《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》XIV


*Caroline's Point of View*

Shortly after Robin last commented on my picture, Misha, Jensen, and Jared returned from getting their outfits. I smile and wave at them; which they happily return, "Have fun, guys," I yell as they get into their places.

They smile at me, and run into the high school. The other cast and crew follow; including me. We walk inside, and I smile, "Hey, Mark," I yell, noticing my newly made friend.

"Hey, Caroline," he grumbles; eating a piece of toast.

I smirk, "What got shoved up your ass and died?"

"You didn't tag me in your instagram photo. I feel slightly betrayed, and hurt," he replies, turning away from me.

I smile, "Sorry, child. I'll tag you next time."

He grumbles a reply, but I don't have time to hear it, because I'm rushing towards the camera crew so I can watch them film. This is so exciting!!

So, what's happening right now, is Sam and Dean are walking into the high school. I dunno why though. I never got a script... anyways, the crew are following them with their cameras, and when we get into an auditorium, a bunch of girls start singing.

"Oh shoot, they're singing about John and Mary," I mutter, smirking and staring at Jensen and Jared's shocked faces.


After we're done filming, I sneak up on Jensen. He's currently sharing small talk with Jared and Misha. I smirk, and jump on Jensen's back. It catches him off guard, and he face plants, "I JUST OBLITERATED A WINCHESTER!" I yell, laughing, and sitting cross legged on Jensen's back.

"Rude..." he mutters, staying flat on the ground.

Jared rolls onto the floor, and lays on Jensen as well, "Good ambush, Caroline."

I smile, "Thanks, Padaleki."


Misha low key takes a photo of us, and Jensen starts yelling profanities at the small child, "Jesus, Misha!"

I laugh and get off Jensen so he can chase Misha around, "Imma kill you, boy!!"

Misha let's out a high pitched scream, and hides behind Jared and I as we stand back up, "CAROLINE HELPPPP," he screams, bending down, and hiding behind my small form.

"Nice," I smirk, and let his head, "He will never find you here."

Misha smiles, and starts to upload the pictures to every social media there is. He obviously tags us, but as he does this, Jensen bursts into the room, "You stupid bitch."

Misha let's out another high pitched scream, and runs away; Jensen close behind. I awkwardly scoot beside Jared, and laugh, "So, I don't think Jensen likes his photo being taken without his notice."

Jared chuckles, "Misha even knows that Jensen doesn't like that. He honestly deserves whatever Jensen is about to do to him."

"I hope he forces Misha never to throw me into cars. That really hurts," I joke, looking up at the giant moose man.

He rolls his eyes, "He could do so many things with this type of power, and you want him to tell Misha not to throw you in cars?"

"Would you wanna go head first into the door of a car? Because, it hurts," I reply, yawning, "What time is it?"

Jared pulls out his phone, "It's only 9:30. Jesus, why are you tired already?"

"The orphanage makes us go to bed at around 9, so any time after that, I get really tired," I shrug.

Jared smiles and rolls his eyes again, "You're gonna have to get used to staying up later than 9. You're an actress now. Sleep can wait."


I pout, "B-But sleep."

"No, child. Tonight is ok though. We aren't traveling anywhere tomorrow, so I'll take you back to your trailer, and you can get to bed," Jared replies, placing a hand on my back.

As I agree, Jensen and Misha return; Misha looking slightly angry, "Jensen Asshole broke my goddamn phone."

"Jesus, Jensen! Was that necessary?" Jared exclaims angrily.

"You know I hate picture," Jensen replies.

They continue to yell for a bit, and I finally speak up, "Yeah, well, you three can continue to act like children. I'm going to bed."

"I'll come too," Jensen mutters, anger lacing his voice.

I nod, and wait for him to catch up with my fast walking pace, "Aren't they insane?" Jensen complains, "Misha deserved it."

"Jensen, honey, I'm on neither side, but I do think it was kinda extra to break Misha's phone. You could've just broke his neck. I mean, Misha probably is more pissed that you broke his phone instead of his neck. Now, after I go to bed, I want you to go and apologize to Misha," I say, reaching the trailers.

Jensen crosses his arms across his chest, "If you're not in their side, tell me how Misha was wrong for getting pissed at me."

"Ok. It's just a phone. And, you three are hella rich. He could buy one hundred phones if he wanted. You both overreacted. And my terms are still the same; after I go to bed, you apologize to Misha. I'll be asking him in the morning if you actually did so," I reply, feeling good about my adultness.

Jensen sighs, and nods, "Alright. You're honestly kind of like a mini Jared, kid. He likes to resolve our conflicts as well."

I smile, "Yay, imma mini moose."

Jensen rolls his eyes, and pulls me into a hug, "Goodnight, kid."

"Goodnight, Jensen. Don't forget to apologize, ok?" I say, squeezing his cheek.

He laughs, "You are a mini Jared."

Jensen walks off, and I walk into my trailer; getting into my pajamas. They had Devil's Traps on the pants, and the shirt had a giant bumble bee on it.

I walk into the bathroom, brush my teeth, and take off my eyeliner.

I sleepily walk back into the bedroom area, and turn on the TV. Green Arrow was currently on, and I settled myself in bed.

I was about to drift off into sleep, when I get a text. I angrily curse at myself for not putting on the mute, and check it:

"Thanks for the advice, kid. We're made up now. I obviously have to buy Misha a new phone, but that's ok. Have a good night, sweetheart."



{A.N} hey, guys. Sorry about the crappy chapter. I'm kinda having a small writers block, but that's ok. Oh, and I also made a new book yesterday that I wanna talk about. It's called, 'God of the Light,' and it's a Supernatural story. It's about Gabriel, Lucifer, and Castiel, but they also have a little sister named Zora. It's based on the show, but I just added Zora in.

Happy hunting,


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