《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》XI


*Caroline's Point of View*

After about thirty minutes of driving, we finally made it to studios. I feel a little knot in my stomach as we park in the cast parking lot, "You ready?" Jensen asks, turning around in his seat and looking at me.

I look back, and nod, "I've wanted this my entire life, but I just feel guilty."

Jared and Misha leave the car, and Jensen comes into the backseat with me, "Why's that?"

"Well, I always told my little sister, Robin, that wherever she goes, I go. A couple days ago, she got adopted by two criminals, and I'm very worried about her. I lied to her, saying that she would come with me to live here, and now she's stuck with two abusive people, and I-I," I start crying, "I can't help her!"

Jensen sighs, and wraps his arm around my shoulder, wiping away my tears with his thumb, "I'm so sorry, Caroline. I wish you would've told me earlier."

I nod, and lean into his side, and he slightly flinches, but relaxes, "I know. I just didn't really find the time to tell you guys. I just want my little sister back."

Jensen rubs my head, "It'll be ok. Now, let's go film!"


Jensen, Misha, and Jared are currently filming the 200th episode of Supernatural. I however, and getting an outfit picked out for tomorrow's filming; my episode!!

"So like, can I wear some similar attire to Sam and Dean?" I ask as the dressing lady measures my arm length.

"You're the princess of Hell. Don't you wanna wear something more, I don't know, royal?" She asks, and I shake my head.

"I really don't, but if I have to," I put my hands down, and look through all of my clothing choices.

In the little closet, there were flannels, band tees, plain shirts, dresses, suits, and much more. I am really digging the band tees with flannels though, "I really wanna wear a flannel though, because most people on the show that wear flannels don't die very often," I comment, grabbing a classic red flannel.


The lady nods, "Ok, so for tomorrow, you'll be wearing jeans, band tee shirt, and a flannel. Is there anything else?"

I shake my head, and smile, "Nope! Thank you though! Now, where can I go to see the filming?"

The lady opens the dressing room doors, and points to a pathway, "Down that way. If you can't find your way, someone'll show you the way."

I nod, "Thanks again!"

She waves me out, and I start walking down the path she told me to; my brown curly hair flowing in the wind. I start humming Carry on my Wayward Son, and a familiar face looks over, "You must be Caroline Garrison! I'm Mark Sheppard."

I look over at him, and smile, "You look different. You're not wearing your Crowley suit."

Mark laughs, "I don't wear that thing one hundred percent of the time. I mean, I probably wear it half of that amount, but not the entire time."

"I know that. I was just teasing," I reply, "Oh, and can you show me to the filming place. I feel a little lost."

Mark nods, and places his hand on my back; leading me down the road. I look around, and see all of the giant trailers, and parked cars, "Do I have a trailer?" I ask.

"You're on the show full time now, so yeah, you do," Mark replies, turning a corner.

When we turn this corner, I notice a giant cardboard cutout of a high school, "What are they using that for?" I ask, noticing Jared and Jensen in their FBI suits; obviously being filmed.

"In this episode, it's like a high school musical, where they re-tell the Chuck stories, via musical. I'm sadly not in the episode. I would enjoy singing about Mary burning on the ceiling," Mark says, smirking.

I gasp, placing a hand on my heart, "If you would've said that on Tumblr, you would've been massively attacked by many sad fangirls."

"Oh trust me, I've learned that mistake," Mark says, smirking.

"Cut! Now Jensen, try and stay focused this time. We're gonna film this one more time, and I mean, one more time! One more mess up, and you're gonna need to talk to me," the director says, making me slightly frown.


"What's his problem?" I growl, as they start filming again.

Mark shrugs, "I don't really know. He's been like this ever since last year. It's kind of annoying after a while, but don't let him get to far under your skin."

I nod, "Ok. So, apparently in the show, I'm your daughter. Crowley has no idea what the Hell he's getting into," I joke.

Mark laughs, "He will figure it out soon."

The director calls another cut, and everyone is sent to break. I say bye to Mark, and I run up to Jensen, "That was honestly a dream come true watching you two act, oh my God," I say, slightly fangirling, causing the guys to laugh.

"Well, it was honestly a dream come true watching you watch us. My heart is throbbing," Jensen says dramatically, mocking me.

I roll my eyes, "Good to see that we are equally blessed."

Jared laughs as well, "We don't have to film for another hour. What do you two wanna do?"

I shrug, "Where's Misha?"

"Misha is currently in his trailer, probably watching Orange is the New Black," Jared replies, sighing.

I smile, "You guys can do whatever you wanna do, but I wanna find my trailer, and get it set up," I say, motioning to the backpack on my back, and guitar case in my hands.

Jensen and Jared nod, "Good idea. We will help you find it. There are a lot of trailers here," Jensen points out.

Jared takes my guitar case, and I thank him, "Why are you guys being so nice to me?" I ask, laughing.

"We're preparing you so you won't be to pissed when we play pranks on you," Jensen replies.

We start walking towards the trailers, and I roll my eyes, "Great to know that I'm loved in this house."

"Dramatic teenagers," Jensen mutters under his breath, and I slap his arm lightly.

We reach my trailer, and it's labeled, 'Piper, princess of Hell.'

"I've never felt more important my entire life," I say, motioning to princess of Hell.

The boys laugh, "Get in there."

I climb in, and I'm honestly at awe, "Damn. This place is huge!"

Inside of this trailer was, a small kitchen; refrigerator and table. There were also two bunks, two small TV's; one in front of my bed, and one in the kitchen; a closet, and a small bathroom, "This is honestly way better than the orphanage ever could be! I have my own kitchen for Christ's sake!"

The boys laugh, and Jared lays my guitar on the bed, "Well, call us if you need anything. We will come as soon as we're available," Jensen says, patting my back, and walking out.

I nod, "Thanks guys."

Jared messes up my hair, "Bye kid."

I jump and mess up his hair as well, "Bye Moose."

They both leave, and I start to unpack my stuff. I first take out my red electric Fender, and set it up against a gap in my bed. Next, I pull out all my Harry Potter books, and set them on a shelve above my bed, "If someone knocks those down while I'm asleep, I might actually die," I joke, hesitantly looking at the thick Harry Potter books.

After that, I pulled out all of my shirts, and placed them in the giant closet. I also throw my backpack inside of the closet.

I plop on the bed, and take a picture of my trailer, and I upload it to Twitter, and Instagram, with the caption, 'Thanks for helping me get set up, @/Jaredpadaleki, and @/Jensenackles!"

Instantly, likes poured in. I smile at myself, and throw my phone onto the other side of the bed, and turn on my personal TV. The first channel I flip to is Doctor Who, and I slightly smile; setting the remote down.

I could get used to this!

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