《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》XXIII


*Caroline's Point of View*

I wake up to Jensen nudging me, "C'mon honey, we gotta sign in. Misha and Jared are going to get our hotel rooms. You and I are gonna sign all of us in."

I grab onto Jensen's shirt, and yawn, "Carry me?"

Jensen rolls his eyes, and nods, "Of course. C'mon, kid."

I yawn, and cling onto Jensen's shirt like a monkey. I hear Jared and Misha say a small goodbye as Jensen climbs out of the limo; taking me to the Comicon doors. I finally open my eyes, and I see how big this convention center really was. It was huge!! I don't even know how to describe it. Huge!!

"How many people are we seeing today?" I ask, holding onto Jensen.

Jensen shrugs, "We're here from now; 7 am, till... I'd say about 7 pm. So, lots of people. We have a panel at 4, and when we sign in, we wait for Jared and Misha to return, then we start our meet&greets."

I nod, "That's a lot."

"It's totally worth it though. Fans are amazing, even if they do suck the life right out of your soul," Jensen laughs, letting me down so I can walk.

I shake my head and chuckle, "You're acting like Jared."

"Nah, Jared acts like me," Jensen retorts, rubbing my head.

I'm about to reply when a huge noise makes me jump. I look at Jensen, and he smiles, "Fans must've noticed us. Let's hurry up, ok?"

I nod and grab his hand as we enter the building, allowing him to lead me through the maze of people. More people started noticing us, so we had to run to get to the office, "They're normally not that bad," Jensen sighs heavily, "I can't remember ever being chased like that. It's been a long time."


I shrug, "First time for everything I guess."

We walk to the main office booth, and the lady kindly smiles at the two of us, "Names please?"

"Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, and Caroline Garrison," Jensen says, rubbing my back.

"Where are the other two?" The lady asks, tilting an eyebrow.

Jensen points out the door, "They're getting us a hotel room. They should be here very soon."

"Alright. Here's your name tags. Your booth is G12. You're scheduled to do Meet&Greets with the fans, and two panels," she replies, smacking on her gum loudly.

I frown, "I thought we're only supposed to have one panel today, and the other one tomorrow?"

The lady checks the schedule again, and shakes her head, "Sorry. You're scheduled for the same things today and tomorrow. Have fun," she finishes with a toothy smile.

Jensen takes our tickets, and sighs loudly, "That probably means we won't have time for lunch today."

"No! We have to eat, or else I'll kill everyone," I yell, as we walk down the comicon isles, and finding our booth; G12.

"Murder isn't good, you know," a familiar voice says from behind me.

I turn around, smiling, "Misha, we all know I don't care about the rules."

Misha smirks and nods, "Did the lady give you as hard of a time as she gave us? She told us we couldn't go in until we proved we were really us."

"She was hesitant to let us in until you two arrived," I sigh, looking at Misha and Jared.

Jared sits down at the booth; right to Jensen. I sit directly beside Jared, and Misha sits beside me, "Now, they should let the fans in at any moment. Be ready," Misha says, smiling.


I nod, "Born ready. Today I get to see Robin again. I've been wait forever for this moment."

Misha smiles, "We shall all invite them into the family with open arms."

"What do you mean?" I ask as the fans start pouring into the con; interrupting Misha.

Misha only smiles, "You'll see, my dear."

I nod, and begin to sign, take pictures, and hug many crying people. Why are people crying for me? I'm only Caroline.


After the line starts to clear up a little bit, I can actually see everyone that's left, and a rather familiar face catches my attention, "Robin? And Jonah too!" I say to myself, and Misha smirks.

"Are you that lonely? Talking to yourself?" He teases, as I stand up, "Where you going?"

My eyes widen, and Jonah catches my eye, "CAROLINE!" He yells, grabbing Robin, and racing into my arms.

We all hug, and sink to the floor in tears, smiles, and kisses, "Oh my God, guys. I only thought Robin was coming! How is Jonah here?" I ask, rubbing my snotty nose with my long sleeved Fall Out Boy shirt.

"We escaped, together," Robin replies, not letting go of our hug.

"I don't care how you did it. I'm just happy you're here," I reply, standing up, "I have something very important to tell you both, but right now, sense the line just completely cleared up, let's go and meet my Supernatural family."

My two friends nod, and we approach the three men that I call my family, "Robin and Jonah, this is Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, and my father, Jensen Ackles."

"F-Father?" They both mutter; jaws dropping.

Jensen smiles, "Yep, and I think Misha was supposed to tell Caroline something," he eyes Misha, and he shrugs.

"Well, I guess I could tell all of you," Misha smiles, "We're adopting both of you; Jonah to Jared, and Robin with me."

My jaw drops, "WHAT OH MY GOD, GUYS!" I yell, jumping into Jensen's arms, "YOU DIDN'T!"

"We did!" Jensen laughs and twirls my body around, "You are all reunited now!"

Jonah awkwardly approaches Jared and smiles, "Hello. I guess you're adopting me then?"

"Yep. I think you're gonna enjoy it," Jared smiles, laying his right arm over Jonah's shoulder, "Or I at least hope you will."

Last but not least, Robin walks up to Misha, smiling, "I'm still Caroline's sister though."

"Obviously. I dunno how that's gonna work, because Jensen is your uncle, and Caroline is his daughter. Oh well, we will make it work," Misha smiles;

"Welcome to the family!"

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