《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》XIII


*Caroline's Point of View. After movie*

"Holy shit! That was amazing! I see how y'all like those types of movies!" I exclaim, taking off my glasses, and throwing them into the recycling bin.

The others nod, "That one wasn't nearly as good as Age of Ultron," Jared confirms, throwing his in as well.

"Are you crazy? Age of Ultron sucked!" Jensen yells, glaring at Jared.

Misha gets in between them, "Girls. Settle down. It's obvious that you are both wrong. The first Iron Man was the best by far."

The three continue bickering as we exit the movie theater; gaining strange looks from passerby, "Guys, chill," I chuckle, "We can decide this later, because I obviously wanna watch them all."

They nod, and sigh, "Oh crap," Jared mutters, looking at his watch, "We have like 30 minutes to get back to the studio."

Jensen and Jared start running towards the car, and Misha picks me up, and we follow, "Robert is gonna kill us!!" Jensen yells, jumping up front.

Jared literally leaps inside the car, and Misha throws me into the seat, "Jesus, Misha! Be careful with the child!" Jensen yells as Misha shuts the door, and we start driving back to studio.

Jensen starts speeding, and I awkwardly sit in the back, "Guys, if we get pulled over, we will be later than we originally planned."

Jensen ignores me, and continues speeding. I roll my eyes, "Alright. I dunno why I even tried."

We sit silently for a while, and I finally speak up, "Why are y'all so scared of Robert?"

Jared turns around in his seat, "Robert is an asshole. Don't tell him I said that. He'll fire me. But, he started being an asshole after we finished season 7. No idea why."


"Do you think he will be mean to me? I'm sensitive to that stuff?" I ask, frowning.

Jared shrugs, "Hard to tell. It all depends on how he feels. But, if he is a dick, don't take it personally. He does it to everyone."

I nod, "Okie dokie. Thanks, Jared."

"No problem, Caroline," he replies, turning back around, and paying attention to the road.


We finally make it back to studio, and we rush inside. We're five minutes late, and the guys are slightly freaking out, but I'm trying to work my magic, and calm them down, "He can't be to pissed! You're literally only 5 minutes late!"

"You don't know Robert," Jensen replies, "He wants us back at exactly the right time."

We rush into the filming area, and luckily, there's no sign of Robert, "Thank God," Misha mumbles, rushing to dressing room.

"We will be back," Jensen says to me, "We have to get into outfit."

I nod, "Take your time. Imma just be here," I say, leaning against the wall.

"Alright," Jensen replies, running off towards dressing room; Jared close behind.

I lean against the wall, and look around everywhere. The giant high school building where they are filming is blocking out the sun. There are cameras everywhere, and I smile. I'm gonna get to do this!!

I pull out my phone, and take a picture of the set. I post it on Instagram, with the caption, 'You guys are gonna love this episode. It's taken hours to film! @/Misha, stop throwing me into cars, K!'

At once, hundreds of likes and comments pour in, but I have my phone set to only get notifications if Misha, Jared, Jensen, Mark, Jonah, or Robin comment or like. I soon get a comment from Misha, and I smile, 'Ya hoe. You enjoyed it.'


'Stfu I have a concussion now, you ass,' I reply, smirking.

I then get a comment from Robin, 'Caroline! I'm going to comic con in three weeks to meet you!!'

I reply, 'Oh my God, Robin! I'm so happy now! I can't wait to see you again, little sis!! How's your family?'

'I'll tell you later,' she replies; never replying again.

I frown slightly, "What??"

I shake my head, and put my phone back in my pocket; sitting against the wall. What were her family doing to her!?

*Robin's Point of View*

It felt great to talk to Caroline again. I will have to tell her about my awful family at the Comic con. Just as Jonah had done a while ago, I am gonna sneak into the Comic Con. Easy. Not really. My new parents will literally kill me if I leave, "Robin! Get down here now!" Shane yells.

I gulp, and slip my old phone under my bed, and hobble downstairs; fear nibbling at my stomach. I reach the family room, and see Shane and Jamie watching TV, "Get us beers, girl," Shane slurs, paying attention to the TV.

I nod, and rush into the kitchen, and getting into the fridge. I grab a beer for both of the adults, and I rush back in. But, the worst thing that I've ever imagined happens. I trip over the rug in the middle of the room, and drop both beers. The beer cans shatter, and Shane glares at me, "What the Hell, girl!? This is exactly why no one wanted you at the orphanage! You stupid piece of shit!" He yells as I get off the ground.

"I-I'm sorry! I'll just go and get you another one!" I say, frantically.

Jamie gets up, and she frowns, "That ain't gonna fix our new rug! You spilled beer all over it!"

"I said I'm sorry! That's all I can do! I'll go and get you another beer!" I reply, fear gripping my gut like a wild animal.

Shane grabs me, and presses me against the wall; his breath stinking of alcohol, "No, you won't!! You're gonna fix this mess now!"

He throws me to the ground, and kicks me in the gut, "What a waste of good beer..."

I cough; white entering my vision, "Sh-Shit..."

Shane picks me up, and throws me into the puddle of alcohol, "Get to work, freak."

{A.N} hey, guys. Sorry that I haven't been updating this story. I've been focusing on my other one, because it's starting to get pretty good, and I was having a writers block. Sorry if this chapter hurt anyone. So yeah, poor Robin.

Hunt well,


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