《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》t w o


"Hey...hey c'mon wake up Munchkin"

Lyanna blinked for a few seconds, disoriented. She was still a little dizzy from the sedative the guard had injected her, pulled a pair of her white blond hair out of her forehead and turned to look at Finn who saw her with a smile. The girl saw herself; she was tied to the seat by the seat belt and her first thought was to try to get it out, Lyanna hated the ties, hated being tied and above all hated the belts. When her memories came to light, she bit her lip and let a tear come out.

"Hey ....Relax, Lya, I'm here, you're fine."

"My ... dad, he told me ... Finn ...we are ...we are going..." she tried to say, but the words did not come out of her mouth.

"Yes, apparently your dream came truth, we go to earth" A smile formed on Lyanna's face, but the ship jerked and the girl clung to Finn's arm, frightened.

"What was that?"

"The Atmosphere"

"Prisoners of The Ark, here me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself." Jaha appeared on the screens of the ship and Lyanna trying to improve her breathing and not tremble so much she closed her eyes tightly, taking Finn's hand, scared. "We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."

"Your dad is a dick, Wells!" A boy on the drop shift shouted, poor boy, Lyanna thought 'he doesn't deserve that treat because of his father'

When Lyanna opened her eyes, Finn was still holding her hand, but with the other hand Finn was removing the belt that held him in the seat.

"Finn? Finn, what are you doing?" She said worriedly.

"Relax Lya, after all I'm the space walker" he said with his playful attitude, the girl felt her heart rise from her chest when Finn stopped taking her hand and began to float on the ship and started to tease some girl. Lyanna tried to concentrate on her father, she had to be strong for him.


From the first day that Valjean met Lyanna, he adored her and swore to try to protect her from all the treatment she received, even though he never could.. Two boys followed Finn's example and they jumped out of their seats, and they began to float while a blonde girl shouted at them to return to their seats, the ship jerked sending all the boys out of their seats hitting them; all the guys who came out of their seats, including Finn, hit the ship and fall.

"Finn!"Lyanna yelled.

All of a sudden, the machines stopped. It was pure silence. Lyanna frowned a bit in confusion, it wasn't silent. There was almost a beeping noise, as a heart monitor.

"Listen. No machine hum." A guy pointed out. All unzipped their seat belts, Lyanna was still breathing hard, trying to control the beating of her heart, but with trembling fingers untied her belt and went to Finn.

"Are you okay?" Lyanna asked softly, and Finn nodded.

"The outer door is on the lower level. Let's go." Someone shouted

"No. We can't just open the doors." Said the girl who Finn was teasing, trying to get downstairs.

"Hey, just back it up, guys." A male voice said.

"Stop. The air could be toxic." The blond girl said pushing her way up front, causing Lyanna to turn and look at her. Lyanna saw the guy whose voice belonged to. He was older than her, between 20 and 23 years old, he was handsome and tall, his face was full of freckles, his eyes like his hair were brown, but he had a guard jacket that confused Lyanna. A guard went with them? It was not impossible, the criminals would be able to kill a guard. They all hated them, Lyanna hated them too.

"If the air is toxic, we're all dead, anyway." The man reminded her pointedly.

"Bellamy?" Lyanna heard Octavia's soft voice making her stop abruptly and her eyes wided in surprise. The guard was Bellamy, the handsome boy was the brother Octavia always spoke of, he was Bellamy. Lyanna relaxed and smiled, not only because she was happy that Octavia finally found her brother, but because she would meet her best friend.


"My God, look how big you are." Bellamy said, smiling proudly down at his sister. He did have a point. During her time in the skybox, she grew out her bangs along with the rest of her hair and she grew an inch or two.

"What the hell are you wearing, a guard's uniform?" Octavia asked

"I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has got to keep an eye on you." Bellamy said.

"Where's your wristband?" The blonde girl asked Bellamy, ruining the moment between the two siblings. But she was right, all the prisoners had wristband, except Bellamy. But he couldn't be a criminal, he was older.

"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year." Octavia snapped at her.

"No one has a brother." A man from the crowd shouted.

Lyanna left the crowd mumbling apologies while passing by the people until she was in front of Octavia Blake.

"Octavia?"Lyanna said with a sweet smile, seeing her made Lyanna's heart jump for happiness, now she did not have her bangs, but she looked just as pretty and strong.

"Oh my god, Lyanna?" The two girls ran to each other and melted into a hug, Lyanna hugged her as Octavia remembered; Gently, not too tightly, one hand around her shoulders and the other behind Octavia's neck. The Blake girl moved a little away from Lyanna and looked at her, She had not grown tall, Lyanna was still measuring 5'2 feet, her platinum blonde hair was longer, the last time she had seen it had it to the shoulders, now it had grown, her gray-blue eyes were just as empty, but her smile was still sweet and kind.

"Look at you, you look amazing Octavia"said Lyanna with a smile, Bellamy saw Octavia with a raised eyebrow at the closeness of the two girls.

"Lyanna this is Bellamy, Bellamy this is Lyanna, my best friend"

Bellamy saw Lyanna with a smile, but she avoided his gaze, looking down, Bellamy saw his sister confused, Lyanna could not see strangers for more than two seconds in the eyes, so Octavia murmured:

"She is a bit shy"

"That's Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor!" A girl shouted and Octavia's eyes fill with rage as she goes to jump the person who shouted that.

"Octavia, Octavia, no. Let's give them something else to remember you by." Bellamy held her by the waist, holding her so she would not get into a fight and Lyanna put a hand on her shoulder trying to calm her.

"Yeah? Like what?" Octavia asked with anger. Lyanna chuckled.

"Like being the first person on the ground in a hundred years." Bellamy suggested to her.

Bellamy turned back towards the door and turned a lever, causing the doors to open. When it opened, a breeze touched Lyanna like a whip, fresh air entered the ship, while the girl adapted to the light that was, she could recognize the trees, the soil, the land, the clarity that had everything, naturally Lyanna held her breath; While Octavia took a deep breath and left the dropship, with a smile on her face, Lyanna saw her friend Octavia, excited, she had been locked up all her life, she deserved it. Octavia raised her arms and shouted;

"We're back, bitches!"

Lyanna and Bellamy smiled to hear Octavia, all the delinquents came out screaming just as excited, running and jumping. Only Lyanna Valjean was in the dropship, who saw everything in disbelief, could this be a new beginning? Far from everything her mother, what they did ... what they did to her. This was a new beginning, soon her father would come down with the ark and live at last happy, Lyanna took a couple of steps.

"Just do it, Doll" a voice said quietly Lyanna opened the eyes and saw Bellamy Blake. The girl jumped up and let her lungs finally catch the air, she took a great breath of air, savored it and then let it go, then she did it again and smiled and laughed, had not laughed long ago. She made a few rounds around it, everything was as she imagined it, fell on her knees to the ground and plunged her hand under the earth, feeling it wet and soft, grabbed a handful and smelled it; Just as she imagined it. Lyanna was home.

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