy hugging her.

"Uh ... yeah, I gave Charlotte my cloak so she would not be cold, and well it got cold, and then your brother gave me his jacket since it was freezing, but nothing happended. No. No" She said everything so fast that only Octavia could understand the complete sentence.

"I did not expect that, are you serious? Bellamy not being an idiot? "Monty asked.

"Also friend of Lya" Clarke added with a smile "I think he already has a sweet spot for you"

"Nah, I don't think so, he's not sweet, I mean yes, I mean no sweet spot uh..." Lyanna started to play with her hands "There was a fog!"

"Yeah, we know Lya" Octavia smiled.

However Finn saw her worried, he knew for all that Lyanna had passed with boys and he only hoped that Bellamy was not like the rest and broke her.

"Okay, then I need to go" Lyanna said with a smile, then she squezzed Jasper's hand "I'm so happy you're okay"

"Where are you going?" Monty asked

"To talk with the stars!" Lyanna said as she went down the ladder.

"Did she said...to talk with the stars?" Clarke asked with a frown.

"Her father told her stories about knights, queens, dragons, the moon, the stars..."Octavia explained.

"And she still believes in them"Finn added.


Lyanna did not go to talk to the stars, when she lived with her mother every night she saw the stars through the window and she named them as her friends. Right now she was lying on the grass, watching the thousands of stars that were on her like a blanket. Since childhood, her grandmother had told her that she was of the blood of the dragons, that she should aspire to be much more, that one day, Lyanna would be a leader. The girl wondered how disappointed her grandmother would be now. She felt like someone lay on her side, staring at the stars.

"Are you okay, Dolly?"

"If we're friends, can you please stop calling me dolly? It's not nice"Lyanna told Bellamy.

"I'm sorry Lyanna"

"Call me Lya" said the girl "my friends call me Lya"

"Lya" Bellamy repeated, stopped seeing the stars and saw her "Do you feel okay?"

"I don't know anymore" Lyanna murmured "I'm ... I'm scared"

"Can I be honest?" Bellamy asked and Lyanna nodded "Me too"

"It's different" Lyanna said shaking her head "I'm scared ... I'm afraid of becoming my mother, that's what scares me the most...it's my worst fear"

"Your mother deep down must have loved you" Bellamy said.

Lyanna would have laughed but only sighed.

"Your mother loved you, Bellamy, your mother did everything for you, that's being a mother," Lyanna said. "Anyway, don't talk about that woman, I just want to enjoy the night, it's beautiful"

"Yes," Bellamy said, "yes, yes it is."

"Nous sommes poussière et étoiles" Lyanna said in french, looking at the stars with admiration "We are dust and stars"


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