《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》o n e


Lyanna Valjean saw the gray wall of her cell again. With a sigh, she took the charcoal hidden under her bed and began to draw under the bed; trees, flowers, the light of the sun, horses. All these things she had learned from books, Lyanna was always thoughtful and unmoved when she imagined the Earth. Sunbeams heating her skin, rain falling on little specks of water and dripping her hair, the smell of wet earth and the sensation of squeezing the soil from the floor leaving dirty her hands and nails. This was how she imagined Earth, how sad it was that she lived in a dream and knew it very well; the earth was a ball of pure radiation, the air was toxic, all the beautiful animals and flowers that Lyanna dreamed of had probably become nothing.

She toyed with her grandma's amethyst necklace with her fingers, while beside a daisy, she drew a large circle and in it 18 candles, and wrote "Happy Birthday." Actually her birthday was not until a few days...or was it today? No, her birthday fell just on the day of visit, it would be in a few more days, but she did it anyway when her birthday was approaching. There were only two things that separated her from death; her age and her father, He adored her, for Jean Valjean the most precious and important person in the world would always be Lyanna, he had never loved a woman, had never known love until Lyanna had entered in his life. Her grandmother would also have been a reason if she were not dead, now all that Lyanna had of her was the amethyst necklace and the silver dragon ring that was on her ring finger; the only family relic.

"Joyeux anniversaire pour moi" she said in French and blow the imaginary candles asking not three wishes, only one; That they would float her soon and that Jean Valjean would not mourn for her.


The Skybox was certainly a better place than she had grown up in, but it would have been far better to be raised with Valjean than for that woman she called mother. She had made a friend, a nice boy called Finn Collins, he, just like everyone knew what she had done but anyway he had approached and tried to encourage her and get a smile, he was he's best friend, also she knew Finn's girlfriend: Raven, a funny and brilliant girl, and of course there was Octavia, but they had been friends before they had locked her up. She smiled as she remembered Octavia Blake, the two were completely opposite, Octavia faced her fears, tried to sly her demons and was brave. Lyanna was more fragile and weak, more timid and silent, although anyway her childhood and adolescence had been based on that: keep quiet, Lyanna.

"Prisoner 24601, you have a visit" the guard glanced at the huge and tall man who had entered the cell with him with a little fear and disgust at the same time "Make it quick"

"Lyanna!" said the man in front of her with a sigh of relief

"Papa? Are you really here?" she said hugging him back.

"Yes, my dear, but this has to be quick, Lyanna, they're going to get you out of the cell"he said quickly.

Lyanna looked at him with her mouth open for a few seconds, she would leave the cell, she would be free, she would not be under the clutches of her mother, she would be with her father, they would live a happy life together, the only idea of ​​living with him made that Lyanna began to cry over the shoulder of Valjean.

"Pére, We will be ... we will be together finally?"she asked with hope.


Her father's face was distorted to a sad face

"Non, ma cherie, pas encore" , "

"What do you mean? You told me I am free to go, We can finally live as a happy family, you and me Papa, and of course Diago" She said as her voice grew louder. The man seemed to be about to cry, seeing his daughter crying, as fragile as the first time he saw her, trembling and with a look of sadness. Then there was a shout and a commotion from the other cells. Lyanna hugged her father more frightened. "Are they going to kill them all? I have turned 18! Not all of them! It's a massacre!"

"No, Lyanna, the earth, you and 99 delinquents will be sent to the earth, listen Lyanna I had no choice, I had to put you in this dropship, I will not wait to see how they float you. Look, have this, remember? Your grandmother made it for you, when you were cold" the man passed the red cloth that reached down to her feet, a little higher than the ground, tied it to her as Lyanna watched with affection the hood. The guard who had let her father pass had abruptly entered with a metal bracelet and another guard was taking Valjean.

"Je t'aime Lyanna"he said as they were taking him away from her.

"Dad! Papa! "She said, trying to fight the guard, but it was useless, as soon as the guard put his hands on her hips, Lyanna jumped, frightened, many guards had come to see her and tell her jokes about her, about her mother, or put one hand on her thigh. With a tear on the cheek, she whispered;

"Je t'aime aussi"

The guard abruptly grabbed Lyanna's wrist and clutched the metal bracelet, the girl gave a groan and the guard saw her with a macabre smile.

"I was told that you groaned but didn't believe it, so far I see you moan like the little bitch you were"Lyanna was silent as a tear fell on her cheek, not even resisted felt as the guard put a sedative on her neck, used to the bad treatment, the last words she heard was "I hope the radiation does not kill you, a doll like you ...

And the last ones she thought of were those of Jean Valjean, that were printed in her heart

"Je t'aime"

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