《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》XXII


*Caroline's Point of View*

After three hours, I'm done packing! Remember Jacob, the costume guy? Well, he's taking care of Titiania while the boys and I travel around America. Isn't that great?!

I pat Titiania one last time, and I lug my suitcase outside; laying my trailer key under the trailer steps, like I told Jacob I would. I turn around, and walk into the clearing where Jared, yawning tiredly, Misha, typing rapidly on his new phone, and Mark, waving at me, "Hey, Caroline. Where's Jensen? I thought he was helping you pack?"

I shake my head, "Nah, he texted me earlier this morning saying he wasn't gonna be able to help because he has to pack his own bag," I roll my eyes, and pull my Gryffindor jacket more securely on my shoulders.

Jared shakes his head, "Typical. I'm sorry Jensen is being an ass."

I shrug, "It's fine. I don't blame him for wanting to get to bed as early as possible last night. We went to bed late."

"It's no excuse to not help his newly adopted daughter," Mark pipes in, slightly glaring.

I shrug again, "When do we get on the plane?" I ask, trying to change the topic.

Jared glances at his watch, "We're supposed to be at the airport in 30 minutes, but whenever Jensen packs, we will go on ahead and go."

"I'll get him," I say, leaving my suitcase by the cast, and rushing over to Jensen's trailer, knocking, "Jensen, we gotta go!!"

Jensen opens the door, "I know! I know, I'm coming!"

We rush back to the group, grab my bags, and get into a limo, "I never dreamt I'd be sitting in one of these, like ever," I say, sitting in between Jared and Jensen.


"Look at you now, kid. You're sitting in a limo," Jared smirks as the limo drives off towards the airport.

I smile, "This is so great! I'm so excited that I'm gonna be able to see Robin again," I comment, the smile as if it's glued to my face.

Jensen rubs my head, messing up my hair, "I'm sure she's very excited as well."

"I bet so. I hope the parents aren't to pissed about her coming," I say, leaning into Jensen's side, yawning.

Jensen wraps his arm around my small form, and kisses my forehead, "You need sleep."

I nod, and close my eyes, falling asleep almost instantly.

*Robin's Point of View*

Today is the day I leave to see Caroline again. I've been planning my escape for a week. I've packed my small school bag to the brim with clothing and bathroom necessities, and I'm ready to leave.

How am I gonna get out of here? I'm on the first floor of the house. I'm just gonna escape from the window, and I'm not returning, ever.

It's about 5 am, and Shane and Jamie are probably passed out on the couch, so I take this as my queue to get out.

I slip my backpack onto my bruised back, and I quietly climb out my window and break into the cold spring air. I slowly close the window back, and breath in the scent of freedom, and I run for it. Only four miles until I reach the convention center. Only four miles...

*Shane's Point of View*

I wake up; vision blurry, and wife on my body. I groan and push her off; hangover making my head pound, "Girl! Get down here!" I yell up to our poor excuse for a daughter.

After I don't get a reply, I assume she's sleeping, and she needs to get up, "Girl! I'm not gonna say it again. Get your ass down here before I kill you."


Yet again, zero reply. I grumble some quiet profanities, and stumble up the stairs, "When I get into your room, I'm gonna beat your ass," I say, opening the door.

On her bed, was a yellow note. I stumble over to it, and pick it up, opening it, "Mamas back, bitches," and there was a middle finger drawn on the paper.

"Goddamn it!" I yell, crumbling the paper in my hand, and glaring at the window; fire shinning in my eyes, "When I get her back, she's gonna wish she just stayed!!"

*Robin's Point of View*

I've been running away from my awful life for about twenty minutes. I have something I need to do before I go to the conversation center. I'm getting Jonah, and he's coming with me. I'm at the orphanage, and I'm about to crawl through his window, and be creepy as hell, but at the same time, amazing.

I'm on the window seal right now, and I see Jonah, asleep in his bed, "Jonah?" I whisper as I open the window.

"Jesus Smith, can I have one minute?" Jonah mumbles into his pillow, snorting immediately afterwards.

I sigh, and poke him, "Jonah, we gotta go now."

Jonah snores die down, and he looks at me, "Robin? What the hell are you doing here?"

I shush him, and help him up, "I'm seeing Caroline today, and you're coming as well. I'm getting you out of here."

"Wait a second," Jonah yawns, grabbing my arm, "How did you escape your family?"

"They're not my family," I hiss, and calm down, "I jumped from a window."

Jonah chuckles, "It's great to see you again, Garrison."

We hug, and I pull Jonah's backpack out of his closet, "Get your shit, we're going to comicon, invited this time."

"You got tickets?" Jonah asks, pulling clothes out of his small closet, and placing them into his bag, throwing his school supplies out of it to make more room.

"You could say that," I reply, thinking about Caroline, who gave us freepasses.


Jonah finally finishes packing, which wastes about thirty minutes of escape time, and now we're ready to get out for good. It's only 3:21 am, so we should be able to get out without anyone waking up.

Jonah helps me out of his window, and we slowly climb down the steep building, sharing casual conversation, trying to catch up.

"I'm so happy we're seeing Caroline again," Jonah comments as we wander down the road towards the convention center.

I nod, "We should get there at about the same time as them if we keep up this pace."

"How much longer do we have?" Jonah asks, "If we have a little bit, I've been saving up money, and I could get us some food or something."

I shake my head, "I'm fine for now. And, we still have around 4 hours of walking. If we keep walking at this pace, we should get there by 7."

Jonah groans, but obliges.

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