《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》XVII


*Caroline's Point of View*

My Castiel backpack is on my back; all my clothing packed inside, "Thanks for all of this, guys!! You guys spoil me!!"

Jensen ruffles my hair, "You're one of us now. And, sense you're on the show now, you'll be able to pay for your own stuff, and you can buy a house, and buy your sister away from those creeps."

"Thanks, Jensen. I'll actually consider that," I reply, running into Shoe Carnival.

I rush over to the converse section, and admire the brightly colored shoes, "Hey Jensen, can I have these?" I ask, my eyes catching a beautiful pair of light purple converse.

Jensen walks over, and nods, "Of course sweetheart."

I take the shoes off the rack, and smile, "Thanks, Winchester."

"Wow, nice," Jensen mumbles, taking the size 7 shoes from me, and walking over to the register; Jared and Misha following.

I climb on Misha's back, and he grabs my legs, holding me securely, "Wanna go run around the mall?" He asks, smirking.

I grin wildly, "Hell yeah."

"No. No running around. We can't afford to lose you two in here. We have to be back at studio in half an hour," Jared replies, and my heart starts racing again.

"I forgot that I'm gonna be on TV," I mumble, smiling and holding onto Misha's shoulders.

"You'll be amazing," Jensen says, handing the cashier his card, and looking back at me.

I smile and shrug, "I'm hella nervous though. Like, what if I mess up or something like that?"

"We mess up all the time," Jared replies, "Have you ever seen Supernatural gag reels? We literally mess up so much. Gag reels are only like a quarter of how much we jack up our lines."

I start smiling wildly, "I'm gonna be on this season's gag reel oh my god."

"Well, mess up then so you'll be on it for a majority of the time," Jensen jokes, handing me my shoes.

I roll my eyes, "Thanks for the advice, Jensen."


"I'm the advice machine," Jensen replies, smirking.

Misha; me still on his shoulder, Jensen, and Jared all exit the mall, and head to the car, "What time is it?" I ask.

Misha pulls his phone out of his butt pocket, and flicks it on, "9:31."

"Thanks," I pat his head as we approach Jensen's car.

I jump in the back along with Misha, and Jared and Jensen get back into their normal spots, "Show us everything you got," Misha smiles as Jensen pulls out of the mall parking lot.

"Aight," I reply, and pull a bunch of shirts out of the Castiel backpack.

"And yes," I smirk at Jared, "I didn't show you everything I got."

"She got a shit load of stuff. My wallet would know," Jensen mumbles, smirking in the rear view mirror.

"Sorry, Jensen," I giggle.

Jensen shrugs, "I told you that you could have as much as you want. You did what I said, so good job."

"Thanks, Jensen," I laugh, and pull out the clothing I've already showed them, and place them to the side.

The new shirts that I show them include a black shirt with the words, 'This is Our Future: Fall Out Boy,' another black shirt with the Fall Out Boy logo. The third one was a black sweater with the Black Parade skeleton on it, MCR.

The fourth was a black shirt that had a rose garden in the background, and had the lead singer of Panic! At The Disco, Brendon Urie, on the front in a red tuxedo, and above him in white fount says, 'Panic! At The Disco.' The fifth was grey shirt with the shortened version of Panic!'s name, and a flock of birds flying in the background.

"I'm gonna guess you like bands?" Jared asks, smirking.

I nod, "Just a little bit."

"I've seen them in concert before," Misha states, pointing at my My Chemical Romance shirt.

"WHAT," I yell; eyes wide.

Misha laughs, "Yeah. It sucks that they're gone now. They were so good."


I nod in agreement, "I've seen Panic! in concert before. Miss Smith, head lady at orphanage, almost killed me once she figured out what I did. Totally worth it though. Brendon is so nice."

"Did you meet him?" Jensen asks.

I shake my head, "I wish. It's just how he sang the songs with such passion for his fans, and especially during Girls/Girls/Boys. He is so passionate about gay rights. It's so beautiful."

The guys in the car nod in unison, "He does seem like a nice person," Jared admits.

I nod as well, "Yes he does."


We arrive back at the studio, and I get out of the car; stuffing my clothes back into my Castiel bag, "I'm never taking this thing off," I say, throwing my Castiel bag back onto my back.

"I'm gonna steal it from you from time to time," Misha says, "It is me after all."

"Of course. Now, where do I go?" I ask.

Jensen places a hand on my back, "We shall go to make up now, and head to the costume trailer after that."

"I'm not very familiar with everything. Imma follow you," I reply; tagging along.

Jensen, Jared, Misha and I walk into the trailer, and the first thing I notice is a lady with pink highlights doing Mark's hair, "Hello, Jared, Jensen and Misha. Whose this?" She asks, turning around and facing me.

"This is Caroline Garrison. She's new on the show," Mark answers for her.

She holds out a hand, "The name is Amanda Bennett. Pleasure meeting you, Miss. Garrison."

I laugh and shake her hand, "Just call me Caroline, and it's great meeting you too."

Jensen sits in the chair beside Mark, and Jared sits beside him. Misha sits on the other side of Mark, "Where do I go?" I ask awkwardly.

"Just pick a random seat. My assistant, Lilly Grey will be here any moment to work on you," Amanda replies, finishing up with Mark.

I nod, and slump into the seat directly beside Jared, "Hey, Jared," I say, trying to start up conversation.

"Hello, Caroline," Jared blinks and smiles.

I twiddle my thumbs silently as I wait for this assistant to arrive, when the door flies open, and makes a loud noise; scaring the daylights out of me, "Jesus, Lilly! Calm down," Amanda hisses as she works on Jensen's face.

"It's hard to calm down when that director threatens to take your job away just because you're literally five minutes late," She yells, slumping in one of the chairs for the workers.

"I hope you know that if you don't get to work of Jared or Caroline, Robert will have a good reason to fire you," Amanda snaps; pointing her pick comb at her assistant.

Lilly's eyes widen, and she starts aggressively apologizing, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Padalecki!! And, I'm so sorry Miss."

"It's fine," Jared waves her off, focusing on a magazine.

I nod in agreement, "I'm sure they can relate to Robert being rude. I, for one haven't went through that wonderful experience yet. I'm new. I'm Caroline Garrison."

Lilly nods nervously; pulling a piece of loose hair behind her ear, "I'll do your make up now."

I nod and lean back in the chair, "Who do you play in the show?" Lilly asks.

"Piper, princess of Hell," I reply; closing my eyes as she applies mascara and eyeliner.

She nods silently, and continues to do my make up, "Ok Jensen. You're free to go," I hear Amanda say.

"Thanks, Amanda," I hear Jensen say, "Oh and Caroline," he says facing my laying down body, "If you need help finding the costume trailer, just text me."

I hold up a double thumbs up, because I don't wanna mess up my make up. This is gonna be so fun!!

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