《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》e i g h t


"Run! Everyone run!" Bellamy shouted

"Come on! There are caves this way." Charlotte, Bellamy, and Lyanna got separated from the others as they runned through the forest. Charlotte was falling behind and was almost caught by the fog but Bellamy and Lyanna grabbed her arms and pulled her forward.

Lyanna and Bellamy were paralyzed at the sound of Atom's screams, until Lyanna began to cough heavily and Bellamy pushed her into the cave without thinking twice.

"Hey Lottie, we do not know when the fog will disappear, why don't you try to rest for a while, yeah? Something tells me we'll be here for more than a couple of minutes" Lyanna said softly, putting her cloak on Charlotte.


What Lyanna thought was half an hour had turned into a whole hour, she saw Charlotte sleeping, seeing her think of herself, Charlotte would never go through the kind of suffering that Lyanna had gone through, but she was just a child, she was not ready to the brutality of the Earth. Then she looked at Bellamy, at least he could sleep. Lyanna closed her eyes, trying to sleep, but it had not been a second when Lyanna opened her eyes with her heart beating fast as she heard the screams of Charlotte, Bellamy like her, opened his eyes, alert, and went to Charlotte, who was screaming because of the nightmares.

"I'm sorry." Charlotte said quietly, looking down at her lap.

"Does it happen often?" Bellamy asked her softly. Charlotte sighed, giving him his answer.

"What are you scared of?"

Charlotte didn't answer this time, she just stared at Lyanna and then to Bellamy.

"You know what? It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you do about it."

"But... I'm asleep." Charlotte replied with confusion in her voice.

"Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be there to get you when you sleep." He tells her.

"Yeah, but... How?"

"You can't afford to be weak. Down here, weakness is death, fear is death. Let me see that knife I gave you." Bellamy told her and Charlotte handed over the knife. Bellamy grips the weapon tightly in his hands.

"Now, when you feel afraid, you hold tight to that knife and you say, 'screw you. I'm not afraid." Bellamy told her, handing back the knife. She timidly holds it with both hands.

"Screw you. I'm not afraid." Charlotte said quietly. Bellamy looked at her, telling her she can do it better.

"Screw you. I'm not afraid." Charlotte said confidently, repeating his words. Bellamy smiled, and gently patted her.

"Slay your demons, kid. Then you'll be able to sleep." Bellamy said as she nodded.


Lyanna's gaze turned to Bellamy and she smiled knowingly.

"What?" He asked.

"She reminds you of Octavia, does not she?" Lyanna said, shaking her head. "She does not deserve this, no kid deserves to be sent ... to die."

Bellamy nodded. They were silent for a few seconds. Lyanna was trying to get a little warm since her cloak that always kept her warm had given it to Charlotte, since the cape was so large that it served as a blanket. She looked up as something slipped on her shoulders and she saw Bellamy putting his jacket on her shoulders.

"Thank you." Lyanna crossed Bellamy's jacket.

"Lyanna" Bellamy didn't call her Dolly, or Doll Face, or Little Red, he called her Lyanna "You said I saved your life twice, can you do me a favor in exchange for that?"

Lyanna nodded.

"Yeah, of course"

"Did you really kill your mother?

Lyanna's smile had faded to a grimace and from the grimace to the tears that began to settle in her eyes, she could not speak, but she nodded and made a try.

"Yes, ... I ... I did kill my mother"

The boy approached her a little more, making their shoulders touch, he took her hand carefully, Octavia had spoken a little more of Lyanna when Bellamy asked and even for all his insistence, his sister refused to reveal the truth about the girl, she had only said a sentence to Bellamy that had given him more curiosity about Lyanna, he didn't knew why, but something about her made him want to know more.

"Bellamy for the love of God, swears, swears not to speak about her mother"

"Can I know why?"

Lyanna shook her head quickly, not wanting to sob.

"I'm sorry if you don't want to talk about your family, it's just ...."

"Valjean .....Jean Valjean is not my real father" Lyanna said suddenly.

Bellamy saw her for a moment, did not release her hand, squeezed it a little. Encouraging her to continue.

"I mean, he's not my biological father. But Jean Valjean is always going to be my father, my grandma used to take care of him, when he was a kid, she was like a second mother to him. My grandmother died when I was six years old, I lived with her and when she died ... my mother had to take care of me" a tear slipped down her cheek "Only Octavia knows the whole story, she and Finn, anyway my grandmother knew the type of person my mother was, so Jean Valjean swore on his deathbed that he would take care of me, that he would try to take me away from my mother, he was like one father and one mother at a time."


"Yes Lyanna, I will be like a mother and father to you" Lyanna smiled at the memory.

"Shit, Lya. Sorry, I... I had no idea ..."

"Don't apologize Bellamy, that's fine." Lyanna smiled at the grip of their hands. "It's just that I don't like being seen as a killer or a psycho, I want to be good. Valjean tried to raise me to be something better"

Bellamy grabbed her chin softly.

"Lyanna, of everyone here, you're the nicest girl I've seen, kind, always try to help. I know that you did not kill your mother because you are a murderer, I think you had your reasons, besides you are on Earth think of this as another opportunity."

"How do you know that I didn't kill my mother for wanting to see her dead?"

"I only know" he said " Come here, " raising his arm and making Lyanna's head rest on his chest "Try to get some sleep. "

Lyanna before closing her eyes, quickly gave Bellamy a short kiss on the cheek and with her face (she didn't know if red of embarrassment, or almost crying) she rested her head on Bellamy's chest and while both began to fall asleep, Bellamy's arms surrounded her completely, and just like that; Lyanna and Bellamy fell asleep.


"Hey, hey Bellamy, wake up." Lyanna said when she opened her eyes.

"No..." he murmured pulling Lyanna onto his chest more.



"You are suffocating me"

"Uh – I'm sorry." he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Don't worry" Lyanna responed with an awkward smile "That...fog should be cleared by now."

"You're right." Bellamy nodded. "We need to look for the others."

The two of them woke Charlotte up, and Bellamy came out first, making sure nothing was there, the two girls followed, Charlottet still wrapped in Lyanna's cloak, and Lyanna was still wearing Bellamy's jacket, she breathed the air, now pure; glancing at her surroundings.

"Anybody out here?" Bellamy called. "Jones?"

"We're here." came a voice a few feet away from them.

Jones and two other people from camp joined their side.

"Lost in the stew." Bellamy said. "Where'd you go?"

"Into a cave down there." Jones replied. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know." Bellamy shook his head. "Where is Atom?"

Lyanna saw her surroundings, but Atom was not and that was making her very uneasy.

A loud scream echoed throughout the forest. Bellamy looked up quickly and took off into the direction of the scream, Lyanna after him. Charlotte stood next to a tree – screaming her head off.

"Lottie, hey." Lyanna said, kneeling in front of her "What's the matter?"

She pointed to something in front of her and Lyanna covered her mouth with her hand in horror. Atom's body laid on the forest ground, he was covered in blisters. His skin was red, and full of pustules, his eyes were now gray, he was blind.

"Son of a bitch." Bellamy muttered. "Atom!"

Bellamy crouched down next to him; seeing if he was still alive. Atom's breathing was rigged and he could barely move. Lyanna put a hand in Charlotte's shoulder before; kneeling down on her knees next to Atom and Bellamy.

"K-kill," Atom mumbled. "M-me."

Atom could barely breathe, his body moved a little abruptly and Lyanna saw him in pain, why did it have to be like this?

Charlotte ambled to Bellamy's side and held out her small knife; so he could take it from her. He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the knife in deep though.

"Don't be afraid." she said

"Go back to camp." Bellamy told the others. "Charlotte, you too." She nodded and walked away slowly; looking back a few times before she disappeared into the bushes.

"Lyanna, go"he said


"Lya, you don't have..."

"I'm going to stay" Lyanna reassured him, he didn't have to do this alone, no one did.

He moved the knife towards his neck but he hesitated . And Lyanna looked at him, trying not to be surprised; he couldn't kill his friend.

They heard footsteps and Clarke was behind them, watching the scene, went up to the two of them and knelt in front of Atom:

"I heard screams"

"Charlotte found him"

Clarke was hesitant to do what Atom ordered, taking the knife out of Bellamy's hand, but Lyanna, the quiet girl said in a deep voice:

"Don't"she denied.

"Lyanna ..."

"You're not a murderer, Clarke. I will not let you be "carefully Lyanna took the knife from Bellamy's hands and gave him a look "Hey, hey I'm going to help you, okay? Don't cry, it's okay"

Lyanna stroked Atom's hair with a maternal gesture and began to sing the song she had sung to Charlotte the other night;

»Extra lucille quand tu es sur

La seine, la seine, la seine

Extravagante quand l'ange est sur

La seine, la seine, la seine

Je ne sais, ne sais, ne sais pas pourquoi

On s'aime comme ça-

Lyanna nailed the deepest knife and Atom stopped breathing, Lyanna with tears running down her cheeks, gave a sob before ending.

...la seine et moi"

Bellamy and Clarke saw the girl without being able to believe it, Lyanna had taken it out of his misery, Lyanna had killed Atom, she did what Bellamy and Clarke did not have the guts to do.

"We...we need to bury him."she said shakely

"We will." Bellamy promised her.


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