《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》f o u r t e e n


"She really looks like Talissa" said a voice that Lyanna could not recognize.

"I thinks she cracked her wrist and worst and yes, you're right, what do you think she will think about to her?"

"She's beautiful" someone said with proud "Just like her..."

Lyanna felt like they were carrying her, her legs hanging and her head resting on someone's chest, for a little while Lyanna thought it was Finn who was carrying her, and she felt safe until she slowly processed that voice did not belong to Finn, in fact, to any boy in the camp. Besides that feeling, Lyanna could not feel anything but pain, she didn't feel her body, only pain and that her head was about to explode. If the person who was carrying it was not someone from the criminals, that left only one option; A grounder.

Either they were going to kill her or they were going to put her as a warning or bait for the others. She was too tired to even think when someone immediately came to her head and opened her eyes with a groan.


The first thing she saw was a guy, he looked older than her, maybe 25. He had red hair, his eyes were brown but half of his face was painted with black paint, he looked like one of the warriors Lyanna had seen in one of her fathers book. He saw Lyanna with indifference but ran a hand over her face, examining her, Lyanna saw him, for a couple of seconds before murmur

"Octavia" and fainting.


"Hello?! Is someone here?

"Tavia?" Lyanna groaned, her wrist ached, and she felt her legs burning, but she felt better than when she reached the grounder who was carrying her, It still hurt, but it was not a sharp or throbbing pain, it was mild and also her wrist and ankle were bandaged, the grounder had healed her.

"Lya, are you okay?"Octavia asked relieved but worried to see her friend too, tied with chains just like her.

"Uh...yeah, yeah, what about you?" Lyanna asked.

Octavia groaned, taking her injured leg, but when she saw the wound, she turned to see Lyanna, incredulous and a little confused.

"He fixed it" she said, without believing it.

"He healed me too, did you see him?" Lyanna asked, remembering the man "He was red haired and with brown eyes, he saw me as if he knew me ...and then he said something about Talissa."

"Wait, did you say red hair? Then it was not just him, they were two" said Octavia with difficulty tried to stand on the ground, and grab what looked like a sharp bone, "We have to get out of here."

"No, you get out of here, and you get help, okay?" Lyanna asked with a weak voice.



"Look, between the two of us you are better in this surviving stuff, you go"

Octavia did not want to nod but kissed her best friend on the cheek.

"I love you, I'll come back, I promise."Octavia murmured

"I know and 'Tavvy?


"Say it"

"I'm not afraid" Octavia said with determination.

Lyanna smiled before closing her eyes again.


"Look, over here!" said one of the group.

Throughout the day, there was no sign of Octavia or Lyanna, which made Bellamy and Finn worry, the two girls were missing.

Bellamy jogged his way as he flashed his flashlight into the direction the boy pointed.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Right there," he pointed to an object that hung in the bushes down the path. "Is that Octavia's?"

"Rope," he commanded.

"What are you doing?" asked Finn.

"I need the rope to get back up." he explained, before he lowered himself down the path with the help of the rope that the others were holding. "It's hers! We're going all the way down."

"There is blood on here." he crouched down to look at the rock.

"Not only that, "Finn said, raising his hand and pulling out of the ground a necklace with an amethyst stone that was now filthy and had a little blood. Bellamy quickly picked it up from his hands and saw it himself, he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"It's Lyanna's" he sentenced.

"Do you think they might have fallen?"

"Possibly, but then they would have been here. This is grounder territory. They took them." he sighed as he rubbed his face in frustration.

"Someone else was here." Finn noted as he looked at the footprints on the muddy ground. "The prints are deeper going that way. Two. Two grounders, one carrying Octavia and the other carrying Lyanna."

"If they took them they are alive." Jasper said. "Like when they took me."


Lyanna saw the stone hidden in the hands of Octavia, the grounder had returned but it was not the same redhead guy that had charged Lyanna, Octavia had told her that he had saved her from being killed. When the grounder approached Octavia slowly, the girl saw him a second to the next, hit him with the rock and then again leaving him unconscious, when Lyanna opened her eyes again and saw that he had a key in his hand, would he break them free?

They heard a few footsteps and the two girls were upside down until they saw who it was and Lyanna was never so happy to see Bellamy Blake in her whole life.

"Bellamy?" Octavia said.

"Octavia! Monroe! Watch the entrance."

"Lyanna!" Finn yelled, goint to her best friend, the little girl he considerated as his sister.


"Finn?" Lyannas asked softly.

"The key," Lyanna said in a raspy voice, Bellamy gave Finn the key as he hugged his sister, and as soon as Finn released Lyanna from the chains, the blond girl immediately threw herself into Finn's arms.

"All right, all right, I got you," he said, stroking her hair and giving her a kiss on the forehead "I got you, munchkin"

"I was so afraid," Lyanna admitted against Finn's shoulder.

"it's okay, now I'm here"

Lyanna stepped out of Finn's embrace and gave him a soft smile as she rubbed her wrist.

When Bellamy finally released his sister from his arms, to everyone's surprise, except for Octavia's he went to Lyanna and hugged her by the waist, even Lyanna was a little surprised by the show of affection of Bellamy but she accepted it with pleasure and hugged him too, relieved.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to her ear.

Lyanna nodded

"Merci," she whispered to him, "Thank you Bell"

"We should go now, before he wakes up." Octavia said. Bellamy's demeanor immediately changed as he looked away, a dangerous glare on his face.

"He's not gonna wake up."

"Bellamy stop, he didn't hurt us..." Lyanna tried to reason.

"They started this. Finn. Move"

"Bellamy wait." Finn interrupted, leaning towards the grounder "Fog horn."

In an instant, the grounder lunged at Finn, lodging a knife in his chest. Lyanna stopped breathing for a few seconds and stood there watching her friend collapse.

"Finn!" She screamed, knelt in front of her friend not knowing what to do, she was not a doctor, she was not Clarke, she moved her hands to the knife without knowing what to do, but decided not to remove it, if she did maybe Finn would start bledding uncontrallably, Lyanna paid no attention to the screams at her back as she put a hand on Finn's forehead and then took his pulse.

"Finn, Finn, do not fall asleep, please, Finnie"

"Okay, munchkin but don't..." Finn closed his eyes and Lyanna took his pulse again and sighed to see that he was just unconscious.

"Stop! He's my brother!" Octavia screamed, making the grounder look towards her. Suddenly, he fell to the floor and Lyanna looked up to see Jasper standing over him, a large stick in his hand.


"Clarke! Clarke!"screamed Lyanna when they got back to the camp.

Clarke was trotting towards them.

"I'm here. What's up?- Oh god," she breathed, and looked for a heartbeat. "He's alive."

"Finn?" Raven watched with watery eyes.

"Raven!" Lyanna said hugging the girl, Raven and Lyanna had met in the Ark, and for Lyanna, Raven was the smartest girl in the whole world.

"Lyanna wouldn't let me take the knife out." Jasper said.

"No, that was a good call." she nodded as four other boys helped to carry him. "Get him into the dropship. Now, go!"

"Clarke!" Raven stopped her. "Can you save him?"

"No, I – not me. I need my mother." she said. "I need to talk to her."

"There is still no radio." Raven said frustrated.

"Raven, fix it!" Clarke said and before Raven rushed off with a nod, she told Lyanna;

"I'm glad you're here"

"Octavia, Lya, you girls are okay?" Clarke asked

The brunette nodded her head and shrugged and Clarke leaved on her way to help Finn.

"'Tavia, are you going to be okay? Is that Finn ..."said Lyanna indecisive

"Don't worry, go with him" Octavia said.

Lyanna nodded and went to the dropship, but she gave one last glance at Octavia and saw how she fought with Bellamy, she sighed and was behind Clarke


The rain poured over the drop ship as two kids tried to hold the tarping down over the door. "Hurry!"

"This is Raven Reyes calling ark station. "Raven voiced over the radio. "Come in, ark station."

"This is Raven Reyes, please come in."Raven pleaded again through the head piece. "Can anyone hear me?"

"You sure you have the right frequency?"Monroe asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure."Raven bit at her harshly.

"Raven."Lyanna whispered putting a hand on Raven's shoulder, trying to calm her "You're the best on this"

"You can do this."Clarke nodded at the girl.

Raven continued with the radio as the others two girls moved towards Finn.

As soon as Clarke pulled the bandage around the knife on Finn's chest, Lyanna gasped, watching the blood around. Then when Clarke put the bandage back the two girls crossed eyes, Lyanna saw her frightened and with tears on her cheeks, she was terrified by the life of Finn.

"Calling ark station.Please come in."Raven pleaded. "We need you."

"Come on." Lyanna said as she tenderly stroked Finn's hair. "Please work."

"Calling Ark station."Raven spoke again into the piece. "The hundred are alive,can anyone hear me?"

"This is a restricted channel.Who is this? Please identify yourself."A voice called back through the radio,causing the crowd to grow quiet and Lyanna's heart stopped for a second.

"T-this is Raven Reyes.I'm from Mecha station. I'm transmitting from the ground."Raven replied quickly. "The hundred are alive.Please you need to get doctor abby griffin. Doctor abby griffin now!"

"Hang on Raven,we're trying to boost your signal."

"You did it." Lyanna looked at Raven with pride, giggled, and smiled at Raven."You're so smart!"

"Raven, are you there?" Abby griffin's voice came through the radio next.

"Mom?"Clarke spoke up."Mom,its me."


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