《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》XVI


*Caroline's Point of View*

Yet again, I am piled in the back of Jensen's car with Misha. I'm really excited, one, because I'm going shopping with my idols, and two, I start filming today, "So, how you feeling about today?" Jensen asks, starting the car.

"I'm excited, but I'm also nervous that I'll mess up," I reply, poking Misha's face; him poking me back.

Jensen nods, "That's how Misha was on his first day."

"You and I were both like that too," Jared smirks, as Misha frowns.

"I wasn't that nervous. I was just kinda jittery and I kept messing with Cas' trench coat," Misha replies, pinching my cheek.

I shrug, "I can't really imagine you three being nervous about filming. You are naturals."

"As are you," Jensen replies, "We wouldn't of picked you if we didn't think so."

I blush and look down, "I only auditioned because I wanted a better life for my sister. I don't even know if she's ok."

Misha pulls me into a hug, and Jensen and Jared look at me sympathetically through the rear view mirror, "What even happened to her?" Jared asks, "Only tell us if you want to though."

I nod; still in Misha's arms, "I'll tell you. So, about two days after I auditioned, this couple came in looking for a child. My friend, you've met him, Jonah, started researching these people, and we figured out that they're criminals. Robin was adopted by that family, and I'm scared to death," I get cut off by my voice getting caught in my throat, and tears sliding down my cheeks.

Misha rubs my head, and Jensen puts his hand it the back, and I take it; totally breaking down, "Th-The couple w-were murderers!! S-She's probably--" Jensen cuts me off.

"She's fine, Caroline. Have you talked to her at all since she left?" Jensen asks.

I nod, "I posted a picture on instagram of the high school set for the 200th episode, and she commented, saying she was going to comicon, and meeting me. Then, she just disappeared after she said she'd tell me about her life at the con. I'm scared. I'm terrified..."

Misha hugs me harder, "At least you're seeing her again."

"And, if the two people who adopted her, have hurt her in anyway, just tell us. We will beat them up," Jared says, reassuring me slightly.


I smile; more tears slipping out, "Thanks guys. Thanks a lot."

Misha nods; still hugging me, "You're welcome, kid."


We make it to the mall, and Misha finally let's go of me. I smile, and poke his nose, "Thanks, Misha. That was honestly the best hug over ever received."

While I pull my finger away, he takes this opportunity to lick my finger, "No problem. It was probably the best hug I've given."

I screech, and run out of the car, "I HAVE COOTIES NOW!!"

The other guys exit the car, and they're laughing their asses off, "All I did was lick your finger," Misha mumbles.

I start fake gagging, "Only??"

Jared picks me up, and we head inside, "Wow, you must enjoy being tall. I can see everything now," I comment, climbing onto Jared's shoulders.

"I'm 6 feet 4 inches of sass, and I need you to stop pulling on the hair," Jared replies, placing a beanie on his head to block my pulling.

I shrug, and wrap my arms around his forehead, "Where are we going?"

"Well, Misha and Jensen have to go and get him and new phone, so we can go somewhere if you'd like," Jared suggests, watching Misha and Jensen walk towards the Sprint store.

I nod, "Wherever you wanna go."

"We're shopping for you, kid. Wherever you wanna go, we are going," Jared replies, holding onto my feet.

I laugh and nod, "Can we go to Hottopic? I want new Supernatural merch."

"You're weird, but yeah," Jared chuckles, and we head off the Hottopic.

"How am I weird? I only want to buy a shirt with you're face on it, and constantly wear it around you," I smirk and pinch his cheek.

He sighs, and we duck into the store; earning stares from the many people, "Is that Jared Padalecki?" I heard a bunch of girls whispering towards each other.

I smirk, "You got some fans."

He makes a 'pfft' noise, and places me down in the Supernatural section, "Get as much as you want."

"I only want a bit. I don't wanna waste your money," I reply, looking up at the tall man in front of me.

He shakes his head, "It doesn't matter. Now, I'm gonna go get Misha and Jensen. Grab some stuff, and wait for us."


When Jared said Misha and Jensen, the girls that are lurking in the corner slightly yelp, "Alright, Jared. For the record, I'm not using all your money."

"You better," Jared winks, exiting the store.

I laugh to myself, and start looking through all the stuff I can get, "Excuse me?" A voice asks from behind me.

I turn around, and see the pack of about five girls, looking at me eagerly, "How do you know Jared?"

"I work with him," I reply, smiling, "Do you guys want an autograph or something? I'm sure Misha, Jared, and Jensen wouldn't mind."

"That would be amazing!! And, sense you work with them, does that mean you're on the show?" The first girl asks, pointing at the sign labeled, 'Supernatural.'

I nod, "Yup. I start filming today."

"I want your autograph as well!" She says, causing the girls to nod in agreement.

I shrug, "Alright, I guess."

The second girl handed me a sharpie, and handed me her phone. I quickly autographed it, earning squeals, "Thank you so much, Caroline. And, I saw your Snapchat story this morning. Could we possibly..."

"Of course," I smile, taking my phone out, and pointing it at the girl; starting the video, "Hey guys!! Caroline here. We're just waiting for Jensen, Jared, and Misha to get a new phone for Misha, because ya know, Jensen kinda threw it into a wall. Anyways, I ran into some fans!! Say hi guys!!"

They do, and I smile, "You guys are great."

The Snapchat video kicks off, and Jensen, Jared, and Misha walk in; causing the girls to have panic attacks or something like that. Let's just say, they're freaking out, "JENSEN I LOVE YOU!!" One yells, causing me to cringe.

He smiles awkwardly, "Hey Caroline. Find anything?"

I shrug, and whisper in his ear while the girls were occupied with Jared and Misha, "I was kinda occupied with this group of girls."

He nods, "Take your time."

"Thanks," I reply, turning my attention away from the girl, and towards the clothing.

There's a lot of options, really. I mean, we have shirts with my friend's faces, anti-possession necklaces, blankets, and a really nice Castiel backpack. The backpack is coming with me, no doubt about it.

I pick it up, and show it to Misha, "Look. Mini Misha."

He runs over, and takes the bag from me, "Mini me!!"

"Can I have it?" I ask, pulling some random shirts off of the racks.

Misha nods, "Of course. I'm paying for Mini me though."

I nod, "Of course," I show them the other shirts I picked out; one with the moon in the background, and Cas, Dean, and Sam all staring into the distance; Sam smiling like an idiot. The next one said, Keep Calm, and Carry On. And the last one had the Impala on it, and it said, Carry On My, on the top, and Wayward Son, on the bottom.

"I like these. We have such great merchandise," Jared comments.

I nod in agreement, "I used to have a lot of Supernatural merch, but the lady whose in charge of the orphanage did a closet cleanup, and only allowed school clothing, or plain shirts with flannels. I miss having merch."

Jensen pats my back, "I'm sorry she literally attempted to take us out of your life."

"I am too," I laugh, and walk up to the counter, "Can we go to shoe carnival after this? I need new shoes as well."

Jensen nods, and hands the lady at the counter a hundred dollar bill, "Corse."

The lady looked like she was about to faint, "Is she your kid?" She asks.

"No. She works with us," Jared answers, almost to fast.

I roll my eyes, "You replied while she was still asking questions. How rude, Jared."

"No shoes for you," he replies, and I snort.

"That's cute. I know you'll buy me shoes because you're a wonderful, beautiful person. Thanks by the way," I answer, hugging Jared's leg.

"You're so short," he chuckles.

I'm standing up, hugging Jared's leg, "You're tall."

"Alright kids, let's go get shoes for the younger child."

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