《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》s e v e n


"His pulse isn't steady." Clarke said, watching the seconds go by on her father's watch.

"How can I help?" Lyanna asked, hopelessly.

"Someone shut that kid up!" came a yell from the lower level.

"Quiet!" yelled another.

"I'm going to get clean water. Keep an eye on him." Clarke said, getting down the ladder.

"Clarke, stop, hey hey relax" Lyanna said putting a hand on Clarke's shoulder, making her a little less tense " Rest a little Dr, Griffin, I'm going to get the water ¿okay?"

"Thanks Lya" she said grateful and with a little smile.

When Lyanna left the dropship to get water, she heard a few shouts, fearful and carefully she went to a tree, where in a fetal position was a girl sleeping and shouting "no!" in her sleep. Lyanna gently stroked her head and the girl woke up frightened, she seemed to be 12 or 13.

"Hey, shh...okay, everything's fine, it was just a dream" Lyanna's heart broke at the sight of the girl full of tears "You're Charlotte, right? I'm Lyanna, it's okay if you're scared, I'm scared anyway ... do you want to talk about it?"

"It's my parents ... they floated them and I see them in my dreams and I just ..."

"It's okay swettie, I never had a mother who loved me, but I have a father and you know what he did when I had nightmares? He put an arm on my shoulder and let my head rest on his chest, he is a very strong man. He held me in his arms, just like this" she said doing what her father did, with Charlotte "He would caress my head and began to sing, do you want me to sing a little?

Charlotte nodded.

"I warn you, I'm not a very good singer."she giggled;

»Elle sort de son lit

Tellement sur d'elle

La seine, la seine, la seine

Tellement jolie elle m'ensorcelle

La seine, la seine, la seine

Lyanna stroked Charlotte's head and smiled as she watched the child fall asleep. Lyanna looked up at the bright spot, the Ark, she thought of her father, how much she missed him, but he was not on Earth. He could not give them food, coats or advice to the needy, so Lyanna decided to pride her father and try to help who needed it, and everything starting with Charlotte.


"The grounders cauterized the wound. Saved his life." Clark said as she cleaned his chest.

"Saved his life so they could string him up for live bait." Finn said. "Garden of Eden this ain't."


"This is infected. He could be septic. Any progress on the wristbands. Monty?"

"That would be a firm no."

"My mother would know what to do."

"How's he doing?" Wells asked.

"How does it look like he's doing Wells?" Clarke snapped.

"Hey I'm just trying to help."

"You wanna help. Hold him down." Finn and Wells grabbed him while Clark stuck her knife into the fire.

"I'm not gonna like this aren't I?" Monty asked. Clark shook her head and Lyanna grimaced.

"Oh please tell me you're not going to do what I think you're gonna do" Lyanna said closing her eyes. But she saw with horror how Clarke began cutting away the infected flesh on Jaspers chest. His pained screams filled the entire dropship as they tried to hold him down.

"Stop it!" Octavia yelled, entering the level. "You're killing him!"

"She's trying to save his life!" Finn argued.

"She can't." said Bellamy, who had followed his sister.

"Back off." Wells said, shoving him backwards.

"We didn't drag him through miles of woods to just let him die...right?" Lyanna said to Clarke brushing Jasper's hair with her fingers.

"He's a goner. If you can't see that you're deluded. He's making people crazy." Bellamy said, turning to both blond girls.

"Sorry if Jasper is an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark." Clarke snapped. "Down here every life matters."

"Take a look at him." Bellamy said. "He's a lost cause."

"I spend my entire life watching my mother heal people. If I say there's hope, there's hope." Clarke said, turning to Lyanna, and Octavia who was dapping Jaspers face with cold water.

"It isn't about hope. It's about guts." Bellamy shot back.

"No, no, no, what if Bellamy is right? Jas-Jasper he can't just...just die-" Lyanna began to breathe with more difficulty, and grabbed the edge of the table so as not to fall "He, he is a human being, he...he is just boy!"

"Oh Fuck, Lya sweetie just calm down, I'm here, it's okay" Octavia said trying to calm the girl, Finn went to them and took Lyanna's hands.

"You know this too?" Octavia asked.

"I know everything you know," he replied.

"What's happening to her?" Bellamy asked.

"A panic attack, she has them sometimes," his sister replied.

"Hey, Lya, Lyanna look at me, remember the words? Tell me your list, you murmure it all nights" Finn began insinuating her to continue, Lyanna closed her eyes and tried to coax herself.


" Pére, Diago, Finn, Octavia ''

Octavis smiled at the mention of her name.

"One more again"

"Pére, Diago, Finn...Tavvy" everyone frowned at the nickname, especially Bellamy, when they were younger his sister told him to never call her Tavyy, she didn't like it, but when Lyanna said it she just smiled with sweetness,

"Now you're okay?" Finn asked worried.

Lyanna nodded.

"You don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do. He has been like this for hours. If he's not better by tomorrow I'll kill him myself." he walked towards the ladder. "Octavia, let's go."

"I'm staying here." she said, Lyanna smiled at Octavia, grabbed her hand and gave her a squeeze.

"Power-hungry, self-serving jackass. He doesn't care about anyone but himself." Monty said and Lyanna even if she didn't agree with Bellamy, denied with her head. He saw Octavia wince slightly and he quickly added, "No offense."

"Yeah. Bellamy is all that. But he also happens to be right." Finn said and Lyanna looked at him confused.


"Lya!" The mentioned girl turned and saw Charlotte, who looked a little frightened.

"Hey kiddo" Lyanna said with a smile, She was going to asked what happened to her but the cries of Jasper cut the air and shook Charlotte "Oh Lottie, it's Jasper?"

The girl nodded.

"Could you walk with me? With that boy dying ..."

"Jasper is not dying, he just ... he has to recover, of course I'll go with you, come on"

Lyanna as they always did when she went outside the camp she put on her hood and walked away with Charlotte, they walked a couple of laps until the girl asked the question that Lyanna always tried to avoid

"It is true?"

"What thing Lottie?"Lyanna asked with a smile.

"You were in the skybox because you killed your mother," she said with curiosity, not saying it in fear as other people asked.

Lyanna was silent, had she really killed her mother? Her mother had killed her since she had bought her that dress.

"No, not really," Lyanna said after pondering her answer, they walked on in silence and Lyanna could see Charlotte's boredom a little, she remembered that she had promised to help anyone who could, like her father. She never had a childhood, she was not going to let Charlotte have a childhood like her.

"You shouldn't be here," Lyanna said, shaking her head "You should be playing, running, drawing, studying. Not here with 99 teenagers who have stolen, killed ..But ... this is Earth, look at how much space! We can run, we can play, we can scream and nobody will tell us anything...except scream, do not scream, they'll think a grounder is killing us"Lyanna said the last thing with awkardness.

Charlotte laughed with Lyanna.

"Very well, then-you have it!" Charlotte touched her and then ran.

"Wait! Charlotte Wait! "Lyanna was running after her, worried, but after a few seconds they both started to laugh as they ran, and Lyana yelled " I'm going to catch you! " But Charlotte was already getting too far away and Lyanna was becoming seriously worried because she no longer saw the kid.

"Charlotte? Charlotte? "She cried, she heard what seemed like a sharp edge in something and immediately ran to where voices came.

"Charlotte!" She said, relieved to see the child, she knelt down to her height and took her chin to see if she had any injuries "Are you okay?"

The girl nodded and Lyanna gave a sigh of relief.

"Dolly, did you bring her here?"

Lyanna turned and saw Bellamy and right next to her an ax stuck in the tree.

"You almost killed her," she reproached him.

"Why aren't you back at camp?"

"Well, what with that guy who was dying, I just... I couldn't listen anymore, Lyanna accep it ." Charlotte told him.

"There's Grounders out here. It's too dangerous for a little girl." Atom said and Charlotte looked at him in annoyance.

"I'm not little." She said, sticking her head in the air.

"Okay, then..." Bellamy said as he handed a knife to Charlotte. Lyanna put a hand on Charlotte's shoulders "But you can't hunt without a weapon. Ever killed something before?"

Charlotte shook her head no, The blond girl was impressed as Bellamy was talking to Charlotte, but he knew how to talk to children, it was obvious. He just kept looking at her, a small smile on his face. "Who knows? Maybe you're good at it."

"And you, doll face, have you killed something before?"

Lyanna was paralyzed at the question, one of the boys behind giggled, some people knew the truth and others only believed the rumors, Atom, without thieving gave the boy a push and Lyanna watched with gratitude to Atom, Octavia would never tell the first guy she's with, the truth about her best friend, so Lyanna deduced that Atom just tried not to disturb her, and being nice, he was one of the good guys.



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