《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》XX


*Caroline's Point of View*

Today has been the best day ever! I got adopted for one, Misha fell down the stairs after making fun of me, so that's always fun, and thirdly, I'm officially in the Supernatural family now; literally!

I'm currently sitting on Jensen's lap, and opening a bunch of gifts, "What could this be?" I smirk as I hear a small meow from inside.

Jensen smirks, "I dunno. Jared got it."

I open up the box, and a small fluffy white kitten with a pink bow on its head is inside, "Thanks, Jared," I say to my uncle through giggles.

"No problem, Caroline," Jared laughs, and pets the kitten's head, "What are you gonna name her?"

I shrug and hold the small kitten to my chest, stroking her soft head, "I need suggestions. Time to go to Twitter."

The boys chuckle as I hand the kitten to Misha, in which he started squeaking and squealing about how cute my kitty is. I decide to take a picture of Misha and my kitten, and ask my followers for suggestions.

The picture I got was Misha holding the kitty on his head, and him smiling. The kitty was mid yawn, and looked adorable, 'Ok everyone. Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes! This little beaut (Not Misha lol. Love you Misha) is a gift from Jared! I need a name. As you can see, she's like the size of Misha's hand, so really tiny. Please give name suggestions :) @/Jensenackles @/Jaredpadalecki @/Misha.'

I sent the Tweet out, and smiled at my dad, "I wanna tell the fans you adopted me at the con where I'm meeting Robin."

Jensen nods, "Alright. That's fine with me."

I lean my head on Jensen's chest, and go through the already pouring in comments. Most of them were like, Snowball, Blizzard, or Snowflake, but I don't want anything like that. I want to name my kitty something original.


Then, something catches my eyes. Titiania. It sounds really pretty, like a flower or something, "Can I name her Titiania?" I ask, grabbing her off of Misha's head.

"Name her whatever you want. She's yours," Jensen replies, standing up.

I nod, and cuddle my kitty close to my chest, "Thanks again, Jared."

"No problem, kid. I really think she likes you," Jared comments, stroking Titiania's head softly.

She lets off a small purr, and I laugh, "When's cake? I heard from some of the crew that Misha picked up a cool cake."

"Of course I picked up an awesome cake. Only the best for princess Piper," Misha says in a British accent, and bowing.

"I will kick you in the throat," I grumble, smirking.

Misha laughs, and runs off, "I'll be back with the cake."

I cheer and giggle, "Hurry back!"

"Of course my wife," Misha turns around and smiles, earning a laugh from me.

Jensen sneaks up behind me, "You aren't getting married to Misha until you're 40."

"But it's true love," I joke, and dramatically fall into Jensen's arms, "We love each other. You can't stop true love, daddy."

Jensen rolls his eyes, and removes his hands from my back, letting me topple to the ground, "Wow, nice start to this father and daughter relationship," I groan, picking myself off the ground.

Jensen dropping me must've scared Titiania, because her claws are imbedded into Jensen's arm, and she's shaking, "You've already traumatized my cat," I laugh, removing her claws, and cuddling her close.

"My apologies," Jensen grumbles, rolling his eyes.

"I have the cake!" I hear Misha yell loudly.

I turn my head, and see Misha holding a box with a ribbon on it, "Oh I wanna see it," I exclaim, running over to the table Misha placed the cake on.


"Now, once I take the lid off, you must promise not to eat me," Misha winks.

I laugh, "Ok? I was planning on eating the cake, not cake delivery boy. If I ate you, I wouldn't get anymore cake."

"Valid point," Misha comments, pulling the lid off, and revealing the cake.

The cake brought tears to my eyes. I dunno how they got this, but on the cake was the very first picture we took together at my audition. Misha holding me in his arms with his tongue out, and Jensen and Jared glaring at each other, "Oh my god," I smile, "It's so beautiful!"

Misha smiles, "It took me so long to find that picture. I had to find Jonah, you know your friend, and he gave it to me."

"I'm gonna have to thank him later. This is honestly the best day of my life, and I honestly don't want to eat this cake just because of how much this picture means to me," I laugh and wipe a tear out of my eye.

Jared hugs me, and Jensen and Misha follow, "You better eat that damn cake. It cost a lot ok?" Misha whispers in my ear, making me laugh.

I nod, "Alright, Misha."

We all break out of the hug, and I take time to think about how lucky I am. I'm literally friends and daughter/niece of the nicest and modest people in the world. Modesty could be better though. Jensen's kind of an ass with that.

"Let's cut this cake! I get Misha!" I yell, laughing at Misha's face.

Misha looked like he'd been betrayed, "You said you wouldn't eat me."

"You never specified which you I shouldn't eat," I laugh, and take a picture of this cake, and put it on Twitter.

'Thanks, @/Jaredpadalecki @/Jensenackles and @/Misha ! Best birthday ever! For the record, I haven't had a lot of birthdays that were fun, but this blows everything out of the water. I got a nice cake, awesome friends, and a new kitty! Also, this is the very first picture we ever took together! Thanks guys!'

"This cake is so great though," I say, taking a bite of cake Misha, and removing his forehead.

Misha took my part of the cake, and inhaled it, "Bye bye, Caroline."


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