《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》s i x


"What I still can not understand is how someone like you ends up here," Bellamy said to Lyanna, the girl saw him frowning.

"Someone like me?" Lyanna asked confused as she turned the branches aside.

"You are as harmless as a doll "

"Thank you?"Lyanna tried to take it as a compliment.

"What makes me think ... why are you here? What did you do to end up here?"

Asked Bellamy curious, Lyanna made a face, well if Bellamy did not know for sure Murphy would tell him that she was crazy or schizophrenic.

"Something very bad" Lyanna answered as she began to play with her grandmother's necklace. "And that's it"

"Where did you get that necklace with which you play under that neck of yours?" Bellamy asked and Lyanna blushed at the comment, he said it in a flirty way.


"I have seen it before"Bellamy answered.

"I don't think so, it was my from grand-mere"

"So Dolly is also French," Bellamy remarked and then hesitated before he spoke again "What about your mother?

Lyanna was silent the rest of the way


"Hey, how do we know this is the right way?" Murphy asked.

"We don't. Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker," Bellamy said.

"It's called "cutting sign." Fourth year earth skills, he's good" Wells defended, looking at Finn's work.

"You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?" Finn hissed. He stopped in his tracks, him and Clarke looking down at the blood covered stone.

"See? You're invisible," Bellamy tauntingly said to Wells.

A loud groan was heard in the distance and Lyanna opened her mouth

"What the hell was that?" Wells asked.

"Now would be a good time to take out that gun." Clarke said, as she rushed through the bushes with the others behind her. They came to a small clearing and Lyanna gave a gasp as her eyes settled on the boy; Jasper; who was strapped against a tree.

"God" she said" Jasper!" Lyanna took a few steps forward trying to reach the boy until she felt nothing under her feet, tried to hold on to anything, feeling like falling into a hole until it felt like someone was taking her wrist. Bellamy, Bellamy was holding her wrist, he was the only thing that prevented her from death and without hesitation Bellamy saw her, how Lyanna could never think; worried, Lyanna clung to Bellamy as she left the pit with her heart beating quickly.


"You okay, Dolly?"he murmured.

She nodded.

"Thank you," she said as she turned away from Bellamy.

"Lya? Are you okay?" Clarke asked worriedly, while helping her to stand.

"Yeah, totally"

"We need to get him down." Clarke said, looking back at Jasper.

"I'll climb up there and cut the vines." Finn said, walking around the hole in the ground.

"There is a poultice in his wound" Lyanna remarked.

" Medicine?" Wells asked, looking up at Jasper as Finn and Murphy tried to get him out of the large tree. "Why patch him up and put him as bait?" Wells asked.

"Maybe what they're trying to catch likes its dinner breathing." Bellamy said.

"Maybe what they're trying to catch is us." Finn said.

"What the hell was that?" Murphy asked, spinning around.

"Grounders?" Bellamy suggested, looking around warily.

Lyanna took off her hood to better see what was in front of them and took a few steps behind, seeing a long black panther,so beautiful, as terrifying.

"Bellamy! Gun!" Clarke yelled, fearfully.

Bellamy reached for his gun but it wasn't there. Lyanna heard shots behind her, and she saw Wells firing the gun, but he could not kill the animal, he wasn't a good shooter. The panther was now in front of them, encircling Bellamy and Lyanna, the boy taking Lyanna's wrist, drawing her close to him, trying to protect her as they circled the panther, there was a few seconds of silence until the panther jumped toward them, Bellamy hugged Lyanna and pushed her to the floor, so that she would fall on him so as not to crush her with his weight. Lyanna hugged Bellamy, closing her eyes tightly, waiting for the panther, however a shot cut the air and in front of the two: the panther lay dead and Wells held the weapon.

"Now she sees you," Bellamy told him.

Wells saw Lyanna still very close to Bellamy and said;

"Now she sees you too"


"Who's hungry?" Bellamy yelled to the crowd, proudly showing the panther.

It was chaos outside. People stood in line for food one by one. Miller and Murphy were taking off their bracelets as Bellamy stood there smirking; giving them food, Lyanna and Finn saw them without believing it, how could they give up what they believed for a piece of meat? The girl with white hair caressed the metal wristband, she was not going to do it, no matter how hungry she was, she was not going to take it off, she was not going to give up a life with her father.


"They're taking off their wristbands for food?" Clarke asked, appearing on her side."I won't do it."

"You don't have too." Finn said, walking up to the food and taking two sticks with meat.

"Whoa, wait, wait, wait." Murphy stopped him. "You think you play by other rules?"

"I thought there were no rules?" Finn said, walking off and motioning Clarke over.

Another kid stepped forward, taking a stick himself. Bellamy was furious and took his wrist; his fist hitting him in the face.

Finn had a stick with meat for him and only had one more.

"Lyanna ..." started Clarke.

"Of course not. Clarke we need you, so Dr. Griffin ate this delicious piece of panther to keep you strong and help Jasper. And you, Finn Colllins, don't give me that piece of meat, it's yours, I'll be okay" she said smiling.

"You need to eat"Finn insistes trying to give her a piece.

"And you are much important than me, so eat it Finn Collins"she said smiling.


Lyanna was sitting in front of the fire, her hood on, the rest of the large red cloth surrounding her, she reached out to reach for her hands, trying to catch a little warmth and hugging herself, she was freezing, she really hated the cold air.

"Here" Lyanna listened, the girl looked up and saw Bellamy who had a stick with meat in his hand and was giving it to her, Lyanna shook her head, Bellamy gave a sigh and smiled sitting next to her.

"You're a stubborn doll, come on, eat"

"I'm not going to take off this wristband, Bellamy, so please ... turn away the piece of meat"

"Oh, I know, but you must...you must be hungry, it's serious," he said, giving her the piece of meat.

Lyana saw him with a smile and nodded, before taking a bite, she cleared her throat.

"Thank you ... thank you for saving me today ... Twice ... I would be dead if it wasn't for you"

"Well, in a way I owe you, you never revealed Octavia, you knew it was a crime and you kept it secret ..." Bellamy stopped as he watched the girl eat the meat with hunger, even sighed with a sound of approval.

"Is that how the girls normally eat?" He asked with a smile.

Lyanna looked a little embarrassed, and Bellamy looked at her better, her face really familiar.

"Are you sure we've never met before?"

Lyanna shook her head and giggled.

"Anyways, my mother would never have allowed it ..." Lyanna stopped abruptly and changed the subject immediately. "Octavia was always talking about you, her older brother"

"And what did she say?"

Lyanna smiled.

"You were the best brother in the world, you read her, you taught her, you did everything for her, heck, you even named her."

"But you hate me, don't you?"he asked.

"Of course not, you saved my life Bellamy, I would never hate you, you're not a bad guy ... maybe ... a bad boy"

"What's the difference?"

"The difference is that you let Finn and Clarke eat without the wristbands removed and right now you're giving me a portion, but you didn't hesitate to hit a boy for wanting to do the same."

"You're more than a doll face are you?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"It's just common sense, you would do everything for Octavia, in the same way that my dad would do everything for me." Lyanna threw the stick to the fire and wiped her lips.

"Sleep Well, Bellamy"

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