《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》XIV


*Caroline's Point of View*

I wake up to a ding on my phone, interrupting Young Volcanoes, by Fall Out Boy. I groan in annoyance and pick up my phone, dimming the brightness, "I only get like two hours of sleep. This was never in the job description..."

I check who texted me, and I see I have one from Jonah, Robin, Jensen, Misha, and Jared, "Robin??"

I check Robin's first; anticipation clawing at my stomach like a wild animal, 'Dear Caroline. How's Supernatural life? Happy birthday, by the way. You're 15 now! Man, you're getting so old. Haha, I'm just kidding. Anyways, when I see you at comicon, I'll give you your gift. Let's just say, I think you'll like it, a lot. And, I'll answer your question you asked me a couple of weeks ago; how's my home life? Love you so much, Caroline. ~Robin xoxo.'

I smile happily, and quickly send a reply, 'Hey Robin. It's so great to hear from you! And Supernatural life is amazing! You wouldn't believe all the cool things I've done, and all the amazing friends I've made! And, about the gift thing, you better not have bought me anything. If anything, I should've bought you something. And, I will take care of anything that those evil people have done to you. Jensen agreed to it. I love you, Robin. ~Caroline Xoxo.'

Next, I check Jonah's, 'Happy birthday, Caroline! I remember when you were 8, and that was your first year at the orphanage! I was 7, and we clicked immediately. I love how we're still best friends, and I hope we remain that way until we die. You have no idea how much you mean to me, Caroline. Also, when is your first episode of Supernatural aired? I wanna see you kicking the Winchester's asses. Haha, tell Jensen, Jared, and Misha I say hi, Jonah.'


I chuckle and sit up on the small bed, 'How did you remember when we met? I didn't even remember our ages. It's been so long! And, of course we will be friends forever. You were my first friend, and remain one of my only friends; minus Robin, which by default she has to be my friend. I'm only joking. I love her to death. And, the Supernatural episode is aired tonight! And, more like the Winchesters kicking my ass. I was creamed. I will mention you in a conversation with J2 and Misha ~Caroline'

Now, I'm answering Misha's, 'Rise and shine you beautiful sack of sunshine. Happy birthday!! After you read Jared and Jensen's messages, please come to the cafeteria in the studio. We have presents. Before you come though, you must read Jared and Jensen's messages first! You're amazing! I love you so much kiddo ~Misha.'

I laugh, 'Nice way to start out the day, "Rise and shine you beautiful sack of sunshine," I'm gonna be using that for now on. Thanks for the birthday wishes by the way! And I'm about to read Jared and Jensen's messages, so get your nuts out of a twist. Love ya, Misha!! ~Caroline.'

I send that to my guardian angel, and open Jared's message, 'Happy birthday to youuuu!! Happy birthday toooo youuu!! Happy biRTHDAY TO CAROLINE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! Seriously though, happy birthday kid. When you're done reading Misha and Jensen's messages, please make your way down to the cafeteria. We have presents!! I've only known you for like two weeks, and you've been a great person to hang out with. You're really gonna love your gifts ~Jared <3'

I laugh at Jared's beginning message, "Thanks, Padalecki! Misha said the same thing. I'm gonna read Jensen's message right now, so yeah, see you soon Jared! And same with you. You've been an amazing person to hang with, and joke around with. And, I'm sure I will enjoy my gifts! ~Caroline.'


Now, last but not least, Jensen, 'Hey kiddo. I was hesitant on sending this right now, but Happy Birthday. When you get to the cafeteria, please make sure that you find Jared, Misha, and I before you do anything. You need to open a certain gift before you open all the others. I need to tell you some other things, but they need to be face-to-face. Come to the cafeteria now. Don't even bother getting out of your pajamas, or replying, ~Jensen.'

I sigh, "I'm not even wearing pajamas..."

I slip my phone into my back pocket, grab my keys off the counter, and sleepily make my way out of the trailer. It was very cold outside. Dew stood on every piece of grass, and a nice fog stood very low in the sky, blocking the sun.

I rush to the cafeteria, occasionally dodging passing angry and stressed crew members, "Sorry," I mumble as I accidentally run into a few.

I make it to the studio building, and I rush to the cafeteria. I enter the rather warm room, and I don't see anyone, "Misha? Jared? Jensen? Anyone here?" I ask, my voice echoing in the empty, and dark room.

Then, a light goes on, and I see Jensen on a stage; Jared at piano, and Misha walking up to me, "Pay attention kid."

I nod, and stare up at Jensen with wonder, "What's this?" I ask, giggling.

Jensen smiles, "Happy birthday, kid."

He stands up, grabs his mic, and clears his throat, "I dedicate this song to Caroline Garrison-Ackles, my future daughter," he winks at me, and my jaw drops.

"Wh-What did he say?" I ask Misha, in total awe.

Misha smirks, and wraps his arm around my shoulder, "You'll see."

Jensen starts singing Brother by NEEDTOBREATH. It brings tears to my eyes very quickly, and I start sobbing. Jensen notices, and he starts smiling, knowing he has emerged victorious in this little attempt.

"Bring you home!" Jensen finishes the song, beaming down at my tear stained smiling face, "So Caroline, will you do the honors, and sign these adoption papers?"

I nod, grabbing the papers, and signing very quickly, "Best birthday ever," I smile as Jensen walks off the stage, and pulls out more presents.

"Jensen!" I yell, running over to him, and jumping into his arms, and sobbing into his shoulders, "I love you."

"I love you too, Caroline Ackles."

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