《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》t h r e e


Lyanna went to see the circle of people around her, the chancellor's son and a blonde girl, Lyanna reminded that she was one of the privileged, but besides her curiosity to know what was happening, she also wanted to know where the hell had been Finn. Octavia was surely with her brother.

"Relax we're just trying to figure out where we are." The chancellors son replied to someone.

"We're on the ground, that not good enough for you?" Bellamy sneered.

"We need to find Mount Weather! You heard my fathers message, that has to be our first priority." Wells announced.

"Screw your father." Octavia spat at him. Lyanna sighed, she didn't blame Octavia for hating Jaha's son, Lyanna should hate him like everyone else, buts she could not, it was not the boy's fault that the chancellor was his father, Lyanna was sorry.

"What? You think you're in charge?" She passed through the crowd to see better Octavia, who was with Bellamy. "You and your little princess?" Octavia smirked.

"Do you think we care whose in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather, not because the chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait the hungrier we'll get and the harder this will be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a twenty mile track, okay. So if we want to get there before dark we need to leave. NOW." The girl ordered.

"I've got a better idea," Bellamy said "you two go, find it for us, let the privileged do the hard work for a change." Everyone around cheered, But Lyanna didn't do it, she agreed with the blonde girl, she did not give a damn if they were the privileged, she wanted to survive, wanted to see her father again and also had nothing against them, Lyanna had always been very kind to everyone.

"You're not listening." Wells stated, "We all need to go!" All of a sudden, A guy behind him gave Wells a push, Murphy.

"Look at Wells everybody, chancellor of Earth." Everyone, but the girl and Wells, laughed, But Lya saw them with pity, and she felt uncomfortable with the attitudes of all.

"You think that's funny?" Wells gave a tiny smirk but Murphy shoved him to the ground.

"Wells!" Clarke yelled and tried to run forward, but one of Murphy's friends stopped her.

"No but that was." Murphy smirked, Lyanna saw Murphy angry, she was the type to make peace, she was calm and did not get so easily angered as most of the boys around her.


"Alright." They both got into a fighting stance, Murphy was only doing it to mess with him though. Wells flinched a little causing Murphy to laugh. "C'mon!" Lyanna tried to look with her eyes at someone who objected but; nothing, But Finn jumped down in the middle of them, facing Murphy.

"There he is" Lyanna mumbled

"Kids got one leg, how about you wait till it's a fair fight." Finn was completely serious, Murphy saw him with dislike and went with his group.

"Hey spacewalker!" Octavia said, walking over to him, "rescue me next." That's when he smiled and gave out a chuckle like the others.

Lyanna shook her head amused at Octavia's flirtation, Finn came up to her with a smile..

"I was looking for you," Lyanna recalled.

"Relax, little red riding hood, I was watching you from the dropship, you know I'll always have an eye on you" Finn said, looking at her coat with a smile and pointing his eye, Lyanna giggled "Is that your grandma's?"

Lyanna nodded.

"So, Mount Weather, when do we leave?" Finn asked. Lyanna was hearing the conversation backwards.

"Right now." She turned around to look at Wells, "we'll be back tomorrow with food."

"How are the two of you going to carry enough food for a hundred people?" Wells asked. Finn turned around and searched. He grabbed two boy from their shoulders, turning them around to them.

"Four of us. Can we go now?"

The blonde girl nodded just as Octavia walked over, "Sounds like a party, make that five." She smiled, but Bellamy didn't seem too happy as he rushed over.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Bellamy asked, putting a hand on her arm.

"You're right, let's make it six, because you, young lady" Octavia said as she took Lyanna's wrist making her turn in front of everyone "...are coming with me, we have a lot to talk, you and I, little red riding hood, we are going for a walk." . Bellamy had not paid much attention to her sister's friend and the long red coat she wore, which contrasted with her blond hair, almost completely white.

"Hey, were you trying to take this off?" the blonde girl asked, lifting Finn's arm up. The wristband has marks and scratches.

"Yeah." Finn casually said, he didn't care. "So?"

"This must convey your vital signs up there, if you take it out, they'll think we're dead, right? " Lyanna spoke for the first time in front of everyone, Bellamy could hear her voice soft and sweet. Everyone looked at her in surprise, but the blonde girl looked at her with a smile and nodded.


"Lyanna Valjean," she introduced herself.

"Clarke Griffin," said the girl, "Wait, did you say Valjean? But Valjean doesn't have children ..."

Lyanna saw Octavia and Finn with a desperate look that was not unnoticed by Clarke, Wells, and Bellamy.

"Should I care?" Finn shrugged as Clarke dropped his arm, trying to gain the attention on him and not Lyanna.

"Well, I don't know, do you want the people you love to think you're dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months because they won't if they think we're dying"

Lyanna automatically took the wrist band with care, of that small apparatus depended the future with Valjean.

"Okay, let's go"

Octavia took Lyanna's hand but the girl did not move.

"You know I'm not going, I know it's better, but ..."

"Lya ... your mother is not here, you forgive her, but she is no longer here and neither do they, you have to live your life, I don't know how you could do that ..."

"O, understand that it was something normal for me, painful but it was"

Bellamy listened attentively to everything the two girls said, but Lyanna, on looking at him, kissed Octavia's cheek and smiled at her "Just Have fun 'Tavia, you really deserve it"


Wells threw more branches into the pile he had made.

"Well ... that's a good job," Lyanna said, congratulating him on seeing him, Wells smiled at her, it was good to have someone nice and not judge him for being the Chancellor's son, Lyanna was very kind with him, with anyone really.

"They got water?" Murphy asked with a small smile followed by two boys.

"Not yet. I'll go out again if you want to come, "he said, seeing a few words written on the ship, Lya tried to read it aloud.

"Fi-first son, first to-to-dye," she said with difficulty, Lyanna had never learned to read completely, thanks to Valjean she could read a little. The girl put a hand on Wells's shoulder with kindness and a little pity

"You know? My father asked for mercy, in the lock chamber when your father floated him"Murphy said.

Wells looked tired and angry at Murphy as he left and Lya followed him, he slammed into Murphy's shoulder and fixed:

"You wrote wrong to" die "genius."

"If you're going to kill someone, it's better not to announce it," said a voice, and Lyanna stopped it at the sound of Bellamy Blake, she put on the hood of the red coat and stood behind one of the walls of the dropship, listening, curios.

"You're not a member of the guard, are you? "Murphy said.

"No, the real will come soon, unless we stop it. In fact they do not believe that they going to pardon the crimes to him no? " he smiled "Although they do what happens later? Guys like us will we be model citizens now? Will we get jobs? With lucky, we'll pick you up the trash."

"Did you get a point?" Asked another boy.

"No, I have a question. They locked you up, and they threw you here like a lab rat to kill you. So why do you help them?"

"the hell we are!

"You wear the bracelet are you? At this moment, those things tell them if it is safe or not to follow us down here"

"You said we could stop it how?"a boy asked.

"The ark is going to think they're dead.It is not safe to follow. You follow?"

"And if we do, what is there for us?"

"Somebody should help me run everything" Bellamy said and left, Lyanna sighed and leaned her head against the metal wall, she had to protect the wristband with her life, because her future with her father depended on it, and also by how Octavia had described Bellamy Lyanna thought he was much kinder, and not the unpleasant boy that she saw.

She nervously fingered her grandmother's amethyst necklace, she had been so thoughtful that she jumped when Bellamy Blake appeared in front of her with a superiority smile.

"It is not polite to hear the conversations of others, doll face."

"I ... I ... eh .." Bellamy was the brother of Octavia, her best friend, but that did not bother her that he was intimidating.

"So ... I expect an answer"

" Just ... can you please just walk away a little?" Lyanna answered politely, but obviously Bellamy did not.

"How did you meet Octavia? In the Skybox?"he asked sharply.

Lyanna shook her head.

"We became friends long before that-"


"The floor," Lyanna answered nervously, and putting one of her white hairs over her ear nervously, "It was the floor, could you please walk away?"

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