《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》XV


*Jensen's Point of View*

After I finish texting Caroline, I turn to face Jared, "Her birthday is next week, am I correct?"

"Whose?" Jared asks; mouth full of cheeseburger.

I put my phone in my pocket, and shake my head, smiling, "Caroline."

"Oh. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is. I would text her just to make sure though. Why?" Jared asks, looking around for Misha, which has miraculously gone missing.

I shrug, "I will text her in the morning. And, I am debating something big for her birthday."

"What's that?" Jared asks.

I sit up straight in my seat; grinning, "I'm debating or not on adopting her. I need someone to live with when we're done filming."

!!!{A.N.} Danneel is not in this. Sorry!!!

Jared smiles, "That's great! I'm sure she'd like that!"

I nod, "I hope so. I really want a kid, and she's a great one."

Jared pats my back, "As I said, J, she'll love it. I'm sure Misha and I will help you prepare your little, 'ha, I'm adopting you. Surprise,' speech thing."

"Thanks Jared," I reply, grinning at my tall friend.

He nods, "I'm gonna go find Misha, and tell him the news."

I nod, and Jared runs off, leaving me in the middle of the trailer parking lot. I sigh, stand up, and walk to my trailer.


I pull the door open, flick on the lights, and throw my phone on the bed. The trailer door swings closed by itself, and I jump from surprise, "Dude, this happens every time.."

Sense the door is closed, I pull off my AC/DC shirt, and throw it aside. I also pull off my jeans, and swap them for some Gryffindor sweat pants; jumping on my bed. I turn on the television, and notice that Misha had disappeared to do a goddamn interview without letting us know, "Jesus, Misha," I grumble, texting Jared that Misha isn't dead.


'What!? He's at an interview?' Jared replies to the text.

'Imma text him. Turn on channel 13,' I reply, closing Jared's messages, and opening Misha's.

Our last messages that Misha and I had sent each other consisted of overly used sexual emojis, and sarcastic remarks. We're literally 12, 'Dude. What the hell you doing at an interview? Don't text back. I'm watching the channel, just look at the screen and talk.'

I look up at the TV, and Misha's broken phone goes off, "Ohh sorry," he says, pulling his phone; occasionally gasping from getting cut by his broken phone screen.

"It's only Jensen," Misha laughs, slipping his phone back into his pocket.

I frown, "Only Jensen?"

'Bitch what you playing at?'

Misha gets another text, and realizes I'm watching, "Sorry, J," he then starts laughing, and answers my previous question, "I'm here because they asked me too. I was gonna tell you and Jared, but I got distracted when you decided to chuck my phone against a wall."

'Sorry dude.'

"It's fine," Misha smiles, "Now, back to the interview."

I decide to turn off the TV, and think over my huge decision about adoption. I turn on some quiet Kansas, and close my eyes. What if Caroline doesn't like living with me like that?

What if Caroline would rather live with Misha? Misha and her have gotten quite close over the past three days. I don't see Misha being her father. It has to be me.

What if Caroline won't let me adopt her because she misses her sister to much, and she'll feel to much guilt in it? What was her sister's name again? All I remember is its kinda like a bird??

During my paranoid thinking, I slowly drift off to sleep; Carry On My Wayward Son playing quietly in the background...



*Caroline's Point of View*

I wake up to a text going off on my phone. I groan, roll over, and check my phone. It's Jared... 'Hey kid. When is your birthday?'

I yawn, 'Two days. Why'd you wake me up for that?'

'Just curious. The guys and I are planning something for you ;)'

'Aww Jared! You guys don't need to do anything for me. You guys hardly know me.'

Jared never replies, so I decide to get up, because there's no way in Hell I'm getting back to sleep. I roll out of bed, and head to my little closet. When I open it up, I realize that I'm gonna need to go shopping, so I decide to text the guys.

I make a group chat with all four of us, and I name it, 'Wayward Sons.'

'Hey guys. Would any of you be willing to take me shopping? I am limited in clothing.'

I lay my phone on the kitchen counter, and pull out a grey sweatshirt with my last name on the back, and a small black bow and arrows on the front. I got it when I still went to the orphanage school. We had an archery program, and I was on the team.

I also pull out some light blue skinny jeans, and I plop on the couch; getting on Snapchat. It seems Misha had an interview last night. Why didn't he tell us?

I pull up the main screen on Snapchat, and decide to take a video, "Hey guys. Caroline here. Today, I'm gonna be shopping with J2 and Misha. I'll probably post videos of them on here, so get ready for them."

I post it, and I'm pretty sure it immediately got many views. As I finish up, Jensen texts back, 'Wayward Sons? Really?'

'Hey. I thought I'd keep it Supernaturally, sense, ya know, I'm on the show now,' I reply, slightly blushing at my stupidity.

'I get chu. And about the shopping thing, we will take you before filming. So, we gotta go now. Get ready, and meet us at Jared's trailer,' Jensen replies, making a smile appear on my face.

'Thanks guys. You're the best.'

I slip my phone into my sweatshirt pocket, and I rush out the door; making sure all the lights are turned off first. Sense Jared's trailer is directly beside mine, it doesn't take much effort to reach it. When I walk in, Jared, Misha, and Jensen are all ready to go.

Jared was wearing a plain black tee shirt with a red flannel and ripped jeans. He was also wearing brown sandals.

Jensen was wearing a black tee shirt with the word, 'LOVE' on it in huge red letters. The 'O' was an anti-possession symbol from our show. He was also wearing regular jeans, and his Dean shoes.

Misha was wearing a white and grey sweatshirt; hands stuffed in pockets. He was wearing blue jeans as well, and he had on regular tennis shoes.

"Hey, I used to shoot," Jared comments, pointing at my sweatshirt.

I shrug, "I'm ok. The team was desperate for members."

"I'm sure you're wonderful," Jensen replies, "Now, let's go clothes shopping."

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