《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》XXI


*Caroline's Point of View*

After all the presents have been opened, cake been eaten, and laughs been shared, it was time for bed. It's literally 11:42 pm! How did we spend the whole day at my birthday? I'm currently carrying Titiania in my right arm, and I'm holding Jensen's hand with my left.

"So, did you enjoy your birthday?" He asks as Misha and Jared chase each other around behind us; Misha pissing off Jared somehow.

I look up at Jensen, "Of course I did. You guys are the best things that have happened to me. I-I don't know what I wo-would do without you," I chuckle and sniffle.

"Don't cry," Jensen smiles and picks me up, "We're here now. You'll never go back to that orphanage. Now, let's get you to bed."

I nod, and wrap my arms and legs around my father, allowing him to carry me to my trailer; Titiania still in my right arm.

Jensen takes my keys out of my pocket, and unlocks my trailer door, "Alright kid. Go get your pajamas on, and get to bed. I love you."

I place my feet on the ground, and kiss Jensen's cheek, "I love you too."

He throws my keys to me, and shuts the trailer door; walking away. I smile, and place them on the counter, and I set Titiania on my bed, letting her get comfortable, "Isn't this amazing?" I ask the small cat, "Being in a family?"

Titiania licks her paw, and meows. I smile, and pet her head, "I'm gonna go get pajamas on. I'll be back."

Titiania curls into a tight ball on the bed, and I go to my closet, and pull out a loose grey shirt with a red angry cartoon face on it, and some loose sweatpants. I slip those on, and slip into bed beside Titiania, petting her soft head, "Night."


She licks my hand, and I fall into a deep slumber.

*Jensen's Point of View*

I'm currently hanging out with Jared and Misha. In the morning, we're gonna have to pack for comicon. Yay! I love cons so much! We get to interact with the fans. It's so great, "How do you think Caroline is gonna be at the comicon?" Jared asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask, leaning against Jared's trailer.

Jared shrugs, "What I mean is, does she have social anxiety? How will she react when she sees all of the fans?"

"She'll learn to cope," I say, looking at Caroline's trailer, Jared's questions getting to me.

Jared shrugs, "It doesn't matter. That fans will love her."

I nod in agreement, "Of course they will. I dunno how they couldn't love her."

We continue carrying on conversation for a bit, when Misha brings us pizza and leftover cake, "I was hungry, and I thought you two might want some," he says, placing the pizza box on the ground.

"Thanks, Misha," I say, grabbing a slice, and taking a bite out of it.

The juicy flavors of the grease and pepperoni combined made my mouth water as I took a second bite, "I'm gonna go ahead and start packing stuff for comicon. Normally, I'm always behind with this kind of stuff," Misha says, mouth full of birthday cake.

Normally, Misha always is the last done with crucial stuff like this, and we almost missed our plane from Vancouver, where we are now, to Bristol Virginia because of him. Probably a good idea he packs early, "Yeah, I'm gonna pack once Jared and I get done eating. In the morning, I'm gonna help Caroline pack," I say as Misha runs off.


Jared gets on his phone, and continues eating food, and I take this time to look up at the starry sky. The sky is so clear, allowing the stars to gleam and twinkle brightly, making a small smile appear on my face, "Hey Jare, the sky was like this when we first started the show."

Jared looks up, and instantly a smile makes its way to his face, "Yeah, it was. It was really pretty."

"Can you believe Supernatural has made it this far? I mean, we're on season 9! I can't wait to see what the future holds," I explain.

Jared chuckles, "Don't get all poetic on me, please."

I roll my eyes, and continue to look up at the sky, "I wonder if we will go on till season 13? 13 has always been a lucky number for me."

"Why's that?" Jared asks, slipping his phone into his back pocket.

I shrug, "It just has. Friday the 13th is normally a good day for me. Maybe because I portray a Winchester on TV?"

Jared shakes his head, "Go pack your bags, and go to bed. You need it."

I sigh and nod, "Alright."


I've made it back to the trailer, and I crash on my bed. Do I really need to pack? I know! I'll text Caroline and tell her to pack when she wakes up, so I can pack at the same time as her!

I text her that, and I get under the covers, falling into an easy sleep. I'm a dad, a real dad!!

*Caroline's Point of View*

I wake up to my alarm blaring. I curse loudly, and click my phone off, looking at the time; 2:45 am, "Jesus Christ on a goddamn boat..."

I groan and rub my eyes, getting out of bed. I check my phone, and see a text from Jensen, 'Hey kid, you're gonna have to do your packing yourself. Too tired to come over. Sorry honey. I have to do my own packing when I wake up.' Sent, 1:36 am.

"Thanks, Jensen," I mumble, and put on some music so I can pack more efficiently.

The first song that comes on is, All Of The Drugs, by the Brobecks. I place my phone on my dresser, and turn on my light, blocking my eyes from the direct light.

I walk to my closet, and take off my pajamas, and put on a white shirt with a X-Wing from Star Wars on it, and some skinny jeans. I move some things out of the bottom of my closet, and pull out my suite case, and I pull out a variety of clothing.

I pour Titiania some new food and water, and begin to place my clothing in a certain order in my case; shirts at bottom, and pants on top. It fits easier that way.

I also fit in my tooth brush, and my hair brush once I'm done using them. I can't believe I'm gonna be seeing Robin again today, and I'm gonna be going on a plane for the first time!!

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