《Adopted by Jensen Ackles》IX


*Caroline's Point of View*

10 minutes until Jensen said he'd be picking me up. I'm currently eating dinner with the rest of the kids; me sitting on Jonah's lap, because ya know, this is probably the last day I'll see him in a very long time, "My last dinner here... and it had to be spaghetti. I don't really like the sauce," I say, trying to start a conversation with Jonah.

"You never did really like the sauce," he points out, wrapping his arms around my waist, "I'm gonna miss you. You better do good there."

"Of course. I'd never let you down," I say, patting his head.

Before y'all make any assumptions, no, Jonah and I are not dating. We've just known each other for a very long time. He's been here longer than me, but it seems like we've both been here our entire lives.

He smiles, "Looks like you only have 5 minutes now. Might as well go and get your stuff. I'll help you carry it down here."

I nod, "Alright. You can carry my guitar case down. I have my backpack and phone."

He nods, and lets me get off his lap. We both head upstairs, and walk into my room; now looking very empty without Robin or I's stuff everywhere, "Whoever takes this room, tell them about me, and tell them not to touch Robin's bed, ok," I say, handing the guitar case to Jonah.

He sniffles, "I want you to leave, b-but at the same time, I don't want y-you too," he hugs me, and we both start sobbing into each other's arms.

"I love you so much. You've always been like an older sister to me. I'll never forget you," Jonah says through tears.

I laugh through tears, "I thought you were the one that never cried. That was the impression you gave me when we first met. What's happening, Jonah?" I tease, releasing my hug.


He chuckles, "Let's get you downstairs."

I nod, and grab my backpack full of clothes and books, and Jonah grabs my guitar case. We both head downstairs, and we're confronted by Miss. Smith, "Why the Hell are y'all carrying bags? Are y'all trying to run away?" She asks, her voice slightly raising.

"No, Miss. Smith. Caroline has to go somewhere," Jonah says, trying to push past the lady.

She growls, "The Hell you playing at, boy? She can't leave! No one on this green earth would wanna adopt her, so she can't legally leave."

I try to push past her, but she steps in front of me again, "Please, I have to go."

"Yeah? Where's proof? Where are you going? Why are you taking Jonah?" She demands, pointing at my friend.

My anger starts building up, "He's just helping me with my bags, now let me through!"

"Go to your room, now!" Miss. Smith yells.

"I don't think you can tell her what to do anymore, Miss. Velma Smith," a voice says from behind her.

She turns around, and stands face to face with the golden trio; my saviors; the people getting me out of this living hell. It's Jensen, Misha, and Jared!!

"Why can't I? It's not like you're adopting!" She says, growling.

Jensen shrugs, "I may not be adopting, but I have a contract with this girl, and she has to come with me. So, step out of the way, right now."

She sighs, and hesitantly obliges. I smile, "Hey guys."

"Hey, Caroline! Who's this?" Misha asks, pointing at Jonah.

I smile, "He's my best friend," I take my guitar from him, "Thanks, Jonah."

He nods, staring at Misha, "H-Hi."

Misha laughs, "Fan?"

"I suppose," Jonah replies.


I laugh, and hug Jonah again, "I love ya bud. Have a good life, ok?"

He nods, "Love ya too."

Jared takes my bags, and Jensen leads me out of the orphanage. Misha is trying to make Jonah feel better by cracking crappy jokes. It's slightly working, but nothing will truly help him.

"Alright kid. What's your favorite restaurant?" Jensen asks as we exit the orphanage.

I tilt my head, "I don't really ever remember going to a restaurant. I've been there," I point to the orphanage, "My entire life."

The boys gasp, "What!? Oh my god, you've gotta try them!" Jensen says.

"Recommend some restaurants for me then," I say, as Jared places my bags into the trunk of the car.

"Well, there's steak in shake, which is personally one of my favorites. There's also Fat Patty's, which is also one of my favorites," Jensen says, getting into the drivers seat.

Jared gets into the passenger seat, and I sit in the back with Misha, "I don't care where we go. I just want food. The orphanage could've done better on their spaghetti sauce..." I reply, still very salty about the sauce.

Jensen nods, "Fat Patty's it is."

I smile, and get on my phone, "Can we take an honorable selfie, and can I post it somewhere, showing I'm one of you guys yet?"

Jared nods, "Yes you can. But, you're not one of us until we get you with some kind of prank."

Shit! I forgot that Jared and Jensen like to pull pranks on the new cast members, "Frick."

I pull my phone out, and we take a picture of all of us. I had Jared take the picture, because he's tallest, and his arms are the longest.

The picture had Jensen looking fake annoyed because he's trying to drive, and we're acting like idiots. Jared has his tongue out, and he's winking at the camera. Misha, yet again picked me up. He's doing the same pose as Jared, and I'm just caught mid-laughter on Misha's lap, "This is great, oh my god! Thanks guys!" I say, taking my phone back from Jared.

I'm still sitting on Misha's lap, and he's watching my phone over my shoulder, "Send it to that one kid at the orphanage," he says, poking my phone.

I nod, "Alright."

I find Jonah's contact number, and I instantly send him the picture, with the caption, 'I have been excepted into their cult.'

He automatically replies, 'Lucky! I wish I could sit on Misha's lap!'

Misha bursts out laughing, and takes my phone, and takes a selfie, "NooOoOooOoOoo Misha!!" I yell, trying to take the phone back.

"YESssSsssSsS Misha," he replies, sending the selfie, with the caption, 'Your wish is my command!'

"You're an idiot," I say, taking my phone back, and laughing like crazy.

Jared turns around, "What are you two doing?" He asks, laughing mid-talk.

"Misha is being a meanie," I say, poking Misha's cheek.

"I'm not!!" He replies, holding his hands up in defense.

I roll my eyes, and upload the picture to Instagram, saying, "I've been welcomed to Supernatural by the best of the best! Love you, @/Misha, @/Jaredpadaleki, and @/Jensenackles!!"

"Awww, you love me?" Misha says, still looking over my shoulder.

I laugh, "I shouldn't, but I do."

Man, this new life is sweet!!!

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