《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》XVIII


*Caroline's Point of View*

Lilly finally gets done with my make up, and I hop up, admiring my face, "I look amazing!" I mumble to myself.

Lilly blushes, "You're welcome. Now, go and be amazing."

"Of course. Thanks again, Lilly," I laugh, and rush out of the make up trailer.

As I do this, I realize I have no idea where I'm going, so I decide to text Jensen, 'Hey Jensen. I'm taking up your request. I have no idea where the hell I'm going. Please meet me at the make up trailer. I'm outside beside the door.'

Jensen quickly replies, 'Alright. I'll be there in a minute.'

I smile, and slip my phone into my pocket, and lean against the trailer. I wonder how this day of filming is gonna go? I wonder if Jared, Jensen, and Misha will like how I actually act in front of a camera? I wonder if Misha is actually filming in this episode?

"Caroline! Come here," I look over, and see a waving Jensen, already in his Dean outfit.

I smile wildly, and run over, "Wow Jensen, you're really Dean," I say, slightly fangirling."

"Yes... yes I am," Jensen smirks, "Now, the costume trailer is right over there. I have to go back to get a new FBI suit, so I'll show you exactly where I'm pointing."

I nod, and follow closely behind Jensen, looking around at all the trailers. There were so many. I wonder why all of the actor's trailers are all split up? I mean, Jared's is beside mine, but Jensen's and Misha's are both spread away from Jared and I, and each other. I don't even know why I'm thinking about this right now...

"Alright kid, go on in," Jensen smiles warmly, and pushes the door open, allowing me to enter.


A tall man with blonde and pink hair turns around, and smiles, "You must be Caroline! I've heard so much about you from Jensen! I'm Jacob Parker!"

I smile, "Nice to meet you, Jacob. I love your hair!"

"Thank you so much," he smiles, and his eyes do a little squint, showing the smile is real.

I nod, "Ok, what am I wearing today?"

Jacob turns around, and pulls out a leather jacket, a black shirt that had some random blots of colors on it, some dark ripped jeans, and some black converse. He also handed me a necklace with a strange symbol on it, "What's this?" I ask.

"I dunno," Jacob shrugs, "I'm not very familiar with the show. The writers just told me to put it on something of your attire, and I decided to not make it to obvious, but still there, but putting it on the necklace," Jacob rambles.

I nod, and slip into the changing room; changing into my full Princess of Hell attire. Miss. Piper seemed like a rebel. I honestly don't think Crowley would like his daughter to wear something a hunter would wear, "Ok, how do I look?" I ask, walking out of the changing room.

"You're beautiful!" Jacob yells, slightly fanboying.

I giggle, and spin around, "Now girl," Jacob smirks, "You had better kill it out there."

"Of course!" I reply, like it's obvious, but in a joking way.


"Sammy, you can't run," I mock, clicking my tongue.

I'm currently filming as Piper, and how the plot is progressing is, Piper was captured by the Winchesters. Sam and Dean left the room for some unknown reason, and Piper scratched the leg of the chair along the Devil's Trap spray paint that was keeping her trapped; freeing her. Now, she's hunting the hunters.


"Sammy," I smirk, knowing I have the upper hand, "You know you can't hide~"

I hear a small footstep, and I feel two around wrap around my chest; locking my arms to my chest, "Dean!" I scream angrily; thrashing.

I see Jared, or Sam, come out from the other side of the corner, smirking, "Oh, Crowley is gonna hate us after what we're gonna do to you."

And for the first time, Piper shows fear on her face, and Sam and Dean smirk.

"ALRIGHT, CUT!" Robert yells, as Jensen lets me down, "EXCELLENT ACTING YOU THREE!"

I smirk, "Y'all better not rape me or anything."

"Well," Jensen shrugs, "Dean is into some weird shit."

"You're so weird," I groan, looking for Misha, "Where's Misha?"

Jensen and Jared shrug, and walk off, leaving me on the search for Misha, all alone.

*Jensen's Point of View*

"Is Misha getting the cake?" I ask Jared after we're out of Caroline's ear shot.

Jared nods, "Yeah. It's Supernatural themed too. I think she'll really enjoy it."

"I really wish we could get her sister in for her birthday," I sigh, looking back at Caroline; her still looking for Misha.

Jared nods, "They'll be reunited in a week, and you're still adopting her tomorrow, right?"

"Of course I'm still adopting her. I've been thinking about it all week, and I think the name Caroline Ackles suits her better than Caroline Garrison," I reply, stealing glances of my future daughter.

Jared smiles, "You'll be such a great dad."

"You will too," I reply, smiling, "Now, I need to decide how to break the ice, and tell her I'm her new dad."

*Caroline's Point of View*

After I decide that I can't find Misha, I go back to my trailer. It's obviously almost midnight, because we're done with filming, and the new episode will also air tomorrow; my birthday.

I'm also wondering slightly why Jensen and Jared just bailed, but I'm not to worried about it. They probably just wanted to get bed early, I mean, it's 11:30.

I unlock my trailer door, and shuffle inside; yawning. I throw my keys onto the counter, and I fall onto the bed; not bothering to get into pajamas or brush teeth.

I do however, pull myself under the covers, and lay my phone on the pillow beside my head; putting on some music. The first song that comes on my shuffle is, 'I Will, Tonight,' by the Brobecks.

I yawn, and close my eyes, falling into a deep slumber.

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