《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》X


*Caroline's Point of View*

We finally make it to Fat Pattys, and I've never been more excited. The entire drive though, Misha wouldn't stop pinching my cheeks, so I might've punched him... a lot, "Alright kids in the back, we're here," Jensen smirks, and steps out of the car.

"Fooooooddd," I yell, and attempt to free myself from Misha, but he's decided I'm his, and he won't let me go, "Why won't you let me leave?"

"I want you to feel loved," Misha replies, exiting the car, and throwing me over his shoulder.

I roll my eyes, "That's subtle."

"Well I mean," Misha starts, opening the door for Jensen and Jared, "You've lived in an orphanage your entire life. I just wanna welcome you to your new Supernatural family. We're a little dysfunctional, but we're all we need. So, welcome little one," Misha replies, the last part in his Cas voice, causing me to laugh.

"That is great. Thanks Misha," I say, jumping out of his grip, "You guys are all I need, and it's wonderful!!"

Misha nods, and I run to catch up with the others. Jensen already has our table; a booth! I smile, "This is so great guys! Thank you so much!" I sit beside Jensen, and Misha and Jared take the other side.

"It's our pleasure to get you out of there," Jensen replies, smiling at me.

I smile back, and look through the menu, "Hey guys, what's the best thing on here?" I ask, pointing at the menu, "I'm kinda new to this."

Jensen nods, and takes my menu, "Ok so, do you like steak? Or what kinds of meat do you like?"

"Steak is good. I enjoy steak," I reply, looking at a table of girls, who were pointing and giggling at my new friends.


Jensen sees who I'm looking at, "They're just fans. Ignore 'em."

I nod, "Are there any burgers or anything?"

"It's called Fat pattys for a reason. There are a bunch of burger choices," Jensen replies.

I nod, "I guess I'll get a burger and fries."

Jensen pulls out his phone, and smiles. He takes a picture of him and I, and uploads it to Instagram and Twitter, "First dinner together as a family. @/CarolineG @/Misha @/Jaredpadaleki"

I smile, "When do we start filming?"

"Well, tomorrow we're filming the 200th episode, but you're not introduced into the show yet. You're gonna be added in the next one though," Jared says, running a hand through his long hair.

I nod, "What's the episode about?"

"Well, Sam and Dean go to this school to investigate some murders. There is a Supernatural play going on. I'm sure you know Chuck and his books, yeah, it's based off of the books about Sam and Dean. So, the whole episode is just wrapped around the director of the play, and the play itself. The music is pretty good, but I have no idea why we're actually doing this episode," Misha replies, taking a drink out of his water bottle that he brought in from the car.

"Sounds like a good episode," I reply as a waitress walks over.

She smiles at all of us, "Hello. My name is Luna, and I'll be taking care of y'all this evening. What can I get ya?" She asks, pulling out her pen.

We all place our orders, and she nods, walking off, "Christ," I pull out my phone, and see all the notifications, "I guess that picture that Jared took of us started getting around. I have thousands of followers now!"


"Benefits of being friends with us," Jensen jokes.

I smile, "True dat bud," I smirk.

"Wow, I thought you'd defend my honor, and say that that's not the only good thing about being friends with us," Jensen pouts.

I smirk, and pinch his cheek, "Of course there's other reasons, I just haven't been around you guys long enough to figure them out."

"That's cold," Jared mutters, stealing Misha's water, and drinking it.

I look over, and notice that the girls have gotten enough courage to confront us. The first girl walks up to us, "Hello! I'm Chloe Armstrong. Can we get a few pictures?"

The boys get out of the booth, and take a couple pictures. I just awkwardly sit and watch, but one of the other girls speak up, "Jared, who's that?"

"Oh, that's Caroline Garrison. She's new on the show. Can't tell you who yet, but you'll find out soon," Jared replies, winking at me.

I laugh, and pull out my phone, checking Instagram. The photo of the guys and I had over 6,000 likes!! There were so many comments like, how'd you get to meet them? Or, you're so lucky. But, there were some that were hateful, for example, this is probably photoshopped. Ignore the fat bitch's post.

I choose to ignore those comments, and focus on the positive ones. There were so many, "Bye! Thank you!" Chloe yells, and runs off.

The guys sit back down again, and we finally get our food, "Ok Caroline, try it."

"Okie dokie," I say, taking a bite out of the juicy hamburger, and millions of flavors surrounded my taste buds.

"Holy shit," I exclaim, taking another bite, and earning a laugh from the guys.

"It's great, right!" Jensen says, taking a fry off my plate.

"You have your own fries," I say, swatting his hand away.

Jensen nods, and stuffs the fry into his mouth, "You may be true, but food always tastes better when you're stealing it from someone."



We finally got finished eating, and honestly, that was the best meal of my life. It was just so great! Best that, orphanage food!! We paid our waitress, and now we're leaving, and loading back into the car, "Thank you guys, so much!" I say, getting back into the back with Misha.

"It's no problem. Now, I bet you wanna see the studio, huh?" Jensen asks.

I nod excitedly, "Yes! Oh my God, I've been waiting forever!"

The guys laugh, and Jensen starts driving towards the studio, "Hey Jensen. Can I drive Baby whenever we get there?"

"No one touches Baby," Jensen replies in his Dean voice.

I laugh, "It was worth a try, I guess."

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