《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》f o u r


The night had already fallen and Lyanna had moved away from the camp a bit, she was amazed at the flowers, she was running her hands through the moss of the trees, seeing the stars, trying to climb some trees without leaving her red cloak , it was like her armor, to get away from the world and not be seen, however it did not work, her coat was blood red and long, which made her contrast with her almost white hair.

When she returned to the camp she saw that they had started a campfire, and most of them were celebrating and chanting. Lyanna advanced to the side of Wells and watched with horror as they lined up to remove their wristbands and throw them into the fire.

"Who's next?" Bellamy shouted.

"Don't" said Lyanna grabbing Wells by a shoulder but the boy ignored her.

"What are you doing?"

"We are releasing ourselves, what does it look like?"

"Looks like you're trying to get us killed. The communication system is dead. These wristbands are all we got"

Lyanna decided to intervene with her voice as calm as ever.

"If they take away the wristbands the ark will think that we are dead, their parents will think that we are dead ... we will not see them again."

"Which is not sure to follow us" declared Wells.

"That's the point, chancellor and dolly, we can take care of ourselves, can we?"

The group cheered


"Do you think this is a game? She's right, those up there are our friends, and parents up there.

They are our farmers, engineers, doctors. I do not care what he says. We will not survive here alone and besides if it's really safe, why do not they want the rest of the people down here?"

"My people are already down here, and accept it, doll face, it is also yours. Those people locked our people up" Bellamy said, now seeing Lyanna, who avoided his gaze, "That people killed my mother for the crime of having a second child. Your father did that" the last thing watching Wells.

"My father did not write the laws" he defended himself.

"No, he enforced them. But not anymore. Not here. Here theres no laws. Here, we do whatever the hell we want, whenever the hell we want. You don't have to like it, Wells. You can even try to stop me, change it, kill me, you know why? Because whatever the hell we want!

"Whatever the hell we want!" Murphy shouted back.

"Whatever the hell we want!" They all started chanting.

Lyanna saw around her, her hood was gazing at her face but Bellamy could see that the girl was completely shocked, until thunder sounded and over the hundred, water began to fall. Rain.

"It's raining!


"We should collect this," said Wells.

"Whatever the hell you want" said Bellamy.

"Lyanna," Wells said, touching her shoulder, but Bellamy smirked yo see how the girl completely ignored Wells, hypnotized. She slowly pulled out the red hood, admiring the sky and revealing her blond hair, which was then completely wet, Lyanna for the first time, since Bellamy saw her, smiled and giggled, began to laugh and even smiled at him, and Bellamy returned the smile to see how she played under the rain until she had fallen to the ground but the girl was still laughing, she looked crazy but her smile was so sweet that the only thing you could see was a child. Bellamy helped her to her feet, but Lyanna grabbed his shoulder, threw her head back, looking up at the sky, and closed her eyes with a smile.


"This is home" the girl murmured.


Lyanna saw Wells digging another grave for the other boy, Lyanna wanted to help him, but she was very weak and had no strength.

"Yesterday, It was you, right? "Lyanna asked out of nowhere, causing Wells to jump, she was so quiet like a ghost.

"What?" Asked the confused boy. Lyanna walked up to him and gently took his wrist where the wristband was supposed to be.

"Yesterday, I heard shouts, I thought I was dreaming, but then I heard Bellamy, they took you by force, did they?" She said, looking at him with pity.

Wells nodded.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to help you?" She pointed to the clothes that Wells had taken. "I think it's disrespectful to take their clothes off, but ... you have to survive, don't you?"

Wells nodded again and the two returned to camp.

Everyone was playing happily, even there was a boy and a girl who were making out and Lyanna immediately saw in the opposite direction, blushing a little.

They kept going to the dropship and Lyanna watched with a smile as some guys played beating pieces as if they were drums, like a music, she really liked that, but seeing how some boys looked at Lyanna with lust and a flirtatious smile, Wells put a hand on her shoulder protectively, despite being the son of the Chancellor, Lyanna had been the only person friendly with him and Wells was grateful, he owed her.

"Where did you get those clothes?"a boy asked, once they were in front of the dropship.

"I buried two kids who died in the landing"Wells said.

"Okay, I'll take care of this now. There is always a market ....." he said taking clothes.

"We share according to the necessity, as in the space station"

"You don't get it, do you, Chancellor?" Bellamy said, he had appeared shirtless, with a girl who gave him a short kiss and left. Lyanna had never seen a boy of her age shirtless, she stayed for a while watching Bellamy but she quickly looked away as her cheeks turned as red as her cloak, not to notice she put on the hood but Bellamy saw the blush, amused of the girl.

"This is our home now. Your father's rules no longer apply" he said, taking the clothes.

Wells tried to stop him, but Atom stood in front of him.

"Atom, Atom, wait. Do you want to get it back? take it"

The two of them looked at each other so intensely that Lyanna thought they were going to kill each other with their eyes until Wells tossed the clothes.

"This is what you want? Chaos?"

"What's wrong with a little chaos? and Doll face" Bellamy said to Lyanna, who tried not to see him. "Do you see anything you like? "

"I ... I ... no ... Bellamy just put on the shirt"

"You blushed"

"No," Lyanna said, her voice trembling.




"Well, I think you're lying," Bellamy said with a mocking smile, and approached Lyanna, bumping into her, causing her to put a hand on his chest to stop him, but then Lyanna took her hand away quickly and took a few steps backwards, why did that make her nervous? She had already seen men without shirts. Bellamy smiled sideways and pulled on his T-shirt when the three of them heard a scream, and in confusion, they went to see what was going on. A girl was in front of the campfire, Murphy was holding her, causing the wristband to begin to burn.

"Hey Bellamy, We want the Ark to believe that the Earth is killing us, right? " while he put the girl closer to the fire "I think it will look better if we suffer a little earlier"

"Let her go!" Wells said, pushing Murphy.

Lyanna went to the girl with her cloak waving, and helped her to get up asking her if she was okay, the girl nodded in gratitude.

"You can stop this" Wells told him.

"Stop this? I'm just starting"

Murphy got up and punched Wells, causing him to fall, Lyanna wanted to intervene but how? She had no strength, no skills, the only thing she knew was how to fire a gun, but there was only one, and Bellamy had it. The two boys began to fight with fists while all the others shouted.


Lyanna watched in horror as Wells, after punching him, struck Murphy on the floor, leaving him almost unconscious, Lyanna saw Bellamy who was equally astonished to see the violent chatter of the chancellor's son.

"Can not you see you can not control this?"

Bellamy and Lyanna standing side by side saw Murphy take out a knife. The girl in a fit of her impulses took Bellamy's wrist.

"If you're going to let them get killed, let the fight be fair. Please"she begged him.

"You're dead," Murphy told him.

"Wait," Bellamy said, looking at Lyanna with interest "Doll Face is right." He saw Wells and held up a knife. "Fair fight."

And he threw it at Wells's feet.

The boy froze, and even though Lyanna was very much against the violence, She murmured to him "Grab the knife and don't kill him"

Wells took the knife quickly and tried to give Murphy and Murphy to him, he raised his arm but Murphy gave him in the neck, close to the shoulder, Lyanna closed her eyes.

"This is for my father," Murphy said furiously lifting the knife, but Wells turned it around so that he stayed with the knife on Murphy's neck.

"Stop!"Lyanna said.

"Wells!" Lyanna sighed in relief to see Clarke "Let him go"

"Enough Murphy," Bellamy said.

Lyanna immediately looked for Octavia, scared, she saw her best friend, badly hurt and being helped by the boy named Monty, so she did not hesitate to go to her.

"'Tavia!" Said with concern.

"Octavia!" said Bellamy "you' re okay?"

"Yeah" she said with a moan.

"Where is the food?" Asked Bellamy

"We didn't make it to Month Weather," Finn said, as soon as Lyanna saw him, she ran to him and threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly as Finn sighed in relief. Finn took her by the cheeks, silently asking if she was okay, Lyanna nodded.

"What the hell happened out there?"

"We were attack"said Clarke.

"By what? "Lyanna asked.

"No by what ... who. It turns out that when the last man on Earth died in the Ark, it wasn't the last grounder"

"It's true, everything we thought we knew about Earth was wrong. There are people here, survivors" Clarke said.

"The good news is; we can survive. The radiation won't kill us" Lyanna said, trying to calm them all.

"Yes, but the bad news is that the grounders will " Finn told her.

"Where's the kid with the goggles?" Wells asked.

"Jasper was hit, they took him"

"Where is your wristband?" Clarke asked grabbing Wells' wrist.

"Ask him." Wells said pointing towards Murphy and Bellamy angrily.

"How many?" Clarke asked Murphy angrily.

"Twenty-four and counting." Murphy replied with a smug look on his face.

"You idiots. Life support on the Ark is failing. That's why they brought us down here. They need to know the ground is survivable again, and we need their help against whoever is out there." Clarke informed.

"We're stronger than you think. Don't listen to her. She's one of the privileged. If they come down, She'll have it good. How many of you can say the same? We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm? It makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore! They say they'll forgive your crimes. I say you're not criminals! You're fighters, survivors! The Grounders should worry about us!" Bellamy said followed by cries that gave him the reason. Boy, Bellamy knew how to give speeches, he was smart. Lyanna gave to everyone a worried look before walking towards Clarke and Monty.

"What's your plan?" She asked Clarke, putting her red hood.

"Now we go after Jasper."

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